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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SOULMATES – Episode 4

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Let me be your…


( Love wasn’t part of the plan )





“Fin!!” Ash shrieked squatting before Finlay who hit his butt of the floor immediately Addison pushed him away from her.

“You okay?” He asked worried. Fin nodded and Ash helped him up.

Addison sprang up also holding her chest. Her eyes dilating in their sockets with her heart slamming hard in its ribcage.

Ash turns to her angrily. He stood up and pushed her back hard. Addison stagger backwards.

“What the hell! He saved your d@mn @zz and the best you could do is treat him like that!”

“Then…should I have just do nothing when he was molesting me!” Addison shot back.

“What? You_”

“Stop Ash…it’s alright” Fin pulled Ash who was about charging at Addison back.

“I’ll be in my room” He shot Addison one last glance before leaving.

“Finn!” Ash runs after him after $h00ting Addison a death glare also.

“Why are you overeating?” Bin asked with folded arms.

“I’m…I’m not”

“You are…you’re being sensitive over a little thing. That’s suspicious” He said leaving also.

Addison exhales deeply.

“He couldn’t have caught on, would he?” She mutters hugging herself.



This is the sixth time he’ll be reprimanding her ever since they started the practice.

Addison sighs in clearly frustrated. Bin just won’t back off and continue annoying her.

“Let’s go one more time. Hey newbie get your head together!” Finn chided also.

“I’m sorry” She breathes.

“Again!” Bin said. Ash hits the drumsticks together thrice before hitting it on the drum set. Finn’s guitar followed also playing his own rhythm of beat.

Addison sighs nervously peering at the music sheet in her front. It was now her turn to rhyme with her piano. She placed her fingers on the keyboard and started playing slowly.

Bin brought his hand to the mic and as he was about opening his mouth to sing, the beats went off in a disarray. Now it was Bin’s turn to flare up. He stops and face the shaky Addison.

Addison started moving back shaking as he walks closer to her.

“Hey! Are you here to play? We haven’t even done anything for the past two hours now because of you YOU KNOW THAT!! You think we have all the time in our hands! The sixth album would be released in a few weeks time will you continue doing this!!” He yelled at her face making her flinches.

“I…I…” She balled her palms trying to hold her composure.

“Guys we’re gonna stop the practice for today here. The newbie seems not to be ready yet” Bin said not taking his eyes off her.

“How annoyingl.” Ash dropped the drumsticks angrily leaving the room.

“Let’s go” Finn pats Bin who wouldn’t stop glaring at the nervous Addison.

“I won’t be nice next time. Note that” He warned before leaving the room with Finn.

Addison sighs deeply holding onto the keyboard for support since her legs suddenly grew weak.

“Aide…I don’t think I can do this…I can’t” She shook her head repeatedly.

Throughout the whole day, Addison didn’t bother leaving the practice room. Since none of them seems to really like her company she decided to just stay there…alone.

Maybe that way she wouldn’t cause any more trouble.


Addison slowly got out of the practice room. The living room was silent and the light off. They must all have gone to bed. She thought. Sneakily, she went to the kitchen to get something to eat since her stomach wouldn’t stop growling. She had actually had nothing to eat since morning.

Getting at the kitchen, she gasp when she saw someone there already. Quickly she hid in a corner peeking at Finn as he gulp down a bottle of water. She couldn’t help but drool. Unaware, she started smiling. The moment he held her in his arms at the karaoke replayed in her mind making her heart beat accelerates. Finn dropped the bottle and moves away from the fridge Addison sighs.

“If you wanna survive in this place…you must get rid of that fear in you first” Finn’s voice echoed out shocking her.

“Did he see me?” She thought.

“Music is not a joke…keep that In mind” He added leaving.

“Finn” Her soft voice called and he stopped. Addison came out of her hiding and went to him. Finn watch the guy in front of him with a blank expression. She bit her lower lip playing with her fingers as well.

Addison wanted to ask about his injury but it’d seem strange for her to do that.

“Im sorry…about earlier” She mutters.

“Which one?” He asked.

“Uh?” She snap her head up to him.

“Which one are you sorry for? Wasting our time in the practice room earlier? Or making me a pervert after saving you?” He asked and she suck on her lower lip.

“I…I was being oversensitive. I’m sorry and thank you…for saving me”

“You didn’t passed out. It was all a lie”

“You knew?” Her eyes widened.

“If you had indeed passed out I would have performed CPR instead of doing that earlier. Go sleep you should make use of your rest while you still have it” He said and turns leaving. Addison just stood there smiling as she watches him leaves.

“Should I have fainted for real?” She grins stupidly to herself.


Bin got downstairs and was on his way to the fridge when he spots Addison crawled up on the couch. He furrows his brows walking to her. His initial attempt was to kick her but he stopped squatting before her instead. He watches her as she sleep. Studying every corner of her face. Strangerly, she seems different to him. He could remember the last time in the bathtub…she was weird then also.

He couldn’t pinpoint what exactly it was but he knew something was different about her.

She looks fragile and soft and also kinda too pretty to be a guy. Her eyes flashed opened and it widened when she saw Bin’s face close to hers. She sat up immediately while Bin rose.

“Why are you sleeping there?”

“Why do you care? Who chased me out in the first place?” She mutters rolling her eyes. Bin scoffs.

“You know thinking of it now there’s a perfect place for you to sleep in” he said while she looks at him.


“The kennel at the rooftop perfect right?” He smirks at her face. Addison frowns.

“That rotten d!ck” she cursed.

“I heard that” Bin said.

“Why? It’s not entirely a lie is it?”

“What?” He frowns.

“You are just as rotten as your F prick!”

“What! You say that again!” Bin charge towards her while she stuck her tongue out running away.

“HEY! take that back!” Bin ran after her.

“OH MY!” she gasped loudly as she ran upstairs but bump into Ash who was coming down. She would have staggered back and fell if not for Ash who held her back by the waist.

Her eyes blink repeatedly as she stares at him. He had a bandana on his head and his hair was swept back giving out full view of his forehead. He was looking super cute.

He arched his brows.

“Wait! I think I’ve met you before” He said snapping her outta it.


“Seeing you up close I could swear I’ve met you before…really really close like this” He leans his face closer to her.

“I could remember_$h|t!” He let go of her when she suddenly sneezed on his face cutting his statement short.

“Hey! You dirty freak!!” He spat rushing back to his room. .

Addison sighs keeping her head down but just then a hand grabbed her clothes from behind and she turns.

“You said my d!ck was what?” Bin glowered. She exhales frustrated.

“Good morning cuties!!” Manager Jia’s voice boomed out.

They both looked back and Addison used the opportunity to run away from him.

“Hi pretty boy” Jia winks.

“Yeah…good morning” Addison replied.

“Where are the guys…it’s time for some workout!” She claps her hand.

“Work…what?” Addison asked to be sure.

“Ah right! Every Wednesdays and Fridays the guys always replenish their energy. I guess you’re joining them from now on”

“Must I go?”

“Yeah you must so get upstairs and change into a more comfortable clothes”


“No buts! Get on it now!!” Jia said.

Addison releases a frustrated sigh.


Since Bin wouldn’t let her inside his room, she had no choice but to take her luggage to the practice room.

But the door was a transparent one so without changing her bind, she change into a top in a rush making sure not to get caught.

“Hey newbie!” Ash came in sight suddenly. Though she drag down the top in haste Ash was still able to got a glimpse of the bind.

“Ash?” She called with a surprise tone.

“Not ready yet!”

“I am…let’s… Let’s go” She rushed out of the practice room. Ash’s eyes followed her as she leaves.


“This is f-__-k” She mutters beneath her breath as they got to the gym.

Without uttering a word, the guys started dispersing getting busy with one thing or the other.

Bin took off his shirt his perfect abs came into view. No doubt he was looking crazily segzy.

He started lifting the barbell, bringing out his segzy biceps. Addison’s mouth went hanging as she stares at him.

“My f-__-k” She smiles sheeplessly her eyes following him at every movement he made.

Ash stood a little distance watching her. He couldn’t stop thinking about what he saw earlier.

“Is he injured?” He thought peering at her who was busy drooling at Bin.

“Well I can always find out” he went closer to her and intentionally bumped into her.

“Ah!” Came a wince from her.

Ash smirks and went towards the punching bag while Addison scoffs.

“Don’t just stand there, Find something to do” Finn’s voice came behind her making her breath hitched. She looks back at him slowly. He was wearing a tank top on joggers, with a bandana tied around his head. He was looking extremely hot.

He went towards Ash. They had a little talk before they started boxing.

Now she was left alone doing nothing. She decided to do the easiest thing.

She got on the treadmill and started going slowly on it.

Twenty minutes later, Addison was already exhausted with the whole thing. She just wanna leave but the guys doesn’t seem like stopping anytime soon.

“Finn don’t you find that newbie strange” Ash asked as they exchange punches.


“He seems strange…there’s something off about him”

“I don’t know …and I don’t care”

“Well I’m dying to know and I’m gonna find out wh@ťěver it is about him. I promise to” Ash said determined while Finn said nothing.

Gasps suddenly erupt in the gym and everyone’s attention got diverted. Addison couldn’t help but stopped to see what the matter was.

Viola steps into the gym looking hot. Her beautiful hair packed in ponytail. She was wearing a tube on a tight pants which bring out her not so big @zz.

She was d@mn beautiful.

She began squats $h00ting her @zz up and down. Virtually all the guys in the gym stopped feasting their eyes on her hot body. Well all guys except the STARR BOYZ which seems not to care about her presence or the ruckus she’s causing in the gym.

After five minutes of squatting, she stopped and laid down her mat. She started doing yoga.

Bin came out of the barbell bench press. He was all sweaty and that added to his hotness.

He got on the treadmill beside Addison and started going slowly on it.

“Hey” Addison grinned waving at him but he ignored her.

Viola stopped what she was doing and smiled walking close to Bin.

“Wow…isn’t this my rumoured national boyfriend Bin? Pleased to see you here” Viola smirks folding her arms making her B-__-bs $h00t out also.

“Hey rainbow head do I look happy to see you?” Robin replied with a dry tone. Addison couldn’t help but stiff a laugh. Viola glared at her.

She clears her throat pretending not to be embarrassed.

“Who was that lady in the picture with you? I think I need to know since I’m being mistaken for her?”

“She’s certainly not a rainbow witch like you so mind your business and don’t talk to me” He plug in brought an earpiece out of his pocket and plug it in his ear increasing the pace of the mill.

“d@mn you Robinson Huston!” Viola huffed marching out of there clearly angered.

“Who is she?” Addison asked but Bin ignored her even though he could hear her.

“Hmph! Always snobby” She felt pressed and stopped the mill and get away from it.

“Argh my legs are failing…that was death” She fans herself going to the restroom.

She got to the restroom and went into it.

She opened one of the stalls and met Viola. She was actually wearing her pants.

Viola’s eyes almost popped out of its socket when she saw her.

“Oops sorry” Addison apologize but Viola let out a yell.

“PERVERT!!” She howled and Addison flinched.

“GET LOST YOU ROTTEN PERVERT!!!” Viola started hitting him and that’s when the realization drawn on her.


“YOU STUPID LOWLIFE FREAK! GET THE FUDGE OUT RIGHT NOW!!” Viola continues hitting her repeatedly pushing her out of the restroom also.

The door slammed on her face immediately she got pushed out.

The people around gave him digust look murmuring incoherent words.

She could hear some like.

“What is he doing?”

“Oh my, a pretty pervert…”

“He’s a freak!”

“How lowly”

“f-__-k $h|t!” She spat running out of there. She didn’t bother going back to the gym and made her way to the car garage instead. She entered the STARR BOYZ’ van and look around to be sure no one was in there except her.

“Phew!” She breathes out.

“That was close…I could have got caught. Why did I forgot. I’d have been in one hell of a trouble if anyone knows I’mma girl” she said calming herself.

“What? You…are a girl” A familiar voice came behind her shocking her to the bone. Instantly, she turns back only to see him sitting up. He was actually lying down on the last seat in the van and she didn’t noticed him earlier.

“Newbie you…are a girl??” His voice came again with his eyebrows arched.

She gasped loudly staring back at him.





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