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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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《 Monsters aren’t born, they’re Made 》
By, ✿ฺ Author Indigo Raine ✿ฺ
©Copyright 2023 [?? ℕ?? ℂ?ℙ? ?ℝ ℝ?ℙ???]
Genre(s): Dark Romance, Forbidden, Mafia.
Theme: Sometimes water is better than blood.
[# Chapter Twenty-Five

??? ???? ???????…

A faint blueish sliver of light trickles through the window between the curtains. It was just the right amount to outline three figures on a white bed deep in a peaceful slumber–well, not all of them.

Neon was awake, phone in hand, using his thumb to scroll through the internet. As an innate early bird, he woke up hours ago and grew immediately bored. He sighed, seeing nothing to spike his interest. The phone fell from his hand onto his chest and he frowned, he h@ťěd being bored. Neon felt movement and turned to look at the two people next to him, Meira was still sleeping on his arm while Ryat has his head on her chest.

He picked his phone back up to take a picture of them, but before sliding the camera icon at the right corner of the screen up he stopped to stare at the picture of Meira as his screen lock wallpaper. It was a picture of her with a butterfly on the tip of her nose, she looked at it cross-eyed with cheeks flushed from embarrassment. Neon kissed his screen, then looked at Meira and softly kissed her hairline. She stirred in her sleep, pouted, but didn’t wake up–she only began smiling. Then his eyes strayed to Carnage with his head on her br**sts–he looked calm, as if he had no struggles in the world. But only Neon, Ryat and the boys knew the inner demons he fights on a daily basis.

Neon randomly used a finger to tickle behind Ryat’s ear and almost laughed when he frowned angrily. He was a grumpy motherf-__-ker even in his sleep.

‘The f-__-k is the time?’ he pressed the side of his phone again to check the time, it was one minute passed six in the morning. Neon shut the phone off and decided it was the perfect time to start praying–Ryat’s religiousness had rubbed off on him, but Zayde’s idea of praying was completely different. He closed his eyes and began to pray:

“Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil; as my Gun and my Knife, they comfort me. If a Ɓîtçh f-__-ks around she gon’ get her skull thrown around. Thank you God for waking me up this morning so I can see what motherf-__-ker wants to test the patience you forgot to give me. Lord, I pray the next bucket of $h|t that glares at me falls off a cliff and d**s. And I hope those who h@ťě me will be eaten alive by Rats. To you, I pray, Amen.”

He felt better after the prayer, he looked over at them and met Ryat staring at him. “Dude…” he looked him up and down, “Are you praying to God or Satan? What kind of f-__-ked up $h|t is that?”

“You dismember and t*rt*re people all the d@mn time then pray to God to protect you from evil spirits and to let you live to see many years. Who’s worse? You or me?” Neon smirked at Carnage, he just looked away with a chuckle.

“Good morning, Neon,” Ryat turned on his back.

“Good morning baby girl,” he pinched Ryat’s cheek.

“Ayo, what the f-__-k?” Carnage slapped his hand, both laughing. “Man, if you don’t get the f-__-k out with that gay $h|t.”

“Alright, alright. I’m done playing,” Neon pulled the sheet on Meira because Ryat had mistakenly pulled it off. “I’d be damned if I said I ain’t smitten with baby Snow White here. She’s adorable.”

“She’s a brat, and she’s stubborn as f-__-k,” Ryat rolled his eyes.

“Don’t be mean to her Ryat,” he glared at him.

“Zayde,” Ryat took on a more stern tone. He turned to look at Neon with his face void of any emotion. “In the Police Reports, the time of Roxanne’s d**th was never released because it couldn’t be determined. How did you know she d**d at nine a.m.? And don’t f-__-king lie to me.”

“Because I k*ll*d her,” Neon said proudly, almost in a boastful manner. “I k*ll*d Roxanne Gardner.”

“Cut the b*ll$h|t,” Ryat couldn’t believe his ears.

“Yeah. I’m a bad motherf-__-ker and I’m not ashamed of it,” he chuckled. “I was tired of seeing her b*lly Meira. Because of that Ɓîtçh Meira always had her lunches in the bathroom. When I was on the second floor and saw how Meira looked when she ran out of the school and then heard what she told you I knew this Ɓîtçh’s time was up. Hell was calling her, earth was tired of her a**. And so, I got rid of her.

“I created a huge stove-like structure, because I wanted to give this Ɓîtçh a special d**th. I chained her to a table in the shed at Wicked Willow then got to business. I used this knife–” he whipped out a knife from his jacket and turned it so he could see. “–to cut the skin of her face off then sprinkled it with salt. Then I cut my way into her body using an axe and pulled her heart, stomach, lungs, womb and kidney out then her eyes. I blended it with black pepper grains, pimento and escallion. Then I ripped her spine out and chopped her body up into pieces. I also got her brain and t*ngue out. I blended everything together then used it to season her, I left her there till the next morning then baked her in the oven. I left the unused body parts around for animals to eat, and left her head for the police to find. What did I do with the cooked parts? I snuck into her mansion and left it in a container covered by foil in the fridge for the family to eat, I fed some to crocodiles as well.

“I wanted the police to discover what happened. I even used a chemical on her saved body parts to distract them from what actually happened. No one f-__-ks with Meira as long as I’m alive,” without caring about Ryat he kissed Meira on her cheek. “Psychopath. Sociopath. Pathological. Deranged. I’m fine with all descriptions.”

“You got to her before I could,” Ryat felt a little angry he didn’t get to k*ll her. “I was planning to drop three tons of steel on her with a crane.”

“Sorry bro,” Neon kissed Meira’s eyes, she stirred again, this time turning to him and snuggling closer. “She’s so cute. I f-__-king love her.”

Ryat furrowed his brows, Neon’s actions starting to upset him. “Love? What the f-__-k do you mean by that?” his anger started growing.

“I’ve been single for a while now man, I’ve been f-__-king around a lot too,” he stroked her arm. “But now I want to. I’m gonna be with her. You don’t mind me being with your stepsister, right? I mean, you do h@ťě her,” Neon smiled then rested his head on hers, his eyes now closed.

Ryat was at a loss for words. On one hand; he wanted to rip Neon’s arm off and let him know that she’s f-__-king his. On the other hand; he would never hurt his friend, he loves his friends to d**th. He didn’t know what to say or do–he indeed felt something for Meira, it was undeniable at this point, but he couldn’t even touch Neon on his finger. He’d rather d** than fight with Neon, that’s his best friend–just like the rest of the guys are.

???? ???? ????, but Meira wasn’t a h**, she was his stepsister and he had fallen for her accidentally. And Neon didn’t seem to want to let her go, he had an obsession with her–he was willing to fight anyone just to have her. Ryat looked at them, cuddling without a care in the world, his heart burned at the sight. Fingers twitching from the overflowing anger inside him. He thought about Neon, and their past together, then looked at Meira, and squinted in the dimly lit room. There was only one solution for this, or else, it would turn into a mess that would ruin the friendships he’d built over the past few years.

“Ryat…” Neon called softly, out of nowhere. He had a sad look on his face, he sat up. “Man, I know you have a thing for Snow, even though she’s your stepsister. I know man, I see it in your eyes. But $h|t, she’s got me on my knees.”

Ryat nodded. It was no use lying to himself, or denying it. He had fallen in love with her. He’d also known about Neon’s feelings for her and warned him to stay away, but it’s clear that’s not gonna happen.

He looked over at Neon and met him rubbing his eyes, he was…crying?

“Dude, I don’t wanna let a girl come between us man. This ain’t no fictional love triangle this is real life. I don’t wanna lose neither of y’all. I love you guys so much,” tears continued to pour from his eyes. Ryat felt his heart breaking, Neon ????? cries–unless he’s badly hurt by something. This shattered Ryat’s soul, he reached over and pulled Neon into his arms.

“Me neither,” he felt tears filling his eyes. He can’t f-__-k up their friendship because of Meira. A good friend only comes one time in life, and if you don’t see that it’s best you go tattoo your eyes. He thought about all the pain they’ve shared, and the trauma they helped each other heal from. No, he can’t f-__-k it up. “I don’t wanna lose you either, not you, not Venom, not Bandit or Korpse. You guys are more than friends, you guys are Family,” his tears gracefully slid down the smoothness of his cheeks.

They cried with each other for a few minutes, and when they pulled away they wiped each other’s tears, like they used to do as kids.

Neon started laughing. “I don’t like guys but I sure as hell love you.”

“Why are you so gay?” Ryat too started laughing.

“Ryat, remember when…y’know, ?????” Neon timidly looked at Ryat. “We used to date her. That went well, until she d**d in that freak accident.”

Ryat thought about it and nodded. And then it clicked; Why fight over her when they can both have her? After all, Meira has shown an interest in both males on multiple occasions–even with Venom.

The boys started smirking wickedly, hungry darkness lurking in their eyes. They held hands, still sporting mischievous smiles, then both looked at Meira. Ryat and Zayde went to lay down on either side of Meira and warm her with their body heat. The sheer amount of aggressive love and affection in their eyes would make anyone swoon, or be scared. She is now their Addiction; their Obsession; their Possession. And no one will come between the three of them, unless it’s her.

Meira, on the other hand, finally woke up. At first things were blurry but she felt her glasses being slipped on. She blinked to clear the grogginess from her eyes then froze like a dear in the headlights–two ravishingly handsome males were staring down at her. Under their gazes, she felt like a rabbit who’d just been backed into a corner by a Lion and a Tiger. Her cheeks ached from how hard she began to blush. Why were they looking at her like that? It was intimidating.

“G-good morning,” she stuttered.

“Good morning, Princess,” they chorused.

“What are you guys doing?”

They looked at each other, then Neon said, “Nothing, we just wanted to make sure you’re okay. The surgery with your mother went well, the nurse said she will make a full recovery, but for now no one can go see her.”

“You haven’t eaten since you got here, what are you hungry for, Little Dove?” Ryat ran a finger from her stomach to her chin. “I sure know what I’m craving,” he glanced at Neon, he gave knowing smile.

The sudden change of their behaviour was worrying, and scary, but she was still happy. She liked having them both around–no, she liked them both. They were psychotic, but nice, to her at least. “I’m gonna talk to the nurse and then we can go home to change, then we can order KFC!”

“Anything you want, Snow, anything you want,” Neon squished her cheeks with a loving smile, she giggled and looked up at him.

Carnage grabbed her throat and kissed her on the forehead, then on her lips. She panicked and looked at Neon, he glanced at Ryat and smiled. It didn’t seem to bother him…at all. “Guys, what’s going on between you two?” Meira asked, eyes $h00ting left to right.

“You’ll soon find out,” the boys bumped fist and laughed evilly.

Thinking they were just happy she’s okay, Meira shrugged, not knowing what they have in store for her.

?????? – ????-????? ?????…

The ambrosial scent of fresh roses permeated the ice-cold air in the capacious room. A pristine red carpet, which had the edges lined gold, was laid out and ran straight to a brown wooden alter with a cross at the front. The room was chock-a-block with various containers of roses, so many roses it might as well be called a Rose Garden; the plants held vivacious red hues and possessed the sweetest smell one could imagine. Standing at a doorframe atop the stairs, Lady Danger stared at something off to the left–it was a white platform that held a massive box on top.

With her Underboss and Consigliere, Lady Danger, whose real name is Donatella De Leone, went to the platform in purposely slow steps. Once there the two men cleared some of the roses off. The box was a coffin, inside laid a deceased woman.

It was no ordinary woman. That was the most ruthless Queenpin the world had ever scene. Many have heard of men dominating the Mafia, but this woman was the Goddess of the Underground Society; she was Donata De Leone. Notoriously known as ??????? ???????? which means Godmother Lucifer in English; she earned the name after burning three schools and hospitals to ash then k!lling her own mother in front of a crowd of Godfellas by stabbing her stiletto heel in her throat. Her brutalities are known world-wide, she was the most feared human being in earth’s entire history. To this day, she is number one on the FBI’s ‘Most Wanted Criminals’ list–funny thing is most have never seen her face.

Lady Danger is Godmother Lucifer’s secret twin sister. Lady was raised in the countryside by her mother and had a proper upbringing, but Donata was raised in the Underground–what they call the Mafia World–by her father. He trained her to become the perfect k!lling machine and she did not disappoint. Everyone–even Satan himself–feared that woman. She was a Beast. Years ago she met an American man and fell in love, she wedded him and gave birth to a son–this was kept a secret from the world. The Godmother was smart, she knew her time would soon come, so she made sure she had an heir to continue her blood Empire. Finally, when she was ambushed and k!lled on her way to visit her son in jail, the world rejoiced at her downfall.

It has been three years since her passing, and the Underground wept at the loss of their Goddess. Not only them, but the criminal organization she was the proud leader of; Ravenhood (aka The Ravens). This gang whose official members only wore black and occasionally red was the most terrifying gang on the planet. The world crumbled under their malevolence, they were an inspiration for the rise of so many gangs in the world who aspire to achieve their level of unyielding callousness and barbaric nature. Ever since the fall of the Goddess, the Capos in the organization fought against each other ferociously. Lady Danger came to America after joining The Ravens for the single purpose of locating the secret heir–Ryat De Leone Hamilton whom she was a surrogate to since Godmother couldn’t have kids–so she can bring him back to Italy and train him to be a cutthroat savage like his mother.

The only problem is, a longtime rival of the Sicilian-Italian criminal organization had an equally malicious and bloodthirsty Mexican gang as their rivals; The Paloma Cartel(aka The Doves). While The Ravens are known for their signature black, The Doves are well-known for their all-white attire. They might’ve been made a few years later than Ravenhood, but they were just as vicious and bloodlust–if not more. Their Don had d**d from naturall causes and the Cartel was left without a ruler, according to the information Lady had received, El Diablo–the deceased Godfather’s diabolical Underboss–had came to find the man’s secret heir.

Zayde Matiás Ramón García was that Heir, but he was a close friend of Ryat De Leone Hamilton.

Which means they are enemies even before birth.

And if each goes onto join the gangs they should, this world would never know the meaning of Peace and Quiet. Lead-filled rain would fall and the earth would be painted bright scarlet. One of the heirs has to d**. The question is:

Which one?

??? ??? ?? ?????? ???.
—???? ?? ?? ????????? ?? ??? ????????? ???????.

Looooord that was a, umm, crazy journey?. Guys the book is not done yet, it has three seasons and will end on the third! But I will warn you, the second season ain’t gon’ be pretty. Get ready for vawulence, madness, m*rder and smut!

*whispers* and oppressing romance too?.

Y’all know the drill:

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