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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HUGS & KISSES – Episode 15

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(Alex And Abbie…)


By, Ariel Mirabel



Abbie froze at what she saw.. Her hands
instantly began trembling.

“No..” It came out as a whisper as her lips began

In front of her, Lucas and Della with Lucas
ramming Della’s hole as if they was no
tomorrow. He took in one of her Ɲīpplës in his
mouth and began sucking on it.

“f_ck babe! I love you!!” Della Mõ@ɲed out and
slammed her lips on Lucas’s own.

Lucas lowered his hand and began rubbing her
throbbing ćƖĩť, she shuddered under his touch…

Della felt another presence in the room and she
turned to see Alex (Abbie) staring at them with
teary eyes.

“Babe, your brother” Della called and Lucas
stopped his business to look at Abbie.

The calm and always cheerful look he always
gave off was completely gone as it was
replaced with a frown and bad boy look.

“What are you doing here? Don’t you see I’m
busy with my girlfriend??” Lucas raised a brow.

Abbie choked more on the silent tears
cascading down her eyes.

“G.. Girlfriend?”

“Why are you acting dúmb! Not like it’s the first
time of you seeing us in the act” Lucas rolled
his eyes.

More tears poured down Abbie’s eyes as she felt
her heart break, bleed uncountable times.. This
man in front of him…

Abbie clenched her fists and made to advance.


“Abbie” Alex held her hand.

Lucas’s eyes widened and he immediately
pushed Della off him.

“Babe.” He called but Alex wasn’t looking his

Della smiled widely, expecting Abbie(Alex) to
break down in tears but she never did.

Actually the plan was that Abbie catches them
in the act because Estella upon searching the
phone saw some old chats of Lucas and Abbie,
how they talked romantically and also some
pictures of them kissing..

“Babe, I can explain… I was weak and-”

“Not a single word from you or else I’ll use your
face as a sketchbook” Alex warned, not sparing
him a glance.

“Abbie let’s leave..” Alex whispered to her.

Abbie looked at them for awhile. She tore her
gaze from them before leaving the room.

Alex looked at both..

“It’s with great joy I announce to you that,, I’m
breaking up with you. f_ck off!” Alex gave him
the middle finger before leaving.

Della frowned.

“Why did she not cry?” She began wondering..

“Babe..” Della held the sheet to her body and
made to touch him.

“Don’t touch me!!” Lucas pushed her off and
stormed angrily in the bathroom..


The wind blew on both their hair as they sat
there with Alex staring at the vaste water body
and Abbie crying her eyes out..

Alex sighed.. He immediately understood it was
a setup for Abbie to catch Lucas in the act and
when he remembered Abbie said she’ll sleep in
the mansion, he immediately left to prevent her
from seeing the heartbreaking scene but it was
too late

Alex groaned when she kept crying non stop.

“Can you stop crying.. That idíot isn’t worth your
tears” Alex said..

“I can’t believe he’ll be able to do such thing to
me… I,, I love him with everything in me.. When
he asked me to keep our relationship a secret, I
did!! I was even ready to give off my body to
him. I thought he loved me!” Abbie cried.

Her face was so red due to the tears..

“So he asked you to keep your relationship a
secret? Wow.. Actually Della and Lucas have
been dating since highschool, their relationship
is no secret to the school and even to our
parents…” Alex said and Abbie’s eyes widened..

“So,, he.. He was playing a fóol out of me!! He
was using me??”

“Kinda, haven’t you ever wondered why I don’t
like him even if we’re related?? It’s because he’s
two faced, always acting like a saint and I hàte
such people..” Alex said.

Abbie sniffed and cleaned her tears..

“You knew he was just playing with me,, why
didn’t you warn me?”

“If I did would you have believed me? You would
have think it was just a way of me to get to your
pant” Alex shrugged.

Abbie nodded and looked at sea.

All the memories she spent with Lucas came
flashing in her mind, how she was so happy
when she first met him, all the sweet words he
kept telling her.

It broke her heart even more when she realized
he was just faking it.. Everything was fake!!

She broke down into another round of tears

Alex sighed and slowly pulled her in for a hug.
She hugged him back as her tears dampened
the crop top he had on.

She cried for some minutes till she fell asleep.
He placed her head on his thigh and began
running his hand through her hair.

“Never knew I was this handsome while
sleeping” He muttered and looked up at the
stars and the mighty moon which looked close
and big due to the reflection of the it on the sea.

“Love… It’s super sweet yet so bitter and sour..
I’m not ready for that $h|t” Alex muttered
though deep down he knew he didn’t meant the
last phrase.

He suddenly thought of someone and quickly
shook his head.

“I’ve always known I’m cràzy but this is the
height of it.. Upon all girls it had to be her” He
said and chuckled at how stupid he is…

“I can’t let it grow,, it’ll fade off. I need to kíll it”
Alex muttered and looked back at Abbie
sleeping on his thigh.


Estella walked in the hospital while smiling. She
went straight to the doctor’s office and knocked
on it.

Unknown to her that Rudy discreetly followed
her. Lately, she has been skipping lectures so
out of worry, he followed her..

“Come in”

She walked in and the doctor gestured her to sit
which she did..

“Doctor, I’ve succeeded in gathering 2 millions,
can you start the treatment.. I’ll keep paying
after every three weeks” Estella said.

Luckily for her these days, the rich men of the
town requested for her service and they paid her
huge money.

The doctor sighed. He really admires this lady in
front of him, the devotion and determination
she has is really something to admire and he
wish he could help but her he doesn’t have the

“Miss, we need the sum in totality and not in
installment” He said softly.

“Oh..” Estella sighed.

“Do you at least know any job I can do that’ll
pay me huge money? I’m willing to do it..”
Estella said.

“I don’t but I’ll search for it, once I find it.. I’ll
contact you” The doctor said.

Estella nodded with a forced smiled. She stood
up a did a short bow before leaving his office.

With a sad face, she went to her sister’s ward
and stood outside, looking at her sister through
the glassy wall..

She sighed and turned to leave but bumped on
a hard chest..

She looked up to see it was Rudy.

“You again? Now you’re a stalker??” Estella

“Why didn’t you tell me your sister has brain
tumor?” Rudy asked.

Estella bit her lips.. So he found out…

“It’s none of your business” Estella said.

Rudy grabbed her wrists and began dragging
her to a direction.

“Hey! What are you doing! Let me go!” Estella
kept struggling till he stopped infront of a

“How can I help you sir?” The attendant asked.

“There’s a girl of the surname Davis in this
hospital,, I want to settle her bills” Rudy said,
placing his black card on the counter and
Estella’s eyes widened.


“On it sir” The attendant smiled and left..

“What.. Why are you doing it for me??” Estella
stuttered, everything was happening so fast it
felt like a dream to her.

Rudy looked at her and raised a brow..

“You love asking questions which you know the
answer.. It’s because..” He paused and leaned to
her ear..

“I.. Love.. You” He whispered slowly.

“Here’s your card sir” The lady handed it to him.

“The bills are settled right?” He asked and she

“Good, make sure you start the treatment as
soon as possible” He said and faced Estella
who was just starring at him with wide eyes..

“I.. I… Ru…” She kept stammering.

“I have to go,, see you in school.. Also you look
more pretty without makeup on” Rudy smiled
and waved before leaving.

Estella starred at his retreating figure, she didn’t
even know when a drop of tear fell from her


“Today’s therapy was so tiring, don’t you think?”
Whitney stretched her hands as they walked in
the living room.

“Yeah, it was.”

“The doctor said I’m slowly improving” Whitney

“I can see that, you’re starting to talk maturely”
Julian ruffled her hair and she hugged him

Julian smiled and hugged her back…

“Lian, what does it mean when your heart beats
cràzily fast when you’re close to someone and
you always like spending time with the person,
to you the person is perfect despite the person’s
flaws.. What does it mean huh?” Whitney looked
up at him, blinking cutely.

“It’s either hunger was dealing with you or you’re
in love” Julian pinched her nose..

Whitney touched her nose..

“You think so? Could it be love?” She asked

“Yeah, wait.. Don’t tell me you’re in love??”
Julian raised a brow

Whitney immediately flushed red.

“What! No! Not at all!,, I was just asking for..for…
for Abbie!! Yes, for Abbie!!” Whitney said.

“Huh? Abbie?” Julian asked and Whitney

“Alright I’ll be in my room. Need to freshen up”
Julian said.

Whitney jumped on his back immediately.

“Carry me to my room Lian” Whitney pouted.

Julian smiled and balanced her well on his back
before going upstairs..

“Such a baby..”


“Almost there,, yes..yes.. Yay!! I’ve won!!” Abbie
exclaimed and stuck out her tongue at Alex.

“It’s because I didn’t eat well today” Alex rolled
his eyes.

Well he actually let her win..

Well this past weeks took a huge toll on Abbie
but thankfully Alex was there to cheer her up in
his annoying kind of way.

Lucas have been trying to talk to Abbie (Alex)
but since the public doesn’t know of their
relationship so he’s keeping his distance.

Abbie’s phone suddenly beeped and she
brought it out..

“Finally” She smiled.

“What??” Alex asked..

“Oh, I asked someone to help me look for
someone who deals with magic and all and he
just sent me the info of one” Abbie said and
opened it.

Alex came closer to see..

Their eyes widened at once when they saw the
face of the person.

“This is the old man we saw at the supermarket”
The chorused

“Could he be responsible for what happened to
us?” Alex asked.

“Only one way to find out…” Abbie said and they
both left the building to the location sent to


“Is it where he stays?? It looks so old?” Abbie
muttered when they got down the taxi

They began heading to the small house which
was almost collapsing. Alex knocked.

Someone opened the door and it was an elderly

“Good morning ma’am” They both greeted.

“My husband have been waiting for you” She
said and made way for them to enter..

Abbie and Alex went in and the elderly woman
led them to a small room. The painting of the
room already faded and the shaman could be
seen sitting on a mat, meditating.

He smiled and opened his eyes.

“Nice meeting you again Alexander and Abigail”
He said.

They wanted to ask how he knew their name
but it was nothing surprising compared to what
has happened to them till now.

“Please, have a seat” He said and they both
nodded and sat beside him.

The old woman served them tea in antique cups
which they accepted and took a sip from it

“Ask your questions now, I’m all ears…” He said..

“We know you’re the one who pulled this trick on
us and we came here to ask you to please
reverse it” Abbie said.

The shaman smiled.

“I can’t” He said and the cup almost fell from
Alex’s hand.


“Yes, I can’t reverse the spell because the
solution lies in you two” He said.

“Us.. How?” Alex and Abbie exchanged glances.

“Up to you two to find out..” The shaman said..

Abbie sighed and forced a smile.

“Thanks alot, we’ll take our leave” She said and

Alex stood too, they both bowed and began
heading to the exit..

“Son?” He called and Alex turned.

“Follow you heart and save her..” He said while
smiling and Alex furrowed his brow as he left

“What did you do to those lovebirds? Huh? You
tricky old man!” Her wife scolded and he

“But you love me like that”


“Think I should start getting used to living your
life forever.” Abbie said, slowly loosing hope.

“Well it’s not bad, at least you’ll never leave me”
Alex mumbled.

“Huh? What did you say?”

“Huh? Nothing!!” Alex said and began reflecting
on her what the shaman said.

“Is Abbie in danger??” He thought and looked at

They were still walking when suddenly a bike
was spotted driving furiously towards them.
Two person was in the bike. One was driving
while one brought out a gun from his pocket
and aimed it at Abbie (thinking it’s Alex)

Alex’s eyes widened…

“Abbie!!” He screamed and immediately hugged
her just when the gunshot was fired.

His eyes widened when it took him..

“$h|t! We missed the target!!” The bike driver
hissed as they immediately drove off..

Abbie’s eyes widened when Alex fell in her arms.



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