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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? BY ?






Alexander shove h¡s h@nds !n h¡s pocket as h£ walk !nto th£ crimson blade bar, it was known for be!ng th£ best bar that serve th£ most fantastic beers anyone could ever th!nk ab©vt but th£n dr!nk!ng has not always be!ng h¡s th!ng, h£ came h£re for a particular reason.

Th£y is no way h£ will come to th¡s k!ngdom and not meet cash “is that Alexander th£ fifth ” Nick chuckle.

” shut up Nick” approach!ng th£ bar I sit d©wΠ and look @r0vnd ” wh£re th£ h£ll is cash ”

” dude went ©vt to buy m©r£ !ngredients for our special beer ”

” no b©dy still knows th£ secret of that stupid beer, have th£y?”

” if th£y did, I don’t call it special ” h£ lower h¡s voice at th£ last s£ntence ” but cursed ” nodd!ng my h£ad I look @r0vnd th£ place, noth!ng has change, still look!ng old and wrecked.

” you guys need to rebuild th¡s place Nick, talk to cash ab©vt it ”

” is not to late for you Alexander, h£ is right beh!nd y…” Before Nick could f!nish I bend my h£ad dodg!ng h¡s blade.

” fv¢k!ng Christ, are you plan!ng to ki|| me!!” Turn!ng @r0vnd cash chuckle shak!ng h¡s h£ad.

” come on Alexander, to my office ” walk!ng !nto h¡s office I shut th£ door th£n sit d©wΠ ” what br!ngs you b@¢k h£re? You h£ard ab©vt Zulu ”

Furrow!ng my brows I mumble ” everyb©dy h£re knows ab©vt h£r and no one !nformed me !n time?? $h£ was fv¢k!ng steal!ng to survive ”

” don’t you forget that you went to a better world with©vt h£r, why didn’t you take h£r ”

” you know fvlly well I was look!ng for aqua after h£r death and I can’t take Zulu along to distract me”

Cash sit d©wΠ ” distract you how Alexander ”

” that girl is a s€× Add¡¢t ”

” is not like you were compla!n!ng ”

” s€× is good, th£y is no way I would have compla!ned ”

Cash shake h¡s h£ad th£n Lean on h¡s chair ” have you found h£r ”

” I have ”

” why are you h£re th£n ”

” I need a place to breath, girls are h£adach£ and its tir!ng ”

” hmm” cash smile ” you use five thousand years look!ng for th¡s aqua girl all over th£ world, you even went to demons land th!nk!ng $h£ would be th£re and now you are try!ng to escape h£r from all those long years of search!ng ”

” you have absolutely no idea what am runn!ng from cash, that girl is fv¢k!ng !nnocent ” runn!ng my h@nds through my hair I exhale ” and I know th£ right th!ng to do is to keep h£r !nnocent but I want to sta!n h£r, corrupt that m!nd of h£rs, make h£r th!nk of me th£ way I th!nk of h£r ”

” wait Alexander ” cash lean !n ” is th£ great Alexander fifth s€×ually frustrated?” Not say!ng a word cash chuckle, hold!ng h¡s stomach and laugh ” oh my God, those days women flock @r0vnd you, you had enough p@zzy at your call but now, th¡s s!ngle girl is do!ng th¡s to you?”

” shut up cash ”

” I have to see th¡s girl” cash smile ” but first wh£n do you plan on leav!ng ”

” you h£ard ab©vt th£ war too huh ”

” I did and if those vampires successfvlly get th¡s town, what will happen to my bar ”

” you’re a demon liv!ng !n dragon territory cash, I know you can ki|| those vampires even if you want to ”

” that will call lots of attention and you know me Alex ” cash shrug ” I don’t do well with people ”

” wh£n last did you get laid cash ”

” five years ago” h£ smile ” gett!ng Pů$$¥$ isn’t my problem dude”

” I know that, so what’s keep!ng you ”

” my woman, my mate Alex, I found h£r” h£ smile ” look I have to j√$t wait a little longer for that girl to grow up, $h£ is j√$t sixteen and already runn!ng me !nsane ”

” s√¢k to be !n your shoes cash ”

” don’t rem!nd me ”

” you do know that dragons h@ťě demons right ”

” I do ”

” and th¡s your mate, $h£ is dragon?”

” $h£ is ”

” once aga!n cash, s√¢k to be !n your shoe”

Cash chuckle th£n turn serious once aga!n ” are you go!ng to participate !n th¡s war, I h£ard vampires are !n th£ woods which means th£y have conquer th£ mounta!n folks ”

” I did but th£n Fedor haven’t begged me yet ”

” still hold!ng a grudge aren’t you ”

” obviously ” stand!ng up I yawn ” like I said cash, h£ haven’t begged so I might be leav!ng tomorrow ”

” that s√¢ks, if you leave….th£ vampires will w!n”

” I figured that ©vt and what’s even !nterest!ng is that th£ vampires will capture Fedor and Joseph!ne ”

” hmm”

” don’t go th£re cash, I know what am do!ng ”

Cash smile ” am sure you do ” h£ stand to h¡s feet gr!nn!ng ” now take me to see th£ woman tortur!ng my friend”

Elia yawn stretch!ng h£r b©dy as $h£ sit up, after everyth!ng that happen earlier $h£ still felt sleepy so why not sleep, not like I have a job or someth!ng of that k!nd.

Stand!ng up I didn’t del@y before mov!ng to th£ bathroom, do!ng th£ necessary and putt!ng on anoth£r short dress, th£y don’t seem to like wear!ng long dress h£re.

Th£ dress hug me like a second sk!n, red !n colour, no design at all, j√$t h@ndless and short, at least its not that short ” I can’t wait to leave th¡s place” look!ng @r0vnd I notice Alexander isn’t @r0vnd, h£ did say h£ would be busy today.

Mov!ng ©vt of th£ room I walk d©wΠ th£ hallway star!ng at different places before accidentally bump!ng !nto someone which I wish I didn’t ” Elia??” Jeffrey which is Alexander junior broth£r h£ld my shoulder to stop me from f@||!ng.

Stepp!ng b@¢k I try tuck!ng my hair beh!nd my ear before realiz!ng I tied it !nto a high ponytail, br!ng!ng d©wΠ my h@nds I look at h¡m, dressed !n a blue trouser and white long sleeves, those blue eyes of h¡s study!ng me ” I didn’t see you on th£ breakf*st table ”

” I was sleep!ng ”

” that unfortunate, th£ food was great ” h£ smile, why is h£ br!ng friendly? ” come, let me feed you ”

” what?!” Before I could talk h£ already grab my h@nd and ₱v||!ng me to th£ direction of a h*g£ hall, is that th£ kitch£n?? Open!ng th£ door, we step !n and th£ maids rush ©vt.

” what will you like to eat Elia?” h£ asked

” am not hungry Jeffrey ” try!ng my b**t to smile I did ” am j√$t look!ng for Alex”

” I h£ard h£ left th¡s morn!ng or maybe h£ will be !n th£ oth£r room with Zulu”

” with Zulu ”

Jeffrey nod while eat!ng a plate of chicken, h¡s eyes not leav!ng m!ne ” that man can never be s€×ually $@t!$fied ” h£ shake h¡s h£ad ” have h£ fv¢ked you yet?”

” what?” My wh0l£ face is turn!ng red

” have h£ fv¢ked you Elia”

” I don’t see how that’s your bus!ness Jeffrey ” I mumble ” I have to go ” turn!ng @r0vnd h£ hold my h@nd, not t!ght j√$t gently, mak!ng me to $h00t h¡m a confuse glance and that only made h¡m klzz me on th£ l¡ps.

I stood shock, h£ didn’t deepen it, j√$t a light klzz ” you’re beautiful, I see why Alexander is runn!ng !nsane over you” h£ run h¡s h@nds to my exposed arm ” but th£n I don’t need h¡m ki||!ng me over you do I ” lett!ng go of me I frown and h£ w!nk which irritated me.

Walk!ng ©vt of th£ kitch£n I shut th£ door and look at th£ maids gossip!ng ab©vt me fv¢k!ng th£ two pr!nce at once, can my day get even m©r£ horrible?

That question was right, my day did get worst, horrible and embarra$$!ng because meet!ng Zulu was a bad idea.

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