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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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《 Monsters aren’t born, they’re Made 》
By, ✿ฺ Author Indigo Raine ✿ฺ
©Copyright 2023 [?? ℕ?? ℂ?ℙ? ?ℝ ℝ?ℙ???]
Genre(s): Dark Romance, Forbidden, Mafia.
Theme: Sometimes water is better than blood.
[# Chapter Twelve


“You know I loved you. Ain’t even knew what that $h|t was, but I knew you made my heart beat wildly when I was with you. I would’ve d**d for you, Angelica. Why did you pretend to love me when you knew you didn’t? Why did you…” he saw a table at the wall next to the tank of k*ller fish, it had knives and various other tools on it. He went over picked up the sharpest one he could find and spun it on his fingers. “…pretend to love me when you didn’t? You lied to me, Angel, I don’t like liars.”

“Mm mm!” she tried to talk to him but the tape stopped her. She had to beg for her life. She can’t d** when she hasn’t even married the man of her dreams yet. “Mmmmmmmhhh!”

“Huh? I can’t hear you princess,” he smiled. Ryat looked beautiful when he smiled, pink lips stretched upward and pearly white teeth displayed. “You’re gonna have to speak up louder.”

“Mmmm!” she started crying, tears dropping in the water.

He chuckled darkly and made his way across the room where a brown sack was. He dragged both it and a chair over. Ryat sat on the chair and opened the sack, he shook it until a tied up man dropped on the ground. He wriggled and squirmed endlessly. Ryat gripped the dark mop of hair on his head and made him kneel between his legs, he pointed the knife between the man’s eyes–which were a shade of gray near the color of his eyes.

“You have a type I see. Gray eyes, black hair, and tattoos,” he ran the blade lightly across his eyelid, “Too bad he’s a copy, I’m the original. You left me for second-hand garbage. St*pid Ɓîtçh. We could’ve been married right now if you didn’t screw up what we had. You f-__-ked up badly, and you ruined my life too.”

“Mmmmm!” the couple hummed, begging the man but he only chuckled.

“When I was a little boy, I remember something my Italian grandfather told me. He said damaged people are dangerous,” Ryat rised like a God, the chair’s feet scraped against the concrete before falling over. “But here’s something that I learned. Evil exists in this world and it comes in the form of broken people,” he walked over to the table and pulled out a drawer underneath it. From it, he brought out a sledge hammer, threw it in the air then caught it by the handle. “Broken people are dangerous, they know how to make hell feel like home. We know how to survive.”

He ran his finger over the iron part of the hammer then looked at Angelica’s husband-to-be, he smiled at him. Ryat walked back over with a little sway of his hips, he grabbed the man’s–whose name is Karter Archwood–head and placed it on the chair he had picked up. He fisted Karter’s hair then slammed his face hard into the frigid steel, he cried out in pain but it was muffled by the tape. Ryat then placed his head sideway on the chair and put his foot between his shoulders to keep him in place.

“You, Angelica, broke me beyond repair. Now you’re gonna feel a portion of what you did to me. Enjoy the show, you unfaithful, money-hungry, low-class wh-_-re.”

Ryat held the hammer with both hands, lifted it over his head while smiling widely, and slammed it brutally into Karter’s head. He heard Angelica’s muffled scream. The man’s skull cracked into five pieces, the sound would send chill down anybody’s spine. Ryat wiped little splashes of blood from his chin then s**ked his finger off, the metallic taste appeasing his demons. He raised the hammer over his head again, this time much higher than before, then ruthlessly smashed Karter’s head with it–the chair vibrated from the hit and dented deeply. Pieces of pink bain tissue scattered across the floor and blood tainted everything within reach. It was a vomit-inducing scene.

After he was done, he tossed the hammet to who cared where and grabbed the man’s blood-soaked shirt. He dragged his d**d body across the floor the. tossed it into the tank of starving Piranhas. They feasted on his body with enthusiasm.

Angelica’s mind would be forever scarred by what she had just witnessed. That was not the Ryat she knew–that was a cold-blooded monster.

Ryat ran his hand threw his messy hair and sighed. He then made his way to the tank and looked down, the water was crimson-red. Pieces of human flesh floated around the bubbling water surface. He took his eyes back to a crying, heartbroken Angelica, and arched an eyebrow.

“Don’t cry sweetheart. You’ll be joining him soon. Your separation will only be for a few minutes.”

He left her to go drag an empty table in the middle of the room. Ryat then returned with a sharp knife to c*t her n*ppl£s off and drop them into the water. She v**lently wriggled and screeched from the pain it caused, blood dripped into the tank and the fish started jumping from it to devour wh@ťěver the sweet liquid was coming from. Some managed to latch onto her body. Her pain and struggling was the most beautiful thing–second to Meira–he had ever seen before. He smiled while watching her.

He got bored rather quickly and removed Angel from the chain. Just when she thought he’d release her he removed the chains and instead chained her to the table. Ryat cupped her face as he stared down at her, she was still stunning–but not as much as his little sister. He bent down and kissed her lips that were covered by the duck tape. Afterward, he plucked the piranhas off her body and threw them back in the tank. He used the knife split open her stomach and remove her womb–she tried to kick and scream but couldn’t. The pain blinding, seeing him holding her womb and dangling it in the air made her vomit but the nasty substance had to remain in her mouth. Ryat used the same knife to stab into her vag***, then he finished c*tt*ng both br**sts off. Just for fun, he stabbed the girl to the girl nearly ten times and purred at the euphoric feeling he got from it.

She was still alive. He ripped the tape off and before she could scream he sliced her cheeks open–giving her w permanent joker grin–then stuffed her mouth with her womb and taped it shut again. The amount of bl**d in the room that repeatedly ran off the table to the ground would give anyone nightmares for several lifetimes.

Immediately after he used an axe to ch*p her head off, it rolled off the table onto the ground and bl**d sprayed on the wall. He proceeded to dismember her body, leaving it in diced pieces. Once he was done and soaked in the pungent red liquid he put everything in a black garbage bag. He carried her head–after closing her eyes–and her minced body upstairs up and out of the shed and began heading toward the pig pens.

Having been starved for a week they made loud noises at him and jumped on the sides of the pens in attempt to break it down so they can feed.

Ryat’s eyes held nothing in them as he stared into the angry red eyes of the frothing pigs. He brought the garbage bag containing Angelica’s remains over and unloaded everything into the pen for the five pigs to devour–and devour they did. He lit a cigar and smoke it as he watched them chewing on her flesh, they ate messily and thus pieces of flesh were hooked everywhere. Not to mention the frightening amount of bl**d that filled the place–mixed with pig feces–and ran down a drain at the corner.

While he smoked, he brought Angelica’s severed head with him to a spot under a tree. He spotted bottles of gasoline nearby and knew one of the boys had prepared it for him. Such good friends.

He used a knife he carried to dig a hole in the ground then placed her head in it. He dropped branches and twigs onto her head then drenched her in the highly flammable liquid. Ryat left the empty bottles there too, then striked his silver lighter and let it fall from his hand. The fire blew up and started burning the sticks and human head. He stayed there for hours until he could see her skull and burnt pieces of skin attached to it. The smell of the smoke was horrible but at least he has finally gotten his revenge.

“Someone looks happy,” Neon walked around Carnage with a wicked smile. “How was it?”

“I have never felt that much pleasure before. It ended too soon. I wish I could do it all over again, d@mn,” he winced. “I love getting pay back.”

“This h** thought we’d just forget about everything and move on. Nah, that ain’t how the B*st*rds operate,” he and Carnage were now laughing. “Congratulations on your l*ck back.”

“Mind if I joined the party too?” Venom appeared with a bottle of tequila and three red cups. “What you f-__-kers laughin’ about now.”

“This motherf-__-ker fed Angel to pigs and now he’s burning her head. Y’all let’s back away this $h|t stinks as much as her personality did,” Neon and the boys backed away before they shared the alcohol.

“Bro, that’s cold. Man, you’re my role model from now on,” Venom bumped fists with Carnage. ‘Why didn’t I think of doing something like this?’ he thought to himself. ‘That is so amazing.’

“Y’all know what’s the best part about this?” Ryat drank half the cup of Tequila and groaned at the satisfying bitterness. “Her family’s way in California. They’re gonna be devastated and think a random stranger got their kid. They’ll never know how their daughter d**d or who m*rd*red her. They’re all gonna suffer till d**th.”

“Serves them goddamn right,” Neon leaned on Ryat’s shoulder. “Hey boys, I was thinking to celebrate this why don’t we invite a few latinas over.”

“Can’t do that when that brat’s here,” Carnage had just remembered about his sister.

“Oh come the f-__-k on man!” Neon face-palmed himself, almost busting out crying. “I really wanted to f-__-k tonight.”

“You can f-__-k yourself,” Venom sipped his drink.

“How bout I f-__-k you instead? Huh? You want me to f-__-k you? Bend over then Ɓîtçh,” Neon glared playfully at Venom.

“You’re either gay or just hella fruity get the f-__-k away from me you punk,” Venom laughed and poured himself more alcohol. “Boys, let’s just call it a night and head back inside. Tomorrow we can invite a few Ɓîtçhes over and f-__-k ’em.”

“Sounds good to me,” Carnage checked the time on his watch. “It’s almost midnight, too early to sleep.”

“Who the f-__-k said anything about sleeping?” Neon wriggled his brows at Ryat, making him let out a laugh. “Let’s go play Snake & Ladder!”

“Seriously, dude? You are so old school who the f-__-k plays that f_ckery anymore?” the booze made Venom begin slurring his words a tiny bit, but he kept drinking anyway.

“Ay watch it bird brain don’t disrespect the best game ever created.”

“You’ve been playing Snake & Ladder since kindergarten and you’ve never won a single game in it. Dude. Grow the f-__-k up.”

“He’s got a point,” Ryat innocently drank his Tequila.

“That’s it, your @zz is done,” Neon drank everything in the cup and threw in the still burning flame on the human head. “I’m gonna f-__-k you the hell up!” he began chasing Venom around the land.

Ryat left them to play around like idi*ts but stopped walking, he remembered the pigs in the pen and his friends were tipsy. A little rascal known as fear climbed in his heart and he instantaneously went back for them though they roasted each other all the way inside.

“Preppy f-__-khead. You’re adopted,” Neon smirked at Venom as he was being dragged inside by Ryat.

“Blonde-haired Ďïčkwad, your mom was h*t by a car and d**d when you were six. How ’bout that?” Venom replied, also being dragged inside.

They laughed at themselves. Ryat closed the door behind them and put them on the couch where the two began wrestling.

“Where’s Meira?” he didn’t see her anywhere, that irritated him.

“Oh you mean Snow? She’s sleeping in your bed,” Neon peeled Venom’s arms from around his neck and got him in a headlock.

Ryat eyed his friends, making sure they were okay before climbing the stairs. On his way to his bed he looked across and met Korpse in his section laying on his bed with headphones on scrolling through social media, Bandit was sleeping with earphones in his ears next to him. Two more spaces with beds were there, but they were empty. Those spots belonged to Ace and Ajay–the deceased members of the boy squad.

He sighed and made his way to his bed nonetheless, just as Neon said Meira was there in his bed sleeping like a d**d body. She had changed out of her clothes, neatly folded them and placed them on the chair next to the bed. Her glasses were placed on top of them. She was sleeping in one of his black shirts, the sheet was tangled around her feet, she was hugging his pillow. Ryat h@ťěd to admit it, but her beauty was exquisite; of the rarest and finest quality. The shirt stopped mid thigh, her creamy skin called out to him in sensuous whispers. He thought of joining her after bathing in the outdoor shower, but didn’t do it.

He went to the table and picked up a little bottle of Olive Oil. Ryat climbed on the bed and made a cross(✞︎) on her forehead with it. He moved her curly hair from her face, huffed, covered her properly with the sheet then went over to Bandit. He did the same with him, and then did it with Korpse. Ryat had grown up with a religious mother who believed Olive Oil protected people from evil spirits, he wanted his friends–who were family at this point–to be safe so he did this every night when they were hanging out at their hideout.

Ryat went downstairs and met Neon and Venom hugging each other as they slept on the couch. He did the same thing with them, then went to take a shower outside. The cold water seemed to wash his every pain and worry away.

He applied some Olive Oil to his forehead and collapsed on a different couch from exhaustion. Ryat covered himself with a black blanket, prayed for himself and everyone, then went to bed. The angels of sleep claimed him not long after that.

?? ?? ?????????….

Ryat? d@mn. You are to be feared my dear friend

Now now Meira? why are you sleeping in the middle of the bed is it yours?

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