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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? BY ?






Elia ₱v|| h£r night dress ©vt of th£ closet th£n put it on gently, h£r gaze m©v£ towards Alexander who is stand!ng !n th£ balcony and look!ng at th£ sky, is h£ still angry ab©vt earlier? I know I apologize but what I did might still hurt.

Shak!ng my h£ad I lose my hair d©wΠ, brush it gently th£n apply a strawberry l¡p gloss before hugg!ng h¡m from beh!nd ” what are you th!nk!ng??” h£ said noth!ng expect turn!ng us @r0vnd, h¡m hugg!ng me from beh!nd.

” tomorrow ”

” are you s¢ar£d?” Ask!ng I turn and look at h¡m !n th£ eyes ” if you’re s¢ar£d you and I can run away, far from h£re ” what I said made h¡m laugh, h£ look d©wΠ smil!ng.

” are you worried ab©vt me Elia” h¡s h@nds cup my arse and ₱v|| me closer while I nod, my expression did not change from seriousness even wh£n h£ kept sqv££s!ng my arse.

” I am worried and you’re distract!ng me”

” and you’re not tak!ng th£ bait ” h£ |¡¢k h¡s l¡ps and I swallow ” don’t worry ab©vt me silly, I can h@ndle myself….what am worried ab©vt is you “h¡s h@nds m©v£ from my arse to my tits, ma$$ag!ng th£m which got a g@sp from me, h£ look so serious.

” me?” I choke th£ words ©vt.

” yes you ” h£ growl ” I h@ťě th£ fact that lot of men want what is m!ne, me los!ng th¡s duel might put you !n danger, If Norman w!ns h£ will want you at any cost and trust me, that idiotic man will try to have you ”

” I won’t let h¡m and you won’t lose ”

Alexander smile ” lift your h@nds sugar ” do!ng as h£ said h£ h£lp me and take off th£ dress th£n let it f@|| from h¡s h@nds, h¡s h@nds m©v£ to my flat stomach, expression unreadable ” I want you for myself Elia” h£ mumble th£n look at me while h¡s f!ng£r rob my l¡ps ” is it difficult for you to love me?” Shak!ng my h£ad h£ exhale ” so why is it tak!ng so much time ”

” I want to know aqua ” I mumble while unbutton!ng h¡s shirt and tak!ng it off h¡s b©dy.

” why not ask Sebastian to show you ”

Unzipp!ng h¡s trouser I look at h¡m ” I want to h£ar th£m from your l¡ps Alex ” h£ step off h¡s trouser th£n lift me up !n h¡s arms, my legs wr*₱ @r0vnd h¡s w@¡$t, h@nds @r0vnd h¡s neck ” I want you to tell me ”

” I don’t have th£ courage Elia” h£ force th£ words ©vt of h¡s l¡ps ” am s¢ar£d of los!ng you, th£ thought of you hat!ng me, s¢ar£s me ” my h@nds m©v£ to h¡s face, I never thought h£ can say such words, what is it h£ did to aqua that will make me h@ťě h¡m.

Did h£ ki|| h£r?

Will that make me h@ťě h¡m?

Because h£ ki|| h¡s former love that look j√$t like me?

Is h£ !n love with me because I look j√$t like h£r?

” stop th!nk!ng ” h£ lean close and take my l¡ps !n h¡s before steep!ng towards th£ b£d, th£ moment my b©dy touch th£ b£d I g@sp because h£ deepen th£ klzz and !n no time got rid of h¡s boxers and thrv$t!ng !nto me !n fvll force.

My h@nds t!ghten @r0vnd th£ b£d $h£ets as I m0@n ©vt !n ₱1ea$vre, I have never seen h¡m make love to me like th¡s before, each night keep gett!ng better and better, it feels like am !n h£aven.

No words were said, j√$t our b©dy touch!ng and feel!ng each oth£r till th£ night was over and th£ day came with decisions I couldn’t h@ndle.


” Elia!” Alexander called my name for th£ tenth time that morn!ng but I decided to pay no attention to h¡m ” you know I didn’t mean it that way, I j√$t need you to be safe ”

” I understand ” mumbl!ng I pick up th£ book of names, pit it !n my bag th£n hang my bag ” I will be off and wh£n th£ duel is over, f!nd me ” before I could step ©vt of th£ room h£ hold my h@nd.

” tell me you will be alright ”

” I will be alright ”

” Elia” meet!ng h¡s gaze, I exhale at th£ un¢©Πtr0|lable feel!ng swirl!ng !n my b©dy, am no longer use to stay!ng far away from h¡m ” you know I love you ” I nod ” Sebastian will be wait!ng for you !n th£ woods, th£ moment you step !n ” I nod ” talk to me ”

” I understand ” I refuse to say m©r£ words than that and I know its ki||!ng h¡m ” I know I need to get stronger and I promise you, before we meet aga!n, I will have th¡s book opened ”

” I do not ¢ar£ ab©vt that silly ” h£ ₱v|| me !nto h¡s arms and I burry my face !nto h¡s ch£st” as long as you’re safe, am happy ”

” am do!ng it for myself Alex” look!ng up at h¡m I smile ” I want to grow strong and b**t Zulu some day ”

” $h£ reads m!nd silly, $h£ can easily read your next m©v£ ”

” that means I have to tra!n m©r£ th£n ”

Alexander shake h¡s h£ad, lean close th£n klzz my l¡ps ” I don’t ¢ar£ if you get strong, j√$t hide !n th£ east empire far from h£re…wh£n I have taken ¢ar£ of everyth!ng, I will come for you ” h£ ¢ar£s my ch£ek “am sorry I couldn’t make arrangement for you to go to New York, after everyth!ng I will take you b@¢k home myself, I know your moth£r must be worried,one m©r£ th!ng.
. even if you h£ar of horrible news, even if you f!nd ©vt someth!ng bad ab©vt me do not h@ťě me and if you h£ar of my death, fear not ”

” what are you plann!ng? ”

h£ didn’t answer my question, j√$t ₱v|| ©vt a paper from h¡s pocket and h@nd it over to me ” burn it wh£never you desperately want to see me… must be important ” collect!ng th£ paper I nod.

” it will take a long time before I see you aga!n right?” Alexander nod h¡s h£ad and I try to smile but I couldn’t ” I will miss you Alex”

” I know silly ” h£ chuckle ” go on, leave before I make love to you aga!n and aga!n”

” I won’t m!nd ” smil!ng I hug h¡m th£n wh¡sper th£ words h£ has been dy!ng to h£ar, h¡s h@nds t!ghten @r0vnd my w@¡$t at that ” I love you ” and after that I was gone.

To my own adventure.

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