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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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? BY ?






Elia g@sp as $h£ sit on th£ h*g£ rock which l@ys !n th£ middle of th£ forest ” am hungry ” mumbl!ng my gaze didn’t m©v£ from Sebastian, h£ look so !nterested !n th£ map that is still tak!ng us !n circles ” Sebastian! ”

” milady, you need to calm d©wΠ ” h£ growl ” you’re th£ one who wish to go to th£ witch£s coven not me ”

” what are you try!ng to say Sebastian! ” stand!ng up, h£ exhale, fold th£ map th£n shove it !nto h¡s pocket.

” milady, you seriously need to calm d©wΠ, th£y is a village close by and am sure th£y will have some food ”

” th£n what are we wait!ng for?” Hold!ng h¡s h@nd I drag h¡m beh!nd me ” hurry up and show me th£ way to th¡s village ”

” okay, okay”

Look!ng @r0vnd th£ place I g@sp at how beautiful th£ village is, no scratch that. It should be called a town, I mean wow!! My gaze m©v£ from one mansion to anoth£r, no hut or any stupid look!ng house.

Th£y must be rich people @r0vnd h£re ” let’s h£ad to th£ market, am guess!ng that’s wh£re food will be, right?” Look!ng up at Sebastian h£ smile th£n nod h¡s h£ad.

” of course, we should h£ad to th£ market ” walk!ng beh!nd h¡m I stare at th£ women cook!ng through th£ w!ndow, my gaze land on a particular woman who is cook!ng and h£r husband hugg!ng h£r from beh!nd, th£y look so happy.

And th£n it hit me, that’s all i wanted, no crown, no war j√$t peace with Alexander and our children, liv!ng !n a simple mansion close to a water f@|| ” milady?” Turn!ng my attention b@¢k to Sebastian I f*sten my step to catch up with h¡m.

Right now I j√$t need to get stronger for Alexander and am sure if h£ f!nds ©vt am not h£ad!ng to th£ east, h£ will burn with anger ” we are h£re milady ” I look @r0vnd, th£ market is h*g£, so many activities tak!ng place already.

Lots of people @r0vnd, th£ place k!nd of seem crowded, too crowded to th!nk properly ” look milady, some bread ” hold!ng my h@nd Sebastian drag me beh!nd h¡m till we arrive at th£ bread maker shop ” one of th£m is how much sir” ask!ng th£ old man smile before answer!ng.

” three silver co!ns ”

Before I could speak Sebastian b**t me to it ” are you be!ng serious, can’t we get it !n two silver co!ns ”

” three or noth!ng ” th£ man seem unshakable from h¡s decision so I shake my h£ad towards Sebastian th£n proceed to take my money bag ©vt but before I could dip my h@nd !nto it and take th£ money someone snatch it from my h@nd.

Everyth!ng happened so f*st that my frown deepen” h£y!!!!” Runn!ng after h¡m I s¢r**m” that’s m!ne!!!” Th£ paper Alexander gave me was also !n that bag, I need to get to h¡m and f*st, h£ can’t take that from me, I refuse to lose that to anyone.

I watch h¡m jump !nto a h0l£, maybe I should have th!nk twice before follow!ng h¡m !n th£re but I didn’t, I jump straight !nto God knows what ” h£y!!!” No s!ngle light anywh£re ” give that b@¢k!”

” No” h¡s voice deep, from th£ sound of it, th¡s guy won’t be a small child, only h¡s voice can s¢ar£ th£ h£ll ©vt of someone.

” you can’t j√$t go @r0vnd steal!ng people stuffs”

” who says I can’t?”

” I did, th£ government did!” I s¢r**m ” what you did is called steal!ng ”

” I like to see it as someth!ng am borrow!ng ”

” that’s not how you borrow!” Growl!ng I exhale ” give me b@¢k my money jacka$$, I don’t have time for such silly games ”

” oh really” I h£ard h¡s footsteps from my left so I quickly turn to that direction ” you’re th£ one be!ng silly h£re, jump!ng !nto your death trap, silly girl” h¡s face came !nto view, h£ has blond hair and grey eyes, high ch£ekbones, po!nted nose, perfect l¡ps, tall, muscular.

h£ is h@ndsome but someth!ng h£ said annoys me ” don’t call me that !” I growl look!ng at h¡m eye to eye, only Alex calls me that, no one else.

” shy?” Th£ look h¡s eyes, like h£ knows me ” because Alexander calls you that?” Well that confirms it, h£ do know me but why steal from me? Look!ng @r0vnd I frown, Sebastian isn’t h£re, am all alone !n th¡s dark place with h¡m.

” who are you?”

” that bastard” h£ growl ” have you h£ard” h£ step closer ” h£ lost th£ duel, lost th£ duel to Norman of all people ”

” impossible ” mumbl!ng I step b@¢k” you are ly!ng, Alexander is far stronger than Norman ”

” hmmm” h£ stare at me with©vt speak!ng, silence engulf!ng us before h£ throw my bag b@¢k to me and I caught it ” am com!ng with you guys ”

” why? ” I fake a laugh” I don’t even know you”

” I know you and from what I see, that companion of yours can’t protect you, h£ already lost your location ” h£ seem so serious ” am vix, Alexander s£nd me to you, what’s th£ better way of !ntroduc!ng myself if not steal!ng from you ”

I lost words ” what?”

” I Mean you are good !n runn!ng but as a human still weak ” h¡s smile turn to a frown ” I thought you were ask to h£ad to th£ east empire, th¡s isn’t th£ way th£re”

” I have somewh£re else to h£ad to ”

” somewh£re like?”

” that’s not your bus!ness vix” mov!ng towards th£ open!ng I jump !n, I look up and frown, how do I get ©vt of h£re ” get me ©vt ”

” No”

” I thought Alexander s£nd you to me, to h£lp me ©vt!”

” protect you not be your s£nd boy” meet!ng h¡s gaze I frown ” wh£rever you th!nk you’re h£ad!ng to is not go!ng to happen, you are go!ng to th£ east empire and no arguments ”

” oh really ” I turn to h¡s direction fold!ng my h@nds.

” oh yes”

” you’re not th£ boss of me ” growl!ng h£ swiftly m©v£ to my direction, so f*st I didn’t notice, bend!ng h£ throw me over h¡s shoulder ” we are go!ng to th£ east empire ”

” let me go!!!”

” Never ”

” book of names ” I rush my words ” I need to f!nd a way to open it” th£ words left my m©vth after h£ jump us ©vt of that h0l£, dropp!ng me d©wΠ I watch th£ shock reaction on h¡s face.

” you’re with th£ book?” I nod to h¡s question ” that bastard!” Growl!ng h£ look at me” how could h£ give my sister such a dangerous book !!”

” sister?” I bl!nk at th£ use of those words, h£ is obviously not my broth£r, what has gotten !nto th¡s strange man, all I can th!nk of now is how to escape from h¡m.

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