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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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《 Monsters aren’t born, they’re Made 》
By, ✿ฺ Author Indigo Raine ✿ฺ
©Copyright 2023 [?? ℕ?? ℂ?ℙ? ?ℝ ℝ?ℙ???]
Genre(s): Dark Romance, Forbidden, Mafia.
Theme: Sometimes water is better than blood.
[# Chapter Thirty-Five


‘????? ?? ????? ??? ???? ?? ?**,
? ???’? ?**???? ????? ?? ?????…’

Korpse’s eyes opened to the sound of his ringing phone. He released a long, annoyed groan then pulled his hands down his face. He glared at the ceiling in the living room before pushing himself off the couch with his elbows. It was quickly made clear he was the only one around, except for a few maids admiring his body–he was shirtless. Korpse’s brows creased as the phone started ringing again, he covered his mouth and yawned them reached for the phone to see who’s calling.

‘Kitty?’ he thought, upon seeing the caller ID. He wasted no time in swiping the green icon upwards. “Katniss, what’s up?”

“Where are you? Get home now.”

“I don’t feel like coming home, maybe I’ll stay here for the night.”

“Excuse me? I didn’t hear that right.”


“I said come home, please,” her voice softened significantly at the last word.

Korpse really didn’t plan to go home, he just wasn’t in the mood, but when Katniss said ‘please’ a sensual shiver zinged down his spine to his Ç0çƙ. Making it half hard in seconds. “Fine.”

“Oh, good! Bring a bottle of milk on your way home, a box of strawberry and chocolate muffins, three bags of Lays, and large cans of cheese flavored Pringles,” the clanking of pots could be heard in the background of the call. “And please by me a Hello Kitty apron, I don’t like this white one. It’s too plain.”

Korpse leaned back on the couch and placed a hand on the thigh of one of his sprawled legs. “Aight, I’ll be there in about an hour.”

“Could you be faster?”

“You could go yourself. You live up the road from a supermarket.”

“You could shut up and get moving.”

“What did I say about attitude? Want me to repeat what happened last time, but this time explore the world inside your P@ŋtîēṣ?”

She hung up.

Korpse dropped the phone and chuckled, the sound reverberating throughout his chest. He pushed off the couch and grabbed his studded jacket off the back of a chair, he shoved his arms through the sleeves then pulled it up his back.

“Godfrey, where are you going?” Carnage was descending the stairs while putting on a white shirt.

He spotted bandages wrapped around his shoulder and some across his chest. Korpse lifted a brown quizzically at Carnage who saw and sighed. “What happened to you? Looks like someone f-__-ked you up.”

“Got into a fight with bodybuilders wielding axes,” his lips curled slightly as he moved past him to the hall that led into the kitchen. “Got a few injuries, nothing life thr_@tening. Right now their ‘remains’ are probably being eaten by rats or vultures. I k!lled Christopher, too.”

“f-__-ker had it coming,” Korpse followed Carnage into the kitchen and sat on a stool around the black marble island. The top was clean and shiny, reflecting the extravagant chandelier hung above it. “So… You’ll be leaving soon.”

Ryat picked out a square container of strawberries from the fridge, he paused with it in his hand then looked back at Korpse. He was at the other side of the island, his elbows resting on it with his fingers interlocked–he looked like he’d just been pissed off and would get up and beat someone to d**th. That, however, was something natural with Korpse. Like his name, he always looked like he wants to turn someone into a corpse.

“Not like I have a choice,” he put the plastic container down then went back into the black fridge to take a slice of black forest red velvet cake. “This is destiny, I guess.”

“You don’t seem opposed to the idea of leaving us. Why is that?”

“As a kid who was beaten whenever he showed emotions, don’t blame me for not being able to express any. I h@ťě the fact that I’m leaving, but I can’t do anything about it, that’s a fact. I am gonna leave whether I, or you, like it or not. There is no use fighting it.”

Korpse eyed Carnage but didn’t say anything, he was right. He watched him sit and eat the cake and strawberries calmly, as if he had no problems in the world. “What about your Dad? You don’t look like you’re grieving his d**th. I know you still cared about your dad even after the things he’d done to you.”

“He forced me to eat a snake at three years old, hit me off a bicycle with his car at four, made me sleep in the car garage in wet clothes with no lights or blankets at age five and burned me with an iron at six. I do care, just not enough. Actually, I’m happy that he d**d,” Ryat stuck a silver fork in a strawberry then ate it. “He deserved d**th.”

There was serene silence after that, while Ryat ate his second slice of cake Korpse went to the fridge to grap a box of Grape juice. “Let’s hangout one day this week. Before you go off to Italy.”

Carnage paused and thought about it. He sighed.

“I wish Neon was here.”

“We all do, but you heard what that witch said, he’s in Mexico with his cartel family,” Korpse sat next to Ryat. There’s a party happening at Muse Valley,” Korpse drank from the box.

“Sure, I’m down,” Ryat dropped the fork emotionlessly.

Korpse noticed the drastic change in his mood and reached over to hug him, Ryat was surprised at first but hugged him back. Head resting on his shoulder as a tear slipped down his cheek.

“I don’t wanna go. I wanna stay with you guys.”

“I know, Ryat, we know,” Korpse hushed him and rested his chin on his head. “It’s shattering our hearts too. It hurts, we know,” he too was moved to tears, he shed silent ones filled with pain.

The two spoke no other words, only hugging each other and basking in the comfort provided. At almost thirty minutes later they finally separated and chuckled at each other, Ryat dipped his finger in frosting and rubbed it on Korpse’s nose. He glared at Ryat then did the same until both were covering each other in cake.

“Look what you did to my clothes, you a**,” Korpse used a paper towel to wipe the frosting off.

“Aww, you look so sweet,” Ryat winked with a smirk.

“I’m gonna f-__-k you up,” Korpse began chasing Ryat around the mansion until he caught him and they wrestled on the ground.

“I’m gonna miss hanging out with you guys. Wait, where’s Bandit and Venom?” Ryat turned to look at Korpse. Both laying on the ground in the middle of a hall.

“Venom’s at the hospital, as always, and I think Bandit went home. He said he’ll be back soon. Ryat, I want you promise me something,” Korpse turned to look at him. “Promise me that you’ll never change, that you’ll never switch up or join the other side. I heard the Mafia changes people,” he got a knife from his pocket and slit his pinky. The blood rolled down his finger and dripped onto the tiles, “Promise me that you’ll never switch sides. You are, and will always belong, to the Bloodlust Bastards, and not the Ravenhood. I want to hear you say it, Ryat, that you’ll never change. Promise that you’ll come back to us.”

Ryat took the knife and slit his pinky emotionless, he watched the scarlet blood gracefully slide down his finger in a fat droplet. He and Korpse put their pinkies together to mix their blood, and then linked their fingers around each other.

“I promise. I’ll never change for Mafia. I’ll always be loyal to you guys. Bloodlust Bastards forever,” he said while looking into Korpse’s eyes.

They stayed like that for a while, the pulled their fingers away. The blood now sticky.

“Remember what your mom used to tell us when we came over for sugar cookies and orange juice on Saturdays?” Korpse took out a red bandana and tore in two. He wrapped Ryat’s finger with one piece, Ryat wrapped his with the other.

“That thing about Promises?”

“Yeah. She said ‘Never let the sun set on a broken promise’. Ryat, if you ever break this promise, I’ll never forgive you, and you know that the boys and I don’t give second chances. Don’t f-__-k up, they’re not your family Ryat, we are, blood or not,” Korpse stood up and helped Ryat up.

“Godfrey, I give you my word,” he smiled, and then the two hugged. “Are you going somewhere?”

“Katniss wants me to bring milk and muffins home,” he rolled his eyes. “I should probably get going before she comes here to drag me home.”

“Why you… Y’know,” he shrugged one shoulder.

“What? f-__-k her?”

“Dude, no. You’re such a dirty minded bastard. I meant ask her out. You two are a married couple at this point,” Ryat pushed his shoulder.

“I will, I’m just giving her some time to heal. She acts like everything is fine on the outside but she crawls into my bed every night to cry and trembles violently as she does so,” Korpse heaved a sigh. “I have to go. I miss her.”

Ryat’s lip curled into an amused smile. “Go get ya girl, Godfrey.”

“Will you be okay?”

“Of course.”

“You sure, man?”

“Dude, get the f-__-k out of my mansion,” he punched Korpse on the shoulder and laughed as he hurriedly left.

When he was out of sight, Ryat started making his way back to Meira’s room to prepare a warm bath for her. It has only been a few hours since they’ve f-__-ked, but she’s still sleeping heavily.

?? ???? ?????…

Korpse drove his Range Rover into a gated community, he went down the road and stopped at a house with white walls surrounding it. It was a three-story luxurious house he spent a hefty sum on, he pressed a button for the gates to open automatically and drove in. He went to park in the garage then removed the groceries and head inside. Katniss was there to great him with an annoyed pout and folded arms. He was going to ask what’s the problem when he noticed she was wearing an oversized black shirt, black joggers and a black bandana over her head–all belonged to him.

“Why are you home so late?” she raised a brow annoyingly.

“I was chilling with Ryat,” he walked around her to enter the kitchen and set the things down. “Kitty, why are you wearing my clothes?”

“You mean my clothes?” she looked him up and down. “Because if they’re mine I have the right to wear them.”

“Katniss. Stop.”

“Don’t talk to me,” she came and shoved him away so she can search through the goods. “Dylan refused to let me do his homework, he wants you to help him do it instead. So go sort that out.”

Korpse was confused by her indifference towards him, the anger she emitted made the room hot.

“Katniss, what’s the matter?” he tried touching her but she slapped his hand away and walked around the white marble island to the counter.

He grew irritated.

“Kat what the f-__-k is wrong with you?” he followed her there but she kept avoiding him. In the end he grabbed her arm and turned her to face him. “Kat?” she was shedding tears with an look.

“What?” she pushed him off and folded her arms.

He was taken aback.

“Katniss, you need to tell me what’s wrong. You have to tell me what’s wrong so I can help.”

“You came here late,” her cheeks turned red.

“…you’re kidding right?” he was even more surprised.

“And you k!lled my father. Did you think I wouldn’t find out you Ďïčkhead?”

Korpse went silent.

“Ricci and Diaz are my cousins, we all grew up in Trinidad before we came here and grew apart, but we’re still down for each other. Why didn’t you tell me?” she yelled the last sentence at him, but then wiped her tears with one hand. “I mean, I don’t care that he’s d**d, he deserved worse. I just wished you brought me there. Think because I’m a girl I can’t handle g0re? f-__-king douchebag. I’m crying because you came late which means you don’t care about me. So I’m gonna leave. I have a job now as a teacher’s assistant.”

Hearing her last sentences he snapped out of his trance and pinned her to the counter. “Kat, look, I’m sorry about not telling you, and I’m sorry for taking long. But don’t ever let me hear you f-__-king say I don’t care about you–” he placed his hand on her cheek, “–because that’s b*ll$h|t on a hire level. I’d give you my heart if I f-__-king could.”

Katniss blushed angrily and looked away. “Liar. I h@ťě you and your friends. You’re all psychopaths. Why did you even save me anyway? Should’ve let me d–” he grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him before she could finish talking.

“We may be psychopaths, but we have one thing in common,” he leaned closer to whisper against her lips. “We’ll k!ll for the ones we love. And you, Katniss, you’re my heart in human form. I’d slaughter an army of dinosaurs if it meant seeing you smile. Don’t ???? let me f-__-king hear you say I don’t care.”

Korpse’s already dark blue eyes edged towards black, his voice deepened as he spoke, the grip on her chin was tight but not enough to harm her. It made her feel small, like a kitten at the mercy of a Wolf. Her defiance fled before she could grasp it.

He slowly released her, instead putting his hand around her neck and pulling her into his arms. She instinctively opened her arms to wrap around his muscled torso, head resting on his firm chest. He had her trapped in a warm bear hug–one she found herself melting away in. She felt Korpse rest his head on hers and stroked her hair gently.

If she was a cat she’d pur.

“Katniss,” he called softly, “Do you h@ťě me? I’m sorry…that I’m not a good person.”

She smiled against him. “I don’t h@ťě you. I can never h@ťě you. You’re my savior, Godfrey,” she tipped on her toes to kiss him on his jawline.

Korpse pulled away to look at, again, surprised by her actions. “Katniss, what was that?”

She rolled her eyes sassily. “Don’t ask me dumb questions. I don’t know,” she looked away and whispered under her breath, “Maybe I’m f-__-ked in the head for having a crush on a man who ripped my father’s organs out with his bare hands then crucified him. Perhaps it turns me on a little bit,“ it was so low that nobody would hear it, but he did.

“What did you just say?” his eyes bulged.

Katniss skilfully escaped her confinement and ran through the house. “I didn’t say anything I swear on your life!”

“I’m gonna tickle you until you start screaming,” he thr_@tened playfully and kept chasing after her.

??? ???? ???…

It has already been four days since Lady Danger was last seen at the mansion. Currently, she was in a car with binoculars watching as Ryat rides Meira into the hospital on his motorcycle.

“Three more days,” she reminded herself and lowered the gadget. “????? ???? ????.”

Meanwhile, Meira got off the bike and removed her jacket that held her white skirt down. Ryat was the one who asked her to wear a skirt and she’s still confused why. He got off the bike and placed his helmet on the handle, he began scanning the surrounding area with a bone-chilling glint in his slate-colored eyes. He seemed to have spotted the red Bugatti across the road hidden by some fruitful rose bushes. He didn’t need to ask if his ‘mom’ was there, she rolled the window down and put her hand out to wave at him. Ryat chucked his middle finger up, grabbed Meira’s wrist then dragged her inside.

‘I h@ťě humans.’ he thought to himself, not caring about the glances he reserved for having Meira’s pink Barbie handbag on his shoulder. ‘I h@ťě ’em.’

“Ryat wait, wait stop,” she said and he immediately ceased all movement. She let go of his hand and held her knees. The pain she was in couldn’t be normal. Yesterday she couldn’t walk, literally, this was the first time she’d been on her legs–Ryat was the one who carried her around all day. “Can you carry me? I can’t walk.”

“Of course,” he scooped her off the ground and carried her to her mother’s hospital room. The nurses he passed by drooled on their white uniforms when they saw him in his classic Bad Boy fit–black leather jacket, black leather gloves, black pants and combat boots, black bandana around his head, and tattoos littering his neck.

When they got inside, Syahla was still unconscious. Venom was seated next to her bed watching her, he seemed to be contemplating something. Ryat sat Meira on the bed and comforted her as she cried and spoke to Syahla, he went to greet Venom.

“I guess you live here now,” he casually said.

“I don’t know, I prolly do,” he shrugged and smiled. “You coming to the party Saturday?”

“Of course, will you be there? Nah, dumb question, you’re gonna be here,” he pinched his cheek and Venom elbowed him. “You seriously like her, don’t you?”

“Ain’t a secret,” he clicked his t*ngue. “What can I say? The older the better.”

“Just like wine.”

“Aye, you catch my drift bro!” they high-fived and bumped fists. “Hey Mei, the doctor said she’ll be waking up soon.”

“Really?” she asked, drying her tears.

“Would never lie to you. Go home and do your school work, I got you covered,” he reassured her.

Meira stayed with Syahla for about an hour later then left with Ryat, this time she walked on her own while he held her hand possessively. Her p**sy didn’t hurt as bad as before, the bumps of the bike were what caused that much pain. Meira noticed women eyeing her in jealous as she walked with her segzy-as-sin stepbrother, but she didn’t care. The two soon went home, ignoring the car that followed them their.

However, Ryat rode behind the mansion and under the giant mango tree. This was the place they almost got caught doing ?????? things.

“Off the bike,” Ryat ordered and she obeyed. “Now get back on again, in front of me.”

“Why?” she asked timidly, noticing her had brought them to a place where no one was able to see them. “What are you doing?”

Ryat smirked and licked his lips in a slow, segzy way.

Meira was about asking again when she noticed Ryat was hard. ‘Father, help me.’

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