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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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FATE OF LOVE – Episode 66

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? EPISODE 66 & 67 ?

“Mom why are your lips swollen, the Same goes to you too Dad, why are both of your lips swollen”. Alvin asked.
And both Sharon and Jesse looks at each other.
“Well that because we ki…..” Jesse was caught short, because Sharon quickly covers his mouth faking a laugh.
“Well you see Alvin, we bump into each other with Force that why”. Sharon said and gives Jesse a scornful look.
“You bumped into each other, but why don’t you both have any cut in your lips, I thought when people bumped into each other, they either have a swollen head or a cut lips, but you both don’t have any of this, are you sure you really bumped into each other”. Alvin asked.
And Jesse looks at Sharon, while Sharon was thinking of an answer to give to Alvin.
“Mom why aren’t you…..”
“Time for your surgery Alvin”. The doctor said as he enters the ward.
And Sharon was so grateful to the doctor, she looks at Jesse again, and Jesse quickly looked away, knowing the reason why Sharon was looking at him at way.
*But what wrong did I do, I just wanted to tell my son the truth*. Jesse thought inwardly as he keeps avoiding Sharon’s eyes.
“Mom, dad do surgeries hurt”. Alvin asked.
Sharon caress his hair and said.
“Not at all Alvin, and even if it does, your dad and I are here for you”.
“Is that true Dad” Alvin asked facing his dad.
And Jesse nods with a smile.
“So Alvin, are you ready for your surgery”. The doctor asked.
“As ready as always”. Alvin said with the cutest smile ever.
Fortunately, Alvin’s surgery turn out successful, and he was no longer sicked with Rheumatic heart disease.
But he was still in the hospital receiving treatment and getting better as well.
“Mom my stomach is full already”. Alvin said to Sharon who kept insisting he should eat more.
“Come on Alvin, you need to eat, you haven’t even eaten half of your food yet, and you already full”.
Alvin sighs and said.
“Am full mom, I don’t want to eat anymore, where is dad anyway”. Alvin asked looking around.
“So you don’t want me around anymore is that it”.
“Is not like that mom, is just dad always do anything and everything i tell him to do for me”.
“That because that dad of yours is a coward”.
“Did you just call my dad a coward”.
“Yes I did, and what are you going to do huh”.
“Am going to tell on you”.
“I bet if you can”.
And then Jesse enters the ward.
“Dad mom called you…..”. Alvin was caught short because Sharon quickly fed him with full spoon of sundubu-jjigae.
“Is everything okay here”.
“Yes Jesse”. Sharon said faking a smile, and secretly gives Alvin a sigh not to say a word.
“Alvin, I want to meet some people”. Jesse said with a smile.
“Really dad, who are they”. Alvin asked smiling.
“You can come in now”. Jesse said.
And Janet, Joanna, Liam, Millet and Rhett enters.
Alvin looks at them and said.
“I Know the two of you already”. Alvin said pointing at Millet and Rhett.
“You are my favorite unnie, and he is your boyfriend, so who are the rest of you”. He asked pointing at Joann, Liam and Janet.
“Am your grand ma”. Janet said with a smile.
“Grandma, so you are my dad’s mom”. Alvin asked.
And Janet nods with a smile.
“You are so beautiful grandma”. Alvin said and winkles at her.
And everyone laugh.
“Am joa……”
“I think I Know you, you are a k pop star right, Joan right”. Alvin asked pointing at her.
And Joanna nods.
“So are you my dad’s sister”.
Joanna nods with a smile.
“So does that mean I have an unnie who is a cerebrity”. Alvin asked.
And Joanna nods with a smile.
“Wow am so lucky to be the nerfew of a big time idol, although you are a big time star and beautiful, but Aunt Millet will always be my favorite unnie”. Alvin said and winkles at Millet.
And everyone laugh.
“Well am Liam, am……”
“You are her boyfriend right”. Alvin asked pointing at Joanna.
Liam looks at him and nods.
“I knew it, you are handsome, but still can’t be compared to me or my dad, we are the best”. Alvin said.
“Oh Sharon, I didn’t Know my grandchild is so funny”. Janet said caressing his hair.
“Am not only funny grandma, I also ask alot of questions too”. Alvin said smiling.
And everyone laughed again.
“Sharon when will he be discharged from the hospital”. Janet asked, a minute later after the laugh dies down.
“In five days time, he just need one last check-up”.
“That great, how about you and Alvin live with us from now on”. Janet Said.
And Alvin looks at Sharon.
“Please Sharon come live with us, I really want to live together with this lively cutie”. Joanna said smiling at Alvin.
Jesse didn’t say a word, he only looks at Sharon eager to hear what she was going to say.
Sharon looks at Millet and back to Janet.
Millet read her thought through her facial expression and said.
“Don’t worry about me Sharon, go ahead and live them, I will be okay in our house”.
“Are you sure Millet”. Sharon asked.
“Yes I am”. Millet said with a smile.
“How about you live with us too, there is always a room for you Millet”. Jesse said.
“Thanks Jesse, but no thanks, am okay living in my apartment, and besides I want to take a break from this little guy over here and his continuous questions”.
“So you aren’t going to miss me if l leave”. Alvin pouted out sadly.
“Of course am going to miss you alot cutie”. Millet said.
And Alvin smiles.
“So Sharon will you live with us”. Janet asked.
And Jesse looks at her.
Sharon bits her lips and nods her head, and a smile appears on Jesse’s face.

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