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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Kristen was smiling as Alfred took her into the elevator, and immediately they got in, he let go of her hand.

“You could have called me when you arrived” he said.

“It didn’t occur to me, I’m sorry” she replied.

“I should be the one apologizing. You didn’t get hurt from the fall, right?” He faced her, and she nodded positively.

“I didn’t”

Alfred smiled and stroked her hair the usual two times, sending heat to her cheeks .

The elevator opened at the right floor, and they stepped out together.

He took her into his office, and she gasped.

“Any problem?” He faced her.

“It’s huge, like a palace!” She gasped again, covering her mouth so she wouldn’t scream.

“Sit here, I have to attend a conference” he said.

“I guess that’s what you needed the documents for” she replied.

“Sure, just wait here ok?” He said, and she nodded as he walked out of the office.

Kristen’s eyes were still as wide as f-__-k as she looked around, running around the big office.

“I wouldn’t have expected less from the richest people in this country” she smiled, then she sighted an ear stud on the table.

She quickly took it and hid it in her bra, then she sat on a couch.

“Alfred!” Tamara shouted, coming into the office.

Kristen spranged up, recognizing her immediately.

She might not have seen her in person before, but she has seen her countless times on TV.

“Good afternoon Miss” she greeted respectfully.

“You are?” Tamara asked.

“Kristen, the housemaid”

“Oh!, I get it what’s up?, You’re cute!” Tamara said sweetly, and Kristen smiled.

“Thanks, and I’m a fan” she said.

“OMG come take a hug!” Tamara said, and Kristen walked fast to hug her.

“You’re so sweet”

“I know, right? By the way why are you here and where’s my brother?”

“I came to give him some documents, and he’s off to attend a conference” Kristen replied.

“Oh… the conference is today?, I guess I should wait for him, I need to see him today” Tamara sat.

“Oh..ok” Kristen sat beside her.

“Rita is surely giving you a hard time, I hope you’ll be able to hold it for long” Tamara said.

Kristen only smiled lightly.


Empress Elsa was sitting comfortably in her living room, flipping through the pages of Starzz magazine aggressively.

Rita is on the cover, and she dominated a lot of pages till the end too, no other model.

She picked another magazine, and it’s the same. Rita.

She continued checking out the magazines till the tenth one, and they’re all filled with just her.

She threw away all the magazines, breathing heavily.

“This is Florida, not Italy, then why is it always Rita?, Tamara is in the industry too!”

“Rita is obviously more talented and beautiful according to the ratings” her secretary (Santos) said beside her, and she spranged up.

“I got my son married to her just to make sure MOVE automobiles maintains it’s position across the world, but that doesn’t guarantee that she’d always overshadow my daughter!”

“Miss Rita has been topping even before the wedding” Santos replied again, and Empress faced him.

“I don’t care about how you’re gonna get it done. Tamara must appear in all the magazines that’ll be coming out this week, get her on runways!” She ordered.

“Yes Empress” he bowed and brought out an envelope from his pocket.

“I think you need to see this” he gave her, and she took it snappily.

She brought out pictures from it and sighed as she stared.

Pictures of Alfred helping Kristen up in the lobby, and how he held her hand into the elevator.

“Is he trying to provoke me using her?” She muttered.

“I don’t think so. Sir Alfred is not the type to go close to a lady except at nightstands, and the way he held her…” Santos said, and she looked up angrily.

“He’s only using her. It’s nothing, so leave” she said coldly.

“Yes, Empress” Santos bowed again before leaving.


Rita was fuming as Cassandra drove her into the island, and immediately the car pulled up, she stormed out.

She’s actually meeting with Marcel here.

Marcel was already waiting beside the glass mansion, preparing to go into the blue pool.

“Babe!, You look angry are you fine?” He asked.

“I’m not” she replied, hugging him tightly immediately she got to him.

“What’s up, baby?”

“I got humiliated today. A whole Rita got disgraced by Alfred and his maid!” She started crying.

“Stop it baby, I’ll take care of everything, just narrate” he said, breaking the hug to make her sit on a chair.

Cassandra was watching angrily.

“It’s all-over the internet” Rita sniffed, and Marcel got his phone.

Truly, it’s everywhere with different hashtags, both harsh and kind ones.

“I’m so sorry about it baby, I’ll make you happy again trust me” he smiled, dropping the phone.

“How?” She asked, and he wiped her tears first before kissing her once.

He took off the fur coat she’s wearing, revealing her thin-strapped clingy gown.

He lowered an arm, knowingly pulling it hard, then releasing it to bang against her skin.

“Ouch!” She Mõ@ɲed, and he smiled.

“I wanna hear that, in a more Șëx¥ way” he whispered, and she smiled before pulling his head in again.

They kissed so deeply that Cassandra walked out of there.

Immediately they broke the kiss, Marcel literally tore the gown away from her body, and once she’s left in her bra and P@ŋtîēṣ, he gave her a wet kiss on the neck.

“Umm.. Marcel”

He unclipped her bra behind and threw it into the pool, then he kissed her cleavage.

“f-__-k” she Mõ@ɲed again.

“Aren’t you gonna get a B-__-b job done soon?, I love it standing and pointed” he whispered.

“Next month baby” she replied, and he reconnected their lips again, lifting her from the chair.

Their lips were still dancing on each other as he walked into the pool.

Cassandra was still watching in hiding. She bit her lip and backed the wall, then she got her phone.

She decided to just make a defaming post on IG to bring her down, but she calmed herself down.

Marcel will soon get what they want from her, she’d just wait so she’d have him to herself when it’s time.

“Harder Marcel!”

“Oh my f-__-k!”


Rita’s Mõ@ɲs erupted from the pool. Apparently, they’re f-__-king in the pool.

Cassandra cursed Rita under her breath before punching the wall in anger.


Alfred came out of the conference room exhausted, and he lessened the grip of his tie on his neck immediately.

“You performed well in there, son” president Billy said, coming out behind him.

Without bothering to look at him, he started walking away.

“You’re indeed my son, fit to be the heir of MOVE, I was just as meticulous” president Billy said again, and Alfred turned back.

“I h@ťě your voice, can you stop talking?’ he said bitterly and walked out on him.

“Keep extra eye on him” Billy told his PA.


“Brother!” Tamara jumped on Alfred immediately he entered his office.

“What are you doing here?, I’m too tired and not ready for your troubles, please” he replied, but she only hugged him tighter.

Kristen smiled.

“I missed you. We haven’t seen each other this month yunno?” Tamara pouted.

“I missed you too, happy now?” Alfred said, and Tamara finally broke the hug.

She started pouring kisses on his hair. Thanks to her heels, she’s same height.

“Stop!, Pest” he pushed her head away before walking to his seat.

“By the way I love your maid. She’s lovely and lively, and she’s cute!” Tamara chipped, and Kristen smiled again.

“I love her gummy smile especially” Tamara said, and Alfred looked at Kristen.

Immediately he saw her smile, he blinked once and turned away.

“Can you please leave?, I’m not ready to deal with a tattle” he said.

“Metawin is frustrating me” Tamara said seriously.

“Your frustrations can’t be great as mine. Rita locked I and Kristen out last night in the rain” he replied.


“Yes. so please quit complaining, we’re in this together” he said.

“Can’t we just rebel against our parents together?, Let’s protest!” Tamara shouted.

“They won’t care!, They don’t care about how we feel and you know!, Quit trying to talk to a dead body” Alfred replied, and Tamara took a deep breath.

She was about to talk again when she got a call from Yvonne.

“Babe, you need to see this!, Meet me at the relaxation center in twenty minutes!” She gushed happily and hung up.

“I have to go now, see ya later!” Tamara rushed out of the office.

“Finally some breathing space” Alfred inhaled tiredly.

“The conference must have been so exhausting” Kristen said.

“Sure, everything is tiring here” he replied, and she nodded.

Her stomach made funny sounds immediately, and she bit her lip in embarrassment.

“Hunger?, Let’s go get lunch” he stood with a smile, but he started looking for something immediately.

“My stud, thought I pulled it off on this table in the morning” he muttered as he searched, and Kristen pinched herself torturously.

She took it earlier.

“It’s gone, let’s just go” he finally said, pulling her out of the office.


The school closed minutes ago.

Bright stood in front of the school gate eagerly, waiting for Abel to show up.

He was looking at the road every minute, impatient to see him.

A car suddenly stopped beside him, and the front window winded down, revealing a man who’s Abel’s age.

He was smiling at him, but he kept a straight face since he h@ťěs interacting with strangers.

“Hey smart boy!” The man waved, but he looked away from him.

The window winded up, and he drove away.

“Why aren’t you talking to him?” Queen asked beside him.

Queen is his friend, they compete for the class owner at every exam and test.

“I don’t talk to strangers” Bright replied.

“You don’t know him?, But he was smiling and waving at you” Queen said.

“I dunno why” Bright replied, and Abel’s car showed up.

“Daaadd!” Bright said cheerfully as he came out of the car.

“Baby!” Abel carried him, giving him a peck.

“I got everything right in the assignment” he bragged.

“I knew it, my brainy bad boy” Abel smiled.

Another car pulled up, and Yvonne came out of it.

“Momma!” Queen rushed to her, and she carried her.

“I’m sorry for keeping you waiting” she said.

“You didn’t” Queen kissed her cheeks.

“Yvonne Stevie?” Abel said, and she faced him.

“Oh!, Abel!”

“Don’t tell me you’re a single mother too”

“I am” Yvonne replied.

“I’m shocked!” Abel said, and Yvonne smiled.

“We’re friends” Queen and Bright said at a time.

“Aww, sounds cute” Yvonne said.

“At the same time rivals, we compete for first position” Bright said, and the adults laughed.

“I guess we’ll see some other time” Abel said.

“Sure, bye” Yvonne smiled as they got in their respective cars.

“Kitty!!!” Bright screamed happily when he saw a cute cat at the backseat.

“You said you wanted it, and here it is” Abel said.

“Aww!, So cute!” Bright went closer to it, but immediately he carried it, he began coughing.

He has always been allergic to furry things.

“I knew it” Abel quickly took the cat away from him.

“You’re still allergic”

“But it’s cute, I want to carry it too” Bright said sadly.

“I can just take care of it for you ok?, Let’s go home” Abel said, driving away.


“You kept me waiting!” Tamara said immediately Yvonne came in with Queen.

“I’m so sorry, had to go pick Queen” Yvonne replied.

“What’s up Queen?” Tamara stuck hands with her, and she smiled out her cheeks.

“Do you even check the blog?, I’m tired of updating you” Yvonne said.

“What’s happening?” Tamara said curiously, getting her phone.

Her eyes widened immediately she saw the news.

“I’m the face of Glenn & Glamm?, Face of Papaya?, Even Mang!”

“Your photo$h00t sessions starts tommorow, I’m so jealous of you bestie” Yvonne said.

“Oh my goodness!!!!!!!”



The lunch with Alfred ended thirty minutes ago, and Kristen had to leave in a taxi since Alfred had to go back to work.

As expected, she got a call from Rocky, and she stopped the taxi

He was already waiting beside the road when she came out.

She brought the stolen watches out of her deep jean pocket and handed it to him, including the stud in her bra.

“Good girl, now you’re more useful” Rocky patted her shoulder and left in his car.

Kristen sighed sadly, thinking about how Alfred would feel if he finds out she’s actually a thief.

She got back in the taxi and went home.

She got down from the taxi in front of the house and sighed softly before entering the house.

Rita is in, boiling with anger already cos of the post she saw about Tamara.

Kristen ignored her and decided to go start preparing dinner, but she pulled her back by her hair.

“Ah!” Kristen winced.

“And how dare you give me your f-__-king middle finger!, You forgot I know about Rocky already?”

“Go ahead and tell him anything you want to. Tell him to shave my head and ki|| me, I’m not scared of you ok?” Kristen replied.


“Yes, so do your worse” Kristen replied, and Rita slapped her.

“How dare you talk back at me!!!”

“All you can do is bark, hit and slap. I’ve seen more hell at the gambling house so bring it on, I’m ready to take everything!” Kristen replied.

She freed herself and went upstairs.

“What just happened?” Rita muttered shockingly.

Cassandra rushed in.

“What’s up?, Tell the the posts about Tamara being the face of three popular magazines aren’t true” Rita said impatiently.

“They’ve all been confirmed, and her photo$h00t sessions starts tommorow. Not only that” Cassandra replied.

“There’s still more?” Rita’s eyes widened.

“She’ll be modelling for SWITCH on Friday, and she’s walking runway for RAINBOW new designs on Saturday” Cassandra replied.

“What!” Rita grabbed her blouse roughly.

“I’m for real, she’s slowly taking your position” Cassandra said breathlessly.

“Oh my…” Rita said crazily, letting go of her.

“I need to… Ok I…”

She was acting mad as she walked around.

“I need to go see the CEO!” She snapped and ran upstairs to change.

Cassandra smiled satisfactorily.

“I hope you go down” she muttered.

Rita rushed down after ten minutes, and they left the house together.


Alfred was already in, drinking from a bottle of alcohol when Abel came in with Clinton.

“How the f”*k were you able to drag this motherf cker out?” Alfred said shockingly.

“I literally bundled him into my car” Abel replied as they settled down.

“I h@ťě you, f-__-king punk” Alfred smirked at Clinton.

“I h@ťě you more, and that’s why I do pour the food into the bin” Clinton replied.

“What!” Alfred spranged up.

“Pulling your legs” Clinton said with a slow smile.

“Bastard” Alfred replied, and Clinton chuckled shortly.

“I need to thank the maid, can you send her over tommorow?”

“Wait!, Don’t tell me you’re thinking of f-__-king her!” Abel gasped, and Clinton rolled eyes.

“All you ever think of is p@zzy” Alfred said, drinking a cup in one gulp.

“Yeah, I studied p@zzy management” Abel replied, and they all laughed.

“I saw the video of you and your maid this morning, you f-__-king disgraced Rita” Abel said.

“Aren’t you going overboard by using the maid to provoke the Empress?” Clinton said tactfully.

“You’re using her?” Abel faced Alfred.

“Can we not talk about it?” Alfred replied, drinking another cup.

“You’ll get drunk” Clinton said.

“Even better. Abel, send a Ɓîtçh to my place tonight” Alfred replied, drinking another.

Abel looked at Clinton, and they sighed together.


Alfred came out of his car, obviously drunk.

He was holding his forehead, smiling sheepishly as he shut the car door.

He was staggering as he walked to the door and opened it roughly, jumping in.

His nose caught the aroma of food immediately, and he staggered to the kitchen.

Kristen is currently making a sauce, her back on him as she stirred in the pan.

He smiled drunkenly and started walking to her, his eyes so drowsy.

Immediately he got behind her, Kristen felt a presence and turned back with the stirring spoon in her hand.

“Mr Jen…

Alfred terminated the word halfway as he grabbed her waist tightly.

Her eyes widened, and the spoon fell from.

He did something crazy immediately…



TB Continued…

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