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Friday, October 18, 2024
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Episode 19
Blake and Selene spent hours studying together at the library together, Selene kept stealing glances at Blake who looked focused with what he was reading

She purposely yawned loud to catch his attention but no, he kept reading looking as serious as ever

“Blake come on, we’ve been studying for hours already” Selene groaned loudly

“And you’re crying?” He asked not taking his eyes away from his book

“Why won’t I cry, I haven’t eaten yet, I’m starved like hell” she grumbled like a child

Blake closed his book and looked at her, he chanted something and an apple with a little fruit box appeared on her desk

“How am I sure this is real” she scoffed

“Cause I bought it and kept it for you, yunno Incase if this happens. Now eat up” he ordered


“No excuses Selene, eat up so we can resume reading” he hushed her

Having no choice, Selene sighed and started munching on the juicy apple

“Mental note, don’t ever study with Blake ever again” she said inwardly

Finally she was done done eating and as promised, they resumed their reading

One hour later***

“Blake” Selene called again, he stared at her tiredly

“What’s wrong this time?” He asked

“I’m tired, we’ve been studying for 7 hours straight you are going to ki|| me” she complained

“10 hours is too small, what are you a baby?” He asked feeling amused

“Well, fine let’s quiz ourselves and we’ll call it a day?” She asked

“You’re just lazy, but I’ll accept” he smiled and faced her probably

About half an hour they were done quizzing themselves

“You did great” Blake smiled and high fived her

“Yeah” she smiled and stood up

“Let’s hang out Blake, we’ve been here for hours how about we go to our reading spot and go play?” She asked

“You wanna swim there don’t you?” he asked with a chuckled

“And play with flowers, and dance and shout and also drench you with water” she laughed

Blake looked at the silly cute thing, in front of him and could only just shake his head

“Let’s go” he smiled

“Yeeye!” She screamed and pounced on him in the twink of an eye, they were already there

Selene won’t stop screaming and running everywhere, she would cut some flowers and throw it at Blake who was just laughing

“Wooooooooooo” she kept on screaming and running

“Calm down Selene” Blake muttered

“No way, this is to fun” she stretched her hands to the water, allowing then to splash on Blake

He gasped and looked at her feeling flabbergasted while she sticked her tongue out at him

“Oh you wanna play, fine then let’s play” he began chasing her around

Selene kept laughing and running but it got to a particular place that she stopped.

“What’s wrong?” Blake asked

“Blake” she called, moving a bit front. “Something is here” she said as she knelt on the ground and began knocking a spot

“Come on Selene, get up and-

He didn’t get to finish cause the ground suddenly opened and took her in

“Selene!” He screamed


Master Morris is sitting in his chamber and meditating but his eyes suddenly flew wide open

“Amora” he muttered


“Dexton pay attention” Elena complained for the umpeeth time

They were trying to study but he kept pressing his phone

“Dexton” she yelled this time and he finally looked up

“You’re not even paying attention” she said

“I’m sorry babe but I need to rush, I’ll study with you later bye” without waiting for her reply or reaction, he pecked her forehead and ran off

Elena sat there, looking stupefied, Ruby smirked from where she was before standing up and going to meet Elena

“I won’t be surprised if he breaks your heart”

“Must you always be bad omen” Elena replied with a glare, before facing her work


Master Morris appeared to the special spot where Blake and Selene do study, he was shocked to see Blake rumming about with a panic expression

“Blake” master Morris called slowly

“Master” Blake turned to him and bowed immediately

“What are you doing here, how dare you come here!” He yelled furiously

Blake was just silent

“Who else is here with you?” Master Morris asked, taking close steps to Blake

“Selene, the ground..” Blake didn’t even know how to explain

“Impossible” master Morris muttered to himself

Selene hissed in pain and looked up. “what is this place” she thought

The place looked like a caven, everywhere was dark and shinning with blue crystals everywhere like a decoration

Looking a bit front you’ll see a throne and a water fountain like the school own except this one is extremely blue and shinning also there was a blue shining swimming pool at a corner

“The full moon pool” Selene muttered, she have read about this pool in a book, for those water spirit that posses fish tales only

Selene moved around till she saw a crystal Cascade placed on an ice desk. “Huh?” Was only what could come out of her mouth as she moved closer

Now she can see a woman that has a long silver hair, lying flat on her back, dressed in a fancy princess robe

“Is she dead or is she sleeping” Selene thought

From the way you can see things, her skin looked really smooth and she has this extreme beauty that almost tempted Selene to feel

As if she was hypnotized, Selene brought her hand to the crystal and immediately it started shining some blue lights

“What the- she couldn’t finish what she was saying cause she was seeing things she don’t really understand

A woman with a long silver hair, fighting multitude of people and in her second hand she’s carrying a baby, the rain the lighten strike the clashing of the swords was unbearable for Selene

She can see a baby falling off a cliff now. “Arghhhh” Selene screamed and hold her head tight

Master Morris appeared there, he did some finger formation that separated Selene from the Cascade

“Master” Selene could only just bit her lips as she bowed

“How did you get here?” Master Morris asked

“I don’t know?” She replied lowly

Master Morris chanted somethings that made vanished Selene out of the caven, he then looked at the woman sleeping in the Cascade

“Amora” he muttered lowly.
To be continued

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