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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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MY HUSBAND AND I – Episode 40

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My Husband and I

Dark Romance ?

Part 3

Episode 40

~ Mary’s POV ~

Although the thought of having Abbey inside me sounded more than appealing. The horrific rumble of my stomach at the mention of food answered for me. Abbey’s laugh rang out while I shook my head in embarrassment.

“Look like we will eat first,” he said jokingly, laughing again. Covering my face with my hands, he moved them away when his laughter subsided. He kissed both my hands before giving me a peck on my lips.

“Did you eat anything for lunch?”

I glanced away. “No,” his eyes looked at me disapprovingly.

“Come with me,” he stood up, with my hands in his, helping me stand along with him.

Keeping our hands together, he led me back inside the room. The cool air of the air conditioner hit me at once as he continued to lead me further into the room. The room was bright due to the large windows on the left side, despite the dark colors.

With a smile across my lips, I stepped into him, wrapping an arm around his neck and bringing him down to me. Leaning up slightly, I connected our lips sweetly kissing him with all my might to show how happy he made me. And he responded. The feel of his hands reaching down to cup my @zz had a Mõ@ɲ leave my lips.

Taking that as an invitation to connect our tongues. My entire being was filled with thoughts of Abbey, from his lovely scent to the softness of his hair as my hands got tangled within them. Gripping onto him as he lifted me suddenly. My legs wrapped around his waist automatically as he walked forward.

My hands left his hair, trailing down to the buttons of his blazers. Without parting, my hands opened it before pushing it down off his arms. His hands left my waist for a brief second to shrug off his blazer leaving him dressed in a long collar shirt with a few buttons at the top remaining open.

Once his blazer fell to the floor, his hands grabbed at the hem of my shirt separating himself from my lips, he lifted the shirt up and over my head.
Throwing that on the floor alongside his blazer, he reached for my bra. Unclasping the back of it, be tossed onto the floor. My chest heaved as he stood gazing at my naked chest. Desire showing in the depths of his beautiful eyes.

Suddenly, he moved his hands to cup my Břě@šťs, caressing my flesh with his thumbs. My Ɲīpplës hardened under his warm touch and my back arched, wanting more. He ducked his head, swiping his tongue on my right Ɲīpplë. Again and again, switching between each tit in the process giving them equal amounts of attention while I trembled underneath him.

The feeling of his warm tongue sucking, pulling, and biting on my Ɲīpplës had my p@zzy longing for him to fill me. An ache settles inside my chest, wanting nothing more than to be f_cked by him.

“Please,” I whined. Throwing my head back with one hand laying flat on the bed to keep me upright. The other held onto his have to egg him on. Another harsh tug had me soaking my P@ŋtîēṣ. I sighed with pleasure. “Oh!”

“What are you begging for?” he teased once he let my Ɲīpplës pop out of his mouth. With his hand, he removed mine from atop his head, dragging it down to where his d!ck was; straining against his slacks. He pressed my hand there firmly, letting my hand feel the hard length of him.

“Is this what you want?”

The slight smirk on his face told me he knew the effect he’d had on me. He knew I couldn’t say no to him. So, as a woman with no shame, my head nodded eagerly, craking to feel his d!ck breach my walls over and over again.

“So,” he added his other hand tugging at my Ɲīpplë eliciting a small hiss of pain from me. Though the move should have turned me off, it had the opposite reaction. Shockingly, I liked it.

“Yes, please! I want you, Abbey.” I practically begged.

He brought his right hand to my cheek, while his left hand went to my locs caressing my hair before placing a soft kiss on my temple. My mind barely had time to ponder my thoughts before Abbey’s lips met mine fiercely. His hunger for me was visible in the urgency yet firmness of his kisses, directing my frame of mind back onto what I wanted; him. Our lust for one another showing in the franticness of our bodies pushing and pulling one another. There was just one problem I was half-naked, but he still had his clothes on.

My hands reached for his slacks. Unzipping his trousers and undoing his buttons, I clumsily pushed down his trouser, revealing his muscled thighs.



“Don’t hold back,” I told him, swallowing back my nerves.

Although Abbey and I have recently started having segz, he wasn’t giving all of himself to me. And I wanted everything he could give me.


“Please,” I begged, but he shook his head.

“You’re not ready, I don’t want to hurt you. We’re taking this slow,” he did evenly.

“But I can handle it, I promise,” my voice rose in pitch trying to convince him, but he held firm. His eyes showed he wasn’t going to comply as he stared down at me. Slightly irritated that I wasn’t getting my way, I sighed.

“I’m an adult Abbey. You don’t have to be gentle with me. I won’t break. We’ve had segz plenty of times before.”

His jaw locked, and he removed his hands from me, crossing them in front of his chest. Instantly, I missed his warmth and the softness of his eyes as they narrowed on me. A beat of silence continues after my outburst and I couldn’t help but feel silky. Maybe I shouldn’t have.

“Fine.” He said before he reached behind me to dig into his drawer, pulling out a condom. The hesitance I felt began to leave my body as excitement entered me. How’d I go from hating segz to loving it? As soon as he regained his pace, he reaches for my waist before lifting me and settling me on the ground.

“Turn around and place your hands on the desk.”


Doing as he said, I turned and put my hands down, wondering what he had planned.

Abruptly, he latched his hands onto my shorts and dragged them down along with my P@ŋtîēṣ. The fabrics stopped at my ankles. The sound of him shuffling and the condom wrapper being open filled the room. I was expecting to feel his length at my opening as he spread my legs wider, but instead, I was given something else.

A cry of surprise left my mouth as I felt him swipe his tongue at my p@zzy lips unexpectedly. Not having heard him bend down on his knees beforehand. Unlike the previous times he’s given me head, he was brutally sucking my ćƖĩť. Abbey was eating me as if he was a starved man who had never had segz. I was quaking. Feeling my 0rg@zm building as he pushed me closer to it.

He didn’t say much, probably with how far his hand was deep in my Çüñť until three of his fingers joined the fray to help me Com. I was cumming, but he didn’t stop. I came again, hard. Both 0rg@zms were back to back as I let out continuous cries.

I felt myself turned around and lifted back onto the desk. My legs splayed open as my juices leaked into the bed.

Abbey slowly fed me his d!ck, inch by glorious inch, until I felt myself stretching hurting slightly. I winched in pain, tensing and he stopped.

“What did I tell you earlier, Mary?” he asked, seeing my face twist at the discomfort. Although I didn’t want to admit that he was right, he was.
Now I was paying the price for not listening.

“You didn’t want to hurt me,” I whispered, attempting to look away. But he hooked a finger under my chin, not letting me escape his piercing eyes.

“As much as I want to be fully inside of you, Mary, I’m not willing to hurt you. You told me you’re only been with one man who by your expression doesn’t come close to what I have.”

There was no response to give besides keeping my focus on him. Plus, he was right. John was much smaller than Abbey. Seeing that I wasn’t going to interrupt, he continued.
Easing a little of his length from my body. “But don’t worry, my naughty woman. We’ll take it slow now, but when the time comes, I’ll have you stuffed so full. You’ll feel me deep inside your stomach.” He chuckled darkly. His words had my walls clutching onto him becoming wetter at his promise to me.

He pulled out, leaving only the tip of him inside before he pushed me back in. Not filling me, but pleasing me with half his length which was as much as I could fit inside me. I Mõ@ɲed, wrapping my legs around his waist as he slowly began to f_ck me — screaming out as he hit the
same spot repeatedly until my back lay flat against the bed. Though my legs were still wrapped around his waist, he took the opportunity to hold both of them in his arms.

Choosing to spread my legs wider so he could see all of me as his th-ru_sts gained speed. There were so many sounds filling the room; my Mõ@ɲs mixed with his, and the creaking of his desk, but through it all. I made sure to pay attention to his every word. As I said before, Abbey was a different man in bed and the more we let our bodies get familiar with each other. The more I got to see the other Abbey, the more I was coming to love him.

For the first time since Abbey and I have been having segz, I wanted to run away. It was too much.

“I thought you didn’t want me to hold back, Mary. Don’t run now. I know you can take it.” He tensed, though he eased a bit on his th-ru_sts. I wept with tears cascading down my face as Mõ@ɲs continued to filter past my lips, I exploded literally.

My body shook uncontrollably as I came to his command. Sobs left my lips with his groans mixed in. I could feel him swelling inside of me through the condom as he continued to chase his high. His th-ru_sts lost their rhythm before he came undone, twitching inside my walls. His body leaned down on mine as he laid his head on my shoulder, letting go of my legs onto my waist.
The room remained silent save for our heavy breathing as we held onto one another.

A couple of minutes passed by before the sound of his stomach rumbling interrupted the silence. Pulling back from me, we stared at each other for a second before we burst out laughing.


After what happened in the bedroom, Abbey suggested we go out to eat after he cleaned up. As much as I wanted to agree, my body wasn’t up to it. The soreness I felt had me wanting to stay home. I told him my thoughts, and he agreed and expressed his concern for me before he made us something light to eat. The food had me thinking that Abbey must’ve been a chef in a past life. He loved to cook, he made a simple yam porridge taste so good.

“I want to take you on a date this week,” he spoke up. My head turned to him to see his gaze already fixated on me.

“I planned to do that, but….,” he trailed off, smirking.

“Ok, what do you have in mind?” I asked him, putting my yam porridge down and placing it on the table. Although I loved being cooped up with Abbey, the prospect of going out excited me.

“It’s a surprise.”

“But,” I began with a frown on my lips. “How will I know what to wear?” Already my mind was thinking of clothes for work.

“You look beautiful in anything, pretty,” he complimented me, causing a small smile to appear on my face.

“Thank you, but….,” the sound of the front door opening captured our attention. Shola walked in dressed in dark camouflage trousers, a button-up camp shirt with short sleeves, and dirt combat boots. It was my first time seeing him in his military attire, and I wish I hadn’t. He was all muscle and — oh God, I was staring.

Turning my head away, I swallowed nervously. What was wrong with me? He shouldn’t hold my attention this way. Though any woman or man with eyes could see Shola was a fine-@zz man.

To be continued…
Frank The Writer

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