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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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《 Monsters aren’t born, they’re Made 》
By, ✿ฺ Author Indigo Raine ✿ฺ
©Copyright 2023 [?? ℕ?? ℂ?ℙ? ?ℝ ℝ?ℙ???]
Genre(s): Dark Romance, Forbidden, Mafia.
Theme: Sometimes water is better than blood.
[# Chapter Thirty-Four | ℝ?????+


“Meira,” Ryat said in a husky voice, his eyes gone violently dark with desire.

“R-ryat?” she held his shoulders.

He Ç0çƙed his head, dark and feral eyes fleeting to her bewitching cleavage. He pushed his tongue passed his lips then swept it over the upper and lower one, the movement mesmerised Meira–leaving her spellbound. “I want to be inside you. I’ve waited long enough, held back long enough,” he meets her eyes, “Let’s get one thing straight, I don’t make love, I f-__-k, and I do it ????.”

The cool air from the overhead air conditioner pebbles her n!ppl£s against his solid chest. She nodded in understanding. “I… I…”

He grabbed her jaw and leaned down so their foreheads would touch. “Say. It.”

“? ???? ??? ???, even though it’s wrong.”

His moist pink lips curled in a sadistic way. “Some lines are meant to be crossed. It’s wrong, but we both know it feels right. Meira, I’m gonna f-__-k you regardless.”

His fingers trailed up her head to her scalp, he grabbed a handful of hair and yanked it back. The aggression shocked her but sent a new wave of pleasure bolting to her ćƖĩť. “Ahsss…Ryat!” she winced at the tight hold he had on her.

Ryat buried his face in the crook of her neck. Biting hard into the warm flesh there, making her scream once more. His fingers dug into her thigh, he felt her squirming under him so he pressed harder into her. Trapping under his body. The two were mildly covered in blood but he didn’t care.

He pulled away from her neck to look at the damaged skin, it made him hum in satisfaction. He stuck his t*ngue to l**k the spot before biting into it a second time. “I can’t get enough of you. I think I’m obsessed.”

“Ryat, please,” Meira’s nails scraped his skin.

“Shh, Little Dove, I haven’t even started yet,” he kissed her cheek then straightened his back, hands holding her thighs apart. “This shorts. I h@ťě it,” he held the waist of the garment then roughly pulled it off and tossed it away. Now he was face-to-face with her Çüñť, she was dripping wet. “Now this is a sight fit for a King.”

“Can you stop?” a flustered Meira tried covering herself but Ryat growled and ripped her hands away. “Ryat what the heck!” he held her wrists tightly.

“You’re trying to cover my property. How f-__-king dare you?” he let go of one of her wrist before slapping her thigh. “Try to stop me again and I’m tying your hands to the headboard. Try me.”

“You’re so mean. I h@ťě y,ou!”

“Good, the feeling is mutual,” he claimed her lips again, thumb pressing on her ćƖĩť and rubbing small slow circles on it. He swallowed every one of her segzy little Mõ@ɲs, his hips began grinding against her. ‘f-__-k,’ he cursed, ‘You’re the worst kind of drug I’ve ever come across.’

He slid two fingers under her P@ŋtîēṣ, down her wet slit and teased her entrance. He recalled what happened to her and asked, “Can I?”

She nodded.

“Words, baby. Use your words.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“Hmm, good girl.”

Ryat teased her a little bit more, her hips bucking against him almost wildly. He relieved her by sliding one finger in. She was warm, slippery, and tight–all at once. If he wasn’t the same of loosening her first he’d f-__-k her then and there, he trusted in and out as she Mõ@ɲed his name next his ear. It was the best music he’d ever heard.

“Oh, Ryat…” she bit her lip, eyes rolling back. His finger went in and out with a steady pace. “Oh God, it feels so good. Ryat, Ryat, Ryat–” he kissed her, stealing the rest of her words. It was hard one, riddled with aggressive possessiveness, and she enjoyed every second of it.

Ryat’s patience thinned.

With his finger still exploring her inside he left her mouth and descended to her chest, she thankfully wasn’t wearing a bra. He lifted the end of her shirt to her mouth and ordered her to hold it between her teeth, which she obeyed without question. He wasted no time in closing his mouth around one of her n!ppl£s, she released a crystalline Mõ@ɲ and arched into him. Toes curling and gripping the sheets, her hands scratch away at his back. Her br**sts were the perfect size, soft and round, with a hard pink n!ppl£ at the center. He s**ked on it hungrily, flicking the bud with his t*ngue, biting and pulling on it. She went mad with pleasure.

“Oh my God, Ryat, d-don’t stop, please…” she whimpered, her hips grinding on his finger while she pulled his head closer. “Oh, Ryat…mmh!”

She was close, she felt an 0rg@zm loading and chased it after–but again Ryat wasn’t so generous as to give it to her. He pulled away before it was close enough to grasp, a finger slick with creamy whiteness slid out of her. There was a string of saliva from her n!ppl£ to his mouth, which he broke by l**king his lips.


“What?” he answered innocently.

“That’s not fair!”

“Is anything ever is? Baby girl, calm down. You’ll get to feel this Ç0çƙ tear you in half when it’s time,” he chuckled amusedly.

She folded her arms with a frown but was quick to notice her was unbuckling his belt. “What–” before she had the chance to say a sentence he pushes his hand into his black pants and pulled out an absolutely massive Ç0çƙ. It was thick with veins that seemed to pulsate at the sides running all the way to the blushing mushroomed head. A white substance dropped from it onto her tummy.

Meira bit her bottom lip. “Ryat, it’s really big. It won’t fit.”

“Then I’ll make it,” he grabbed her throat and kissed her deeply. He slapped his Ç0çƙ on her tummy while smiling amidst the heated kiss. “It’s gonna hurt, Meira. I’m sorry.”

“Hurt? Sorry? Ryat, wait. Ryat I don’t think–” without warning he pressed the pink head against her entrance and pushed inside. It took her a moment–with her mouth agape–to process what he’d done, but when she did her head slowly went back into the pillow. Ryat kissed her cheek before moving back and slamming right back in again, this time going much deeper. Meira screamed and sunk her nails into his back, hot tears running down the sides of her head. The pain she felt was one indescribable–she felt it deep inside her.

”R-ryat… Ryat…” she sobbed harshly against him, hating him for not warning her. “?????…”

“I know it hurts, I’m sorry, but I promise the pain is gonna go away,” he reassured her and angled himself to th-ru_st deeper and hit the spot he knows will make her see f-__-king stars. “Trust me.”

Meira’s words were stuck in her throat. Low thunder rumbled outside, the room was cold but her body was hot, Ryat’s natural scent and a tinge of pungent blood clogging her nostrils. Ryat waited for her to adjust to his size, her whimpers made him want to punch someone d**d. When he felt hee stop shivering and calmed below him he slowly pulled back, he used one hand to raised her face so their eyes would meet. He saw the pain in her eyes, but he promised he’d make it go away real soon. He was gonna take her to heaven and back. While looking into her eyes, he rammed into her for the third time–she gasped and gripped his body, her thighs closing around his waist.

“Meira,” he called her name, voice deep and sultry.

“Y…y-yes…Aah!” she threw her head back when he thust in again. Unlike before, it wasn’t made of pure pain. It sent shockwaves of pleasure tumbling throughout her being. “Oh… God…”

Ryat bit inro his lip, pulled back and slammed his Ç0çƙ inside her yet again. He was balls deep this time. “Enjoying yourself, baby?” he bent down to take one of her n!ppl£s in his mouth. He saw her eyes roll into her head without even looking at her. Ryat started to th-ru_st fast, deep, and hard, he soon found the perfect rhythm and made sure he hit her womb with every th-ru_st back inside her sweet little hole.

Her Mõ@ɲs grew progressively louder, feuling him to go even harder. The sound of skin slapping filled the room, he felt hee nails digging into his flesh and scratching his back–he knew he’d have to get bandaids later on. He placed his hands beside her head on the bed, she grabbed onto his wrist as her body jerked backward with each th-ru_st. She turned left and right, tightly gripping the sheets as pleasure consumed her and held her in its wicked grasp. Meira saw literal stars at one point–he was b*lls deep inside of her Çüñť.

“Oh, oh God, oh Ryat,” she loudly Mõ@ɲed his name.

Sweat dripped off Ryat’s body onto hers, his black hair dampened by sweat fell over his face, slightly obscuring her. He reached up and pushed the hair back, she looked ravishing in the throes of passion. Her black eyebrows scrunched together forming a segzy little vee just above her nose. Tears rapidly fell from her eyes, her silky hair was damp and sprawled out all around her. He wished he could be inside her for-f-__-king-ever.

Too bad Zayde didn’t get the chance to see this, he’d go insane.

Ryat felt his balls tightening, he felt Meira put her hands on his hips trying to push him off but he grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head. With his free hand he held down one of her thighs, and started pounding into her with his Ç0çƙ. She tried to break free but he was too strong to even pry his hand open. Ryat snatched her lips with his in a heated t*ngue kiss, and just before he reached his high he whispered again, “Meira, I love you.”

He pulled out just in time to blow his load all over her stomach, some of it hitting her tear-stained face. She too climaxed, it was so intense he had to hold her down with both hands to stop her from getting up amd running from him. The 0rg@zm was a powerful one that left body feeling like spaghetti. She felt drained, tired and exhausted. Every last bit of energy she held was used up. Ryat was breathing hard above her, he placed a chaste kiss to her hairline before he collapsed on her body.

It took a while for them to cool down, and when they did they remained in that same position.

“We…” Meira started tiredly. “We did it.”

Ryat heard her and got up he looked at her hazy eyes, then looked down. The sheet was tainted red. He had taken her virginity. He partly thought she wasn’t a virgin, but this wiped out all doubts.

He was her first.

“Yes, Meira, we did it,” he kissed her forehead, between her brows, then the tip or her nose. “How do you feel?”

Her c*re was throbbing agonizingly, as if a hammer was still pounding her inner walls and hitting her womb–but she does admit it was the most amazing thing she’d ever experienced.

“Horrible,” she closed her eyes sleepily. “Painful… Amazing, awesome…”

“Alright, that’s it, you need to sleep,” he pecked her lips then covered her with the sheet. “I’ll clean you up later.”

“Mm…” she hummed then fell unconscious.

Ryat smiled then looked at his shoulder, he totally forgot there was an injury there. This brought back memories of how he found out what happened to Meira. After she went to school he was restless, worried, annoyed and irritated. Deep in his gut he felt like something was gonna go wrong. He waited till evening to leave and go pick up Meira, on his way to her school he stopped at a bar to grab a beer–that’s when he heard Chris and some men discussing how they abducted the adopted daughter of Theodore Hamilton.

Chris explained what he had done and even l**ked his finger before the men that laughed. This enraged him. He followed the men to a warehouse they planned to take Meira later and do unspeakable things to. Once there he attacked them–there was five men in total. These men were bodybuilders, extremely muscular. The fist fight he put up was a difficult one, he had to take a lot of hard blows to various parts of his body but he triumphed in the end. He found a giant blue meat grinder inside the building and tossed their bodies inside, he’d never puked at the sight of gore but that day he almost vomited his guts.

As for Christopher, that one who dared to touch his and Neon’s girl, he brought him outside in the yard and drove a tractor over his legs. Then he made a structure above the grinders and lowered his lower body inside so it would be further crushed. His screams were so loud his ears ring till this day. Afterward, he cut open Chris’s body and placed about twenty Grenades inside and wrapped it shut with duck tape. Then, he opened his skull–with his bare hands–and stuffed it with cow feces and stored a bomb inside. He tossed the body into the grinder and while he was running out the place exploded and knocked him out. Lady Danger and her men were the ones who found him and brought him and he went straight to her room.

Ryat felt satisfied, though he knew if he’d k!lled that f-__-ker from the first time he found out they dated this would’ve been prevented. But Ryat believes Christopher should consider himself real lucky. Everyone thinks he’s the real maniac, psychopath and unhinged one in the Bloodlust Bastards. But only he, God, and the Devil knows that he was nothing compared to Neon.

Under that cute boy façade he always sports, he’s the worst person you want to offend–and he doesn’t know what the word ‘mercy’ means.

They don’t call him ‘The Mexican Terror’ for no reason.

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