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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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LOVE AND LIES – Episode 1

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?Written By Hen R ica?

?Mr Nathaniel?

My name is Nathaniel and I am already close to my fifties….I am a multimillionaire and I own different companies scattered all over the state…

I have a cursed wife called Regina and she has been living with me for more than 20 years now….I married Regina out of pity and ever since I brought her into my house, things have been very rough for me…

Regina has three kids now and I h@ťě them so much because they have brought nothing but pains and agony to my life….

I started dating Regina at 27…. Almost all my companies went down because of her….She even had the guts to ki|| my wife….

I have decided to wipe out all her full family from this earth because of what she did to me…. My wife died because of her…

I can still remember the day Stephanie died…. She left our only son elmer in my care but Regina ki||ed him….she ki||ed him….she took away the only joy from me…..Ohhhh….noooooo…had I known…

I can never forgive Regina for what she has done to me….Look at me…already close to my grave but I have no son to inherit all my properties….I sworn to my dead son that I would avenge his death even with the last drop of my blood….

Ever since Elmer died…..Things turned upside down for me and I had no where to run to….My wife left elmer behind with me to suffer with me..I h@ťě Regina so much because she ki||ed my son…she took away my joy giver…I h@ťě her…I h@ťě herrrrr…

(Flash Back)

I came home from work to meet my son Elmer shaking and shivering…I hope his sickness hasn’t resurfaced again….he has been sick for almost a decade now…I don’t really know whats wrong with him….lord help me…

Elmer…whats wrong?…why are you shaking?”I asked while my son held me tight and said”

Fa…father…its that..that witch..she had…had…the guts to beat me…she layed her duty hands on me”he said stammering”

What the heck?….Are you sure she beat you because there’s no way she can try that nonsense or else she wants me to send her parking “I said angrily”

Father…fa…father…I….I….fa…fa”he said but couldn’t finished what he was saying because he fell down and fainted…noooooo…elmer…..

I rushed him to the hospital but before we could get there…. He died…..elmerrrrr….noooooooo….

(Back To real)

After elmer died…I started having scary dreams…I always saw my daed wife…..Ever since he died…my life hasn’t remained the same…..oh lord…help meeee…I am dieng…….

The three reasons why I h@ťě Regina so Much because one,she keeps denieing that she ki||ed my only son….two she don’t want to leave my house and three she gave birth to only girls….I h@ťě her so much…and that’s the more reason why I am always visiting the brotel to get ashawo to sleep with….

I have a main segz partner and her name is Cordelia… I love her so much because she’s the only woman that has made me feel like a man….without Cordelia in my life,I am nothing…. Cordelia has brought me nothing but joy….

Cordelia is the air I breath and no man can take her away from me beaches she’s mine…her body and soul belongs to meeeee…i made her have an oath with me so no f-__-king man can take her away from me….HAHAHAHHAAHA…


I just got back from the brotel… life had been myserble ever since the death of my son….i dont know whats happening because i am now very useless to myself…gosh…

my dead wife has been hunting me….she said she won’t rest until I ki|| Regina….I don’t think i would be able to do that because I have already ki||ed Regina’s family….HAHAHAHA….

Yes…I ki||ed them and i won’t rest till I ki|| Regina’s bastard children… Yessssss…..




I rushed straight to Regina’s room and met her the same way I left her….she is more or less my slave….no body I mean no one can take her away from me because her body and soul belongs to no one else but meeeeee….hahahaha….

Let me gooooooo….let me go you beast”she screamed while I laughed hysterically”

Hahahaha…..Regina you belong to me….you are mineeeee”I said angrily ”

What else do you want from me Nathaniel?.. Huh?….after ki||ing my family… You still had the guts to keep me here as your slave….you are a beast…you are a bastard!”she said and I smiled bitterly”

Shut the f-__-k up you coward!….what do you take me for?…a fool or what?…after ki||ing my wife And son…you still had the guts to open your rotten mouth to talk….you shall die Regina…you must dieeee”I screamed and rushed to her then I started strangling her…..she has to die because she has brought nothing but pains into my life….

Leave me aloneeeeeeee……ahhhhhh”she screamed while I brought out the dagger I hid in my pocket ”

This is the time for you to die Regina…I shall ki|| you and feed your body to the vultures”I said angrily and stabbed her neck with the dagger”

Ahhhhhhhhhh”she screamed in pains as blood gushed out from her neck”

I h@ťě you Regina…I h@ťě youuuuu”I screamed and stormed out of the house…..noooooooooooo…..Please Stephanie forgive me…..I wasn’t the one that ki||ed your son…please forgive meeeeeee….gosh….



I am Cordelia…..I am 35 years old….I am an orphan so I have no one to care for….I lost my parent when I was just 20 and life became very rough for Me…

I had to join a bad gang to feed myself… The wild girls there introduced me to prostitution and I became a classic ashawo….. I had plenty customers because of my big Břě@šťs and big nyash….

I later met a guy called derik and he said he loved me…we got married and had a son but my best friend ki||ed them…

My friend Regina ki||ed my son and made my husband run mad…. Noooooo…she took away the people that gave me joy……I promised my son to avenge his death and that I must fulfill…..

I have decided to ki|| Regina and her family the same way she ki||ed mine…yessssss….

I succeeded in seducing her useless husband so i infected him with my venom…Hahahaha….I made a love portion with the blood from my V@ģĭń@ and since then, Nathaniel has loved me unconditionally….

Regina even had the guts to$h00t

All I want now Is to get rid of Regina and her bastard kids….yessssss……HAHAHAHAHHAHA…..



Please….please don’t go yet…..please help meeeeeee”I screamed as blood gushed out from my whole body….


Ever since I got married to my husband….my life has been a living hell…..I mistakenly ki||ed his son and that’s the only reason why he decided to turn me into a living dead…..ahhhhhh….

He ki||ed my family and turned me into his slave…..I just wish death can take me away because Nathaniel has brought nothing but agony to my life….

Lord help me…please…I am rotting away….noooooo…..


I was still in tears when the door opened and my husband rushed in again angrily ”

Please don’t hurt me….just let me goooooo”I said weakly but he ignored me and rushed to where I was lying down”

Shut the hell up bastard before I tear you into pieces…. “He said as tears ran down my cheeks…

“Let me gooooooooooooo” I screamed in serious pains but he ignored me and tore off my clothes that was already soaked with blood…..He Used his dagger and stabbed me on my belle….ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh……..noooooooooooooooooo

“You…….you….you…….ahhhhhhhhhhh”I said in serious pains….

“Hahahahha….it’s done…its doneeeee”The beast said as blood pumped out from my stomachhhhhh……

“Let….let…let”I said but couldn’t finish my statements because…. I….I….I…I passed out….


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