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Friday, October 18, 2024
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(She belongs to me only)
By; Samuel Favour
I stared at Oliver in shock, unable to say anything.
“I love you Natasha”
As he took a step forward I took one back.
He just stared at me before he sighed and walked away.
How can I be so stupid not to notice but did I really feel the same?
I quickly ran to my room as I locked myself in it.
I needed to call Jessica and tell her how I feel because I’m really confused on how I feel.
Do I like Oliver?
As I grabbed my phone my eyes widened as I saw a message from Derick.
This is the first time Derick was messaging me and I felt my heart beating heavily.
He wanted us to see , what does he want to talk about?.
I totally forgot that I was about to call my best friend because my mind was filled with Oliver and Derick.
It was only me and Ariana that were in the living room.
My brain was still wrapping everything that just happened until I heard Ariana laughing
I tore my gaze from the floor to her as she stood up from the couch.
She walked up to me with a smile on her face and I so much wanted to slap that smile off her face.
“Do you actually think you ending things with me is going to be that easy”
She said laughing with her hands folded.
I couldn’t help but ask “Why”
“Because I’ll do anything just to have you Mason”.
“You are mine forever,I don’t care if you’re happy or still in love with her as far as you are beside me I don’t care about anything”.
“I don’t love you Ariana” I yelled, getting fed up with her behavior.
“Don’t worry you’ll grow to love me” she said smiling.
“I’m sure you don’t want to get on the bad side of your father or if you really love Avery you won’t want anything to happen to her or her family “.
“One week Mason I’m sure you’ll do the right thing “.
She brought her hand to touch my bleeding mouth but I removed my face.
She put her hand back as she just smiled.
“You can’t run away from fate Mason, running away from it will only make things worse”.
“I love you Mason and I’ll do anything even if doing the most crazy thing ever to get you beside me”.
“I’m sure you know the right decision to choose darling and stop being an embarrassment to me and your parents ”
My eyes widened hearing that as Ariana walked away.
All my life my parents always called me an embarrassment to them.
There is nothing I do to please them that’s always right in their eyes.
I’ll never be good enough in their eyes and all they care about is their business and getting more money.
Money is their child because I never felt parental love from them.
Sometimes money isn’t a good thing. I wished we were never rich.
The only thing I did that was right for them was dating and agreeing to marry Ariana, not that I had any choice.
I walked out of Ariana’s house as I drove straight to my favorite place.
My life is a mess , I don’t want to stay away from Avery but if I do I’ll only make things worse for her.
Tears started to fill my eyes as I increased the acceleration of my car.
I drove straight to my favorite place.
I packed my car as I was about to go out my phone rang and I saw it was Avery
I was scared to pick it .
I hit the steering as I screamed my pain out.
I switched off my phone not wanting to talk to anyone.
I climbed the mountain until I reached the top as I sat down staring down at New York City.
A lot was going on in my head .
“Why me”
“Why does it have to be me”.
A tear slipped from my eyes
I just started to feel the feeling of loving someone and now I’m going to sacrifice all that.
I don’t know for how long I was there but it was already dark
“What type of people did you give birth too?” Mr Freeman screamed at his wife.
“Excuse me,who put the sperm into me”
“If you don’t marry Ariana I swear I will ki|| that girl he loves”.
“He knows better than not to try anything stupid”. Mrs Freeman said.
“I hope so let’s just wait till after one week till then I’ll keep quiet “.
Mr Freeman said before pulling a call to his personal assistant to come quickly.
Avery Nelson
I woke up and didn’t see Mason and I was kind of sad.
But I became worried when I tried calling him and he wasn’t picking.
I was already getting scared as negative thoughts were going through my head.
“What if something happens to him”
“What if Ariana tries to seduce him”.
After I saw Hannah in the hospital I went to their mason to ask about Mason but they didn’t even know where he was and tried calling him but he didn’t answer.
I just told them he went to see Ariana, that’s all.
We tried calling Mason but his phone was switched off.
It was getting late and I went back to my building as I waited outside for him.
I stared at the time on my phone.
It was to 9pm
I tried calling Mason again but no progress.
I didn’t know how long I’d been there but when I checked the time it was 12 in the midnight.
I was feeling cold but waiting for Mason is worth it.
When I heard his car sound I stood up and saw him.
He was surprised to see me as I ran to hug him before he could say anything.
“I miss you”
“What happened you weren’t answering my calls”
I hugged him as I felt his hand around my waist pulling me close to him.
We stayed like that for a while then I felt hot water on my neck.
Was Mason crying?
I was about to pull away from the hug but he didn’t let me go.
After he was done he stared at me before kissing me on the lips.
“Are you okay Mason?”
“Yes I am, sorry for not picking your call. I was at an important meeting with my parents”.
“Ohh okay”.
“Wh@ťěver happens just know I love you okay”.
I looked at him weirdly.
“Why are you sounding as if something is going to happen”.
“Just promise me that no matter what happens, always know that it’s you I love and only you okay”.
I looked at him again.
“Promise me”
“I promise Mason”.
He pulled me into a hug again before kissing me on my neck then on my lips.
“You okay” I couldn’t help but ask.
“Yeah, let’s go inside”
With that mason and I went inside the building making our way to my bedroom.

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