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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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《 Monsters aren’t born, they’re Made 》
By, ✿ฺ Author Indigo Raine ✿ฺ
©Copyright 2023 [?? ℕ?? ℂ?ℙ? ?ℝ ℝ?ℙ???]
Genre(s): Dark Romance, Forbidden, Mafia.
Theme: Sometimes water is better than blood.
[# Chapter Thirty-Eight

????? ?????…

“Domenico De Leone,” a raspy female voice penetrated his thoughts. Waking his consciousness in seconds. “Aka, Lord Lucifer.”

Heavy rain enveloped the night sky like spilled black ink, rainclouds sluggishly crawled across the sky. A flash of lightning sliced the sky open, illuminating the face of a handsome young man. The deafening roar of thunder later and the sleeping male’s eyes opened–they were a dazzling slate-gray. He felt confused when he noticed the ceiling of the room he fell asleep in had a light brown color contrary to the white he recalls seeing. Hell, it hardly looked like a room.

Where was he?

‘What the f-__-k?’ Ryat looked closely at the ceiling, he raised his hand to rub his eyes but was struck with horror when he realized it was chained.

“Someone’s awake. Are you hungry my dear?” Lady Danger pointed the cigar between her fingers at the tray with various foods atop it. “A quick reminder, they do not have steak, but you may order anything else. All expenses are covered.”

“Ɓîtçh what the f-__-k?” Ryat looked her up and down, utterly enraged by her enthusiasm.

“Domenico, what have I told you about cursing? I’m your mother. You need to be respectful.”

“Who’s Domenico?” he tried pulling his wrists from the chains again but failed to get them off.

“You are. You’re new name is Domenico De Leone with Lord Lucifer as gangster nickname. I know you are confused but do not fret, I and Lorenzo will.teach you everything you need to know about the Mafia.”

“I don’t know if you’re retarded, dumb or naturally f-__-king stupid but I’m pretty sure you know my name is Ryat not Dominion of wh@ťěver the f-__-k you just said. Why the hell am I here?” Ryat’s gaze dimmed as he looked at Lady Danger, agitation burning a venomous trail through his dark soul.

“Have I not informed you of the name changing process? I believe I have. This ‘Ryat’ won’t cut it for me. You’re an Italian and therefore should have an Italian name. Do not worry, I’ve already selected Domenico although it was tempting to use Stefano.”

Ryat eyes turned wicked. “What!?” he now violently tried to free himself from the restrains. “Get me the hell out of here!” he k**ked at the seats and turned from side to side when he suddenly froze with a sunken cold heart. He very slowly turned back to his left where there was a hole in the wall with white around the edges.

He very gingerly leaned forward with knitted brows to look, and them it cruelly dawned on him.

Ryat was on a plane.

Then, with an even slower motion, he turned to look back at the woman who claims to be his mother. She sat down down quietly in a seat facing him. Dressed in a black suit for women, shiny black red bottom stilettos with light makeup on her face and black lipstick. Not to forgot that infuriating black hat. Her cleavage was also on display. Ryat wanted to use a knife to cut her body open, or even carve a ‘f-__-k you’ into the back of her skull. This woman is unbelievably outrageous.

She held a black saucer and cup in her hand, Lady Danger daintily picked the cup up and sipped from it. Then looked at Ryat with an unsettling smile and raised the same cup. “??????????.”

“I hope whoever the f-__-k you get married to d**s in a freak car accident,” he sneered at her. Heart engulfed in ruthless black flames of hatred.

Her smile flipped instantaneously. She the saucer and cup on the mini table next to her and stood up. She walked to Ryat, looked at him coldly for a while them slapped him across the face with brute force. In seconds she whipped out a knife, grabbed his hair, tugged it back roughly and pressed the knife against his throat. They stared at each other with bitter, mutual hatred.

“I’ve been trying to be nice to you, but boy, watch that tongue before you lose it. I need you back in Italy alive, but you might be returned d**d in a f-__-king freezer,” she sliced his cheekbone, he didn’t even blink at the sharp pain he felt. “You think you’re tough? Huh? Don’t worry. Once you join the Mafia you’ll be transformed into a whole new person. You’re going to h@ťě yourself.”

“What tells you I don’t already h@ťě myself? I’m gonna f-__-king poison you or poison myself. I’m not joining your b*ll$h|t Lady Moronica,” Ryat felt warm blood run down his cheek, down his neck and to his collarbone. “f-__-k you and your motherf-__-king mama. I ain’t doing $h|t for y’all.”

“Domenico!” she dropped the knife and slapped him again.“You will obey me! I am your mother!”

Ryat grabbed the knife and stabbed her in the abdomen. Lady Danger gasped and looked down at the knife in her stomach, then back at him with widened eyes.

“My name is Ryat-f-__-king-Hamilton you Italian wh-_-re!” he kicked her across the room. Her body hit the back of the chair then rolled on the ground.

The door to the left opened and men in black barged it. Seeing their Godmother on the floor with a blood of pool swiftly forming they crowded her with deep concern.

Ryat was deeply worried. Not about his aunt or her gangsters, but Meira and his friends. They need him. They’ve already taken Neon against his will, he can’t afford to leave them–he’s got to take care of them. Especially Meira. She needs him more than anyone on this planet does.

“Get away from me!” Lady Danger yelled and pushed the men off, after they gave her space she sat in the chair hyperventilating while holding her bleeding stomach. The blood forced its way through the gaps in her fingers, she stared at the child she birthed with unbridled rage. “You little brat. You’re just like that useless sl*t of a twin I was unluckily given. I’ve tried to be nice, I’ve really tried. But I forgot being nice gets me nowhere, it never has and it never will. You want me to be the bad guy, Domenico De Leone? Fine. I’ll be the bad guy because if there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s being a bad f-__-king Ɓîtçh.”

“Let me go!” Ryat thrashed against the chains, kicking and constantly pulling his hands. “I have to go back! I don’t want this $h|t!”

“Chain him up!” Lady Danger yelled while pointing at him. “You will do as I. The Mafia is now your family, your friends, and your everything. Forgot about those brainless idiots. The Mafia owns you now!”

“No!” Ryat felt as if someone was squeezing his heart, the men rushed to Ryat and held him down while undoing the previous chains. “No! No! Get off me! I’ll f-__-king k!ll all of you! Stop! Get off!” angry, hot tears started pouring from his eyes when the reality of the situation dawned on him.

After much struggle they finally managed to tightly wrap his body in shiny silver chains. He laid on the bed turning, trying his hardest to get them off but it all went in vain. He was trapped. Ryat closed his as more tears pours, heart breaking thinking of how his friends and Meira would react realizing he was gone. Worst is, there was no telling when he would return.

Lady Danger pushed through the crowd of Godfellas to look down at Ryat. Even when he was completely tied up, he was still trying to get out–he wasn’t giving up despite knowing he can’t escape. This somehow impressed her, but as stared an unexplained surge of emotion rushed through her heart seeing his tear-stained face.

The fact that he was crying was puzzling, since Ryat always wear a cold facial expression. He looks like the type who would remain stoic even if he was watching people being tortured.

‘He really does care about them,’ she said inwardly, brows scrunching. She placed a finger on his cheek and wiped it across his skin, she then looked at her finger wet by his tears. She looked back at him, her eyes darkening. “Emotions are for weaklings. You’re better than this. Within a few years you’ll forget about those people, why shed tears for them?”

“Because they’re family…almost. They were there to wipe my tears when no one else was. When I was getting bullied at school they defended me. When I had nothing to eat they fed me. They were there for me when no one else gave a f-__-k about me,” he gulped and looked at her without moving his head. “Why wouldn’t I cry when I’m being forced to leave the people I’ve known all my life? f-__-k you. You wouldn’t understand because nobody was there for you when you needed them. You don’t have a choice but to be cold-hearted because nobody f-__-king cares about you.

“You’re sad, bitter and alone. You had no choice but to be ruthless because no one cared to make you happy. Your emotions are irrelevant to people. Nobody f-__-king likes you, no one ever has and no one ever will. You’re unlovable, unlikable, and most of all, un-f-__-king-wanted. You’re nothing without the Mafia. At least I have people who would cry when I’m gone. If you d** right now who the f-__-k is gonna cry? You and I know d@mn well the Mafia will replace you within the blink of an eye. All of these men right here will forget about you within seconds.

“Get a life and leave people the f-__-k alone. Maybe if you weren’t so busy trying to be something you’re not and just embrace yourself someone will actually f-__-king like you for you. You’re a sad motherf-__-king Ɓîtçh and you want everyone to be just like you. I hope when you d** no one shows up at your goddamn funeral,” Ryat said with all seriousness. He kept the same tone throughout his speech. “I hope you never find love, and if you do, I hope it’s f-__-king fake. You don’t deserve happiness or a happy ending. You’ll forever be alone in this world because you pushed away the people who cared for you and chased the people who don’t. f-__-k you and your f-__-king feelings.”

The plane went abnormally silent. Donatella’s eyes were wide as she stared down at Ryat, he didn’t look away either. The look on his face said he meant every single word he said. She started to blink rapidly, tears eventually forming in her eyes and running down her cheeks washing away her mascara like a black waterfall. She wanted to say something, to answer him, to tell him he was lying, but no matter how hard she tried coming up with something to say she couldn’t. It was as if a lump had grown in her throat, stopping her from talking. As she continued to cry her vision blurred from the tears and doubled.

“Mistress!” her men caught her before she could fall.

“Luca! She’s losing blood fast! Tell the pilot to hurry and land the plane! We need her in a hospital ASAP,” one man said. Together they carried Lady Danger out while she cried silently.

Ryat relaxed on the bed and shut his eyes. He thought to himself ‘Was this what Neon went through when he was taken?’ he already knew the answer to that. There was nothing left to do than accept his fate. Perhaps one day he could return to his hometown, but to do that he’d have to prove himself to his Mafia family first.

It was the only way.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered quietly. An apology directed to the friends he didn’t get to say goodbye to. “Boys… Mei… I’m so…sorry,” with each word his heart further broke into pieces.

???????? ?????????…

Meira rolled over in bed and groaned, the space next to her was empty. Ryat must’ve returned to his room after she fell asleep. Reluctantly she got up from bed and stretched her hands above her head, yawning and then rubbing her eyes. She looked around her disheveled room and pursed her lips. “It was a pretty wild night, hehe,” she smiled to herself remembering what went down.

She tossed the sheet aside then swung her feet off the bed. Before leaving she spotted something from the corner of her eyes. It was a ring. This had been given to her from a pastor at the local church. The one she hasn’t been to in quite a while. She got up and went to get the ring then smiled heartbreakingly. It was an Amber ring.

The color was similar to Neon’s.

Meira ran around the room to her windows then drew the curtains. Light immediately flooded the place and shone on the heart-shaped Amber stone atop a white gold ring. Now it looked almost exactly like Neon’s eyes, his are more brighter, dreamy, and definitely hypnotizing. She missed that blonde-haired moron, and felt hurt knowing he was somewhere in the world alone.

Suddenly her bedroom door was kicked open. Her head whipped around to look at the door and who came in. Korpse, Venom and Bandit stood there with wide eyes and panicked expressions. They were all sweating profusely.


“We can’t find Ryat,” Korpse said. “He’s gotta be here. Meira, he isn’t anywhere in the mansion and Lady Danger’s men are all gone. Meira, where’s my homeboy? Where the f-__-k is Ryat?” he yelled the last question, making her flinch.

When they woke up this morning and didn’t find olive oil on their foreheads they knew something was wrong. Ryat always leaves a cross on their foreheads, it’s a must do. They scoured the mansion for him, looked in every corner and crevice, but he was missing. The CCTV footage was all gone too. The last place to look was her room.

“I-I…I don’t know I-I thought he went back to his room,” she clutched the ring in her hand.

“Guys… Guys, what the f-__-k is that?” Bandit pointed at something on the bed.

Everyone looked and to their horror it was two darts slightly hidden by the sheet. The guys looked at Meira and shockingly spotted a red dot on her neck.

She touched her neck and winced, that’s when the memories of last night started coming back to her in massive portions. Meira fell on her knees and then on her side, the ring rolling from her hand.

‘No. No. They took Neon. My Neon, my baby. Not Ryat too. Please, God, no…’ tears were already running from the corners of her eyes.

The boys ran to Meira and knelt next to her.

“Meira! Where’s Ryat? Is he in the bathroom? Under the bed? Where is he?” Venom asked her, his voice hoarse.

“Hours ago… They took him after $h00ting us with darts. They took him early this morning when it was still dark,” cold sweat washed Meira. She saw a piece of the abduction, and woke up with the person missing but refuses to process it.

First Zayde, now Ryat. The two of her boys, gone.

“No…No!” Bandit fell on his back on the ground, crushed by the news. “You’re f-__-king joking!”

Venom and Korpse couldn’t even speak. Their tongues were tied. Brains slowly processing the information. First it was Satan and Lucifer, now it was Carnage and Neon. Who’s next? Better yet, when will they return? If they do at all. The news shattered everyone in the mansion beyond repair.

What was once a group of seven, was now one of three. The reality rained heavily on them. No words could describe how utterly broken they were.

Meira’s head ached from the endless thoughts whizzing through her mind. What happened to them? Will they be back? When will they be back?

She looked at the trio, they’d huddled up together next to her bed crying like toddlers who’d just seen a horror movie. Even they too failed to believe it, they didn’t even get to say goodbye.

Meira was lost, confused and conflicted. Her lovers have all gone–taken against their will. How will she move on from this?

Better question; what’s going to happen after this?

?? ?? ?????????….

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