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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE MAFIA LORD – Episode 12

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The Mafia Lord
Written by Princess Juliet
Episode 20&21
Ophelia (June mother) POV
I came over for a visit and never expected to
meet your family in disarray….
I was shocked seeing your father dead and
your mother unconscious.
Your mother was still breathing so I rushed her
to the hospital ,I couldn’t bear to see my friend
in that condition…..
She soon got better but was going crazy
worrying about you.i begged her to focus on
her health for the sake of her unborn child and I
promised her I will find you….
My husband and I did everything possible to
find you , we involved the police, hired a
detective but it was all to no avail….
I got to the hospital one day and was told
your mother ran away ……
I was surprised at the same time scared
because everything seemed weird
“How?”.Troy asked
“I received a letter of thr_@t from an
anonymous person warning me to stop
searching for you”. I replied, what really
happened to you Troy?
“A man took me in and raised me”. he replied
still holding June hands tightly
I turned to look at my husband and he gave me
a small smile…
“It was obvious they were both in love and I
had no plans to come in between them…….
Troy PoV
I stared at her when she was done
“If my mother is still alive, then where is
she? Why did she run away? Why hasn’t she
tried to find me?or did something bad happen
to her? Is she dead?
“ what is going on in your mind?”. June
“Nothing”. I replied smiling
“It is going to be alright”. She assured me
“Thanks”. I muttered ..
“I need to pick something from my room”.She
said squeezing my hands before climbing up
the stairs….
I smiled watching her as she climbed the
“Troy”. Mary called
I turned to look at her
“Can you please let me ride with you ?”, she
“Sure”. I replied
“Thanks”. She said and ran up the stairs
“Feel free to visit us anytime”.June mother
said , I am glad you became very successful….
“Alright”. I replied
“You mum can…….”
“Can we Please not talk about her”. I pleaded
“I am sorry”. She replied .
“I am ready “. June announced heading down
the stairs
“Promise me you will take care of her”. June
mum whispered
“I will”. I promised
“ what are you both talking about?”.June
asked looking at us curiously
“Nothing”, I replied
“Really?”. She asked smirking, can we go
“What of your sister?”. I asked her
“Why are you asking about her?”. She asked
“She is riding with us “. I replied
“She can’t”. She yelled
“Why can’t she?”. her dad asked
“She betrayed my trust”. She replied
“Watch your words June”. her dad cautioned
her, she did that to protect you…
“Wh@ťěver”. She muttered with an eye roll and
stormed out
June”. her mom called going after her
“Really, I never knew she was this stubborn “.
“I don’t know what to do about June again “.
her father complained, she is getting out of
“What she needs is a little space , I am sure
she will come around”. I assured him…
“Fine”.he replied…..
I stood up when I saw Mary headed down the
“I will be leaving now sir”. I said
“Alright Troy”. he replied, please take care of
“ I will “
I glanced at Mary and met her gaze
“I will be waiting outside “. I told her and
walked out of the sitting room…
“I don’t care”. I heard June yelled as I got
closer ….
She was leaning on the car and was frowning
at wh@ťěver her mother was saying to her
“Troy”. her mother called me, when did June
become this stubborn? She refused to heed to
my advice
“I will talk to her ma”. I assured her
“Thanks”.she muttered
“Can we go now?”. June asked getting into the
“Sure”. I replied. I nodded at June mother
before getting into the driver seat…
I waited for Mary to hop into the car before
“I never knew you were this stubborn”. I said to
June on our way
“How am I stubborn?”. She asked with a frown
“You could have listen to your mother”. I
replied her
“Oh!”.she exclaimed
“really, you are just impossible!
I glanced at Mary through the rear mirror, she
was watching us silently….
“how can a Ɓîtçh like her be June sister?
“ what will you do about your mother?”.June
asked distracting me from my thoughts
“Nothing”, I replied
“Why?”. She asked
“She has been dead to me long ago”. I replied,
I don’t want to keep my hopes high
Okay”. she muttered
“You can drop me off here”. Mary said when
we got to the front of a hostel…..
I parked the car and waited for her to get down
“Thanks for letting me ride with you”. She
“It is nothing”. I replied and zoomed off
“Why did you let her ride with us?”. June
asked frowning, I am sure she is going over to
her Miguel
“Who is Miguel?”. I asked her
“her loving boyfriend who she loves so much”.
she replied with an eye roll
“Does she really have a boyfriend?”.I asked
She nodded …….
I parked in front of her hostel and she
planted a kiss on my lips before alighting …
I was about driving in when I saw a teenage
boy seated in front of the huge gate
“ he must be homeless “. I thought
I wind down my car windows and summoned
him nearer
“ what are you doing here?”. I asked him
Waiting to see you?”. he replied
“Who are you?”. I asked eyeing him
“I am Trent”. he replied, I need your help
“What kind of help?”. I asked him
“I am homeless”. he replied
“Trent”. I called, get lost
“Please help me”.he pleaded..
I drove into the compound ignoring his
I walked into the sitting room and joined
Andy who was drinking in the bar
“How did it go”.he asked
“Good”. I replied , is Mary still working at the
club?”. I asked him
“Who is Mary?”. he asked
“The slim black hair girl”. I replied , what is her
name again?
“Miriam”. he replied
“ i almost forgot she changed her name”
“I want her out of the club immediately ”.I
“but why?”. he asked, most of our client love
to f-__-k her because she is good on bed”.he
replied grinning
“Have you f-__-ked her also?”. I asked him
“Yes”. he replied
“What a crazy Ɓîtçh”. I muttered, I want her out
of the club
“Did she offend you?”. he asked
“Just do as I say”.I replied him
“Boss”. one of my boys called running in
“ what is wrong Ben?”.I asked
“There is a kid at the gate begging to see
you”. he replied , we thr_@tened to ki|| him but
he still wouldn’t budge
“ what does he really want?”. I yelled
“Should we ki|| him or….:
“Let him in”, I replied sharply
“okay boss”. he replied….
“Who is that?”.Andy asked
“a homeless beggar”. I replied
“What do……..he stopped when Ben walked
in dragging the boy
I looked at him and scoffed
“Didn’t I tell you to get lost?”. I asked him
“I am sorry”.he apologised, i have no other
place to go
“Really?”. I asked, and you think coming to
me is the best thing to do
“I am willing to do anything”. he pleaded ,
even if it is a servant job
I studied him, he was young and looked
kinda familiar
“Have we met before?”. I asked him
“No”: he replied
“Strange! What really happened to you?”. I
asked him
“I was kicked out by my uncle”. he replied
“Really?”. I asked laughing, it was obvious he
was lying
“Should we throw him out?”. Ben asked
“No”. I replied, take him to your quarters and
make him comfortable
“What!” He exclaimed, but boss he……..
“Do as I say”, I commanded
“Thank you very much sir”..The boy said
beaming happily as he walked out of the room
with Ben
“ why did you do that Troy”.Andy asked
“I don’t know”. I replied
“But it is so not right”. he queried
“I know, just keep your eyes on him”. I
Mary POV
I walked towards the lecture hall after having a
quickie with Miguel
My phone rang buzzed indicating and
incoming message , it was from an unknown
I clicked on it and read it
“We don’t need you in the club anymore”
I read it all over again and began sobbing
“What have I done to myself? What will Miguel
do it he finds out I work in a club as a Ɓîtçh…..
“how I wish I never listened to My roomie, how
I wish I never agreed to work in that club…..
I was used by those crazy men ..
I remembered the look on Troy face when he
got to know I was June sister, he was really
“My life is all messed up”………:
June PoV
I headed to the class with Sara and noticed
most of the student staring at me
“Why are they all staring?”. I asked Sara
“because you are Troy girlfriend”. She replied
“Really?”. I asked , but how did they know
“I can’t say”. She replied
“I hope I am safe”. I muttered
We walked into the class and I was surprised
to see Steph seated in class.
“Steph”. Sara called walking towards her, how
are you
“Fine”. She replied calmly
“Hi June”. she greeted flashing me a smile…….
I stared at her in surprise
“Why is she acting so friendly”……………..

Hmmmh Mary

Episode 21
June PoV
I sighed in relief when the lecturer left the
class, the class was so d@mn boring..
“I almost slept in class”. Sara huffed, I just
pray I don’t get a fail again…
“You won’t if you study hard”. I advised her
“Fine”. She said, I still have another class to
“Alright then , see you later …….

I walked out of the class and was surprised to
see Mary in front of the lecture room
I scoffed and walked past her
“June”. She called
“What do you want?”. I asked turning to face
“I need to talk to you”. She replied
“Really?”. I asked studying her, she looked
“What is wrong?”. I asked her
She moved closer to me and hugged me
“I am sorry June”.she said sobbing and my
heart immediately melted
“It is alright Mary”. I assured patting her back..

I need your advice June”. She said
disengaging from the hug , I am all messed up…
“What happened?”. I asked her
“Can we go over to your room to talk?”. She
“Sure”. I replied……..

I listened to Mary as she told me everything , I
was gobsmacked
I never Mary could go to the extent of being a
Ɓîtçh in a club owned by Troy……
“Do Troy knows about it?……:

“For how long have you been working in the
club?”, I asked when she was done talking
“Three months”. She replied
“Is that the reason you advised me to severe
ties with Troy”.I asked her
Yes”. She replied, I was scared he would use
you the way he used other ladies
“Did he sleep with you?”. I asked her
“No, she replied,he never spared me a glance ..
I sighed in relief…
“Your life is not messed up”,I said trying to
cheer her, you just have to fix it back
“How can I do that?”. She asked
“You have to severe all ties with those so-
called friends of yours and you have to tell
Miguel everything
“ what!”. She exclaimed, I can’t do that, Miguel
will dump me
“I won’t be surprised if he does that but you
still have to tell him. how do you think he will
react if he finds out from someone else? he will
never ever trust you again…
“Is that really the best thing to do?”She asked
“Yes “. I replied
“Alright,I will do that”.She muttered wiping her
“ it will be fine”. I assured her. ………

I went over to Troy place immediately Mary
I got to his mansion and the two guards in
front of his huge gate seemed to be more
friendly with me
“Welcome June”. one of them greeted while
the other flashed me a smile as I walked into
the compound…..
“Why are they acting all friendly?”, I wondered.
“June”. Tricia called running to hug me
immediately I walked into the sitting room,
“how are you baby?”.i asked her
“Fine”. She replied.
She showed me a drawing of her in a paper
she was holding
“Wow! this is beautiful “. I remarked, who drew
“Trent”. She replied pointing at a boy seated
on the sofa ….
“ who is he ?”. I asked
“ he is daddy new friend”. She replied holding
my hands as she led me to the boy
“Trent. She called , This Is my friend June
The boy smiled at her before looking at me
“Hi June”. he greeted flashing me a smile
“hi”. I replied meeting his gaze, he has the
same blue eyes as Troy…….

Yakusa POV
I paced up and down the room waiting for
information about the spy
“Yakusa”. Carl called running into the room
“What is it?”. I asked
“Troy took him in”.He replied
“Really?”. I asked in excitement, I knew
everything will go as I planned it
“Are you sure the boy won’t betray us?”. he
“He dares not”. I replied, it he tries it I will ki||
the person he values more than his life ……
No body messes with Yakuza…….

. .
Troy PoV
I headed downstairs and was surprised to see
Tricia and June playing and laughing with the
“Troy”. June called immediately she saw me
“When did you get here?”. I asked her
“Not quite long”. She replied , I was playing
with Tricia”.
I glanced at Tricia and scoffed, she was
jumping around the newbie and didn’t even
notice me….
“I need to go over to the warehouse “
“ can I go with you?”. She asked
“No, it might get dangerous “
“Please Troy”. She pleaded pouting
Fine”. I muttered…….

I drove headed to the ware house as June kept
on ranting about her boring classes and
Gosh ! She talks too much
We soon got to the ware house , The boys
were surprised to see her with me
“Why did you bring her over?”.Andy asked
“Do you have a problem with that?”. I asked
“No”. he replied
“Good, then get back to work”, I instructed…
I watched them arrange boxes full of drugs
into the ware house
“Are they all filled with drugs ?”. June asked
“Yes”. I replied staring at her, she looked kind
of dazed….

It was already getting late and the boys were
still not done.
“ can we go home please”.June pleaded,
“Fine”. I replied
I went over to Andy and instructed him on what
to do..
“He is the only one I could trust with my
business “..
“Let us go”…..
We got into the car and drove off

“Do you know Mary before we met?”. June
asked on our way home
“Yes”. I replied
“ why didn’t you tell me?”. She asked
“It is……..”. I stopped when I noticed a car
following us. It was coming really close.
I pressed the gas pedal to increase the speed
but the did the same …
“Who the hell Is this”. I yelled
I looked at the side mirror and noticed a man
wit his head out of the car, he brought out a gun
and aimed it towards me
“Get down”. I yelled and immediately the
sound of gunshots filled the air shattering the
windows of the car.
“d@mn”. I cursed as the man kept on $h00ting
“Are you alright?”. I asked
“Yes”. She replied fidgeting
I was about to pull out my gun when a bullet
pierce my left shoulder
“Aaaargh”. I groaned in pain
“Troy”. June screamed in fright , you are
“I am alright”. I assured her
I stopped the car and made a u-turn
“What are you doing?”. June asked
“Stay down “. I instructed her, don’t bring your
heads up ….
I pulled out my gun and aimed for the gas tank
and kept on $h00ting till the car exploded……
I headed to my penthouse as June kept on
“Troy you are bleeding”. She said
“I am fine”.i grunted in pain
“Why didn’t you drive back home?”. I asked
“ i can’t let Tricia see me like this”. He replied

I parked in front of the house and walked to
the sitting room holding my shoulders, my
clothes were soaked in blood
“Should I call a doctor?”. June asked worriedly
“Get me the first aid box”. I grunted ignoring
her question
“Where is It?”. She asked
“Under the bed”. I replied and she immediately
left to get it………
“Who is behind the attack?”. I wondered
She soon returned with the box and placed it
on the table beside me
“the scissors, I need the scissors “. I grunted
and she immediately brought it out
“What should I do with it?”. She asked
“Pull out the bullet”. I replied
“What?”. She exclaimed
“Pull it out”. I yelled weakly
“I will hurt you”.
“Do you want me bleed to death?”. I asked her
“No “. She replied
“Then do it ………..
“Troy”. She called
“Do it now”. I yelled
I closed my eyes and groaned in pain as I felt
the scissors dig deep into me .
“ i did it”. She said dropping the bullet on the
I gave her a weak smile
“You are bleeding Troy……..
I smiled watching her dress the wounds and
soon drifted off to sleep

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