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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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《 Monsters aren’t born, they’re Made 》
By, ✿ฺ Author Indigo Raine ✿ฺ
©Copyright 2023 [?? ℕ?? ℂ?ℙ? ?ℝ ℝ?ℙ???]
Genre(s): Dark Romance, Forbidden, Mafia.
Theme: Sometimes water is better than blood.
[# Chapter Thirty

?? ??? ???????? ?????????… [6:03 ?.?.]

Carnage, Venom, Bandit and Korpse stood with folded arms intensely looking down at a phone on the table between them. There was a picture of Neon wearing black and glasses, a hood on his head with bear ears and his t*ngue protruding past his lips stretched in a grin. He had a red cup in his hand. A red and green icon were at the corners of the screen. The phone rang, and rang, and rang, until it reached voicemail. They’ve been calling him for the past two hours now and he is yet to pick up his phone.

This is unlike Neon. Whenever you call Neon, unlike his friends, he always picks up at the first or second ring–sure, he’ll Ɓîtçh about being called but he always answers. This is a worrying situation they’re in. Carnage bent down to try calling his friend again, but it was the same result. He got angry and stepped into the table, crushing it and the phone under his weight.

“There was an explosion at the place he works,” Bandit said, fingers tapping on his chin. “Eye witnesses claim men dressed in fancy black suits caught him, one of them had a g*n to his head, but some white cars pulled up and shot every one of ’em d**d. Neon reportedly hopped into one of the white cars and left. A $h00t-out between the black side and the white side ensued. According to traffic cams, the white cars made the black ones crash into multiple other cars then disappeared off the grid. That’s all the information I’ve managed to gather so far–it’s as if Neon just disappeared off the face of the earth.”

“Why isn’t he picking up his f-__-king phone then? He always has his phone with him, no matter where he is,” Ryat’s frustration and worry grew with each passing second. In Arkville they have a lot of enemies–most are last friends, the rest joined the h@ťě train to gain some form of recognition. His mind shows him images of what they could’ve done Neon and fear clamours in his throat. He’s got to find him. Now. Immediately.

“I don’t know where else to look,” Venom rested on the arm of a chair. In those two hours they’ve drove around every place Neon might’ve been–and he h@ťěs going on especially without the company of his friends, so there weren’t many places to look. “What if something happened to him?” Venom couldn’t take another heartbreak.

Bandit covered his face and stooped down, sobs wracking his body. He’d witnessed the death of Satan and Lucifer–former members of the gang–and the arrest of Ryat. Luckily, he returned. He doesn’t know if he’ll be able to survive if Neon goes missing permanently–he can’t live without his homeboys. They’re his family. The ones who wiped his tears when others accused him of being for crying. They mean everything to him. All of them. If anything bad happens to Neon…

The boys all collapsed next to each other on the couch, fighting back tears, their brains forcing them to see images of what might’ve happened to him. One thing is for certain; if Neon dies, the world would never feel the end of their wrath.

Meira was behind a wall, hand over her mouth and tears running down her cheeks. Was Neon actually missing? Would she never see him again? That can’t be possible. She’d gotten used to Neon’s company, and she’d never forget the time he comforted her in the backyard at night. Her mother was in the hospital, she didn’t whether she’d survive or not–nobody knows what tomorrow brings. She can’t lose two of the people she cares about, she just can’t. Impossible.

“Pssst, Meira!” Belinda appeared wiping her hands in a white apron. She quickly tied it around her waist then rushed to her. “What’s wrong?”

“Neon… He’s missing,” she hugged her step-cousin and cried on her shoulder. “He’s been gone for more than two hours now.”

“Meira, um, it’s been two hours,” Bella was confused as to why she was so upset. He’s probably busy doing something. She finds it ridiculous she’s this worried about someone. “I don’t see why you’re so upset.”

“When you love somebody, then you’ll understand,” Meira left her and went into the living room to sit among the boys. The accepted her and grieved with her.

Bella was still confused, and puzzled, but she kept her distance and watched them. Were they all that close? Every time the phone goes to voicemail they seem to get even more upset. Even Bandit, he was hugging Korpse. Venom sitting solo with his head in his hands. Ryat and Meira hugging each other. Belinda felt slight jealousy towards her. The affection they hold for each other is enviable.

“We gotta go look one more time, we’re gonna raid every f-__-king house in the neighborhood until we find him. This isn’t like Neon to just disappear for long periods of time without checking in,” Venom found the courage to stand up. He started trying to comfort the guys but their bad moods started affecting him all over again.

“I’m home everybody!” Theodore stormed inside. “I brought pastries!” he held up two boxes of chocolate donuts and cupcakes. The grin on his face slowly faded seeing the looks the boys were each giving him. “Boys? What’s the matter?”

Ryat looked at Meira then kissed the side of her forehead. “Go to your room, Little Dove.”

“But…but Neon…” she h@ťěd how much her bottom lip was quivering but she had no control over it. “W…will be be okay, Ryat?”

“We’re gonna go get him, don’t worry,” Ryat stood up and almost ripped his iconic black leather jacket off. “Go back to your room, Meira. Now.”

Though reluctant, she eventually left to hug Bella. The two woman leaving for Meira’s room like Ryat had ordered. Once she was out of sight he turned to his father with his eyes edging toward black, he glanced at the boys–Venon was wrapping his hand with a bandaid, Bandit tied his shoulder length hair up then spun two knives on his fingers, and Korpse was already waiting with the meat mallet behind him–then back at his father.

“You paid two actors from a street gang to fake being Wolfgang and Yulia? You did all this arranged marriage f-__-kery because you wanted the money my Grandad left?” Ryat began to stalk towards his father, like a Tiger moving in on its prey. “Tell me something, do you find joy in being sick in the f-__-king head? What else will you come up with? Let me guess, Billgates daughter wants to take one a million dollar date. I thought you wanted us to have a stable father-son relationship, you lied to me. I don’t like liars,” Ryat reached into his pocket for two black brass knuckles that due to the conditions they were in seemed to have been used countless times.

“H…how did you find out?” the boys started closing in on the target–him. “What are you four planning to do? St-stay back!”

“You’re about to catch these hands mah boy,” Venom cracked his knuckles. “Ever wondered how God looks? Well wonder no more, cause you’re about to meet him.”

Ryat whistled and they charged at Theodore. He screamed like a little girl while just found a spider in her hair and ran out. The boys wore vicious grimaces as they chased him around the property, jumping over everything in sight. He tried throwing things in their way to distract them but having done this way too many times since childhood till currently, they easily evaded the objects and gained on him pretty quickly. If they caught him it would be an absolute death sentence–but the thing is, Theodore partly lied, and he partly told the truth.

He and the real Wolfgang did know each other, but they weren’t friends. He borrowed money from that man to start his business and couldn’t pay it back–in return he signed a contract for his first son to be wedded to his daughter. Everything about the Grandfather and paid actors was the truth, he needed money to pay off his debts. This is the only way. However, he doesn’t know whether Wolfgang–who is a man who terrifies everyone just from the state of his face–will hold up the deal or not. But he is a man of his word, is he says he will do something he will do just that.

Ryat was the first to catch up with his dad and grabbed him by the shirt collar, he dragged him back then slammed his face into his fist and let him fall down in pain. The boys also arrived, ready to give a 5-starred experience of hellish pain–but something dropped from the man’s suit which caught their attention. It was a little red iron box with a swan at the top. Ryat picked the box up, distinctly recognizing it, while his father rolled around and groaned in pain he opened the box. It dropped from his hands in horror.

Even the boys were beyond incredulous to see what was inside. Ryat’s mother was ambushed and k!lled when she was on the way to visit him for the sixth time in prison. What was in the red box was an exquisite and extremely expensive Red Scarlet necklace. It was made of Burmese red rubies, marquise pearl-shaped diamonds on an eighteen karat white gold necklace. She was never seen traveling without it–heck, he had put it around her neck most of the times anyway.

At the crime scene it was shocking–but also not because it was one-of-a-kind and pricey–that she was found without it. And now, there was his father with it. Not only that, but three spent shells with a golden color to them rolled out of his pocket–Ryat’s mother was k!lled by a semi-automatic rifle, three shots directly to her skull from a moving vehicle.

Theodore held his bleeding nose, he propped himself up by one hand on the ground. He looked and saw the spent shells next to him, and the red box with the fallen necklace on his other side. He looked up at his son knowing there was no way to escape the situation.

“Ryat, listen to me,” he tried to plead. “Hear me out, please–”

“Did you…did you…” he began hyperventilating, almost fainting but luckily Korpse and Venom held him up while Bandit made sure Theo had nowhere to run to. “Did you… K!ll my mother?”

“Ryat, listen to me, it wasn’t by choice, listen to me, you must listen to me,” Theodore barely managed to get to his feet but Bandit kicked him right back down.

“Y…you…” Ryat’s vision doubled, his knees began to buckle. Flashes of red–the color he h@ťěd–crossed his mind, this only weakened him further. “You k!lled my mom… When she was gonna… Gonna… Bail me out… Of prison… Your wife…” he heard talking around him, but he felt as if he was under water. “My Dad… K!lled Mom…”

“Ryat!” Theodore yelled and brought him back to his senses. “Ryat, listen to me. This is all a big misunderstanding. Yes, I did it, but it didn’t happened how think it did. She forced me to do it. Ryat, my son, I know you h@ťě me, but there’s a woman who is like a two-sided sword. She made me k!ll my own wife, I had no choice, I swear. Ryat, be careful of that woman, she’s a snake! She’s Lady–” a bullet suddenly sliced through the air and cut straight through his ear and come out through the other one. Blood sprayed from the holes in his head, Theodore’s lifeless body fell to the ground.

“Hey Ryat!” an all too enthusiastic voice called.

He and the boys turned to the right to look and met a woman standing with many men in full black, as a matter-of-fact, many men in full black were beginning to enter the backyard from all sides. This woman was wearing a black Ç0çƙtail dress with a large black hat on her head and a black veil adorned with black roses adorning. In her right hand the g*n she had just fired from and k!lled Ryat’s dad–to obviously stop him from talking.

“Ryat!” Meira yelled from the second floor where she had been watching everything. The panic she felt was going to make her run mad.

The woman who basically dressed to a funeral turned slightly to look at Meira, she began aiming the g*n at Meira who saw it and screamed.

“No! No don’t f-__-king $h00t her!” he yelled at the woman and was about to attack her but his friends held him back. “Leave her alone!”

“Soft spot for your stepsister? Aww, tsk, tsk. Too bad,” she fired a shot at Meira but it barely grazed her cheek.

“No! Don’t f-__-king do that! She h@ťěs the sound of gunshots!” Ryat fought with his friends to go rip her head off but they couldn’t let him go knowing it was s*icidal.

The lady smiled in a taunting manner, daring him to come over.

Meira screamed while holding her cheek, it was bleeding but not very heavily. Bella stormed in after hearing the sounds and escorted Meira out of danger zone despite her also being scared for her and her baby’s life. Bandit prayed a silent prayer to God asking him to protect all three of them.

The environment surrounding them was a chaotic one that screamed d**th and misfortune–well, that is to be expected when the Mistress of Misfortune is around.

“Rule number one of being a Mafia Boss; we have hearts for no one,” Lady walked to him, g*n still in hand. “We are ruthless, heartless, and merciless. If you are going to be a proper Godfather you’ll need to get rid of this soft boy act. We’ll have to train you extra hard to become an emotionless man–you are better without emotions. They are a distraction, and we need you to be focused at all times.”

“Who the hell are you?” Venom asked, still keeping Carnage back by his forearms.

“Satan’s worst creation, but you can call me–” she removed her hat and flashed her rich raven black hair. “Lady Danger.”

The woman was the splitting image of his mother, except for three diamonds at the corner of her left eye and a beauty spot under her lip.

He fainted.

????? ????? – ???????? ?? ?????? ????

Neon woke up in a cold sweat. He had the worst nightmare; it was about two Princes claiming to be his long lost twin brothers then kidnapping him and taking him across the country. It was so terrifying he almost burst into tears. Luckily, it was only a dream and not reality. He doesn’t know what he’d do if he wss forced to leave his friends.

He attempted to leave the bed and go get a glass of water but he quickly realized on of his legs were chained to the bed. The lights in the room came on, his eyes snapped to his right and met the Princes from his dreams sitting and watching him with other men in white behind them.

“It…it wasn’t a dream?” Neon asked, terrified of their response.

“See for yourself,” the man with long hair jerked his chin towards something behind him.

Neon looked around and two men pulled the sheets back. The lights on the skyscrapers were blindingly bright. You could hardly tell it was night. A vivid image of the moon reflected on the glass buildings, and just below them cars passed by without a care. All of the billboards were in Spanish as well. It wasn’t a dream; he was really abducted and taken from his home in Arkville.

“We did this to protect you. When you’re here there’s a chance you return to visit your friends, but you can’t do that when you’re d**d and in a freezer somewhere with missing organs,” Zamora uncrossed his legs and started towards Neon.

The boy was traumatized.

“??????̃? ?????,” Zam placed a hand on his cheek and offered a comfortimg smile. “I apologize.”

Neon slowly backed away from his, eyes widening in fear–but he didn’t utter a single word or sound.

“We are not the enemies here,” Zorion also sat on the bed, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Ryat’s family is; especially his Aunt. She wants you d**d.”

Nothing they said would make Neon budge or get comfortable. They forcefully removed him from his home, he had to leave his friends and Snow.


His heart slowly tore in two.

Neon didn’t care what these people had to say, he spent his life on the streets and learned a lot, but the most important thing was:

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