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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE MAFIA LORD – Episode 17

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The Mafia Lord
Written by Princess Juliet
Episode 30
Leaving Russia
Troy PoV
“Are you alright man?”. Andy asked on our
drive back home
“Yes”. I grunted
“What really happened in there?”.he asked, i
bet Diego would be rotting in hell
“No”.i drawled
“What do you mean by no?”. he asked with an
arched eyebrow
“The bastard wasn’t in there “
“d@mn”.he cursed , what will you do about it?
“I don’t know “
I glanced at June through the rear mirror, she
looked dazed
“Are you alright?”. I asked her
I drove into the big compound and parked in
front …
I alighted from the car and helped June with
the car door
“Thank”. She muttered giving me a small
“Are you sure you are alright? I asked , did he
hurt you?
“Did he touch you?”
“No”.she replied and I sighed in relief …
I held her hands as we walked into the sitting
“Troy”. Montes called , I am glad you are safe .
How are you miss?”. he asked facing June
“Fine”. she replied , I just need to rest . Can we
go to the room please?
“Sure”. I replied
I bade them goodnight before climbing up the
stairs with June….
June Kansas
I fell on the bed immediately we got into the
room, i was tired and at the same time scared.
“What could have happened if Troy had not
come for me?
I thought about the explosion and shuddered
in fright, it was really a terrible sight…
“What is going on in your mind?”. Troy asked
joining me on the bed, he was shirtless and I
swallowed hard staring at tattoo chest
“Nothing”. I replied
“Then why is your face gloomy?
“I am fine”
“June “. he called staring directly at me, what
is wrong?
“I am scared Troy”. I replied sobbing, afraid
that something bad with happen to us, afraid
that Diego will want to ki|| you , afraid that……
“It is going be alright June”. he assured
hugging me, I won’t let anything happen to you .
“ Troy. I called
“yes baby”
“Thanks for coming to save me”
“It is nothing”.he replied, i won’t let you get
“ when are we leaving?”. I asked
“When do you want us to?” he asked
“Tomorrow morning “. I replied and he nodded

Diego Salvador
I sat on the sofa reading a magazine and
I glanced at the wall clock, it was already past
“Why are they taking so long? Is Troy making
a fuss over the document? Is he having a
I heard a knock on the door
“Come in” I drawled
I gasped in shock when my lawyer walked in
covered in dirt….
“What is wrong?”. I asked in alarm
“I jjjjjjjjusssttttt”. he stammered
“Are you dumb?. I yelled , what happened to
you? Where is Reid? Where is the girl? Did Troy
sign the document? Is he dead?”. I rushed the
“Burnt”. he replied panting
“Burnt? What do you mean by that? Who got
burnt?”. I asked confusedly
“The ware house exploded with every one in
it?”. he replied, I just barely escaped
“What!!!”. I exclaimed standing on my feet, My
warehouse got burnt? You mean my life got
“What?”. he asked giving me a puzzled look, I
said your ware house
“Shut up”. I barked at him . What of the girl?
“Troy escaped with her”. he replied
“What?”. I yelled in anger, did he sign the
“Yes he did”
“Then where is it?”. I asked
“It got burnt”. he replied
I looked at him and scoffed . Do you mean I
lost everything
He bowed his head without saying anything
“Answer me?”. I yelled
“Yyyyeeews”. he stammered
“Arrrrrrrhh”. I screamed in rage . Troy played a
fast one on me, that bastard fooled me…
I will ki|| the bastard before he leaves my


Troy Daniels

I headed downstairs the next morning after I
freshened up
I met Andy smoking in the sitting room
“Morning Troy”. he greeted as soon as he saw
“What of Montes ?”. I asked looking around
“he is fixing the car”. he replied..
“Good “. I muttered sitting on the sofa
opposite him
“ Are we leaving this morning?”. he asked
“Yeah”. I replied, We will leave as soon as
June comes down
“How is she ? he asked, did Diego hurt her?”
“No”. I replied,
“ what will you do about Diego?”. he asked
“ I will ki|| h…….:..I stopped when I saw June
coming down the stairs
“What were you both talking about?”. She
“Nothing”. I replied
“But I saw ………
“Are you ready?. I asked cutting her short
“Yes”. She drawled
“Fine. I muttered standing up
I held her hands as we walked out of the sitting
room with Andy following behind…
“We got outside and met Montes warming the
“Morning. he greeted smiling
“Montes “. I called , is the car ready?
“Yes boss”. he replied
We all got into the car as Montes who was on
the wheel drove off .
“What is wrong?”. I asked June on our way to
the airport, she looked worried
“I am worried about Sara”.she replied, I just
hope she is fine
She will be fine”. I assured her
We got to the airport and alighted from the car
Montez bade us Bye before driving off
We walked into the airport and a lady ran to
welcome us
“Come this way please”. She said leading us
to the private Jet
“Is the pilot………… I stopped when a car pulled
up in front of us and Diego stepped out
“Troy”. June called in fear
“I will handle it”. I assured pulling her behind
“Troy”. Diego called laughing, how are you
“ what do you want?”. I asked
“ I want you dead”. he replied pulling out his
“You can’t do this here”.the lady said , keep
your gun or I will call the cops”. She warned
“How dare you talk to me”. Diego said pointing
the gun to lady
“Let us settle this somewhere else Diego”. I
pleaded, this is a public place ..
“Crazy”. the lady muttered and tried running
when Diego pulled his trigger and shot her dead
The airport immediately became rowdy as
people ran around in helter skelter
“ what did you just do?”. I yelled at him , are
you crazy?
“ Crazy? he asked laughing. Of course I am,
you made me crazy
“Troy. Andy called moving closer to me ,
should I $h00t?
“No we can’t”. I replied
“What should we do?”.he asked
“Just safe June no matter what”. I replied
“Are you done discussing?”.Diego asked
pointing the gun at me
“None of your business”. I replied,
“You ruined me Troy”. he yelled, I will ki|| you
“Then do it”. I yelled , ki|| me and let the others
He pulled the trigger and Andy jumped from
behind as the bullet hit him
“Annnddddddy”. I screamed as he fell to the
ground bleeding..
“Andy”. I called bending to hold him, please
stay with me
“he is just a loyal dog”. Diego teased laughing
“Bastard”.i cursed
“June”.i called looking at her, she was
sobbing. You need to get out of here
“I can’t leave you”. She said clutching to my
“Leave “.i yelled but she shook her head and
fell to the floor crying
“d@mn”. I cursed
I was about to pull out my gun when I heard
gunshots and Diego dropped to the floor dead .
I looked behind me and saw two Russians
police running towards us and I heard June
sighed in relief
“Are you okay?”. one of them asked
“Call the ambulance. I yelled, please call the

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