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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE MAFIA LORD – Episode 16

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The Mafia Lord
Written by Princess Juliet
Episode 28&29
Russia again
June PoV
I woke up feeling nauseous. My heads were
spinning and I felt like I was floating
“ where am I?”: I wondered , Am I on the air?.
I looked around and met the gaze of a man
dressed in blank and the memories of what
happened to me flashed back
“Sara”. I called sobbing, I pray she is safe
“ what is wrong?”.the man asked staring
directly at my face
“ My friend, I want to see my friend”. I yelled
“ she is alright”. he assured me
“Alright?”. I asked, how can she be alright?
you shot her
“ I didn’t $h00t her in a vital spot”. he
drawled , she is a true friend
I looked at him and scoffed. You are a
“Really?”. he asked . I am not a monster ,
your boyfriend is
“ don’t dare call Troy a monster “. I warned
“ but he is”. he replied calmly. Do you know
how many people he ki||ed without feelings?he
is heartless and you know that
I immediately became quiet. he was kinda
right. I remembered the look on Troy face when
the car exploded, I remembered his look when I
caught him trying to $h00t a man which he later
did, it was emotionless……
“ what are you thinking about?”. he asked
“Nothing”. I replied, Am I on a plane? I asked
looking around
“A private Jet”: he corrected
“What!!!. Where are you taking me to?”.I
asked in alarm
“Russia”. he replied
Steph PoV

I zipped the big travelling bag and rolled it
out of my room
I ignored the curious stares of the student
around and hurriedly walk towards the hostel
I soon got to the front of the hostel gate and
flagged down a taxi
“Ontario Airport “.I called as I got in
The taxi man nodded and drove off
“June is really an idiot, how could she believe
I really wanted to be her friend after the way
Troy treated me like trash because if her,After i
was mocked by the whole school for being a
No one cared to help on that day. I sat on the
floor curled up in shame as most students
laughed and made mockery of me..
With tears flowing down my eyes , I dragged
myself to my feet and limped heading to my
I was close to the room when a black car
suddenly pulled in front of me and a man
stepped out. he introduced himself as Reid and
promised to deal with whosoever made me that
We became friends and I was happy someone
sincerely cared for me not until he told me his
intentions of getting Troy down. I was scared at
first but he promised me I won’t get hurt ….
He instructed me to invite June over to Petra
club but I couldn’t because June hardly in her
room , she was always with Troy. Reid got mad
when I explained to him and he hit me hard.
I became scared but it was too late back off. I
decided to make use of Sara, I lied to her that I
was having a club party and urged her to come
along with June. Sara was a party freak and I
knew she was going to persuade June…
“ we are here”.The driver informed
I looked out of the car and smiled when I saw
the inscription of Ontario Airport written boldly
on the gigantic building..
I paid the man and got out of the car…..
I rolled the big travelling bag headed for inside
and stopped when i saw Andy and some two
boys at the entrance of the airport..
“What are they doing here? Do they know I am
behind it? Who could have informed them?
I turned back and tried to run
“Stop there”. I heard Andy barked
I froze on the spot not knowing what else to do

“ what will happen to me?”. I wondered as
Andy walked towards me
“ hi miss”. he greeted, you look like you just
saw a ghost
“Anndddy”.i stammered
he moved closer to me
“Follow my led or i will do something crazy”.
he whispered into my ears
I nodded
he headed towards a white sport car dragging
me along with me. The two boys with him were
already seated at the front seat
He pushed into the car and hopped in beside
“Diamond penthouse”.he grunted and the boy
on the wheel immediately drove off..
“I am doomed “.
Troy Daniels
“A man on black ? Who could he be?
I paced up the down the room in frustration
My phone suddenly rang , it was a call from
Andy and I immediately received it
“Troy your guess was right we found the Ɓîtçh
at the airport”. Andy informed
“Where are you headed?”.i asked
“Diamond penthouse
I will join you there”. I said and ended the call…
I headed down the stairs hurriedly ignoring the
greetings of everyone including my mom
“Troy”. My mom called loudly , have you gone
“What do you want mother?”, i asked facing
“What exactly is wrong with you ?”. She asked
coming closer
“Nothing”. I replied walking out on her
I got into the car and drove off……
I alighted from the car as I got to the
I walked into the sitting room and met the Ɓîtçh
curled up on the floor crying,her clothes were
ripped apart and she was bleeding
“What did you do to her?”. I asked Andy
“We just taught her a lesson”.he replied
“ we? I asked staring at the two boys
He nodded
“Troy please don’t ki|| me”. She pleaded
“Where is June?”. I asked
“ I don’t know”. She replied
“Really ?”, I asked , where is she ? I yelled
“ she left with a man “
“Are you kidding me? Where is she before I
blow up your head
“ please don’t”. She pleaded, I will talk .A man
abducted her
“ Who?”, i asked calmly
“Reid”. She replied and I heard Andy gasped
“Reid”. I muttered, who is he? I asked
“Diego right hand man”. he replied
“Diego, that bastard. What does he really want
From me
I looked at Steph huffed
“You planned with Reid to abduct June, do you
really think you can escape from me after
hurting her
“ I am sorry Troy please don’t ki|| me”. She
“ what should we do about her?”. Andy asked
“ki|| her once you are done with her”
“ I don’t want to die please”. She pleaded
“Andy “. I called , prepare the Jet, I am going
over to Russia
Diego Salvador
I smiled when I saw Reid walked in pushing the
beauty on a wheel chair…
“What happened to her?”. I asked staring at
her, she was still sleeping
“ She was proving stubborn so I drvgged her”.
he explained, she would still be up…
“Alright”. I said caressing her face , take her
upstairs to the room beside mine”. I instructed…
She is finally in my care and I can’t wait to
make her mine…….

I pray things don’t get out of hand
Steph sorry oooooo
Episode 29
June Kansas
I looked around the room, it was so
“ where is this place?. I was so scared
I got up from the bed and walked towards
the door trying to open it but it was locked .
“Open this door”, I screamed banging the
door but there was no response. I walked back
to the bed and sat on it crying…
I thought about Troy
“Will he come for me? Why was he cold
when I called him? Is he angry with me?what
will happen to me now?
The door suddenly flung opened and Reid
walked in
“hello princess, he greeted? you are finally
awake .
“ what do you want?Where am I?”. I asked
“I don’t want anything from you but my
boss does
“Diego?”. I asked
“ yes”. he replied smiling
“ what does Diego want from me?”.i yelled
“ he wants you. he replied grinning and you
are in a room next to his”
“What!!!.”. I gasped, am I really In Russia?
“ do you forget easily? I thought I told you ..
oh I guess it is as a result of the drug”.he
nodded smiling
“What drug?”.
“Never mind”.he replied, get ready for Diego
he will have you soon
“Please don’t let him come close to me”.I
“he will be gentle on you”.
“What will I do? What can I do ? i can’t allow
Diego touch me …..
Troy Daniels
“How many hours do we have to land?”, i
asked Andy
“Less that an hour”.
“d@mn….. I was getting impatient
I thought about June
“Is she alright? Is he hurt?What does Diego
We alighted from the Jet as soon as it
landed and Montes was waiting to receive us
“hi Troy. he greeted me and nodded towards
“hi”.i grunted as he led us to a black car.
“The car keys”. I said stretching my hands
“I can drive you Troy “
“Go back home”.instructed him, I don’t want
you to get involve
“But Troy……
“Do as I say Montez”. I barked
“Fine”. he muttered giving me the keys
I got into driver seat with Andy beside me
“Be careful Troy”.Montes said as he waved
I nodded and drove heading to Diego hotel…
We soon got to the hotel and I parked in
We alighted from the car and walked in
hi”. I greeted the receptionist as we walked
towards her
“How can I help you?”. She asked flashing
me a smile
“I need to see Diego”, I replied
“He is not in”. She replied
“Then put a call through him or send a
d@mn message”. I yelled
“Alright sir”. She replied, I will do that now
“ what is the name?”. She asked
“Troy Daniels”. I replied
“Mr Daniels. She gasped, nice meeting you
I looked at her and scoffed.Just do as I say”.

Diego POV
I climbed up the stairs heading to the room
beauty was kept
I can’t wait to make her mine . I remarked
smacking my lips

I pushed the door to her room opened and
met her seated on the bed with her head bowed
“What is wrong with her?”. I wondered
I went over to the bed and sat down beside
her but she did not budge .
“Beauty”: I called moving closer to her, I
tried to touch her but she gave me a thunderous
slap and jolted off the bed
“How dare you, do you know no one has
ever struck my face? I yelled moving closer to
“Don’t come near me “. She warned moving
“And what will you do?
“ I will ki|| my self”. She said pulling out a
sharp pin from her hair and pointing it to her
“Really?”. I asked disbelieving.
“I belong to Troy and no one else.She replied
, so let me go or I will ki|| myself
“Do you really love him that much?”. I asked

She stared frowning at me
I looked at her and smiled .
“I can see you love Troy so much to risk
your life for him but can he do the same for
“ Yes.She replied boldly
“Let see about that”. I said and walked out
of the room
“She is lucky I don’t force women……
I climbed down the stairs raging in anger
She rejected me because of that bastard
“Boss. Reid called in surprise , what
“The Ɓîtçh was willing to ki|| herself if I
touch her “. I replied
“Really?”. he asked in surprise,I thought she
was naive
I don……….. I stopped when my phone rang.i
checked the caller , it was my receptionist and i
received it….
“Why are you calling?”. I grunted
“Troy Daniels asked to see you”. She replied
“ what!!”. I exclaimed in surprise,is he there
“Diego. Troy voice chimed in, it was so cold.
Sorry I interrupted your conversation but I have
lost all patience
“ why do you want us to meet?”. I asked
“Bastard . he cursed, where is June?
“June?. Is that her name ? I call her beauty
“Where is she ?”. He repeated
“She is right here on my bed begging me to
drill her”. I replied
“Don’t you dare touch her”. he warned
“ do you love her so much?”. I asked
“ where is she?”. he asked again
“Sign all your properties to me and you will
get to see her again”. I promised
“ is that what you were after?”. he asked, my
“ I wanted her but I changed my mind,
“d@mn”. I heard him curse
“Are you in or should I do wh@ťěver I like with
“ where should we meet?”.he asked calmly
“i will send the details to you shortly “. I
replied and ended the call
“What did he say?”. Reid asked
“ he agreed”. I replied grinning, get me my

Troy Daniels
“ what did he say?”. Andy asked me
“ he wants me….. I stopped when the phone
buzz, it was a message
I clicked on it and read it
“Let’s meet at Diego warehouse by 21:00”
I handed the phone back to the receptionist
and walked out of the hotel….
“ is he crazy?”. Andy asked after I explained
everything to him
I ignored his question and continued driving
“Troy. he called , what will happen? Will you
throw all you have worked for because of a girl?
“ she is not just any girl”. I replied
“ what do you intend doing?”:he asked
“ I will sign the document and destroy him “.I


June Kansas
I laid on the bed praying for a miracle when
Reid walked into the room
“Why didn’t you eat?”. he asked staring at the
untouched food on the table beside me
“ i have no appetite”
“Try and eat we are leaving here by 20:00.
“Why?”. I asked
“Troy is willing to lose everything in order to
save you “.he informed
“ what do you mean?”, i asked him
“You will know when we get there”.he replied
and walked out of the room..
“What does he mean by that? Hope it is not
what I am thinking……
Troy Daniels
I stared at the bomb before placing it gently
inside the bag”.It was a very small bomb that
cannot be easily detected
“ where did you get that from?”. Andy asked
“ The State”. I replied, I always plan ahead
“Wow!”.he exclaimed
“ here”. I said handing him a pen like
detonator. Press on it immediately i give you a
“Won’t I go in with you?”. he asked
“No”. I replied, you will wait outside…
I drove over to Diego warehouse with Andy
beside me …
“I just hope everything goes well
We soon got to the warehouse . I spotted two
armed men standing in front and huffed . I
alighted from the car holding the bag
“Be careful Troy”. Andy said and I gave him a
small smile .
“ what do you have there?”. One of the men
asked pointing at the bag
“Guns”. I replied
“You will need to leave it here”. he instructed
“Fine”. I replied dropping the bag at the
entrance to the ware house
I was about going in when the second man
commanded me to stop
“Really?”. I asked scoffing
“ search him”. he instructed the first one
The man came closer to me and started
“There is nothing on him”
“Really?”:the second one asked in surprise
“Can I go in?”.i asked
“Sure”. he replied….:
I walked in and sighed in relief when I saw
June seated beside a man on black
“Troy”. She called wanting to stand but the
man pulled her back to the chair
I looked around the warehouse, it was filled up
with drugs
“Why did Diego ask us to meet here ?is he
trying to show off?talking of the devil, where is
he ?
“Troy”. the man on black called , i am Reid
“Really?”. I asked, you are the bastard who
kidnapped my girl
He looked at me and laughed.
I stared at the man on suit beside him, he must
be the lawyer
“ where is Diego?”. I asked
“ he is not here
“Really?”. I asked laughing , where is the
“Here is it”. the lawyer replied handing it to me,
you just have to sign here
Troy”. June called in surprise, are you signing
off your property because of me?
I gave her a small smile
“Hand over the girl first “.i said facing Reid
“Fine. he muttered pushing June towards me
“ Troy”. She called hugging me
“Go outside and wait for me inside the car”. I
“What about you?”.she asked
“I will be fine”. I assured her
She pecked me before running out of the
“It is time for you to sign”. Reid informed
handing me a pen
I took the pen and looked around, they were all
“ what ?”. I asked moving closer to the lawyer
“Sign”. Reid barked
“Fine”.i muttered signing the documents and
immediately pulled a gun from my under pant
and placed it on the lawyer forehead
“ what are you trying to do?”. Reid asked
“ let me leave quietly or I will him”. I warned , I
know he is so important to you
“ d@mn”. I heard Reid cursed
“Let him go”. he instructed and I scoffed when
i saw a dozen of armed men come out from
their hide out
“ That bastard tried to ki|| me after taking my
I moved back slowly dragging the lawyer until I
got outside
“ please don’t ki|| me sir”. The lawyer pleaded
with a Russian accent ..
I got into the car and pushed the lawyer to the
ground closing the door ..
.arrrrgh”.he groaned in pain
I started the car and drove to a distance before
signalling Andy to press the detonator
He did and whole warehouse exploded with
documents and the people in it

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