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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HOLY SHIT – Episode 12

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Everly walked into the cafeteria with Rissa and Daphne. They got themselves some snacks and began walking to a table.

Immediately they sat on it, Marcus came. Rissa was the first to notice him.

“Hi Marcus.” She waved and he flashed her a smile.

“Hey.” He called and the rest looked at him. He took his gaze to Everly and smiled.

“We were supposed to have lunch together have you forgotten?” He asked and Rissa’s brow creased up.


“Oh… No I didn’t forget. I thought you were-” She sighed.

“It’s alright, shall we go now?” He asked and she looked at her friends.

Daphne just shrugged while Rissa didn’t say anything.

“Sure.” She said and he smiled.

He held her hand and helped her stand on her feet, then the two walked to another seat, far from them.

Rissa felt her heart being pierced as she watched them, a sting of jealousy wavering in her.

She has always had a crush on Marcus since she came into this college. He was the only boy who caught her attention and ever since then she has been trying to earn his attention but all efforts proved futile.

So when she realized Everly was able to get little of his attention, she thought of being her friend to see if he would notice her but still, he didn’t… He only saw her.

Was she not attractive enough?? She thought as she stared at them. Her grip on her fork tightened and she was stabbing the meatballs repeatedly unconscious of her actions.

“He doesn’t notice you is not a fault of the meatballs, spare it will you?” Daphne said and she rolled her eyes.

“f-__-k you!” She yelled, pushing the plate of food. Then she stood up and left the cafeteria.

“TF! She’s unbelievable.” She muttered.

Meanwhile, Marcus and Everly had already ordered for a dish and the two were currently eating but Everly was picking on her food.

“You don’t like the food?” He asked and Everly quickly raised her head to look at him.

“Huh?” She looked at him.

“You’ve been picking on it so I thought you don’t like it, should I get something else for you?” He asked and she quickly shook her head.

“No no… It’s nothing of such. Well actually… I’m not a fast eater, that’s it.” She lied and he smiled.

She wasn’t a slow eater, infact she was a foodie… She was just feeling awkward. She has never been with a guy, it was her first time to be sitting with a guy so she couldn’t help but feel nervous.

“Oh, I understand.” He smiled out his dimples making her heart fluttered. She quickly looked down, at her food.

“So, did you just get into this major coz your face looks very unfamiliar.” He said and she nodded.

“Yes, actually… I just relocated here and I also got transferred here.” She said and he nodded.

“Nice.” He said and she nodded slowly and silence ensued only the cluttering sounds of their cutleries could be heard.

“You’re beautiful.” He suddenly said and her eyes widened.


“Yeah.” He said and she swallowed hard, adjusting her glasses not knowing what to say.

“Thanks.” She said nevertheless.

He suddenly noticed a stain at the side of her lips.

“Uhmm… your lips, you have sauce there.” He said and she flushed.

“Oh.” She muttered, touching her lips.

“Where?” She asked and he pointed at the side of his lips.

She nodded and trailed her hand there and wiped it off but it didn’t clean completely.

“It’s still there… Let me help you with it.” He said and she nodded.

He stretched out his hand to her, slowly… His hand almost reached her lips when…

“Hey Marcus…” Someone called and his hand abruptly stopped moving.

They both turned their head to see Wanted standing with his usual jovial smile.

Was this guy tailing her or what?? Everly thought within her.

“Sir??” Marcus as he slowly brought down his hand. His mind wondering how he knew his name.

“I can see you’re with your girlfriend, did I interrupt anything??” He asked with an annoying smile.

“No, no, you didn’t.” Marcus smiled at him and he nodded, shinning his dentition.

“Well if you don’t mind, can I have lunch with you guys?” He asked and Marcus raised a brow.

“It’s okay if you don’t want me to. I only thought I could grew a friendly bond with my students. But it’s alright if you don’t want me here, I’ll leave.” Wanted said and turned to leave, inwardly wishing for him to stop him and it seems luck was on his side coz Marcus did stop him.

“It’s alright Sir, you can join us.” Marcus said and he turned to him.

“Really, you don’t need to worry… I can just go to somewhere else…” He said and Marcus shook his head.

“I insist.” He said and Wanted slowly nodded.

“If you say so.” Wanted shrugged and sat down beside Everly who scoffed.

‘Such a pretender.’ She thought inwardly.

“I can see you guys are eating meatballs and sauce… Boring food.” He said and Marcus arched his food.

“Here, watch my order. Waitress!” He raised his hand and a girl rushed to him.

“Get me a plate of fried rice and chicken with salad and a bottle of wine, for three. Also, come with hamburgers and ice cream, that will serve as dessert.” He said and the girl nodded and left.

“You see that’s what’s called food. You’re with your girlfriend and you ordered such boring food, tch!” He shook his head dramatically.

Marcus only mouthed an ‘O’. He didn’t know that the type of food you order affects the atmosphere of the date/ lunch.

“Look here, she even has a stain on her lips… Embarrassing.” Wanted said and quickly wiped the stain in her lips.

Everly gasped, her eyes widened. She could swear she felt a shiver ran down her spine.

The waitress brought their order and placed it then took the other food away.

“Enjoy.” Wanted said, dominating the lunch.


Wanted walked into the large living room with Jimmy, he finally agreed to come.

They walked to the large table there which had up to fifteen chairs around it.

Some of the mobsters where seated around the table.

“Hey Jimmy.” Someone said and he smiled.

“Hey guys.” He replied and brought out a chair which he settled on.

Wanted also drew out a chair but it was the head chair. He made to seat on it but they stopped him.

“What are you doing? That is Don’s seat.” One of the mobsters said and he rolled his eyes.

“Do I look like I care?” He scoffed and sat on it making the mobsters gasp in shock.

“What are you doing Wanted? Stand up?” Jimmy said strictly.

“You don’t detect to me what I do… Can we get to why I was summoned here?” He asked boringly leaving the mobsters staring at him with agape mouth.

As if sitting on Don’s seat wasn’t enough, Wanted placed his legs on the table, crossing it.

“What is the meaning of this?? Jimmy, who’s this $cvmbag you’ve brought here?” Riley, one of the mobsters asked looking pissed.

“If you have a problem with me, write the problem on a piece of paper, fold it, and shove it up your @zz.” Wanted told him harshly and they gasped.

The guy clenched his fist tightly in anger. He was Riley, second in command in the clan.

Just then Don walked in and they all maintained decorum and that made Wanted raised his head to see who it was.

He expected to see an old man, that’s who he has always thought Dons to be. Old or middle aged and looking scary but this one wasn’t anything close to it.

He was a young guy like him, masculine, broad chest and strong abs.

He had tattoos which could be seen on his neck and hand. Wanted rolled his eyes and faced his front, ignoring his presence.

“And what do you think you’re doing?” Don asked as he got to him.

“Wanted, please leave Don’s seat.” Jimmy said calmly and he ignored him.

“You should apologize for keeping me waiting not asking for a seat. I’m a guest here so I should be treated highly. I have the right to seat wherever I want and I chose this seat so find yourself somewhere else.” He said and the mobsters eyes widened.

?️ He’s deàd already.

?️ No two ways about it.

They all kept silent waiting for Don’s next action but were shocked when Don chuckled..

?️ WTF!

“Seems you don’t know me…” He said and Wanted frowned before looking at him.

“Who are you?” Wanted asked boldly.

“Yunno there are two people in this world. The one who introduce themselves to the world and the one who let the world introduce them.” Don said and he furrowed his brows.

“So you’re the second?” He asked.

“Nah… I’m Don Grey Stone.” He said and the name repeated three times in Wanted’s ear.

He quickly brought down his legs from the table.

“You say, you’re…”

“Don Grey Stone!”

And Wanted immediately stood up from the seat.

“Don Grey Stone?? Oh my gosh!! My role model!!” He squeaked and before anyone could tell what was happening, Wanted was already hugging Don tightly while shouting.

“My role model!! My role model!!!”



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