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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HUGS & KISSES – Episode 17

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(Alex And Abbie…)


By, Ariel Mirabel


✮(ℑ ???? ℑ ???? ???)✮

Alex leaned on his car and looked down. The
sky was starting to get gloomy, signalling it’s
going to rain any minute from now.

“It’s my fault..” He thought and entered his car
then began driving back home.

He was driving back home but his mind wasn’t
even with himself. His phone began ringing and
he looked at it to see it was from Rudy.

He sighed and looked front. Then he began
recalling the first day he saw Abbie.

Though she had an angry look on her face
because of Blaire, he could have sworn she was
the prettiest girl he has ever seen and he
immediately picked interest in her.

When she rejected him, his ego couldn’t take it
so he decided to get back at her so as to mask
the pain he felt when she rejected him.

They continued bickering each other and
strangely he grew fond of their fights. He could
have sworn that his heart skipped a beat when
he pinned her on his bed during the night they
had to do their project but he shrugged it off.

Now this unfortunate event happened and it
brought them closer and he got to know her
more better..

It took him all his self control to mask up his
anger with an “I don’t care” look when Abbie
found out about Lucas playing with her..

And now she’s having plans of leaving his life
just like that?? Forever??

Is this a way for life to pay him for all the hearts
he has broken??

“No…” Alex said and made a U-turn then took
the road Abbie’s car took and he began driving
at a furious pace.

He was still driving with the hope of catching
the car before it reached the airport..

5 minutes later, the car began slowing down till
it stopped. Alex checked to see the fuel tank
was empty.

“$h|t!! Not now!!” Alex hissed and got down the

He began running on foot.. He kept running and
running and the rain began falling but that
didn’t stop him.

He tripped and fell, bruising his knee but still
stood up and continued running aimlessly..

The rain badly drenched him and the bandage
on his wounded arm was badly soaked too but
he cared less..


Abbie stared blankly at the car window as the
rain water splashed on it. Blaire kept blabbering
on and on but she was less concerned as the
car headed to the airport..

Abbie sighed..

She doesn’t know how nor when it happened
but she strangely began liking spending time
with Alex.

She wouldn’t call it love because after what
Lucas did to her poor heart, she wasn’t sure she
will love again

Let’s just say it’s attraction or maybe crush she
feels for Alex.

She doesn’t even know when that started but
she just found herself constantly wanting to be
with him. Out of jealousy, she blocked all the
numbers of Alex’s f_ckmates on his phone.

At one point she began questioning herself if
the love she had for Lucas was really that

Maybe that’s why she was able to forgive him
(Lucas) in her heart though.

Abbie looked front in the car and began
imagining her life. How will her life be when she
goes back to Korea.

Yes, it’s true she has lots of friends there and
her other family but will she really feel free with
her friends the way she feels with them here.

And Alex…

“No.. I can’t do this” Abbie muttered

“Huh?” Blaire looked up from her phone.

“Driver stop the car now!” Abbie ordered and the
driver abruptly stopped the car.

“Babe what are-”

Abbie opened the car door and suddenly dashed
out of the car, running in the rain..



Alex didn’t stop running though his speed
greatly reduced. He stumbled for the third time
and fell on the floor, breathing tiredly.

“Abbie…” He heaved out, breathing heavily.


He swiftly looked up to see Abbie standing in
front of him, completely drenched in the rain

He immediately stood up and they began
starring at each other… The rain still pouring on


“Abbie, let me explain things to you… Yes, I
agree.. I was hellbent on being the one to pop
your cherry and you can call me a jerk for that,
call me a fóol, idíot and all of that I agree… But
that was before all these happened.. Me getting
close to you isn’t because of that but because,,
because,, because…” Alex sighed when the word
didn’t want to come out of his mouth.

He isn’t really good at expressing how he felt

“Because?..” Abbie slowly said, hoping he’ll say
what she really wishes to hear.

“Because,, as time went on I began getting more
and more entrapped with you.. You lived in my
mind all day long, a day spent without isn’t a
day worth living, you occupy my thoughts
completely and I can’t imagine how my life will
be if you leave, it’s today I realized how addicted
I became to your presence, our little fights,
bickering, everything I became so addicted to
you… You caught me in a love web in which I
don’t ever wanna escape. I fell head over heels
for you Abbie. I think,, no I know I love you…
Brat” Alex said breathlessly.

Abbie just stared at him as a tear unknowingly
slip out of her eyes.

She was really caught off guard by his
confession that her heart couldn’t stop racing.
Never in her wildest dream will she have
imagined her enemy falling for her.

“Abbie, I know I’m not perfect… I’m far away
from perfection but I’m for real. I really love you”

“But Blaire..” Abbie muttered.

“I don’t love her and I’ll never will… I can’t force it
when my heart choose you” Alex said.

“I know you don’t love me.. But just give me a
chance to show to you how much I mean
everything I just said.”

Abbie took his hand and placed it on her chest.

“Please don’t break me… I won’t take it a second
time” She said.

“I swéar on my life”

Abbie smiled and immediately hugged him
tightly. Alex smiled and hugged her back.

They both completely forgot they were still
standing under the rain.

Alex broke the hug and cupped her cheek with
their nose brushing against each other. Abbie
closed her eyes and like that, their lips met

Just like the first time they kissed, both felt
sparks all over their body as they devoured each
other’s lips slowly, their hearts hammering
loudly against it’s ribcage.

Alex clutched tightly onto Abbie’s waist and he
dipped his hands into her wet long hairs as he
bit on her lower lips.

She opened up and he probed his tongue into
her mouth, relishing on the sweetness of her

“Alex…” Abbie Mõ@ɲed out and Alex broke the
kiss to look at her cute face.

Abbie smiled and raised her hand to touch his
handsome face. At last, they’re back to their
original bodies..

So that was what the shaman meant by the
answer lies in them?

“Told you I’m the best kisser right?” Alex
smirked naughtily and Abbie chuckled then
hugged him

Abbie hugged him back, resting her head on his
broad chest.

“I’ll make everything possible for you to love me.
.. Just the same way I do” Alex kissed her hair.


Abbie smiled as she watched Alex sleep. He
was holding her slender body onto him as if she
was going to run away as he slept.

Abbie began admiring his handsome sleeping
face and she began wondering how could
someone as sinfully perfect as Alex could fall
for someone like her..

Abbie’s gaze went to his Șëx¥ pink lips which
was slightly parted and she licked her lips.

“I’m still waiting for my wake-up kiss” He said
with his eyes still closed.

Abbie chuckled and pecked his lips before he
finally opened his eyes.

“How was your night?” Abbie asked.

“More than perfect with you in my arms” Alex
smiled and hugged her closer.

“I was just wondering something” Alex said and
Abbie looked at him.

“What?” She asked

Alex smiled

“Does your leg hurt from running through my
mind all night??” He whispered.

Abbie immediately flushed red like a tomatoes.
She pushed him away, trying to hide the blush
on her face.

“So Ç0çƙy!” Abbie said while Alex laughed.

He turned her face to him then pecked her lips..

“I’ll be in the kitchen. Freshen up and come” He
smiled then stood up and left the room.

Abbie’s gaze followed him till he left completely.
She fell on the bed and hugged her body, feeling
so happy to be back to her original self.

All these still seem like a dream which she is
just waking up from..

Her eyes widened when she remembered she
didn’t spend the night at home.

“f-__-k!” Abbie quickly took her phone and turned
it on. Luckily it was waterproof if not it wouldn’t
have survived the rain..

“$h|t!! 15 missed calls!!”


Four girls could be seen walking while
discussing and laughing. They were putting on
their school uniforms so one could tell they
were going to school..

“How was your night?? I went clubbing with my
boyfriend!” One said and the other three gushed.

They kept discussing till a van stopped in front
of them. It opened and out it came Rex with four
of his men.

The girls abruptly stopped.

“Can we help you sir?”

“Of course, we’ll like you to quietly enter the van
and stay quiet as we kidnap you” Rex smiled,
bringing out his gun immediately..

The girls began backing out and they made to
run but bumped into his men.

“You heard boss… In the van!” One of them
brought out the gun..

The girls made to scream and run but they
immediately closed their mouths and they
began struggling while crying.

Rex’s eyes landed on a girl with strawberry
blonde hair. He smirked as he watched the
horrified expression on her face.

He ran his gun from her face to her br**sts..

“Reserve me this one.. I wanna have fun with
her” He said and the men nodded, taking the
girls in the van.

He smirked and entered the van which
eventually drove off.


Abbie came downstairs, wearing a set of
clothes which Alex ordered.

She sat down on the dining table and Alex
placed the food on the table..

“What are you gonna do? I mean will you go
home or to school?” Alex asked, sitting beside

“To school.. I’ll go home and explain everything
to my family” Abbie said.

“Wait,, by everything you mean us switching
bodies?” Alex asked and she nodded.

“I don’t know how to líe to them” Abbie pouted.

“Hope they believe you. I’m also thinking of
coming over and letting them know about us”
Alex said and Abbie swiftly looked at him.

“What!! No!!” Abbie exclaimed loudly and Alex

“But why?” He pouted.

“Let’s start slowly okay??” Abbie pinched his

“But I want to let the whole world know that
you’re mine” Alex pouted.

Abbie chuckled and pecked his cheek

“Just give me time okay?” Abbie said and Alex
finally smiled then nodded.

He cut a piece of his meat and faced Abbie.

“Open up” Alex said and she shook her head.

“I.. I’m on a diet,, I only eat veggies” She said.

“But why?” Alex asked.

“I.. I’ve gained weight and I don’t wanna look
ugly” She looked down.

“Heart…” Alex cupped her cheek.

“You’re not ugly, not at all… You’re the prettiest
girl I’ve ever seen and honestly to me it doesn’t
matter if you gain weight or not because I fell
for who you are not for how you look… You’ll
always remain the prettiest to me” Alex said

“Awwn” Abbie blushed and hugged him..

“Never knew you were romantic…jerk” She said
and Alex laughed lightly.

“Now will you eat?” He asked and she nodded

They began feeding each other while smiling
and chuckling.


Abbie got to school and smiled widely.. Feels so
good to be in school but this time as Abbie, not

She began heading to her ward while humming
a song to herself as she walked..

“Yay!!!!!!” She screamed loudly and people
began looking at her, wondering why she’s so

Today, they just have one lecture and Alex left
before her.

She began heading to her building when
someone pulled her to a corner and pushed her
harshly, she almost fell.

She looked up to see it was Violet glaring at her.

“Just when I thought my day will be peaceful”
Abbie rolled her eyes.

“I’m here to give you one last warning.. Stay
away from Alex if you know what’s good for
you” Violet said.

Abbie chuckled but that was short lived. Her
face immediately became serious.

“What if I don’t?” She asked.

“Then you won’t like what will come your way.
You’re just like a piece of $h|t in front of me..”
Violet said.

“I don’t know why my middle finger just gets a
boner everytime I see you. Bet your brain feels
as good as new, seeing that you never use it.”
Abbie said boringly.

Violet’s eyes widened. No one has dared
insulted her that way..

“What!! How dare you!!” Violet raised her hand
and slapped Abbie.

Abbie touched her cheek and smiled. Without
wasting time she gave Violet two consecutive

Her hair started all over her face.

Abbie pulled her by the hair and she winced.

“This will help you alot” Abbie dipped her hand
in her handbag and brought out a small bottle
of glue.

Violet’s eyes widened when she began applying
it on Violet’s mouth. Her mouth immediately
gummed together.

“Here,, with this you’ll spare humanity from the
infectious odor coming out of there..” Abbie
smiled cutely.

“Bye cutie!” Abbie blew her kisses and walked

Violet kept trying to open her but it couldn’t. She
kept screaming and shouting madly that her
face even began turning red but nothing came



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