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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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MY HUSBAND AND I – Episode 38

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However, one day when I remembered I had balls, I had meant to surprise her. I was going to apologize for being an @$$h0le and give her a little gift.
When I entered the apartment with the gift in my hand, I noticed how quiet it was. The silence gnawed at me because usually, I’d hear Abbey talking on his phone or the sound of TV playing.

Setting the bag down by the door side, I approached the stairs to walk to the bedroom. Upon reaching the top of the stairs, that was when I heard it.

Moans. What were hey doing….?

I crept through the long corridor, heading down to Mary’s room. My heart was racing inside my chest. The closer I got, the louder the noises became. They were f_cking; they had to be.

Plain and simple, I could feel a hot sensation burning in my chest, lighting a fire I didn’t acquit in my body with; jealousy.

It wasn’t until that moment that I realized some part of me had caught feelings. Or at least cares for her enough to feel jealous of my best friend, who I’ve known since childhood. Turning around swiftly, with a hardening Ďïčk, I briskly returned downstairs. Picking up the gift bag I brought with me, I grabbed my keys and left the apartment. Fuming and with a stiff Ďïčk.

I should have known it wouldn’t stop there.
The days that followed were a pain in the @zz. The two hadn’t stopped being intimate. My ears could hear them every morning and night as Mary continued to be pleased. It wasn’t the fact that I could hear them that was irritating me; it was the fact that I wanted Mary. A married woman.

When that sinful thought passed through my mind, I would hold my cross necklace to my lips and pray, wanting to be forgiven as I jacked off from hearing the sweet noises that left that woman’s mouth. I wondered how soft her skin was and if I could leave kisses along it. How her p@zzy would taste if I sipped on her juices with my tongue.

d@mn! I felt like a pervert.

Each time I heard them going at it, my Ďïčk couldn’t help but harden. I’m only a human.
Seeing that staying in the apartment would do me no good, I would venture out — calling one of my regular hookups to f_ck. Thinking maybe if I f_cked it away, I wouldn’t think of the woman my best friend has been having segz with.

I thought wrong.

My Ďïčk couldn’t get hard. No matter how I stroked, positioned the woman underneath me in a different way, or had gotten a b|__wj_b that would normally do me justice. I would not get hard.

My brain couldn’t process what my body was telling me. There was no way, no d@mn way that was possible! Yet, when I would spend my days at home and hear Mary’s whimpers and Mõ@ɲs, it would swell up, begging to somehow join in on the fun, even if it was wrong.

I spent many days trying to convince my body to be in tune with my mind. Literally telling my junior that it couldn’t have a married p@zzy. It was wrong, and I didn’t want to ruin a marriage. I didn’t want to be like my…no, no, definitely not going there. It just wasn’t right.

Then one morning, I smelled something delicious wafting through my bedroom door. Opening it, I ventured out of the room, my stomach growing and all. As I walked down the stairs, I heard the melodic sound of her laugh drifting from the kitchen. Unknowingly, her voice caused a smile to appear on my lips striding with a pep in my step, I halted seeing the two laughing together. The sight churned in my stomach, wishing I could join in.

Knowing I had no right to be a part of what they had going on. Not after how many times I shamed Abbey for being attracted to a legally wedded woman. Or when I glared at her and thought less of her cheating when I hardly knew her — judging her because I wanted to get to know her more than I’d want to know any woman I had met before.

Weird thinking. Yeah, I know.

So I was mad at myself and projected that onto them, hating the wounded expression on her face as I told her I lost my appetite. She looked like a kicked puppy. I had to leave or I’d say words that I didn’t mean. I could feel it. When I returned home the next morning, that was when I heard Mary’s sounds of pleasure again.

Only this time, Abbey’s voice joined hers, telling me that they had finally taken the next step — f_cking each other’s brains out. By the sounds coming from a hell of a job. She was loud, so f_cking loud. Unlike my old flings, I would have found that a bit irritating, but she sounded so d@mn segzy.

My friend was a lucky man.

Especially since they went at it even more during the day. Plus, I’d been receiving calls from our business office wondering why Abbey hasn’t been showing up. He never calls off for work. Yet, I was witnessing my stickler of a friend disregarding his work life for her.

As the days passed, turning into weeks, I grew more and more frustrated, feeling ashamed that I wanted a married woman and frustrated at the lack of segz and not understanding my feelings. Soon enough, that frustration turned into green envy and I had brought it upon the two who had done nothing to me.

Now, Abbey’s words from three nights ago were replaying in my mind. He was right. I was being ignorant about what happened that night. Too envious of his position and my needs left unsatisfied that I turned my frustration on them.

d@mn, the look on her face when I told her to return to a home she didn’t seem welcomed in. I was a f_cking @$$h0le deserving of wh@ťěver punishment came next.

I knew something was off about the night she came here. It just wasn’t my place to know. Somehow, I’ve pushed it far from my mind in a jealous fit.
Honestly, I didn’t see Mary staying here until I became overwhelmed with myself. I thought if she left, it would solve my problems. But where would she be leaving to? Did she have anywhere else to go?

After Abbey’s words and the barely concealed rage I saw burning in his eyes when I mentioned her husband, I had a feeling she didn’t. I need to apologize to her. That’s all that matters now. Not the burning envy I feel, the way my body gets turned on at the thought of her, or the way I miss her presence around me.

My feelings didn’t matter. Although Abbey hinted that we could share her as we’ve done many times, over the years were different women. I wasn’t sure I could get over the fact she had a ring tying her to another man.

Besides, was he sure Mary wanted to be shared? Although I’ve caught her looking at me a few times, those looks haven’t made another appearance. I’m sure she h@ťěs me by now.

With a tired sigh, I sat on my knees, ducking my head down in prayer as I held my cross necklace between my hands. I’ll have to save these thoughts for another time.

Another sigh left my lips as I attempted to clear my hand focusing as I prayed for many things, such as hurting the kind woman who didn’t deserve it.

To be continued…
Frank The Writer

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