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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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” I’ll be on my way now, Dorian must be worried” Santario stood up and Bob nodded.

” Take care of Milo ” Santario whispered to Bob and he nodded again. Santario held his shoulder before walking out of the warehouse.

Bob smiled and went to meet the other guys who were having a feast. Immediately they saw him, they stood up but he urged them to seat.

He sat with them and poured himself a drink. He clicked glasses with them before gulping down the brandy.

He dropped the glass afterwards.

” If you’re for Ruby, go to the right. And if you’re for Santario, go to your left” He said and the boys exchanged glances.

Three went to the right while four went to the left, including Milo. Bob chuckled, he took his gun and pointed it at Milo. The rest got scared.

” Don’t be scared, I have business only with… ” He Ç0çƙed his gun and changed his target, $h00ting the three guys that stood on Ruby’s side at the spot. The other four watched with widened eyes.

Bob blew air into the gun before standing.

” What did you send to Ruby? Santario actually saw you, but the dude still kept talking despite knowing you were eavesdropping” He faced Milo.

” I did nothing ” Milo said in a shaky voice and Bob went to him. He took his phone and went through the last message he sent, he chuckled instead.

Immediately he raised his head, he shot Milo in the skull. The other three swallowed nothing.

” As of today, if you hide anything from me, you’ll end up like them” He said and the boys nodded.

” Bury the bodies and clean up the mess” He said and the boys nodded again. He turned and went back into the inner room.

” I hope we win this game Santario. I also want to love and be loved in return without being scared of dying” He muttered.



Gladys was going through her mom’s stuff when she came across an envelope. She wanted to ignore it at first, but she decided to check it since she knows her mom to be someone who doesn’t hide things from her.

She opened the envelope and went through its content. A frown formed on her face and her brows raised.

” Little daughter? Ethan? Mom has never told me about this. And what? Gotten hold of Dora’s parents’ properties?” She asked no one in particular as she left the room.

” Mom? Mom!!!” She shouted and Frida left the kitchen.

” What’s this? Who’s Ethan? Who’s his little daughter? And why the hell will ask you if you’ve gotten hold of your late sister’s property?” She asked. Frida took long steps towards her.

” Gladys… ”

” Just tell me already ” She shifted back.

” I’ll tell you everything when I’m done cooking” Frida said, but Gladys walked into the kitchen and switched off the gas. She came back and stood in front of her mom.

” I believe you’re cooking for me, but I’m much more interested in this than the breakfast” She said and went to take a seat.

Frida exhaled deeply before going to meet her.

” I’m listening. Who’s Ethan?”

” He’s… He’s your dad ”

” What?”

” I know I told you your dad died, and I did that because I thought he died ”

” What? ”

” I was a foól back then. We met at a club when I was still in college, and that night, we had séx. I never saw him after that and later I discovered I was pregnant for him. I kept the pregnancy even when my sister was shocked to know I got pregnant for a random guy”

” Despite knowing, she decided to hide it from our parents, so I stayed with her until I birth you. She was my kid sister yet, she had a heart of gold. Maybe that was why she was able to meet Marlo, her caring rich boyfriend. I was jealous of her and I wanted to seduce her husband but Marlo had eyes just for her ”

” What? ”

” Yeah, I know I’m terrible. I could let my sister fend for us anymore so I decided to get a job and that was when I came across your dad. He was the CEO of the company I was working for. I became his secretary and our little love life started again”

” But later on, I discovered he had a wife and two sons. One was 5 and the other was 9 I think. I felt heartbroken and betrayed. He was even married with kids and yet, he still had the guts to impregnate me” She laughed dryly.

” He told me he was gonna divorce his wife and take me in. I was so full of greed that I agreed like a foól. We continued with our secret affair until the day the company went bankrupt. I told him I was gonna help him talk to my sister cos Marlo had the money. He was the richest in the country then ”

” When I told him, he said he couldn’t help me if I decide to still stay with a man who has a family. He was against it, but I couldn’t leave Ethan, so we came up with a plan to ki|| Marlo and my sister”

” What? You ki||ed your own younger sister?” Gladys’ eyes widened unbelievably.

” I’m not sure. I heard it was an accident. They both died in an accident and that night, I saw one of Ethan’s sons who I’m sure was the youngest. He was the one who saved Dora that night. He came to the mansion and started saying his dad was planning Marlo’s dead but no one believed him. Marlo didn’t take it to heart so he asked the little boy to keep Menodora company while he goes on the trip”

” The little boy kept shouting, trying to stop them but they ignored him. Menodora tried to comfort him but he ran out of the mansion in tears”

” I felt bad, but what could I do? I also wanted to live a good life yet, I still couldn’t. And since the accident, I never set eyes on Ethan again” Frida concluded and Gladys stood on her feet.

” So… You’re saying you and Ethan might be the ones that ki||ed Dora’s parents? Why? Because of a property you both didn’t work for?” She yelled.

Frida tried to hold her but she shifted.

” Don’t you dare touch me! If the truth comes to light and I discovered you’re among those that ki||ed her parents, I’ll never forgive you” She said tearfully and went into her room.

” Gladys!”



Mariano had already spoken to Santario on the phone and they’ve made plans of meeting in the evening. Menodora and Mariano were dressed already while Eduardo told them he was gonna meet them there since he didn’t want to make his mom know about him trying to ki|| Ruby.

Menodora and Mariano left the house and were about to enter the car when Rose came to them.

” Can you drop me by the supermarket? I wanna get some groceries” She said. Mariano wanted to talk but Menodora already agreed so he nodded.

They occupied the seat at the front while Rose sat at the back.

” We’ll be done with our meeting first and on our way back, we’ll go to the supermarket together” Mariano said and Rose nodded, then the drive began.

Santario glanced at his wristwatch and realized it was seven PM. They decided to meet at a nucleated area where people hardly visit. He had his gun too in case anything funny happened.

He was still waiting patiently when his phone rang. It was a video call.

He picked up only to see Dorian on the screen with bruises. His heart sank.

” You think you’re smart? Tch, a dying kid I picked on the street is trying to outsmart me?” Ruby’s face came to view and Santario’s eyes dilated.

” If a single hair on her is messed with, I swear I’ll ki|| you” His grip on the phone tightened and Ruby chuckled. Dorian was tied to a chair immediately, Bob was next to her with bruises all over his body too. He was beaten severely.

” I heard you went to meet with Mariano and my little Dora. ki|| the guy and bring me Menodora if you want to save your little baby mama” He laughed and Santario clenched his jaw.

” You can’t do that Santario, you can’t ki|| anyone” Dorian said, but a slap landed on her left cheek, scattering her hair. Santario gasped as tears gathered in his eyes.

” Don’t touch her!” He warned, a single tear rolling down his cheek.

” I already did. It looks fun to see you cry” Ruby laughed and at that moment, Mariano’s car drove in.

” ki|| him and bring me Menodora” Ruby said and Santario stared at Dorian.

” I’m sorry “He said and she shook her head in tears

” No Santario, you can’t please. You can’t ki|| anyone” She cried loudly but he ended the call. He took long strides to Mariano’s car, then brought out his gun.

Immediately Mariano left the car, he shot him without blinking. Menodora’s eyes widened.

” No!” She shouted as she watch Mariano clutched his chest together. Rose immediately left the car when she heard the gunshot.

” Mariano!” She screamed and ran to him. Santario Ç0çƙed the gun again, ready to $h00t Mariano the second time.

Rose covered her son and started crying.

” Please spare him. Don’t do anything to him” She pleaded in tears.

” Step away ” Santario warned.

Rose shook her head and looked up at him. Immediately she did that, her tears stopped and her eyes widened.

” Mi… Miguel? ” She called but another gunshot was heard. She quickly stood in front of Mariano, taking the bullet for him.

The bullet went into her chest and she vomited blood immediately.

” Miguel… You’re alive? Or am I seeing wrongly?” She muttered and fell to the ground. Mariano stared at Santario as he held the spot he was shot.

” Miguel? ” Mariano wondered as he fall beside his mom. Menodora screamed in horror, yet no help was coming.

Santario went to her, he hit her at the back of her neck and she went unconscious. He carried her into his car and drove off.


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