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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“Oh,MD (Managing Director). Didn’t know you
were around,good afternoon” Ryan greeted
Derek,when they met through the Hallway.

“Good afternoon,Ryan. I just came in,though”
Derek replied.

Derek actually just came to check,and know
how the Company is doing.

They (he and Dalton)are resuming work by
tomorrow,though. Today is gone already,so they
decided not to. Bdsides,they’ve had enough of
today already.

Anyway,all of them can’t be away from work,
yunno. So,work resumes morrow before
someone turns the Company upside down.

“Oh. I guess that’s why I did not see you around
till now. How is CEO Dexter doing,anyway?”
Ryan asked,though he spoke with Dexter a while

“He’s doing great. What’s up with things here?
Hope there’s no misconduct,because the CEO
isn’t around?” Derek asked.

“Nothing as such,I can assure you that. I
actually called them all together and talked
about it” He replied.

“That’s great. Any news,so far” He asked further.

“None,at the moment. But will let him or you
know when there’s any” He replied, and Derek


“So,how was it with the culprits. I couldn’t even
wait to see their shameless faces, especially
that of Spencer” Dexter disappointedly said.
He’s still trying to recall where exactly he went

Cos,what the hell?! Spencer of all people.

“Well,the cops did what they were ought to do”
Dalton replied him.

“Hmmm” Dexter sighed heavily. While they were
still on that talk.

Robert walked into the ward, looking very pitiful.

Immediately Janice saw him,she quickly ran to
his side and hugged him tightly to herself.

She really missed her husband like crazy.

He may have said what he said, but he still
remains the love of her life who does not joke
with her at all,and can’t even go a day without

When she checked her phone earlier today,after
she was sure her son and his girlfriend were

She checked her phone,only to see so many
missed calls from her husband.

She really felt bad about it. She tried returning
the calls, but the line wasn’t going through at

“Dad…?” Both Dexter and Roland called at a

Annika was sleeping at the moment, but
suddenly woke up,only to see Robert in her

“I’m so sorry about everything. I’m sorry for
saying what I said” He apologized

“I don’t need an apology, darling. Dexter and his
Girlfriend do” She replied him with a little smile.

“I am very sorry for ignoring you throughout last
night. It wasn’t intentional,believe me,darling.
Have you had anything to eat” Janice asked,
concerned about her husband.

What if he has not had anything to eat?

Robert that is such a lazy cook. He must be
very hungry, as there was no one to cook for

“I totally understand, love. And I’m fine,sorted
myself out” He replied and Janice smiled.

After that,he immediately, went to Dexter’s side
where he was sitting very close to Annika,
playing with her hair, while she was asleep.

Annika who met the other side of him first,kept
staring at him,not knowing what to say or do.

“Son,can you ever forgive me? For being the
cause of everything that happened yesterday
and today. I felt so bad and regretted my

“If I could take back the words I said,I would
have done that yesterday,then get everything
back the way it was.

“I am sorry, my dear. For jumping into
conclusion,calling you a gold digger even I just
met you for the first time.

“I have realized my mistake, and I promise
nothing as such will ever happen again” Robert
poured out his heart.

“I’ve forgiven you already, dad. I am sorry also,
for what I said to you yesterday. It was out of
frustration, I was out of my mind and did not
know what I was saying.

“I am sorry,dad” Dexter apologized too.

Robert smiled and hugged his son immediately,
not wasting a second at all.

“I am very sorry, my child. I’m sorry for hurting
your feelings…. I am sorry for calling you what
you aren’t, please forgive me” He turned to
Annika again,and said.

Annika looked at her Boo Bear,blinking like a

Dexter smiled at her,and nodded his head,
meaning… Go on.

“I forgive you,sir. I don’t hold grudges against
anyone, and I definitely won’t start with you.

“I understand you were trying to look out for
your son,and didn’t want him getting hurt again.

“Every parent would do that to his child. I forgive
you,sir” She said again, and Robert’s heart
couldn’t contain the joy.

This was easier than he thought or imagined
how it’d be.

He thought they were all still mad at him,
especially Dexter’s Girlfriend whom he hurt so

Although, Verity called him earlier after she saw
the numerous missed calls from her dad, and
told him that everything was alright now.

That kind of gave him hope. That’s the reason
he even came to the hospital.

The fact that Verity wasn’t mad at him anymore,
was what made him come to the hospital.

“Thank you,thank you so much for giving me.
You have a very soft heart, and I was wrong
about you” Robert said and Annika smiled


“Wow,Roland. I still do not believe what
everyone is telling me.

“You? Like,you are the one who actually saved
her life,unbelievable!” Robert exclaimed, and
everyone laughed.

“You better believe it,dad. He actually did,he
saved her life for real.

“I would have lost her if not for him,dad. The
experience was horrific, and I never want to
experience such,ever in my life again” Dexter
said,rubbing with Annika’s palm softly.

“Nothing as such will ever happen again” Robert
said,turning to face Roland.

“So,what changed, son? What’s the inspiration
for your heroic act. Because the last time I
checked, you and your brother were like cat and
mouse” Robert said,and everyone laughed.

Roland chuckled, but suddenly sighed sadly.

“Actually,dad,I have something to…

“Dad!” Annika called,the moment she saw her
dad walk in.

She left her bed quickly and ran to hug,even
though she isn’t feeling that strong.

But seeing her dad,she felt strong instantly.

Yea,Mina called and told him what happened.

He was at the police station because of Gloria,
when the call in.

He left there immediately, coming to see his one
and only child.

He couldn’t stop the tears from falling when
Annika ran and hugged him that way.

It’s been long she did this,he had missed this a

He had missed having a good time with her
daughter, just the way it used to be when her
sister was still alive.

She and her sister were even close to their dad,
more than they were to their mom.

They were Daddy’s girls,cause he used to
pamper them a lot.

Their mom was kind of a strict woman, so they
weren’t so close to her like their dad.

But everything changed, when her mom and sis
died, and Justin had to marry Gloria.

She never liked her,even for a day.

“I missed you,dad,I really did.” Annika said,
sobbing lowly. It’s as though she already knows
what’s up.

“I’m so sorry,my girl. I am really really sorry,can
you ever forgive me?” Justin said,as more tears
dropped down,remembering yesterday’s event.

Everyone remained speechless,just staring at
them both.

“You didn’t do anything for me to forgive you,
dad. Where is Aunt Gloria?” She asked,looking
at the door.

On hearing that,Justin’s tears dropped more,
getting Annika confused.

“Dad…? What’s wrong? Did anything happen,did
something happen to her?” Annika curiously

“I can’t say it,love. You’re not strong yet,I’m
sorry” Justin cried.

“Dad,stop it and tell me what is going on. What

After so much persistence, he was left with no
choice,but to tell her.

“Gloria ki||ed your mom and sister,she’s the
reason behind their horrific accident. She ki||ed
them,she ki||ed them…she ki||ed my wife and
daughter” Justin broke down in tears, and
everyone gasped.

“No,no…no!” Annika gave a loud cry,and Dexter
ran to her immediately, holding her.

“No!” She cried on his shoulder,as she buried her
face there.

“It’s okay, baby. I’m so sorry” Dexter patted her
back soothingly.

“It’s fine,okay. Your mom and sister will be
happy where they are,just cheer up,okay? You
have to be strong for them,so they can be happy
with you” Dexter tried to pacify her.

“She ki||ed my mom,Boo Bear. She ki||ed my
mom and sister,they left me alone. She ki||ed
my sister,and I was left lonely,Boo Bear.

“It hurts so much” Annika sobbed. Dexter just
kept patting her back,and whispering sweet
things in ears.

He took her back the bed,and in no time,she
slept off again.


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