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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HOLY SHIT – Episode 25

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(Head Over Heels…)
THEME 1: Bad Guy’s Obsession ?
By: Diamond Zayne ✍?
“Are you stalking me??” She asked and Wanted chuckled.
“Stalk you? C’mon. I’m too busy for that… I guess it’s just our destiny… We’re made for each other, don’t you think?” He asked and Everly hissed and left.
“What- where’re you going? Come take my order!” He shouted and Everly came back.
“Your order?!” She requested.
“Have anyone ever told you how cute you look whenever you’re angry?” He asked and Everly glared at him.
“I guess you have nothing to order.” She said and left.
“Hey wait! I actually have something-” He paused when he noticed he was now the centre of attention in the restaurant.
He flashed a smile before going back to his seat. Shortly after, another waitress came to attend to him.
“Hi handsome. Mind telling me what you’ll love to have??” She asked, bitting her Lowe lips seductively and Wanted knew that instant that her words meant something entirely the opposite.
He rolled his eyes and picked up his phone and bike keys from the table and left the restaurant.
Everly sighed in relief as she watched him leave.
Everly let out an exhausted sigh after she finished attending to the last customer. She went into the changing room and got changed into the clothes she came in with.
A while later, Everly came out of the restaurant and she stopped on her track immediately she saw Wanted seated on his bike, pressing his phone. He seemed to be waiting for someone which was no doubt her…
She creased her brows staring at his figure and just as if Wanted noticed the peering eyes on him, he raised his head and smiled immediately he saw her.
“You finally came out, I was beginning to think you’re working night shift.” He said as he walked towards her.
Everly continued walking, looking at him. She stopped when she got to him.
“Why are you still here? I thought you left.” She said and Wanted smiled.
“Nah.” He shook his head.
“Where you waiting for me??” She asked and Wanted smiled.
“Isn’t it obvious?” He said and Everly rolled her eyes before walking away.
“Wait- what! Where are you off to?” He asked as he saw her walking towards the road.
He quickly rushed to his motorcycle and hopped on, then he rode it to where she was standing.
“Don’t tell me you’re about boarding a cab. It’s late, and you won’t find a cab anytime soon.” He said but she didn’t look at him, instead, she tried flagging down the few cab she saw but none stopped for her.
“Told ya, you won’t get a cab. C’mon hop on.” He said and Everly glared at him before looking at the road.
It was very dry, no cab seemed to coming and if she saw one, it was already filled.
She sighed checking her time. 8:08pm. Geez! Her dad must be worried about her… Tsk, and she couldn’t go with him.
“Just let me take you home, I don’t bite.” He said and Everly rolled her eyes and began walking away.
“Hey!” Wanted called.
“Tsk, so stubborn.” He muttered and ignited his engine and began riding slowly behind her in other to meet up with her pace.
“Are you really gonna trek home?” He asked but Everly didn’t reply, instead she increased her pace.
“C’mon hop on already.”
“It’s not safe walking all alone in the dark streets of Las Vegas.”
“Are you really snubbing me??”
“Hey!” Wanted called as he crossed her with his bike and Everly stopped abruptly.
“Why are you-”
“Don’t you get it! I don’t wanna go with you, simple! Is it so hard for you to understand!” She yelled at him.
“Don’t follow me!” She warned sternly and continued walking faster than the other time, she even began running.
“Geez, she’s so stubborn.” Wanted muttered looking at her retreating figure.
As Everly walked home, she came across a group of boys, seating by the side of the road. It was an alley actually.
Her nervousness multiplied at that very instance. She held tightly to her bag and took in a deep breath.
‘You can do this Everly. You can do this.’ She said inwardly, closing her eyes tightly.
She opened it immediately and exhaled softly and began walking pass the boys.
?️ Whoa!
?️ Wow… Who’s that beauty?
?️ She’s new to this street I guess.
?️ Yeah, I’ve not seen this face before.
?️ She’s so ladylike.
She could hear them say as she walked passed them but she was very happy she was able to walk pass them without anyone approaching her.
She released a sigh of relief. She was able to pass them, gawd! She almost passed out due to how nervous she was.
She was still walking when…
“Hey!” She heard someone called and she abruptly stopped on her track.
Her eyes widened as fear enveloped her again.
Were they referring turned to her?? She thought and slowly turned and she saw the group of boys walking towards her.
Her eyes widened more, already sensing the trouble and she needed no one to tell her before she took to her heels, running as fast as her legs could carry her.
“Stop right there!!” The boys yelled and they began chasing her.
“Oh no! God please save me!” She prayed inwardly as she ran faster, she looked back and saw the boys were almost getting to her.
“No.” She muttered whilst running, clutching her chest as she was slowly running out of breath.
“Ahh!!!” She screamed as she ran into a motorcycle with the driver shining his headlight on her face.
Everly quickly blocked her eyes from the reflection of the light with her hand and slowly raised her head to see who it was…
“Everly.” Wanted called and she rushed to him and was about climbing his bike when Wanted rode away from her.
“What!! Help me! Save me from those boys!” Everly said desperately, rushing to him.
Wanted looked at the boys who had already gotten to where they were and smirked.
“You said you could go on your own. I think you should do that now. Bye.” He said and rode away.
“What!! No! d@mn you!” She gritted her teeth and turned to the boys.
“Got you!” The guy who seemed to be the leader said.
“Gawd.” She groaned and continued running.
“Get her!!” The leader said and the boys began chasing her, they were about six in number.
“God please save me!” She said lowly as she kept running, her feet were slowly giving up and her breath was already hitching.
She might lose it any moment from now.
“Ahh!” She groaned falling to the ground her glasses fell in the process. She held her chest tightly, gasping for air, she was slowly losing her breath.
“Got you.” The leader said and crouched to her level.
He began stretching his hand to touch her whilst Everly shook her head in disgust.
Just then, someone wearing a thick black boot kicked his face harshly and he fell to the ground.
“Argh!” He groaned in pains, touching his nose which was bleeding.
“What the heck! How dare you-” One of the guy began and he quickly swallowed the rest of the words in his mouth immediately he saw who it was…
Wanted! They knew him and how dangerous he was. It happens him and the guy ok the floor don’t get along.
“Wanted??” The leader who was on the ground, called in a surprised tone as his hand slowly fell from his bleeding nose.
“You tried laying your filthy hand on my woman, isn’t it Mark?” He asked coldly and the Mark guy chuckled before standing up.
“Wow Wanted! Long time no see.” He said and Wanted glared at him.
Everly used that moment, to search for her inhaler in her bag and took it.
“Since when did you settle with a lady or could this perhaps be one if your slú-” Wanted punched his stopping him from completing his statement and Mark staggered.
His friends caught him and they turned to Wanted, and the whole six attacked him at the same.
Wanted ski||fully dodged them and they all fell to the ground. He rushed to Mark and kicked his stomach and Mark groaned in pains, falling.
Wanted climbed him and began delivering him with punches with Mark groaning.
His friends rushed to Wanted and tried pushing him off but Wanted shrugged them off, his main focus was Mark.
“Get him!”
“Let go of him!”
“You rascal!!” They screamed dragging him off.
Mark coughed out blood, his eyes turned red seeing his blood and he immediately stood on his face.
“You scoundrel!” He charged towards Wanted who were held by his friends.
Wanted jumped and kicked him on his stomach and Mark fell down.
He raised his hands swiftly and all the boys holding him fell then he began fighting them individually.
Everly looked marvelled as she watched him take down all the boys. They were seven, seven to one.
“Ahh!” The boys yelped in pains when Wanted was done with them. They were all laying on the floor.
“This is what you get from touching what is mine.” He said to them and turned to Everly.
“See that.” He smirked.
“Let’s go.” He said pulled her by her hand, taking her to where he parked his bike with Everly staring at him all through. He got on it and wore his helmet and gave her the second which she wore before climbing the bike.
He ignited the engine and took off immediately in a cràzy speed making her head hit his chest.
“Hold my waist.” He said and she slowly did that.
Wanted smiled feeling her warm hands around his waist.
Wanted stopped the bike outside the compound and Everly got down from it. He couldn’t take her in because of Mr Wilson.
“Thanks.” Everly said and Wanted smirked, taking off his helmet.
“Thanks is an odd method of showing appreciation.” He said and Everly arched her brows.
“Don’t you know? Geez! You’re really old-fashioned… Look here, in this generation we don’t say thank you rather we-” He paused and looked at her, then he shook his head.
“You what?” Everly asked and he chuckled.
“You shouldn’t know for now. Just know that you owe me a favor to repay today’s favor.” He smirked and Everly stared at him surprisingly.
“C’mon go on. Your dad must be waiting…” He said and Everly turned and started going in.
“Bye. See you in the room.” He said and she stopped in her track, she turned to look him and he smirked. She just shook her head and left.
Wanted giggled like a teenager who just got a kiss from his crush.

“Ever.” Her dad called hugging her tightly.
“Dad.” She called, hugging him back.
“You look so tired, and I’m guessing your first day at work was really stressful.” He said and Everly nodded.
“Yes dad.” She said.
“Do you really have to do this? I already told you I’ll look for a job myself. I don’t want you stressing yourself, remember you can’t trigger your ailment.” Mr Wilson said and she nodded.
“Noted dad. Like I said, it’s fine. I’ll just go freshen up and come back for dinner.” She said and her dad nodded.

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