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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SOULMATES – Episode 3

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Let me be your…


( Love wasn’t part of the plan )





“AHHH!!” Addison quickly covers her eyes with her palm. Though there was no need to since she has saw practically everything.

Robin scoffs and got out of the bathtub taking his towel on the floor he barged out of the bathroom angrily after wrapping himself up. After waiting for a few seconds, Addison quickly got out also. She took her clothes on the floor, wrapped the bind tightly around her chest and put the clothes on.

Robin stayed behind the door tapping his foot on the floor impatiently. The door creaked open slightly with Addison sticking her head out looking around for him.

A sudden gasp left her mouth when Robin grabbed her hand suddenly, dragging her downstairs.

“Let me goo!!” She winced trying to get his grip off her wrist and the moment she did she staggers forward and bump into Finlay.

“Ah!” Came a sharp wince from Fin.

“Oh! Are you okay?” She asked worried but he only pushed her away. She missed her steps in the process but Ash was quick to catch her.

He held her shoulder looking down at her with a sly smirk.

Addison quickly got away from him also standing alone now.

“What was that thing doing in my room?” Bin spat pointing to Addison.

“I’m not a thing!” She snap back

“Bin do you like my surprise?” Ash smirks.

“What is he?” Bin frowns.

“I’m not a thing. I’mma ‘who’ not a ‘what’!” She snapped yet again.

“You shut it!” Bin glared at her.

“Won’t anyone tell me what’s going on now!” He faced Fin and Ash.

“Ask PM…since he brought him here” Fin replied coolly.

“That darn old fart!”He gritted grabbing Addison’s wrist again.

“Hey! Let me go!” She wince as he dragged her out.


Bin threw helmet at her which she quickly caught.

“Get on!” He said more like an order. Addison furrows her brows.

“Now!” He added. She sighs and just get on the motorcycle after wearing the helmet.

“HAAAAA!!!!” She shrieked as he speed off.


Immediately he stopped the motorcycle, Addison got down and started coughing holding her chest.

“Hey! That was a death race! We’ve could have gotten in one kind of a crazy accident!!” She yelled at him.

“Just follow me!” He glower grabbing her wrist again.

“HEY!! IT HURTS!! LET GO!!” She kept shouting as he drag her inside the company.


The door slammed shut making the PM raised his head up.

“Robin what a surprise!” He stood up walking towards him. Robin pushed Addison to him and he quickly held her.

“Ah!” She winced rubbing her wrist.

“Hey are you okay?” PM asked while she nodded.

“Robin I’m glad you’re here. I was actually gonna call you in. But why do you look so worked up? Did something happened?” He looks at him to Addison then back to him.

“Why won’t I be worked up! After bringing in some street bum inside my room! You clearly have no respect for me or my privacy!” He ranted. Addison scoffs.

“Hey! You are the one with no respect here!” PM shot back.


“This!” PM brought out his iPod and showed him a article on it.

Robin’s brows knitted. Addison who also took a glance at the article couldn’t help but be shocked. She snatched the iPod from him.

“No $h|t! Sherlock!!” She frowns going through the article. It was actually a picture of her and Robin at the airport. Though her face wasn’t showing the picture looked like they were hugging. Another like they were kissing. They practically looked like a couple in love.



“What are you doing!” Robin snatched it back from her and scroll down the article.

“Why is this here?” He frowns.

“I should be asking that? Hey I thought you said there was nothing going on between the two of you?” PM asked.

“Me and who?”

“Who else? The lady in the picture of course”

“Who is the lady? I don’t know her”

“Are you kidding me? Hey the whole world now knows you’re dating Viola! Can’t you see it yourself!”

Robin arched his brows.

“I’m not dating her! PM are you blind? How does she looks like her?”

“I may not know about any other thing but…that’s clearly Viola! Her hair is the evidence!!”

“Well she isn’t the only one with coloured hair”

“Yes…I have coloured hair also” Addison said behind him.

Robin glare at her and she kept mute.

“She isn’t someone you should be associating with Bin you know that”

“It says ‘A’ not ‘V’ so don’t just jump into conclusions”

“Exactly…it could also mean ‘Addison’ ” Addison chipped in.

“And who the hell is Addison?”

“Robin are you dating any Addison?”

“I have no idea what’s he’s saying I know no Addison and who the f-__-k is Addison?” He lashed out at Addison who stood perplexed.

“Uh? Ohh…I mean since it’s A it may stand for Addison…or maybe perhaps Anna…Angel…Arabella? Ah!” She snapped her fingers together.

“Antonia!” She said stupidly.

“Just…please shut it” Robin seethes and she zipped her mouth…literally.

“It’s not Viola” he breathe out.

“Then who is it?”

“I don’t know. It’s must be one of those crazy stalkers. She bumped into me and wouldn’t let me go asking for a kiss in return” He lied smoothly.

“That isn’t true!” Addison couldn’t help defending.

“And how would you know! Are you saying I’m making this up right now! Just stay out of this!!” He shot back at her. Addison couldn’t help but scoff fanning herself.

“So? You gave a complete stranger a kiss?”

“I didn’t! Am I crazy? I got rid of her somehow. She was such a psycho”

“I think you’re the psycho here” Addison said behind him again.

“You ain’t part of the discussion so buzz off!”

“Why am I not when it’s all about m_” she stopped.

Robin raised a brow.

“Ugh! Wh@ťěver”

“PM sort this out I don’t want any false speculations about me or else I’ll leave this agency” He declared going out.

PM sighs.

“That brat…” He rubs his temples.

The door opens again and he marched back in.

“Wait! I didn’t come here for that. That bum…wh@ťěver he is. Why was he in my room?” He questioned closely.

“Robin…I was gonna tell you but_”

“No…don’t tell me anything I’m really annoyed right now PM”

“There wasn’t any rooms available except yours so I had no choice”

“Are you kidding me right now! If he needed a place to stay get an hotel or rent an apartment why my d@mn room!”

“Hey he’s now part of you guys…how I can make her stay out”

“What do you mean?”

“The new member”

“He’s the one”

“Who else?”

Robin take a proper look at Addison who glares at him.

“Are you sure he can sing?”

“He wouldn’t be here if he couldn’t. He was the best doing the audition”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“As if you were around. Bin since it’s already like this why don’t you guys share your room_”

“I don’t want to!” He snapped.

“The others are there…he can share with one of them”

“Your room is the biggest!” He sighs out.

“Ash h@ťěs him…” He paused giving Addison a short smile.

“And Fin…you know how he is. He likes being alone”

“So as me. I don’t wanna see him near me. NEVER!!”

“Hey! You requested for a new member now I got one is this how you’re really gonna be?”

“I never said anything about sharing my room or whatnot”

“Then let her use Rush’s room”

“Don’t you dare”

PM sighs.

“So what now! Is he gonna sleep out in the street or what!!”


“Ouch!!!” He turns back to Addison who hit him at the head.


“YES I’M CRAZY! Hey I don’t care if you insult me but don’t you dare talk to him like that. He’s old enough to birth the three you!”

“Did you just hit me?”

“And I’ll do it again if you don’t apologize right now. Was your manners cut along your umbilical cord or what! Your rudeness is at the highest level!”

“PM…what…what is this guy? WHAT IS THIS!!!” Addison hit him again. The PM gasped.

“Apologize” She gritted.



“ALRIGHT I’m…I’m sorry PM that was wrong of me” he apologize slowly.

“Bin! Did…did you just say sorry to me?” PM asked not believing it.

“Pardon him PM he’s just being childish…don’t mind what he said” Addison said also.

“But wait! Why am I doing as you say. Who are you to order me around?”

“You have to apologize when you do wrong. I’m only letting you know that”


“Ugh…my head…” PM mutters slumping on his seat.

“That nut job…” Addison mutters going out also.


“WAIT!! ROBIN!! ROBIN WAIT!!” Addison ran outside the company running after Robin who got on the motorcycle.

He was about igniting the engine but stopped and waited for her. Addison got to him panting heavily. It took some seconds for her to catch her breaths.

Robin point his hand forward to her and she looks at him confused.

“What?” She asked but he says nothing just staring at her. A smile couldn’t help but splayed on her lips. She brought her hand forward and place her palm on his. Biting her lips looking away shyly.

“What are you doing?” He slaps her hand away.

“Helmet” He tapped the helmet on his own head.

“Uh? Ah!” She touch her head to realize she was still wearing the helmet.

“You were talking about this i see…” She removed it.

“Here you go” Robin snatched the helmet from her and before she could say anything, he ignites the engine taking off speedily.

“Is he leaving? Hey…hey! What about me!! You can’t leave me here!! HEY!!!” She stomped her feet on the ground.

“UGH! That pigheaded liar!! How do I get back now!” She lamented panting heavily.

“Hmph! Stupid Robin…you’re not Robin! You’re Rubbish!!” She yelled at no one in particular.

“Aiden?” She heard and look back only to see a lady approaching her.

“Oh! I know you.”

“I’m Jia I manage the guys” Jia smiles at her.


“Come on…I’ll take you home. Follow me”

“Thanks” She mutters following her.


“It’s hard isn’t it?”

“Uh? Ohh…kind of”

“Don’t worry…they’ll accept you as time goes by”

“Why ask for a new member if they were gonna be like this? I don’t understand”

“Cause they probably didn’t plan for it. Things happened so fast that they just had to deal with it as it is”

“Can I ask a question?”

“Go on”

“I’ve heard this twice now…is there another member I don’t know of? Someone with the name Rush?” She asked while Jia only smiles.

“You should go in now. Rest while you can. You’re gonna get busy very soon” She ignored her question.

“That’s isn’t the answer I demand for…” Addison mutters.

“Then I’ll leave now…thanks for dropping me” She got down from the van.

“See you again Aiden” Jia smiles before driving off. Addison sighs.

Walking inside, she had to gasped at the sight that behold her.


Spotting her, Ash stops what he was doing and ran to her.

“Hey! You’re back”

“Why is this place so messy? It wasn’t like this before.”

“It’s messy cause it’s needed to be cleaned up dummy” Ash poke her forehead.


“The housekeeper usually come on Thursdays to clean up the whole house and that’s probably in two days time. We can’t possibly leave the house like this can we?”

“Of course you should clean up”

“No no…not me or any of the guys…but you”

“Me?” She asked and he nodded.

“Why me? I didn’t make it like this”

“Does it matter?” He left her side and went to get the mop stick.

“Here” He gave it to her.

“Make this place sparkly clean…to what it was originally”

“Are you kidding me? I’m aint your maid”

“Hey newbie” Ash steps closer to her poking her forehead.

“If I order you to do something then you just do as you’re told. No talking back…or I might just get angry alright?” He thr_@tens.

Addison close her eyes folding her palms in anger.

“Hold it in…hold it in. Remember you’re doing this for Aiden…don’t ruin it. You can do it. Kicking asses will only get you in more trouble” She said within trying to comport herself.

“Why? You can’t do it? Then leave the group! You’re free to leave anytime” Ash smirk.

Addison looks up and smiles.

“I just need to clean…it’s no big deal” She left his side after grabbing the mop stick. Ash smirks folding his arms.

“Let’s see how long you’ll last”

For over an hour, Addison has been cleaning nonstop. And it seems to be no end for it. As she cleans the house gets messier.

It was as if the world was against her. Ash wouldn’t stop making everything hard for her.

Fin and Bin at the other hand are not doing anything to stop him. Seems they’re enjoying as he bullies her.

Addison groans moving from the kitchen back to the living room. She exhales in frustration to see where she had cleaned just minutes ago untidy again. Fuming, she held unto the mop stick tightly trying to compose herself. She might just blow off any minute soon with the anger building up in her right now.

This suffering seem never ceasing.

For hours she has been cleaning and cleaning only for it to continue getting dirty.

She looks around just to see them all busy with one thing or the other.

Bin was listening to music with his eyes closed.

Ash was making some dance moves while Fin was on his phone. And here she was busy cleaning the whole place up. Exhaused and thirsty.

What do they take her for?

Enough is enough.

A sly smirk spread on her lips, she dropped the mop stick.

A loud thud made Ash stops what he was doing.

“OH, MY GOD!” He shrieked running to Addison who laid flat on the floor.

“Guys guys! I think the newbie is dead” He announced dramatically.

Both snaps their heads up rushing to his side.

“What happened?” Fin asked rather serene.

“What did you do to him Ash?” Bin asked with an accusing tone.

“I…i did nothing! Hey! Hey!! get up!” Ash kicked her leg but she wouldn’t budge.

“Should we just bury him silently. Or we go dump him in the woods when it gets dark? Words mustn’t get out that we ki||ed the newbie we’ll be ruined” Ash said only for Bin to hit his occiput.


“Why we? You bullied him…his death is on you alone”

“Are you being serious right now?”

Fin bent and take a close look at her.

“He’s not breathing” He said after placing a finger on her nostrils.

“He really died? What the f-__-k!”

“Do something! He says he’s not breathing” Bin said to Ash who only scratches his hair in frustration.

“I…I didn’t mean to ki|| him. I only wanna make him suffer for a bit!”

“Now look at where it lands you. Do something” Robin urge him.

“Hey if it’s a girl I would have gladly performed CPR. But him? Ew!” He scrunch his face.

“Then get ready to go to jail. Does that mean I’m gonna lose my dummer” Robin pats his back.

“Robin you’re not helping! Fin can’t you bring him back to life?”

“Cause he’s the saviour?” Robin teased.

“A try wouldn’t be bad” Fin said looking at Addison. The corner of his lips went up a little.

“The saviour has talked what are you gonna do?” Bin asked.

“Resuscitate him” He replied and swiftly, he brought his hands up landing it on her chest.

Addison’s eyes flew opened instantly.

“He’s alive!” Ash squeals in excitement.

Addison looks at Fin who was looking down at her. Her eyes went down to his palms which were still on her chest right on her B-__-bs and she took her eyes back to his. His palms pressed lightly on it making her eyes widened the more.

Both their eyes grew big in their sockets in shock.





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