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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{Caught in
his Passion…}


Gbemi Writes

Chapter 23




Raphael was in his office with Rex talking about their latest operation when the door barge open revealing a guard.

“Can’t you knock?” Raphael bellowed In anger.

“Am sorry to say sir but there’s trouble” the guard said.

Raphael and Rex made way to the clinic which had been built for his workers.

As soon as they got there they saw Louis, Bluey and Ginger waiting in front of the operation room.

“What happened?” Raphael asked.

“Justin was got shot in the stomach, he’s being operated on” Louis replied.

“But how did that happen? Weren’t you guys careful?” Rex asked.

“We were more than careful but someone had tipped them off” Bluey replied.

“Tip them? But how did that happen when no one saw the map?” Rex asked.

“We don’t know but we do know that some one had informed Don and when we got there, we were surrounded we barely made it out alive” Ginger replied having blood stains on her clothe.

The doctor came out at that moment and assured them that Justin is safe.

“Now that we know Justin is safe, we’ve got to find out who the spy is and give him or her the punishment they deserve” Ginger said steeely.

” Are you sure no one saw the map before you brought it to us?” Justin asked Raphael who said nothing.

More Chapters

“If some one did, you better say it. He or she might be the culprit ” Bluey urged.

“Sephy wouldn’t say a thing” Raphael said defending Sephy.

“So the person who saw the map other than us is Sephy ” Ginger scoff out bubbling with anger.

“Yes, she saw it but that doesn’t mean she is the spy. Am sure that she doesn’t even understand a thing in it” Raphael said.

“Why defend her when you know nothing about her!” Ginger yelled out in anger.

“I suggest we take her to the torture room” Louis suggested.

“Once some one goes into that room no one comes out of it alive” Rex said knowing what will happen to Sephy if she was taken there.

“She’s a suspect and it’s only right that we question her. We’ve always done that” Bluey countered at what Rex said.

“But still she’s….”

“Stop defending her Rex. If she’s the culprit then it’s only right that we make her pay for what she did” Ginger insisted.

“No one touches Sephy!” Raphael declared which got them starring at him.

“But Raphael she’s….”

“It’s an order! If anyone disobeys me and take Sephy to the torture room. I won’t take it lightly ” Raphael said cutting Louis off.

With that said, he left while Rex followed suit.

“This is annoying” Bluey let out in frustration as she head to the rest room.

“How can he defend her when it’s clear that she’s guilty! I won’t let this go” Ginger said as she began to leave but Louis pulled her back.

“What do you intend to do?’” Louis asked.

“What else? Am going to talk some sense into Raphael ” Ginger said.

“Don’t do a thing” Louis warned.

“Why? Do you also think that $lüt is innocent?”

“I don’t think so but what I have planned will certainly get her in the torture room” Louis said which got Ginger attention.

“What you have planned? Don’t tell that this is all your doing?” Ginger asked.

“If you are talking about the part where we were ambushed then it’s not me but I plan on doing some thing about Sephy. You still want her gone right?” Louis asked in return.

“Yes. I want her gone” Ginger replied.

“Then follow my lead, some one will be here soon and that’s going to change the whole thing, just trust me on this” Louis pleaded and that got her nodding in reply.

” Fine, I will go along with what ever you want” Ginger said agreeing to what he said.

“Do you think she’s innocent?” Rex asked as he and Raphael stood in the office they shared a while later.

“What I think doesn’t matter, what maters now is that there’s a spy amongst us and we’ve got to find out who it is” Raphael replied starring out through the window.

“That’s right, I will get my most trusted men and begin the search but still the others won’t let this issue slide. If you protect Sephy and don’t let her be questioned, it might lead to dispute between you all” Rex told him succintly.

“Then should I let her be tortured? You know how it is when someone is taken to the torture room” Raphael replied just as some one knock on the door.

“What’s wrong?” Rex asked on seeing the worried look on the guard face.

“It’s the others they’ve….they’ve taken your lady to the torture room” The guard said referring to Sephy.

“I clearly told them not to do that!” Raphael said picking up his gun.

“Take it easy Ralph” Rex called but Raphael shrugged him off heading to the torture room while Rex followed.


“Confess to it and we will let you go” Ginger said.

“Have told you that I don’t know a thing” Sephy who was tied on the chair replied in anger only to recieve a punch this time amidst all the slap Ginger has been giving her.

Sephy felt blood trickling down her mouth but that didnt let her shake in fear.

“It’s best you say the truth before Ginger ruin your face” Louis who is also present in the room said.

“I didn’t do it! Why do you want me to confess to some thing I never did” Sephy said.

“Since you won’t talk, I will make you talk” Ginger said moving towards the torture equipment.

Picking up the metal iron which was clothed in fire, she move towards Sephy.

“If I put this on your face, it’s going to leave a mark and trust me, no guy will want you not even Raphael ” Ginger told her and that got Sephy smiling.

“That’s what you want right? That you get to disfigured me using the pretence of torturing just to make Raphael h@ťě me”

“That goes to show how low you are” Sephy added spitting her blood on Ginger face.

“Arrgh! You Ɓîtçh” Ginger yelled as she hit Sephy again, she was about putting the iron metal on her face when the door opened revealing Raphael.

Sephy felt very relieved at seeing him at that moment.

“I clearly made it clear to you not to take her to the torture room!” He yelled at Louis and Ginger.

“We have a reason and that’s why we brought her here” Louis said.

“Your reasons aren’t relevant since….”

“It is relevant. You’ve got to listen to what he has to say before you take her side” Ginger intercepted glaring at Raphael.

“Listen to who?” Raphael asked just as two men pulled in a beaten up guard.

“While heading to the training ground, I overheard him talking on the phone” Louis began.

“It turns out that after Sephy saw the map, she told him about it and he ended up passing the info to Don. He is the spy that rat us out and that’s thanks to Sephy ” Louis explained.

“I did no such thing! I don’t even know this man” Sephy said defending herself.

“Lies! You told me about the map. She over heard my conversation on the phone and approached me asking me about Don. I found it odd at first but when she told me about the map and your secret mission,I had to agree to it and that’s what led to your men being attacked by Don men. It’s because she gave me the necessary tool I needed” The man retorted glaring at Sephy.

“And also two people saw Sephy talking to him this afternoon. You can try to confirm if you think I am wrong” Louis added.

“I didn’t do it Raphael, I didn’t….”

“Did you speak to him today?” Raphael asked turning to her.

She didn’t know why but she felt hurt seeing the doubt in his eyes.

“I did speak to him but I was only asking for direction and nothing else” She defended.

“That’s a lie. She was giving me the info about the map and she….”

“I don’t know who payed you to lie but stop getting me involved, I didn’t do it” Sephy screamed at the man who kept blaming her for some thing she didn’t do.

“There’s no need to get to the bottom of this, she’s the only one who saw the map. So it is her ” Louis declared just as Raphael pulled out his gun.

“Hey Ralph! Don’t do some thing that you will regret ” Rex said as he held his brother hand.

“What am about to do is for the good of Lion den” he said pointing the gun at the man who began begging for mercy.

Almost at the same time, he turned the gun on Sephy.

“Wh…at are…you doing?” Sephy stuttered.

“You said you aren’t the one but everything points to you which means you are the guilty one” he said starring at her with a angry look.

“Don’t do it Raphael” Sephy begged.

“You should be begging for mercy not telling me what to do” Raphael said smirking devilshly.

“Raphael you….”

She get to finish what she had to say because Raphael fired the gun.


Rex got back to his quarters having blood stain on his clothes, it was the first thing Violet noticed as soon as he walk in.

“Why do you have that on you? Did you ki|| some one?”Violet asked.

“More like $h00t some one” Rex replied going to seat on the bed.

“What happened?”

“Your sister” he muttered.

“My sister! What happened to Sephy?”Violet asked and Rex explained the whole thing to her.

“But that’s not true! Sephy didn’t do it!”Violet said as she burst into tears.

“All evidence points on her and….”

“Sephy didn’t do it and that because she’s dyslexic!” Violet yelled at him…..

To be continued


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