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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?⚜️(Blood and betrayal)⚜️♈

?Written by✍️
®️ Richie Ayomide™️
⚕️ ~ CHAPTER 10 ~⚕️


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(Evening, 5:30pm)
A taxi stopped in front of jaylen’s apartment.
“You must be rich if you live here”
The taxi man said.

“Actually,,, we are here to visit a friend”
Jaylen lied.

“Then your friend must be Rich”
The taxi man smile…
Jenny just nodded and they both stepped down from the car…
The taxi man drive away in an hurry.

“Why did you lie??”
Jenny asked suddenly.

“Nothing, no reasons,, just did”

“You are lying,,,
Jenny fold her arms and look at him.
“thesame way you lied to me about my father.

“I didn’t lie about our fathers…”
They were friends in the past”

Cos my mom sent me a picture of my dad and they don’t match with yours”
That’s not my dad,,, why did I believe you in the first place,, it’s not like you have seen me with my claimed dad before.

“Then, how come you bear thesame surname as Mr Taylor from the portrait”??

“Are you kidding me right now??
Many different random people can bear that surname without knowing each other”

Jaylen sigh and look at her,, remembering Noah’s words again.
“Maybe I should just keep the truth between myself”
He thought.

“Okay?? I lied to you,,, fine… I was wrong”
I know we just met but maybe you didn’t trust me yet”

“So, you think you can play Jokes with me??
Am I a puppet that you can laugh at??
Jenny said with an upset mood.
“Fine, let’s get this over with so I can go back to my dorm”
She said and walk into his apartment.

Jaylen sighs.
“I shouldn’t have brought up this discussion at the first place”
He muttered sadly and followed Jenny.

(Coffee shop)
Josephine pull off her apron and walk to the locker room.
“See you tomorrow, Mr Ben”
She said as she carried her bag.

“Have a nice evening, J… And don’t forget your tips,, take them before you leave”

“Thanks, Mr Ben”
She walk out the coffee shop and sighed…

“Just few more months remaining,, before my goal target is completed and will use that to prepare my tuition fee before I write the SAT exams”
She said to herself with smiles all over her face as she walk home.

She saw mave sitting and waiting for the public bus at the bus stop…. Her sad face glighted immediately with joy and ran over to him.

“Hey, mave….
She called,, mave look at her and smile.

“Josephine,,, how was your shift today??”.

“It went well but was boring without you”
J replied as she sat down beside mave.

“Well, am going to face that also tomorrow”.

“Why are you still working at the coffee shop,,,. I thought the financial aid has covered your tuition?”

“Well, I need to top up my savings,, you know… Anything can happen in the future and I might be in the need of money”.

“That’s true… maybe I need to start saving also,, I use all my paycheck to cover the rent and groceries”

“You still live alone??
I told you to find a roommate so the rent will reduce”

“I just want to live alone,,, am used to it”

Mave asked and stare at her with a curious face.

“All the times I had lived in the orphanage after my parent’s death.
I was alone and I have no friends at all.
All the kids don’t like to see me around,,, they h@ťě and bully me all the time.
No one come to see how am doing….
Tears began to formed in her eyes.

I just eat, read books in the library while am bored till I finally reach the age of 16 and I can fed for myself…
No one came to adopt me throughout my stay,,
After I reach the age of 16,, I was given a mearge amount of money to find a place to stay and live on with my life..”
So I got a part time job here at the coffee shop and use the rest of the day studying for my SAT exams and that’s how I met you.

“It’s been a tough time for me actually,, I have pass through a lot all because I have no parents”

Mave wrapped his hands round her neck.
“It’s going to be okay, J…
You and I have similar sad stories and I don’t want to go into it yet,, cos we wouldn’t leave here if I start my own sad story”

“Thanks, mave…
I remembered the first time I met you when you ask if am the new attendant Mr Ben hired and you asked if I could be your friend”
She said and chuckles…
I was shocked someone could asked me that,, no one did ever since I was born”

Mave burst into laughter…
“Ofcourse, we will be friends since we are going to work together”
He said and look around.
“Isn’t this bus getting late??

I think so,,
Josephine look around and saw everyone also waiting for the evening bus”.

“Should I come over to your house today?? I have nothing to do at home this evening”

“It’s getting late, and the bus isn’t here yet,, maybe next time”
Josephine replied.

“What?? Why?? Are you pushing me away??

“No, am not… I just don’t want you to get home late after leaving my place,,
Another time, mave”
How is your crush doing??”
She asked changing the topic.

She is okay,, she is doing well,,
I think you two should meet,, that’s how you can make friends…
Most people aren’t thesame,, some people need friends like you but they are shy and they are the gentle type,, they don’t talk much or interact with people,, but inside them, they really need a caring friend”.

“Why are you describing me??
Josephine said and hit him playfully on his back.

“Well, cos there are people like you who also need friend’s love and care”

“I don’t need to worry about that,,, I have you”
Josephine smile..

“Well, you still need to meet Jenny,,
“A friend’s friend is also a friend”
She is the type of girl who pushes people away unknowingly but she truly needs them”

“Do you still have feelings for her??
Josephine asked.

“Yeah,,, but she seems she is not interested in guys at all”

“Keep trying your luck”
She said sadly and remember mr Ben’s mave.

?Have been noticing you lately,, it seems you like mave…
It will be good if you open up to him and tell him your feelings”?

She was about to talk when mave interrupted.

“Oh gosh,, the clouds are becoming heavy.. it’s going to rain”
Mave replied looking at the sky.

“Pray the bus should be here before the rain start”

(Back at jaylen’s apartment)
“So the judge adjourn the case because both parties have no evidence to present to the Court”
Jaylen said as he writes…

“But the man was murdered,,, it’s obvious”
Jenny replied.

“And do you want the judge to believe that without no evidence and to rule it in the Man’s family favour??
That’s not how court case works”

“You are right,,, I just feel for him,,, you were ki||ed and your life’s work was inherited by the ki||er and your ki||er is now swimming in money..
How would you feel??

“Am already dead, how would I feel,,,???
He asked and burst into laughter.

Jenny also burst into laughter,,,
“What I mean is how would you feel if it happens to someone you know”
Maybe someone like me”

“I would feel sad,,, feel like getting justice for you”


“Alright, I get you…
But just know this,, don’t put your emotions with you when you are in line of work or defending a case in court,,
That’s what lawyers does first”

“Thanks for the hint of the information”

“Okay?? I think that will be enough for today.,, We are almost done with this project and we still have two weeks deadline to go”

“You make me come every single day,, why won’t we finish it on time”

“Well, we have time to play and relax”
Jaylen replied.

“It’s almost late,, I think I should get going also”
Jenny stood up from the couch.

“Alright,,, see you in school tomorrow
He smile.
“Hrmm, my weather update told me it’s going to rain today and am surprised its not even raining yet”

“It’s definitely going to rain overnight I guess”
Jenny replied and smile.

“How are you going to get home??”
Noah drove my car out,, would have drove you home”

“Don’t worry about that,…
I will take the taxi home”
“Thanks for today, jaylen and thanks for lying to me”

“Oh, am sorry about that”
Jaylen smile.

Jenny chuckles and walk out of the house.

“Oh gosh, Olivia will surely be worried about me right now”
She said to herself as she checked her phone time,, (6:30pm)

She walk out of jaylen’s compound and walk a bit down the road looking left and right for a taxi.
The clouds are becoming dark and the breeze are becoming cold.

Jenny looked at the sky,,
“Jaylen was right,, the rain is about to pour down… I have to get home fast”

She kept waiting at the side of the road expecting a taxi.
“The next bus stop from jaylen’s place is a bit far, I could have trek it”
She thought.

Suddenly, the rain started and began pouring heavily.
“No,, this is not happening
Why is there no single taxi??
The road was empty and no single vehicle was passing by.

“I can’t go back to jaylen’s place”.
Her body is becoming wet as the rain pours,, there are no roof shelter to stay till the rain stop.

All her body was now soaked and wet,, she cleaned her face to see clearly.

Suddenly, the rain stop beating her,,,
She saw someone’s legs wearing a palm beside her and look up seeing jaylen and a umbrella on top of her head.

She called.

Jaylen smile.
“I figured you might still be outside unable to find a taxi yet”
Come inside, let’s dry you up”
He said and wrapped his hands round Jenny’s neck as they both walk home under the umbrella.

?Flashbacks ?
~( Fifteen years ago)~
Four adults sat on a round table having dinner together.
They laughed, gist and crack jokes together.

“I really enjoy those times”
Mr Taylor said.

“Yeah,, and those times you were scared of ghost,,
We really taunt and scared you back in college”
Carter replied and burst into laughter.

Mr Taylor’s wife brought in more dishes
“Please, you guys should eat up and enjoy”
She said.

” She is right, this night is the night we have to celebrate”
Carter’s wife also said.

“Well, thanks to my friend here, his research will bring us money and will also improve health science of the world.
“Meet, Mr talyor, the first man to find the cure for cancer disease”
Mr Carter said and they all burst into laughter.

“Thanks, my only friend…
It’s so weird we both gave birth to twins
Means we are meant to be”
Taylor replied and gave Carter a slight hug.

“Talking of the twins,,, I have not see Juliet and…
Taylor’s wife asked before Carter’s wife cut her in.

“The other two are out to play,, but Juliet and Jaylen are alseep, I already laid them to bed”
Carter’s wife replied.

“I guess we are sleeping over again”
Taylor said and smile.

“This is our home and you are always welcome here,,,
I brought the idea of us living together but you reject it
See??, We are still together, people will think we are living together”
Carter said.

Taylor smile…
“I guess you are right”

“Excuse us, we the ladies want to check on the kids”
Carter’s wife said as they both stood up.

The ladies walked into the bedroom and saw jaylen and Juliet sleeping next to each other.
Juliet hold jaylen’s hands as she sleeps peacefully as jaylen other hand was on Juliet’s hair.
He seems he was caressing her hair before he slept off.

They both smile seeing them together.
“Ain’t they cute together??”
Carter’s wife said.

??~Flashbacks ends ~??

?(Jaylen’s apartment)❤️
Jaylen came out from his bedroom into the living room with some new set of clothes and a bath towel.

Jenny was already trembling and shaking feeling cold on the couch.
He stretch them to her.
“Change into them”

“Who owned this clothes??

“They are for me,, it’s a men cloth,, I figured you might not like Bella’s clothes cos I have few of her clothes here”

“I will just stick to yours”…
She said and took them from him.

“You can change in my bedroom,,

Jenny said and stood up walking to his bedroom.
Jaylen sigh and sat down staring at the TV.
The rain is still pouring heavily like it’s never going to stop.

Few minutes later,, Jenny came out all changed and dry.
Jaylen look at her and smile.
“You look nice in my cloth,”
Jenny wear a T shirt and a long green joggers.
Are you still feeling cold?”

“Yeah,. A little”

“Should I prepare a hot water bath for you??

“No, thanks… You are not my maid,, am fine now”
She replied.

Jaylen stare at her.
She made eye contact with him for a second and look away immediately.

“What’s with the stare??”
She asked.

“You look gentle…
Did the cold made you soft?? This is not the Jenny that was arguing with me hours ago’

Jenny smile…
“Maybe it was the cold”

“Come, let me keep you warm… My body is producing enough heat right now”
He said trying to hug Jenny.

“Am fine,,, just turn on the house heater instead”
She said pushing him away.

Jaylen smile…
“What do you do at your leisure time??”
Jenny asked.

“I have fun with Noah and play video games but he is not here, so I have you”
Will you sleep over??’

“No?? Why would I do that??
Once the rain stopped, I will head home”

Jaylen pick up his phone.
“This is 8pm already and this rain is not likely to stop…
And you can’t get a taxi this late”
The best thing for you is to sleep over.

“No,… I can still make it home,, the rain will stop soon”

“You and I both know this rain can’t with how it is pouring heavily now
Stop being stubborn, Jenny”
He said staring at her.

Jenny looked at him and scoffs.

“If you are worried of where you will sleep, you can use my bedroom,, I will manage here in the living room”
What other excuse do you have to give??”

“Fine,,, I will spent the night here,,, but am leaving early tomorrow”

“There is no need to rush, our class is not till afternoon”
He replied.

“Really?? Jaylen??
You really want me to spend the night here
Why are you so…

“So what??
Caring?? It’s my nature,,
I won’t watch you get soaked outside,, don’t misunderstood it”
Let’s watch a movie,, I will bring the popcorn.
Jenny smile.

Jaylen walk to the kitchen and came back with a bowl of popcorn and juice.

“What type of movie do you watch??
Jenny asked and took the TV remote from the table.

“Well, let’s see”
Jaylen drop the popcorn and the juice on the table.
“Do you like boring movies??”
Jaylen asked.

“And why would I like boring movies?? Who loves to watch boring movies?”

“There are some pervert that do”…
Am just telling you cos I don’t want to fall asleep”.

(Minutes later)
Jaylen and Jenny already fell asleep?? as the movie they were watching keep on playing…
The bowl of popcorn already spill on the ground.

Jenny slept on jaylen’s shoulder as she wrapped her hands on jaylen’s arm… She sleeps peacefully as she smile in her sleep.

Jenny and jaylen…??
Josephine past story ??
Should Josephine confess her feelings to mave??

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