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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Crazy Office Romance…)

Chapter 65©66

By, Ella N.

Copy and die Viciously‼️






“Ahhhh” They all screamed out of excitement.

“This is a miracle, a big miracle” Dalton said, smiling happily.

“I am really going to hold my grandchild. Oh my goodness!” Janice exclaimed, expressing all the happiness in her.

Gosh! Is this a joke or what?

None of them is believing it. From the very night Wendy abducted Annika,she started injecting the poison into her system,lots of it as a matter of fact.

And now,the Doctor is saying the baby is sound and healthy?
Wow! God is so wonderful and faithful.

This is just meant to be.

“Heartbeat….” Dexter called, moving very close to Annika who kept staring at him,with happiness written all over her face.

“Did you hear what the Doctor said? That our baby is alive and healthy” Dexter said,and Annika nodded her head continuously.

“Our first child, baby” Dexter grinned,and hugged Annika tight,after which, he kissed her nose.

“You’re carrying a big miracle in you, Ann and I am so happy I’m the one responsible for it. I love you so much,baby. So so much” Dexter kissed her nose again,again and again, making Annika to giggle like a baby.

“Awwwww” The rest chorused.

“I’m going to be an Aunt soon! Movie night everyday with my little niece or nephew. Oh my gosh!” Verity exclaimed joyously,and they laughed.

“Cartoon night everyday you meant” Dexter said and they all bursted out laughing again.

“We are going to be Aunts soon,Mina. Aunts to a miracle child,can you believe that?” Sana said it loudly, and Annika couldn’t just stop smiling.

How can she stop smiling when she’s carrying a big blessing.

A child,in fact a foetus who escaped poison is a a big blessing. God really wants the child to be, that’s just it.

“I can’t wait to have you,I can’t wait to be called mom,I can’t wait to carry you in my arms,baby” Annika said,rubbing her tummy as everyone stared at her happy self, talking to her unborn.

The feeling is just something else. She did not know how it feels like to have another being growing inside you, but now she knows,and the feeling is the sweetest ever.

That baby inside her,that survived a dangerous poison?
She just cannot wait to have it and set her eyes on it,see it running around the house and scattering the whole house.

Watch it consume its food,and most importantly, call her and Dexter.

Mommy and


“I’ll be the babysitter,don’t dare give that job to someone else” Said Mina,raising her brows funnily at Annika.

“And why do you suddenly want to be the babysitter?” Sana smirked.

“Isn’t it obvious, Boo Boo? Don’t forget she’s a foodie International Limited” Annika joked and they laughed,including Doctor Mark.

“Oh my gosh! Now I get it. You’re unbelievable, Mina!” Sana laughed heartily.

“What? Would it be a bad thing if I taste the food before giving it to the baby?,what if it’s too hot,or not sweet?,or the baby does not want to eat it.

“Shouldn’t I eat the food instead of wasting it?” Mina joked,shrugging and everyone laughed,especially Derek who wouldn’t stop chuckling and shaking his head.

Food will definitely not be the end if his girlfriend.

“Okay,…Mr Dexter, she can’t be discharged today. Cos we have to remove all the poison in her system, before it starts damaging parts of her body” Doctor Mark informed.

“Okay,Doctor. But,I hope she’ll be alright?” Dexter asked worriedly.

“She’ll be fine,Dexter. Don’t worry yourself about that” The doctor assured him with a big smile on his face.

“Thank you so much,Doctor”Dexter replied him,appreciatingly and the Doctor nodded and smiled.

“I’ll be in my Office,just send for me in case you need me. And I’ll also let you know when we’ll do the surgery”He said,and with that,he left the ward.

“Are you okay,baby?” Dexter held Annika’s hand and asked.

“I am okay,and so is the baby” Annika replied. Dexter smiled broadly and kissed her hand.

“I love you madly” Dexter winked. She giggled and pulled his to her chest,after which,she whispered something in his ear.

“I love you endlessly,baby,and nothing in this world can make me stop loving you” She whispered. Dexter f-__-king pouted when he heard that,making him look like a cute little bunny.

“Awww,don’t I have the cutest baby ever?” Annika said it out loud,and everyone started laughing.

Janice couldn’t just control her emotions.

Remembering how Dexter was acting yesterday,and even today,then his asthma that landed them in the hospital last night. At a point,she thought she was going to lose three people at a time.

That’s her son,his girlfriend and grandchild.

Dexter was lying lifelessly on the hospital bed last night,that she cried her eyes out till tears finished in her eyes.

She was just waiting for the worse to happen that night,but thankfully,God has his own way of doing things. And he has a reason or purpose for wh@ťěver happens to you.

If someone had told her that her son will wake up and be smiling this way,she’d have somehow doubted it,cos the state he was in,yesterday,was one between life and death.

But,see him now. Happy and smiling althrough,just having his girlfriend around. That girl was really sent by God to heal her son,mend his heart and be the remedy for his asthma.

And she can’t believe it’s that same girl who is carrying her first grandchild,a child of big grace as a matter of fact.

“Nothing shall come between you two” She prayed inwardly and smiled.


“Where is our Boss?

“What is happening? Haven’t seen the CEO around today,and neither ir his Girlfriend.

“Even his friends.

“What is really going on,please?

“I’ve never seen the CEO absent from work,ever since I started working for him. This is really not right.

“I hope anothing is wrong with him.

“Answer us already,Mister Ryan.

Dexter’s employees kept asking where or what is wrong with him.

They are all concerned and worried about their Boss. Truth is,Dexter has never been absent from work.

Even when he’s not feeling well,he’d come check around,then go back. But,today,nothing is as such happened. So,his workers are starting to get worried.

“Calm down,everyone. I know y’all are worried about our Boss’s absence from work. Even I,was worried too,but he’s fine,likewise his Girlfriend.

“He called me an hour ago,and assured me that” Ryan answered them.

“Oh,thank goodness. A bit relieved now” One of the Vintners heaved a sigh of relief.

“So,does that mean we are seeing him at work tomorrow?” Another worker enquired.

“I don’t know about that,he only told me he’s fine. Hoping to see them at work tomorrow,though. Untill then,please focus on your job and do it with dilligence.

“We do not want him to resume work and get disappointed at us when he sees that thing weren’t in order in his absence.
Please,I urge you all to face your job”Ryan smiled handsomely at everyone.

“Thank you,Manager. We will and always will do our best”They said,smiling happily. They feel good,now that they know their Boss is alright.

They were starting to give Ryan a headache already with their too many questions.

He had to call them all to the Meeting Room,so everyone would get the news. Cos,they were coming to his Office,one after the other to ask. And in the process,distracting him from doing his work.

Ryan is like Dexter’s righthand man,cos he’s so close to him. Most workers even wonder and envy his clossenenss to the CEO,wishing they were that close to him too.

But they don’t know being hardworking,trustworthy and faithful is all it takes to win the heart of a Boss in a A Company.

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