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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SOULMATES – Episode 16

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Let me be your…


( Love wasn’t part of the plan )



CHAPTER 31 & 32








“What did you just say?” Finn pitched his brows taking a step closer to Bin.

“Why would you lick his face when it’s full of dirts and germs? That’s really disgusting and irritating, isn’t it Ash?” Bin faced Ash.

“Uh? Ohh…I think so also. Hey Finn you’re not a dog so what’s with the licking…I agree with Bin. Newbie’s face is full of sweats and germs already imagine licking that you’ll get sick” Ash chipped in.

“Do you think so too?” Finn asked Addison who is still behind Bin.

“Uh? Ohh…i think…they’re right…I’m kinda dirty” She chuckled awkwardly. Finn sighs relaxing his nerves. He took his gaze back at Bin, gave him a stare for a while before smiling at him. He pats his shoulder then stepped back.

“Let’s go Newbie…you’ve got to wash that off from your face so you wouldn’t start attracting flies feeding on it next” Bin said sarcastically with his gaze on Finn. Finn knit his brow getting his message and Bin smiles at him before facing Addison.

“Follow me” Still holding her wrist tightly, he took her upstairs. Ash and Finn’s eyes followed till they were no more in sight.

Bin let go of her immediately they got inside the room. He head to the bathroom muttering incoherent words to himself while Addison follows also.

“What? He’ll lick it all over? He must be kidding me” He scoffs washing his hand roughly.

“He’s doing it openly now…that punk he has no fears”

“Are…you okay?” Addison asked slowly. Bin stopped washing his hand and face her.

“This is all your fault!” He pointed. Addison frowns.

“What did I do now?”

“If you ain’t so clumsy, stupid and reckless he wouldn’t be taking advantage of the situation right now” He lambasted and she scoffs.

“Fine…say wh@ťěver you want. I have no energy to to argue with you” She muttered looking away.

“First get that thing off your face…seeing it makes me feel more infuriated” He pulled her closer to the basin and release the tap. Immediately the water started gushing out, he pulled her head closer washing the cake off her face.

“Hey…you are hur…ting me” She squeezed her face as his palm keeps rubbing every corner of it.

After washing, he got the towel and dry her face with it. He withdrew after drying it and smile to himself feeling contented.

“You’re being strange seriously what’s with you today? You keep acting weird” Addison mumbled ruffling her hair. Bin stood stagnant for a while pondering over her words. Now that he thought about it, he has been doing strange things all day and that’s all because of her.

He gets angry for no reason, bothered and also worried.

Noticing he has gone on a trance, she snapped her fingers at him getting his attention back.

“Earth to Robin. What are you thinking?” She asked but he surprises her instead by grabbing her wrist that was right in front of him.

“Don’t stay too close Finn” He said his eyes boring holes into hers.

“Uh?” She blinked.

“You should keep your distance away from him at least for a while”

“Why suddenly?”

“It’s not sudden. Listen that punk he_”

“Newbie! Bin!! Are you guys in there!!” Ash’s voice impeded his speech and both look towards the door.

“He what?” She asked.

“Here you are!” Ash stuck his head in after opening the door.

“Come downstairs…PM is here” He announced.


“A trip?” Ash asked surprised and the PM nodded.

“I realized you guys are having hard time preparing for the next album especially Bin and Aid”

“Going on a trip is a waste of time. I rather practice than doing something stupid like that” Bin hissed.

“Listen…just go on this trip. Relax your brain and try to cool your head who knows maybe after it you won’t have to struggle with anything. Just go have fun…like always. What do you guys think?”

“I’d love that” Addison muttered but Finn heard her.

“I’m in for it” Finn answered.

“Alright Finn…Ash what about you?” PM asked but Ash signed.

“We haven’t go on a trip ever since Rush left. This would be the first trip we’re taking without him” He mumbled sadly. He would have rejected not to go but then remembering something, he changed his mind.

“PM I’m in for it also” He grins.


“Of course I’d love to!” Addison cut him off before he could finish.

“Then…we’ve decided. You’re leaving tomorrow and you’ll be spending three days. You guys should get ready” The PM stood up.

“I haven’t agreed to it yet” Bin frowns.

“Manager Jia would be here by nine to pick you guys up. You’re going to your usual” He pats Bin’s shoulder, smiles at him before leaving.

Bin rolled his eyes.

“A trip…I’m so happy” Addison squealed where she’s seated. Finn looks at her and smiles. Bin stood up.

“Let’s practice…four hours since you won’t be for three days” He announced earning groans from Addison and Ash.

“Bin we_”

“No complaints…meet me in the practice room in five minutes” He ordered strictly walking away.

Finn stood also.

“Bin?” He called stopping him.

“I’m not_”

“Let’s talk” Finn interrupted.


“Make it fast. I’ve got things to do” Bin said impatiently with his hands dipped in his pockets.

“Don’t worry I’ll make it short”

“Then go straight to the point”

“I like her. I’m sure you must have noticed”


“I’m not good at hiding my feelings and I don’t lie you should know that too”

“Are you being serious right now? She didn’t come here for that”

“Wh@ťěver she may come here for…I won’t hinder her from doing it. I’m only telling you this for a reason. I don’t want you to keep butting in wh@ťěver that may be going on between us”


“I like her and I’m gonna make her realize that. Wh@ťěver I do with her is none of your business so I’d like if you could stay away”

“Why should I do as you said? What? I shouldn’t butt in? So you just want me to keep mute and watch you do some unreasonable things while she’s not even aware of anything? What does that make me?”

“Exactly what does it makes you?”


“Like I said it’s between us. You don’t have to worry about her getting hurt. I’ll always protect her…and I will certainly never gonna let her get hurt. This trip is gonna be a step of me getting more close to her. ”


“In other words I’m planning on taking it to the next level. Like I said earlier you don’t need to worry about a thing. I’ll take care of her…you just focus Viola, your real girlfriend”


Finn smiles.

“That’s all I’ve got to say” He checked the time on his wrist watch.

“We still got three more minutes to the practice…I’ll go get ready” He pats his shoulder and walks away while Bin stood there.

“Wow…how brave of him uh?” He scoffs.

“Fine. Do wh@ťěver you want with her. Like I care!”


After the four hours torturous practice, Finn made dinner which Bin reluctantly had with them. After the dinner, he went to his room and had been there since. Ash and Addison also played for a bit before biding each other goodnight.

Addison doesn’t feel like sleeping yet so she decided to linger about for a while before going to bed. However, she met Finn sitting alone by the pool. His legs dipped in the water and he had a solemn expression on.

Addison smiles on seeing him. She went to him and took a sit beside him also dipping her legs into the water.

“You should be asleep why are you still up?” He asked not looking at her.

“Probably because you’re still up” She replied simply and he looks at her. She gave him a bright smile and he returned it with a feeble one.

“Is something wrong? You look bothered” She asked.

“Houston” He mumbled.


“I grew up there. We did”

“Houston…” She mumbled also.

“Every year we always go on a trip like this”

“You mean the one we’re going tomorrow?” She inquired, he nodded.

“Everytime we went I always hope even though I knew it was very much impossible…I still always have the slightest hope that she might be there…waiting for me”

“Your sister?”



“Do you think she might still be alive? What if_”

“Don’t finish that” She placed her finger on his lips stopping him. Finn looks at her for a while, then his face slowly melted into a smile. He took her finger away from his lips and instead draw her closer, embracing her.

“Somehow…I feel reassured whenever I talk to you. It’s just like she’s right here by my side” He muttered feeling her warmth. Addison also hugs him back patting his back.

“I know the exact pain you’re going through right now. I also have a similar story to yours. Just that mine is still a little better. Finn I know It ain’t easy but I hope no matter what, you don’t give up and continue hanging on to the hope that you’ll meet someday. You’ve come this far…so why bother stopping. It might be hard but…I want you to know that at the end of everything…that lost piece of you will find its way back to you” she said softly in his arms. He closed his eyes and sighs.

“Why do I feel so at peace whenever I’m with you. Your words always finds its way of doing some magical things to my soul. I feel relaxed and strangely…my worries starts to fade away. It’s like you’re filling up a part of me which is empty”

Addison pulled out from the hug and he opens his eyes.

“Why do you think that is happening?” She smiles at him.

“Is there a kind of string? Are we connected in a way I’m yet to realize?” He asked staring at her with eyes full of emotions.

“Maybe we are. Strangely, whenever I’m with you also…I feel like I’m in my comfort zone. I just find everything easy with you”

“That sounds like a confession” He teased tweaking her nose slightly, she chuckled.

“So do yours” She replied tweaking his also.

“So what kind of connection do you think it is?” He asked again.

“Wh@ťěver it may be…I love it”

“I think I know what it is”


“I haven’t realized until this moment but I think I finally figured it out”

“What is it?” She raised a brow.

“Newbie you…” He smiles and hugs her.

“What is it? Tell me”

“I think you’re the complete part of me…my soulmate”

“Uh? Soulmate?”

“If this is really what I presumed it to be then…you’re just what I needed. My soulmate…” He strokes her hair softly.

“I promise…never to let you down…mate” He muttered closing his eyes back.

Addison said nothing but just remained in his arms.


Addison opens the door slowly, she looks around the room and saw Bin standing beside the bed. His back facing her. He seems lost in thought and he seems not to have noticed her presence. She smirks cunningly.

Surreptitiously, she walks towards him with the intention to startle him. But just as she was about doing that, he turns back abruptly, her head ended up colliding with his broad chest.

“Ow!” She winced and he smirks.

He bent to her level, their faces close.

“Got you sneaky blobfish” He flickered her forehead. She pouted.

“That’s unfair” She snap her head to to him but gasped at how close he is.

“What is? Catching you in your foolish act uh?” He asked still with the smirk not leaving his lips. Addison said nothing but just stare with her heart suddenly increasing its beats.

“Your face is red…have you been drinking?” He asked examining her flushed cheeks.

He leans closer and sniffs her.

“Open your mouth” He suddenly grabbed her mouth. It opens wide. But she was quick to slap his hand away.

“What are you doing?” She stepped back touching her cheeks.

“I didn’t…drink. Why…would I…” She shuttered.

Bin smiles.

“What were you gonna say earlier about Finn?” She quickly changed the topic.

“What…did I say anything?” He feigns ignorance.

“Really? You were gonna tell me something about him earlier in the bathroom”

“Was I? I forgot” he shrugged.


“But where are you coming back from so late?”

“I was around”

“Doing what?”

“Just…this and that” She replied awkwardly.

“Are you coming back from meeting him?” He asked, she bit her lower lip. He scoffs.

“He just had something going on in his mind and I just you know…encourage him”

“What are you? His psychologist? A motivational speaker?”

“It was just a simple chat…you don’t have to put it that way”

“You…like being with him don’t you? I noticed you seems to lose your senses whenever you’re together also are you developing a thing for him?” He quizzed.

“Hey…what are you saying? What thing?” She blushed.

“We’re just friends…” She added smiling.

“You guys must be really closer than I thought. Looks like I really need to stay off like he said” Bin mumbled looking away.

“What did you say?”

“Go to sleep…I’m tired of seeing your blobfish face”

“Are you really gonna keep calling me that?” She creased her brow.

“Then what? You’re nothing but a blobfish” He poked her forehead.

“Then…you left me with no choice. I shall go to sleep now. I think I’ve seen enough of your hammerhead bat’s face also” She retorts.

“What? What..did..did you just say?”

“I called you a hammerhead bat. Has anyone ever told you you look identical to it?” She smiles coyly.

“Hey!!” He growled grabbing a pillow, he threw it at her.

“Agh!” She winced as it hits her head.

“You freaky bat!” She took the pillow and threw it back at him. She made to make a run for it, but Bin was quick to pull her back. Her back landed on the bed and he took the pillow hitting her with it.

“What? A hammerhead bat? How dare you call me that you idiotic blobfish!”

“Stop it!”

“Should I show you what a bat really is uh??”

“Alright I’m sorry!”

Addison continues guarding the pillow with her hands and he continues hitting her until he grew tired. Then he slump on the bed beside her. His eyes on the ceiling. Breathing heavily with his chest going up and down.

Addison wasn’t left out also. She parted her scattered hair breathing hard also.

“Stupid hammerhead bat” She mumbled making sure he doesn’t hear.

“Ugh! That was tiring” Bin muttered between heavy breathes. Addison turns her head to him and watch him. He was grinning and breathing hard at the same time. She couldn’t help smiling. She lay on her side turning fully to him now. Again, she could hear her heart slamming hard in its ribcage

She was lost staring at him that she didn’t realize he had turn to her.

“What?” He furrow his brows.

“Uh?” She raised up a brow. He also lay on his side facing her. Addison didn’t say anything and just stares.

“Go” He mumbled and a sly grin spread on her lips.

“Can’t I just sleep here for tonight? The bed is so soft and comfy” She made a puppy face.

“No you can’t” He replied rather cutly pushing her away with his leg. She rolled to the floor instantly.

“Agh!” She winced getting up. Bin stuck his tongue out at her this time.

“Mean!” She spat and marched over to the couch laying on it angrily.

“Turn off the light” He ordered and she puffed. She stood up and went towards it turning it off before going back to the couch. She sighs heavily balancing her head well. There was a momentum of silence before she broke it.

“Robin…what do you think a soulmate is?” She asked slowly but got no response.

“Bin…are you asleep?” She asked again but no response came.

“Is he asleep? That fast” She got away from the bed and walked over to his bed. The lamp light shone on his face and she could see his eyes tightly shut.

“Wtf…how can he fell sleep within a short period of time?”

“Is he faking it?” She thought within.

Then a sly smile came across her face.

“Asleep uh…let’s see…”She brought her hand forward aiming it at his armpit but before it could reach there, he caught it midway pulling her to the bed with it.

A loud gasp escape her mouth and he smirks pinning her down the bed.

“Two can play the game…blobfish” he sneer.

“Ro…bin??” She called shockingly.

“Why are you so surprised? You came unto me first”

“I knew it. You were just faking it” She creased her brows. He smirks.

“Won’t you let go?” She wiggle her hands from his tight grip

“Seems you’re forgetting something but I’m a man and I’d be left with no choice if you keep jumping on me like this”

“What are…you saying?” She blinked.

“You know exactly well” His eyes trace down to her chest and hers followed also.

“Wha…what are…you do…ing?” She shuttered. He brought his eyes back to her. But instead of answering, he leans closer to her.

“Robin stop!”

He turned deaf ears and slowly, his forehead landed on hers.

Her heartbeat increases rapidly, accelerating fast as if its lost one of its bolts.

His lips was super close to hers, while his hot breathes fans her face slowly sending shiver down her spine. She fisted her palms, her wiggling toes frozed and she gulps down nothing.

“Now I feel tempted” He mutters tilting his head, his nose rubs hers and her eyes flew shut instantly.

“Robin!!” she screamed in her mind as his lips did the unimaginable.





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