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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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FATE OF LOVE – Episode 69

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Violet drove inside the school compound of Empire Elementary school, and approach the receptionist.
“Hi Ms”. She said smiling.
“Good afternoon ma”. The receptionist greeted.
“Am here to pick up my nerfew, he is in grade 3”. Violet said with her smile not leaving her face.
“Okay ma”. The receptionist said.
She picked up the telephone and had a word with Alvin’s teacher.
“He will out soon ma”. She said to Violet after ending the call.
And Violet nods with a smile, as she waited patiently for Alvin.
Soon Alvin came out with a security man, and Violet quickly rush to him.
“Alvin!!”. She calls caressing his cheek.
“Who are you”. He asked.
And the receptionist and the security man looks at her.
Violet gulmps down nothing, and wears a smile again
“Don’t you remember me, am your dad’s friend”. Violet said with a smile.
Alvin looks at her for a while and remembers she was the woman who was with his dad, the very first day they met.
“Oh,,,,I remember you, you are Aunt Violet right”.
And Violet nods with a smile.
“So what are you doing here Aunt Violet”. Alivin asked.
“Actually your dad ask me to pick you up from school”.
“Huh, but my mom or dad never ask someone else to pick up from school”.
“They are busy Alvin, and since they can’t make it, they ask me to come here instead, I would have called them so you confirm yourself, but my phone is dead”.
“Are you sure it was my dad who asked you to come here”. Alvin asked again looking at her.
“Yes Alvin, I won’t have bothered coming here, if they didn’t ask me to, so can we go home”. Violet said wearing an innocent smile.
And Alvin looks at her for a while before noding his head.
“Ma you have to sign before you leave”. The receptionist said.
Violet looks at the electric pen, she smiles and signs in Jesse’s signature since she knows it so well.
She took Alvin by the hand and leaves.
Just as Alvin enters Violet car, he perceived something so strong and fall asleep immediately, Violet smirks and drove off.
On waking hours later, Alvin sees himself being tied up, in a place where he has no idea.
“Where am I, help me, somebody help”.
“Will you keep that tiny voice of yours down”. Violet yells walking up to him.
And Alvin looks at her.
“I thought you said you were taking me home, so what am I doing here”.
“Well,,, poor little Alvin, I lied to you, your dad never really call me, I came to your school just to get you myself”.
“Why will you lie to me, and why did you tie me up”.
“That because I want to get back at your parents, you are the fruit of their undying affection for each other, and that why you are here Alvin, let see if your good for nothing parents can ever get married next week, knowing I have their precious son”. Violet said laughing.
“You are a witch, you are evil, let me go!!”. Alvin yells.
And Violet quickly points a gun at him.
“Just shut up that mouth of yours, or am going to ki|| you”. Violet said and points the gun at Alvin.
And Alvin remain calm shaking in fear.
“Well Alvin, do you still have something to say”. She said still pointing the gun at him.
And Alvin keeps looking at her shaking.
“Well,,,,since you don’t, how about we call your parents to say Hi”. Violet smirks.
“That Violet is a witch, how dare she involve Alvin in this this, here I thought she is regretting everything she has done,,,but no, I was wrong, she is a Ɓîtçh for adding little Alvin in this”. Joanna ranted angrily.
And Sharon was only crying.
Jesse’s phone beep, and he checked the message and it was an address of the place where Violet was.
“Violet already texted me the address of where she is, she in Gonjiam physiatrist hospital”. Jesse said.
“What!!!!!, Gonjiam physiatrist!!!!!!!, How could she take Alvin there, that hospital has been abandon for years, and criminals use that place as their hideout, is she sick in the head!!”. Joanna exclaims looking so angry.
“I will come with you”. Sharon said between tears.
“No Sharon, I can’t involved you in this, she only wants me there, and we aren’t sure of what Violet is capable of doing”.
“I don’t care jesse!!!!!, That Violet has my son, and I can’t sit back here doing nothing, am going with you!”. Sharon said.
Jesse sighs and looks at her.
“But Sharon…”
“You can’t stop me Jesse, am coming with you, and that it!!!”. She yells at him.
Janet sighs and Said.
“Just let her go with you Jesse, we are going to inform the police about it, is time that Violet pays for everything she has done”. Janet said.
Jesse sighs and looks at Sharon, and he didn’t know why he doesn’t want her to come with him.
“What are you waiting for Jesse, let go, before that Violet does something to my child”. Sharon said and ran off the house.
And Jesse quickly follows suit.
“Joanna quick inform the police and tell them the location of where Violet is”.
“Okay mom, I just hope nothing bad happens, Gonjiam is not a place to go”. Joanna said panicking as she picks up her cell phone to call the police.
Jesse and Sharon got down from the car, and looks at the abandon building in front of them.
“How could Violet bring my son to this place”. Sharon said looking around.
It was late in the night and this made the place to be more scary.
Jesse sighs and calls Violet.
Violet smiles immediately she saw the caller.
And face Alvin who was sobbing in tears.
“Looks like your dad is finally here little Alvin”. Violet smiles wickedly and picks the call.
“Hello my sweet Jesse”.
“Cut the crap, and tell me where you are Violet, am outside the building”.
“You can come to the thirteenth floor, since this place has been abandoned for years, the elevator no longer works anymore, so you have to climb the stairs, but if I were, am going to hurry up because the longer you waste one minute, the danger your son’s life become”. Violet said over the phone.
And Alvin looks at her sobbing in tears.
Jesse ended the call and face Sharon.
“She is at the thirteenth floor”. Jesse said.
And Sharon without hesitation enters the building, and Jesse follows suit.
“Please Aunt Violet, just let me, you don’t have to do this”. Alvin said with pleading eyes.
“Shut up Alvin, and don’t worry, am going to assure that you and your parents go to heaven together”. Violet said laughing.
“Violet!!, Violet!!!”. Violet could hear Jesse’s voice.
“Wow,,,that was quick, I guess your Dad really love you”. Violet said.
She stood up from where was sitting and quickly unties Alvin, placing the gun in his brain, as she came out from one of the abandon wards.
“Looking for me”. She said from behind.
And Jesse and Sharon turns to look at her.
“What do you think you are doing put that down”. Sharon said as she tries to go near Violet but stop half way when Violet points the gun at her.
“Ahaha, Don’t even think of coming closer Sharon, because I won’t think twice of ki||ing your precious son”. Violet said and pints the gun back at Alvin’s brain.
“Mom!!!, Dad!!!!, Please help me”. Alvin cries out looking so scared.
And tears falls down Sharon’s eyes.
“Violet please I beg of you, just drop the gun, we can talk about this Please”. Jesse said.
“And why Jesse, did you ever gave me a chance to talk, no you didn’t, you kicked me out from your mansion, and why, because of Sharon, I told you I love you, but you neglected my feelings and for who, for that Sharon, do you possibly think I will let you both get married in a week from now, and have a happy ever after, no way Jesse, you both also have to suffer the same pains I went through”. Violet said and cracks the gun.
And both Jesse and Sharon screams.
“No Violet, please let my son go, I beg of you please!!!!”. Sharon yells in tears
“Awwwwwwn, I feel so bad for you Sharon,,,,,but hell no, you are the most h@ťěfull person I despite so much in this world, and you know why, Because you are the reason why Jesse could fall for in love me, you are the reason he didn’t reciprocate to the feelings I have for him, but since he doesn’t love me, how about I ki|| you instead”. Violet said now pointing the gun at Sharon wearing an evil smile.
And Sharon flinched in fear.
Jesse bits his lips and his his met with planks, one kick from it, and is going to fell right on Violet.
“Violet”. He calls.
And Violet looks at him.
“You want me right, is me you want, you Want me to love you right”. Jesse said going close to her.
“Don’t even think of coming closer to me Jesse”.
“You want me to love right, am going to that”.
“Jesse”. Sharon muttered looking at him.
“You are jocking Right”. Violet asked.
“No am not, just give Alvin back to Sharon, and am going to come with you, wherever you want”. Jesse said with a soft tone.
“Really Jesse, you are going to come with me”. Violet asked now falling for his trap.
While Sharon who had no clue about what Jesse was planning, shakes her head in tears.
“Yes Violet, am going to come with you, just give Alvin to me”. Jesse said.
And Violet slowly let go off Alvin.
Jesse quickly drags Alvin to his side and kicks the the side of the door which was holding the pranks and the entire planks falls on Violet.
And she fainted immediately.
“Alvin!!”. Sharon calls and quickly went to Alvin checking his whole body.
“Alvin,,are you okay, did she hurt you”. Sharon asked between tears.
Alvin shakes his head.
“No she didn’t mom”.
And Sharon pulls Alvin into a hug and Jesse hugs him as well.
“Let get of here Sharon”. Jesse said few minutes later.
Sharon nods.
And Jesse carries Alvin his his arms.
As they turned to leave, Violet silently get up from the floor.
Unknown to them, she has pretended to have fainted.
She cleans the blood dropping down to her face and screams.
Sharon looks at her, and Violet shot at her trice.
“Sharon!!!!!!!”. Jesse yells, and quickly caught Sharon before she falls to the floor.
And Sharon was trying to gasps for Air.
“Sharon, Sharon” Jesse muttered as tears falls down her eyes.
Violet smiles wickedly, and points the gun to $h00t at Alvin, when she heard the sound of the police’s cars as they entered the building.
“$h|t!!!”she muttered and quickly took to her heels.
Jesse didn’t have the strength to chase after her, he was just holding on to Sharon who seem to be giving up already.
“Please Sharon, don’t leave me, I can’t be able to bear it if you do, please just hold on”. Jesse said in tears.
Sharon looks at Jesse as tears falls down her eyes.
“If I,,,,,,,if I die promise you are going to take care of our son, and be happy”.
“Mom”. Alvin muttered in tears.
“No Sharon you are not going to die, you are not going to die Please”. Jesse cries out in tears.
“I love you so much Jesse, you are my first and last love, I love you and Alvin so much” Sharon said weakly, touching his cheek.
But her hand slowly fell from Jesse’s cheek and her eyes closed instantly.
“Sharon, Sharon!!!!!”
Both father and son yells Crying.
Sharon was quickly brought inside the hospital with a Sketcher, and was already in a pool of blood, and Jesse held onto her crying.
“Please Sharon, don’t give up please, don’t”. He said sobbing in tears.
“We will take it from here”.
“Please do everything to save her, she is the love my life, please save her, I beg of you, don’t let her die”. Jesse said sobbing in tears
“We will do our best” the doctor said as he enters the operation room, and Jesse and Alvin looks at Sharon through the glass big window, as the bullet were been removed from her body.
“Dad is mom going to be okay”. Alvin asked, sobbing in tears.
And Jesse couldn’t even answer, he was just looking at Sharon.
And of a sudden, Sharon’s heart beat stops reading on the electrocardiogram.
“Doctor, her heart beat is stopping”. A nurse said, and the Jesse quickly looks at the electrocardiogram and then to Sharon, already shaking in fear and in tears.
The doctor takes the detribrilator machine to shock Sharon back to life.
“Clear”. He said as he shocks her with the detribrilator machine, he did for three times, but yet Sharon’s heart rhythm didn’t show on the electrocardiogram.
“Time of dealth 8:54 pm”. The doctor said.
? ???

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