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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? BY ?






Alexander ₱v|| b@¢k from h£r hug th£n clear h¡s throat, th¡s is no time for h¡m to get h@rd, Elia is j√$t half n@k£d and press!ng all h£r soft curves all over my b©dy which is !nsane ” th£ ra!n is still f@||!ng ” I said that only because I have noth!ng else to say to h£r.

” I can see that Alex ” $h£ smile th£n shake h£r h£ad ” are you th£ jealous type Alex?” Meet!ng h£r gaze I furrow my brows.

” why are you ask!ng Elia? Because I didn’t react wh£n you told me Jeffrey klzzed you ” that made h£r ch£ek redden.

” oh no ” $h£ shake h£r h£ad, hugg!ng h£r knee to h£r self ” I j√$t want to know everyth!ng ab©vt you, that’s all”

” hmm” my gaze didn’t leave h£r, th£ cave is dark, th£ only light seem to be fad!ng s!nce th£ woods are burn!ng off and th£ ra!n doesn’t wish to stop, Elia gaze didn’t m©v£ from th£ burn!ng fire ” I get jealous Elia ” smil!ng I l@y d©wΠ, look!ng above, group of bats caught my attention but tell!ng Elia will only make h£r s¢ar£d ” but I react differently” $h£ look at me ” I like to sit and th!nk what I will do to th£ person, Wh£th£r to ki||, torture s1©wly, burn, bury…th£se are th!ngs I take !nto account ”

” do not ki|| Jeffrey ” $h£ sound concern and that made me chuckle h@rd, $h£ thought I would ki|| h¡m, I mean I might decide to ki|| h¡m but maybe torture will be good.

Am still yet to conclude though.

” I can’t make any promise silly” w!nk!ng $h£ shakes h£r h£ad, m©r£ like shov!ng a lewd thought from h£r m!nd, what could $h£ be th!nk!ng of that is mak!ng h£r ch£ek redden, n!₱₱!es h@rden !n that white bra of h£rs and th£n I realize $h£ is wear!ng a match!ng pair, white p@nties, white bra…mak!ng h£r look m©r£ !nnocent ” Elia” $h£ turn to my direction th£ moment I call ©vt h£r name ” wh£n I take you to b£d, I need you to wear a white dress that day ” h£r wh0l£ face turn flush ” no p@nties, no bra j√$t a white short dress, night dress…should be transparent ”

” am not sleep!ng with you Alexander ”

” why not?”

” I don’t like you that way ”

” you said you trust me ”

” trust is far different from like Alex, I don’t even feel comfortable with you see!ng my n@k£dness yet and h£re I am, half n@k£d ”

” and you aren’t shy!ng away ”

” because th£y is no wh£re for me to go, th£ ra!n is still f@||!ng you know ”

” I do know which means we have to create h£at, th¡s fire is dy!ng d©wΠ” sitt!ng up I open my arms ” come to me baby”

$h£ laughs th£n shake h£r h£ad ” you’re crazy ”

” crazy over you sunsh!ne” w!nk!ng $h£ furrow h£r brows.

” sunsh!ne? ”

” yes silly, th£ only bright th!ng !n my life” smil!ng I watch h£r th!nk!ng h@rd ” am not go!ng to make love with you !n a cave Elia, I j√$t said come closer let’s create some h£at to make us survive ”

” am f!ne th¡s way Alexander ”

” I don’t need you gett!ng cold Elia” my voice b@¢k to its command!ng tone ” I told you, I h@ťě it wh£n you disobey me ”

” am not your maid h£re Alex”

” I will spank you ” warn!ng h£r I watch h£r roll h£r eyes th£n h¡ss ” Elia ”

” leav!ng me alone you command!ng freak ”

” freak??”

” yes Alexander, you’re a mean…. ”

Cutt!ng h£r off I smile ” bats are right above you Elia” that made h£r jump right !nto my arms, hold!ng me t!ght before loom!ng up and confirm!ng am right.

” I h@ťěs bats”

” don’t worry, am right h£re with you ” ₱v||!ng h£r close I make sure we both f@|| b@¢k to th£ ground, hold!ng each oth£r t!ght and I was right, am feel!ng h£at, h£at generat!ng from both our bodies.

Th£ next sound I h£ard is that of h£r soft sounds to show that $h£ is ab©vt to sleep” tell me someth!ng Elia” wh¡sper!ng I rob h£r b@¢k ” why are you s¢ar£d of darkness ”

$h£ yawn before look!ng up to meet my gaze, those brown eyes of h£rs sleepy ” I was almost rape !n th£ dark” h£r words made my h£art clench ” anytime I stand !n darkness I feel like someone is go!ng to grab me and try it all over aga!n, I was j√$t thirteen ” th£ sleep already vanish from h£r face ” I was s¢ar£d Alex” a tear drop from h£r eyes before I clean th£m.

” I didn’t mean for you to remember such a th!ng ” ₱v||!ng h£r close I klzz h£r foreh£ad ” shhh” hold!ng h£r t!ght I close my eyes try!ng to calm h£r ” sleep now ” I will f!nd who did that to h£r and ki|| h¡m.

” good night Alexander ” $h£ klzz my neck s£nd!ng waves of shock through my b©dy, th¡s is th£ second time $h£ is freely touch!ng me ” you did say you will let me experiment you know ” swallow!ng at that I nod.

” some oth£r time Elia” clos!ng my eyes I try fight!ng th£ thought of Elia us!ng h£r h@nds to touch me ” you need to sleep now ”

” okay ” $h£ smile ” goodnight ”

h£ar!ng a voice !n my h£ad I m©v£ my h@nd to my ear to concentrate, cash voice r!ng aga!n { Alexander, trouble !n th£ palace } cash voice has a h!nt of struggle, is h£ struggl!ng with someone.

{ what is th£ trouble, have th£ vampires approach th£ ma!n palace so soon }

{ th¡s is worst Alexander, Zulu is try!ng to rape me!!!}not say!ng anyth!ng, th£ urge of strangl!ng cash right now is overwh£lm!ng { you need to get h£re and take th¡s pest away…oh my god, my Ç0çƙ is !n h£r m©vth }

Disconnect!ng from cash I shake my h£ad from that thought, Zulu and cash on b£d is not someth!ng I wish to see or th!nk of….cash has a rule of not hitt!ng girls must be why h£ is f!nd!ng it difficult to ₱ush Zulu away but am not like h¡m.

I don’t ¢ar£ if you’re a woman or a man, once you cross your limit I set you b@¢k !n th£m.

Elia cuddle close and I smile before clos!ng my eyes and sleep!ng, wh£n last did I sleep so calmly???

Its been a very long time !ndeed.

Elia rema!n still not wish!ng to wake h¡m up, h£ look so harmless and calm while sleep!ng, so h@ndsome, th£ ra!n stop over th£ night and now th£ sun is j√$t sett!ng, we really sleep for a wh0l£ day, I mean Alexander couldn’t sleep th£ oth£r night so I understand.

Mov!ng h¡s hair from h¡s face, I touch h¡s ch£ek, nose, foreh£ad th£n rob my f!ng£r on h¡s lower l¡p gently.

I swallow wh£n my h@nds m©v£ to h¡s ch£st, h£ is so muscular and tough, so strong and manly ” so dreamy ” cuddl!ng closer to h¡m, my h@nds m©v£ to h¡s b@¢k, trac!ng h¡s sp!ne before mov!ng th£m b@¢k to h¡s l¡ps.

“Can i klzz you Elia” h£ open h¡s eyes gently

” I don’t feel like…” Before I could f!nish my s£ntence h£ klzzed me anyway, what’s th£ po!nt of ask!ng if you plan on do!ng it with©vt permission.

So bossy.


Looks like th£y are both f@||!ng right !nto love.

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