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Friday, October 18, 2024
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SOULMATES – Episode 8

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Let me be your…


( Love wasn’t part of the plan )



CHAPTER 15 & 16


“What are you doing?” An unfriendly voice came behind Ash making him jerk up.

“Finn!” His face widened and he leaped up instantly. Finn take a look at the sleeping Addison and sighs.

“Finn…I was just…um…yeah I was just trying to wake him up. He should sleep in the room not here” Ash quickly defend himself.

“It didn’t looked like that” Finn folded his arms raising a brow at him.

“Then what does it look like? You think I was gonna ki|| him in his sleep? Hahaha…funny you Finn” Ash walked awkwardly away from her patting Finn on his shoulder before walking away. Finn signs out.

Addison squinted, her eyes roving the entire place before it landed on Finn who stood with folded arms looking at her with an indifference face on.

“Oh, my F!” She flinched holding her chest.

“Finn?” She called sitting up.

“When did you come back?” He asked stiffly


“Why did you sleep there?”


“Did you had an argument with Bin?”

“Ohh…something like that” She twitched.

He stares at her saying nothing for some moments.

“Get ready we’re leaving for the $h00t in few minutes” He told her before walking away.

“Phew..what a strange being” Addison signs out but then her eyes landed on her chest. One of the buttons of her shirt was unfastened revealing her chest a little.

“Oh my G!” She quickly fasten it looking around.

“Did he see?” She muttered standing up.


Addison placed her palm on the door knob and twisted it. Suprisely, it opens.

“Oh!” She let out a gummy grin.

“Robinnn…” She purred going inside.

“Binny where are youuuu?” She called in a sing song but find no traces of him.

“Hmm…did he went out?” She thought within looking around.

“Arghh!!” She throw herself on the bed grinning widely.

“This is so comfy…hmmm” She closed her eyes enjoying the warmth and softness of the bed.

“I love it” She muttered.


“We’re starting in five minutes everyone be on standby!!” The director announced.

“Hey Newbie why are you still in that?” Ash furrows his brows at Addison who was still in her normal clothes. The others had changed except her who couldn’t. She never knew they were having a pool $h00t.

“Ohhh…I… I’m gonna take it off..just wanna feel the warmth for a little more .” She let out a dry chuckle.

“You’re being weird again…”

“Um…excuse me I have no time for this” She passed by him, scurrying to Bin who was seated a little away from the pool but unfortunately she slipped on the wet floor.

“Ohhh…” She gasped her legs betraying her. Her arms dances in the air as she reaches for the floor but before she could, a hand grabbed her back and her head landed on his hard chest. His arms held her waist tightly the other still holding the hand he grabbed.

She breathes out looking up slowly to her saviour.

“Be careful…” He said in his usual deadpan tone leaving her whilst Addison just couldn’t help beaming at him.

“Awwwn….he’s so cutee” She cooled smiling at Finn as he leaves her to his seat. Bin scoffs where he was seated watching the drama that just unfold in front of him.

“Wait! I shouldn’t be doing this…right Bin!” She rushed to Bin’s side immediately holding his hand. He frowns at her taking his hand away from her but she grabbed it again giving him a pleading look. Bin gave her a disapproving look but she dragged him up pulling him away from there to a corner just around there.

“What!” He snapped taking his hand away.

“I need your help” She whisper said

“I’m outta here” He turns to leave but she pulled him back. She brought her palms together and started begging.

“Help me out this once Bin…I never knew it was a pool $h00t. If I had known_”

“What would you have done?”

“Ask you for help…like I’m doing now”

“Did you forget what I told you last night? You’re out from this band already…so just leave now”

“Bin” she held his hand crouching.

“Let go!” Bin frowns down at her.

“Just this once please…you know…I can’t get into the water now…at least not now….please uh? Be merciful like the Buddha and grant this lowly request of mine uh? Please…pleaseeee” She blinks cutely at him.

A simper display on his lips.

“What to do…I’m not in the mood to be merciful today…buzz off!” He pushed her away.

“Bin! We’re starting now get over here!” Ash shouted at him from a distance. He smirks and turns to walk there.

“Bin” Addison called and he looks back.

“Sorry and thank you” She said in a rush and Bin raised a question brow at her.

“Wha_” Before he could say jack! Addison kneed him in the stomach.

“Ow!” He crouch instantly holding his stomach.

“Hey! You_”

“Bin!! Bin are you okay?!!” Addison yelled getting everyone’s attention.

“Bin! Oh no!” She held unto him pleading with her eyes.

“What happened?” The director asked immediately he got to them with others.

“I think he’s sick…he has been complaining of stomach ache since last night. He told me not to worry but now…he suddenly started feeling pains” Addison lied smoothly before he could say a word.

“Bin you okay?” Ash asked worried.

“I_ ow!” He winced when Addison pinched him hard without any one noticing.

“Oh my! He must really be in pains” Ash faces the director.

“Bin…is it severe?”

“I think we’d need to shift the $h00t till tomorrow” Finn suggested.

“Is that okay by you Bin?” The director asked.

Addison held unto him tightly giving him sigh to comply.

“No director…I think you’ll have to shift it till next week” Bin said.

“Next week? That’s too_”

“I think I’ll be having this stomachache till the end of this week. $h00ting isn’t possible” He added and Addison smiles secretly.

“Take me out of here newbie”

“Sure…let’s go” The two left the pool in pretense while others eyes followed them.

“Did he just said he’ll be having the stomachache till end of the week?” The director scoffs in disbelief.

“Why do I feel like this whole thing is all made up?” He asked no one in particular.

“We’re sorry director…please set a date you’ll be comfortable with next week” Finn said politely while the director hissed.

“Pack up…the $h00ting is cancelled” The director announced with a bit of annoyance in his voice.


“Bin! You’re hurting me!” Addison yelped as he drag her by the wrist.

“Bin!!” She yelled and he stops.


“Robinson Hudson?” He heard a familiar voice interrupting him. Looking back, he was met with Viola who approaches him with a sly smile on her face.

“Hi…it’s been a while” She smiles on getting to them while Bin rolled his eyes.

“Share we have a talk? I think we have a lot to straighten out”

“I have nothing to say to you rainbow head” He replied rather rudely.

“Well I do…a lot”

“Then talk…well I’m out of here” He grabbed Addison again leaving with her but had to stop on Viola’s next sentence.

“Should I talk with the reporters instead? They seem very interested in us lately”She smirks folding her arms.


“What do you want?” Bin asked plainly.

“Who is the lady? Do you love her? When did you start seeing her?” She quipped.

“Am I obliged to answer that?” He arch his brow.

“Nope…I’m just curious”

“Don’t be curious about me…it’s bothersome”

“You seem totally changed…in the past you were usually shy and timid around me”

“What do you mean?”

“Have you really got over everything now? So soon at that?”

“I’m leaving”

“Your sixth album…you know you’ll be doing that with me right?”

“And why would I be?”

“Cause you’re supposed to. No…Rush was supposed to do that…but since he isn’t here now then you’re left to do it. How is the song going? Have you made one already? Or you’re making use of one of Rush’s?”

“Belt up”

“If he’s still here…then you wouldn’t be so cheeky right now. Hey don’t forget I’m your senior in this field…talk to me with respect”

“You…do you even know what respect is?”

“I do…you don’t! So are you happy now? Now that he’s gone you’ll finally have all what you dreamed of”

“Stop spewing nonsense.”

“Look at you…I could tell with a glance how relive you are right now. That’s why you could never tell. When Rush was here you were always behind his shadow doing everything he asks of you. You liked everything he liked and wanted everything he wanted. You even convet what was his remember? Me? I know you felt a thing for me when I was with him. I always saw it in your eyes…you h@ťěd him didn’t you? Rush is one slow guy…he made a mistake trusting a sly guy like you. Now that he isn’t here anymore you’re trying to take his place. Look…his fame, his song, his position and his life. You’re trying hard to get everything right now. This is who you are after all Robin…a second choice who had always wanted to be the first. But guess what? No matter how much you try…his accomplishments will never disappear and you…can never be like him. You’ll always remain a second choice…a second choice that may never be even considered. Good luck trying to be in the spotlight…I’ll be rooting for you…Robin” Viola smiles patting him before leaving the rooftop.

Bin only stood there with clenched fists.


“Hey!” Ash signalled to Addison on seeing her.

“You haven’t left yet?” Addison asked on getting to them.

“Apparently PM wanted to see us. How is Bin? Is he okay?” Ash asked with a mouthful of cake.

“He’s probably somewhere…senior I can join you right?”

“Join us…you haven’t eaten have you?” Finn asked.

“Nah…I’m so ravenous” She took a forklift of cake inserting it in her mouth.

“Hmmm….I love this” She Mõ@ɲs in relish.

“Hey…that’s my favorite cake. It’s a ki||er right?” Ash grins.

“This is so good. As expected you have good taste in everything” Addison gave him a thumbs up.

“But why aren’t you eating?” She asked Finn.

“I’m not hungry…you can have it all”

“Then it’s all mine!” Addison giggled eating the cake in ecstasy.

“It’s so f-__-king good”

“Should I asked them to bring us more?” Ash asked and she nodded. She felt a turning in her stomach and held it.

“Ah right? I shouldn’t be eating this…” She muttered.

“What did you say?”

“Uh? Nothing” she smiles bringing her hand forward to Ash’s lips. She clean the crumbs on his lips and licked it shocking him.

“Hey…why would you do that…” He asked staring at her.

“Do what?” She asked as she chow down the cake. Noticing both Finn’s and Ash’s eyes on her she stopped eating and face them. Then the realization of what she just did dawn on her.

“No $h|t!” She hits her head.

“Sorry Ash…it’s an habit of mine” She mouth embarrassingly biting her lips.

“Umm….sure” Ash nodded awkwardly watching her as she resume eating. He suck on his lower lip as he couldn’t help but smile by what she did. Finn only stares saying nothing. He had actually been feeling not too well since earlier but he’s only holding it in.

“Guys you’re all here” They heard a voice and turned back only to see the PM approaching them

“Why did you ask to see us?” Finn asked

“I actually wanted to see him but since you’re all here then I might as well see you all” He said referring to Addison.

“Me?” She pointed to herself.


“What do you think about this song? Can we make this your sixth album?” PM asked as he stopped playing a particular song on his laptop.

“I like it.” Ash was the first to say.

“Wow…this is so great!” Addison chipped in.

“What do you think Finn?”

“It’s unique and the flow is smooth also. I think it’s good” Finn replied.

“Really? Then what about this?” He played another song.

“Umm…I don’t know but…this particular song seems kinda edgy” Ash said after they finished listening to the second song.

“I don’t know if I should say this but…this one isn’t good enough. I mean the melody is superb but…it isn’t enough” Addison said also.

“What about you Finn?”

“Compared to the first one…this isn’t anything near it. I think the first one is better PM” Finn replied as calm as he could.

“Good. I’m glad you guys are here to judge this yourselves. I’m planning on releasing the first song as your sixth album”

“Then…is that Bin’s song? As expected…he’s one of the best”

“The second was his” The PM dropped the bomb.



“That was the song he submitted to me”

“Then the first one…who sang it?” Finn asked.

“It’s Rush’s” The PM answered making their eyes widened.

“He submitted this song to me before he disappeared…he was supposed to sing it together with Viola. It was your supposed sixth album”

“Now what do you think of the matter on ground?”

“Bin certainly won’t like this” Finn said.

“I know. Aiden?”


“I’m planning on making you sing this with Viola. It’ll be your first song as well as your first performance” He said shocking them all to the bone.

Ash stood up immediately.

“You can’t do that PM what about Bin? He has been looking forward to the release. You can’t just take it away from him”

“I’m ain’t saying I’m disregarding him. Right now Bin isn’t doing too well and I can’t trust him completely to do this well”

“This isn’t his first”

“I know but…recently he isn’t himself. Look you heard his song yourselves didn’t you? Tell me…do you really think I’m being unfair making this decision right now?” He asked while they all keep quiet.

“I’ll talk to him…you guys shouldn’t worry. Aiden consider this a rare chance to make your debut. You and Bin are going to compete and the best will take the lead you understand what I mean don’t you?”

“Yes…I do” She replied slowly.

“Bin would surely go crazy when he hears this”

“Hear what?” They heard his voice and all eyes turned to the door.

“What’s happening…why the long faces?” He asked going in.

“I’m glad you’re here. Bin, I’m thinking of making Aiden’s debut at your song release”

“What do you mean?”

“He’ll be making his debut the same time you release the sixth album.”

“I heard that the first time. So with what song? Do I have to make another?”

“No. We have a song already.”

“You do?”

“Yeah your sixth album”

“How is that possible? Are you on drugs PM?”

“You guys will have to compete and the winner takes te lead” Ash said.

“Come again”

“And also…your song will be disposed. We’re using Rush’s song” Finn chipped in bursting his brain more.

He went silent for a while trying to digest everything they just told him.

“What happened to my song?”

“I’m afraid it isn’t what we needed Bin. Fortunately, Rush had made preparation for the song before he left. I have it and the guys and I decided to use it. You’re going to compete with Aiden and the best get to sing it together with Viola” PM explained.

“You must be kidding me right now?”

“What happens if I lose PM?” Addison asked.

“ debut will have to be delayed and your have to just back him up”

“What nonsense are you saying Pm? You can’t just make a rash decision like that. Why do I have to compete with a mere newbie like him?”

“This is not about competing…we just want the best”

“I’m ain’t doing this. This is bullshit!”

“Bin listen…”

“PM!! What do you take me for uh? A fool? You can’t just do this! It made no sense whatsoever! Listen I’m ain’t doing this so it’s better you revoke your decision!!” He yelled angrily going out.




“I…I’ll go talk to him” Addison stood up running after him.

“Robin wait!” She stopped him and immediately she did he grabbed her dragging her to the rooftop.

“Ah!” She winced as he pushed her roughly.

“Is this it? Is this what you are after?”

“I didn’t know about this too. I just_”

“I’ve worked so hard to be where I am today. So many insults and all. I’m finally getting what I want now but what? You wanna take it all away? You think I’ll let you uh!!” He growl on her face.


“Listen…” He grabbed her hand roughly.

“You’re nothing but a pipsqueak which I can get rid of anytime. If you still love yourself I’d advise you to leave quietly now”

“I…I can’t…i can’t leave Robin…”

“You can’t? SO NOW YOU CAN’T!!”

“ROBIN!” Finn rushed over to him and pushed him away from her.

“Stop this! He’s not to be blamed don’t vent your anger on him!”

“Anger! Yes I’m angry! All I’ve worked for all my life is about to be taken away just like that! DON’T I DESERVE TO BE ANGRY UH!!! You know what f-__-k this! I’m no more doing anything!” He started walking away.

“You won’t do this! You won’t do that!! What exactly can you do uh!!” Finn shouted after him making him halt in his tracks.

“Let me guess…getting yourself in unreasonable scandals! Why? You wanna be the talk of the town? Now that Rush isn’t here anymore you wanna be in the spotlight?”

“Don’t you dare talk about him”

“Why can’t I talk about him? Let’s be honest here you started growing wings ever since he left! You think you can take his place now that he’s not here anymore!! Since you’re always nothing but his Shadow!!”


“Since you’ve finally took his place then you should have tried harder! If you could try a little better like Rush! Then this wouldn’t have happened. Don’t blame the innocent what it’s all your fault.You can’t even make music…how can you call yourself a star!!”

“SHUT UP!!” He landed a heavy punch on Finn’s face, his lips bursted immediately.

“Ahn” Addison gasped loudly where she stood. Bin walked closer to Finn and locked his shirt.

“Don’t you dare say a word anymore Finn…I’m warning you” he glared but Finn surprised him by giving him a punch also.

“Ah!” Bin growled staggering back. Finn walks closer to him giving him another.

“Stop! Stop please!!” Addison yelled.

The two stopped breathing hard.

Breathing heavily, Bin stood up and staggered out of there not saying any other thing.

“Robin” Addison made to follow him but then a hand pulled her back.

She released a gasp and look back at Finn who was already staring back at her.

“Don’t go…” He mutters feeling so weak.

“Uh?” She bashed her eyelids clearly taken aback. Finn steps closer and lay his head on her left shoulder.

“Stay with me instead Aiden”





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