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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?⚜️(Blood and betrayal)⚜️♈

?Written by✍️
®️ Richie Ayomide™️
⚕️ ~ CHAPTER 5 ~⚕️


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A knock came on the door.
“Gosh, did Olivia forgot something??”
She muttered and stood up from the bed…
She walked to the door and opened it.

There he was, Jaylen Carter.
“You again??”
Jenny shouted at him.
Jaylen didn’t say anything, he just walk to her, grab her back neck and lock lips with her.
Jenny opened her eyes wide opened, shocked.

Jaylen paused the kissing for a second and look at Jenny in the eyeballs.
“I love you, Jenny”
He muttered quietly.

“Jenny, Jenny, Jenny
Wake up”
Olivia kept tapping her.

She jerk up from her sleep and look around the room.
She heave a sigh of relief when she realizes it’s a dream.
“Are you okay??
You didn’t change into your night dress yesterday night before you sleep.

“Wait, it’s morning already??
Are you already back from the night party?”

It’s morning and you saw me go out yesterday
Olivia replied and looked at her in a weird way.

“Are you okay??
You were muttering jaylen’s name in your sleep”

I mean yes, am okay..
Am muttering jaylen’s name ??

Alright, it’s seems you are not okay”

“Am Good, Olivia, I just have a bad dream.”

“Okay so about your studentship, Bella has decided to help you reverse the expulsion”
Olivia said.

“Really?? Oh my God”
She is really going to help me??”


“Wow… Am surprised,,, I thought she was wicked and heartless like her brother, I didn’t know she is kind and caring like this”

“Jaylen is not that wicked like you think… Only if you cross line with him… Almost every girl want him and I will be lucky to date jaylen”
About Bella’s help, it always come with a price”

“And what’s that??

“Well, it’s a stupid condition.. I thought she is going to make you do something bad like delivering her weeds and drugs to her buyer”

“Wait, what??
Bella sells illegal drugs?
Jenny looked surprised.

“Yes, why did you think she do mistreat Lydia if she mishandled her business?

“Oh, I now get…
But please don’t tell me am going to involve in her drug business just to get my studentship back…
Is that the condition??

“I already told you, Jenny…
That’s what I thought not until she told me she just want you to come to tonight’s party at the Carter’s place.
“Once you can do that, she will help you”

“Then, I will…
It’s just a party”

“That’s what I thought.
You can go back to your sleep now,, seems you are enjoying a romantic dream with jaylen.

“Oh gosh, thank goodness.. it’s all a dream..
But why he hugged me yesterday is what I can’t crack my brain and get”
Jenny said to herself.

“Is he in love with me??”

?~ Coffee shop~?
“Am sorry about yesterday… Someone ruined my surprise”
Josephine apologize.

“No, it’s okay,, am just happy I got the financial aid”
Mave replied.

“So you are not going to work and struggle to pay your tuition fee any more??”

“Well, you can put it that way, but there is one problem right now
I need a cosigner to finalize everything”
And I don’t have anyone but you”

Josephine smile.
“I will happy to help”
She said and hold Mave’s hands.
“After today’s work,,, can we go out together.. I want to show you something”

Would love to”
Mave replied..

“Oh no, not again??
The coffee manager groan from behind.
“How many times will I tell you too to stop chit chatting while at work?

“We sorry, Mr Ben’
Josephine quickly ran to the storage room.

Mr Ben smile at mave.
“Wonder what you are still waiting for”
He said.

Mave look at him trying to get what he just said.
“Please, what am I waiting for??”
Mave asked innocently.

“Don’t pretend you didn’t understand me…
He replied and walk away.

Mave sighs and begin cleaning the tables and chairs with a small cleaning rag.
Someone walked in ringing the glass door bells.

“Come in..
Mave said loudly and looked up…
He smile on seeing her.

Is this where you work??”

“Yeah, obviously… this is where I make some money for my tuition tee”
What are you doing here anyway?”
Mave asked as they both sat down.

“Since have been expelled, am bored and I decided to take a stroll round the campus, then I remembered you told me you work at a coffee shop…
So I decided to pay a visit and apologize for the other day”

Okay, slow down your words
“And apologize for what exactly??

“You know, for shouting at you when you did nothing wrong”.

“It’s okay anyway and if I may ask why were you expelled??
I didn’t remembering you breaking any school rules..
Do you involve yourself in a fight?

“No, my studentship was revoked because I sat on a seat that wasn’t mine”
The guy we met in class yesterday”

“Wait, I don’t understand…
Are you saying you were expelled just because of some random seat?

“Please, I just don’t want to go back into that sad story, I realized the student was one of the member of the school board
How I wish I could see him again and beat the hell out of him”

Mave was lost thought..
“That was the reason she hit the student in the hallway angrily”
He thought within himself.

“Hey, are you listening??”

“Yeah, I am…
So you have been expelled but you are still on campus??

“Yes, Olivia and her friends want to help me gain back my studentship”


“I just have to attend a stupid party and she is going to help me”

“A party??
Just be careful,,, I have heard alot about those night party Bella Carter do plan”

“You know Bella Carter??”

“Who doesn’t??
The biggest party planner in the whole campus”
Stay safe, Jenny
I have to get back to work now… What will you like to order??

“Maybe next time, mave..
I have to get back to the hostel”
She replied.

“I thought you’ve been expelled??

“Well, I still gat my dorm”
Jenny replied and they both smile before she walk out.

“Alright, bye…
Mave said and smile…
“She came to apologize”
Mave cross his both hands on his chest.
“How lovely”

“What’s with the smile??’
Josephine came out of the storage room.

“Hmm… Nothing”

“I thought I heard the voice of a lady”
Josephine replied.

“Yeah, Jenny came by but she left”

? ~ Carter’s residence~?
Bella and Racheal walked in happily.
Noah and jaylen were watching a wrestling match on the TV.
“Another rocking party tonight”
Racheal said her chewing gum disgustingly.

“Yeah,,, can’t wait
Is Olivia coming??”
Bella asked.

“I guess, since that slut of a girl is definitely coming, Olivia will surely be around to protect her”

“Well, we are going to turn her to a real slut”
She hasn’t seen the real bella yet, she thought she can mess with me and get away with it”
Bella replied.
Jaylen and Noah just focus on their wrestling match.

“Hey Sis, did you take my stamp ink??
Jaylen asked as he focus on the TV.

?(Stamp ink is a possession owned by the CEO of a company or organization to approve orders or show the involvement of an organisation into something)?

“Oh my God, jaylen.. you speak again.. gosh, your voice is so sweet, I wish I couldn’t talk too much also”
Racheal said smiling and blushing.

Jaylen just take a look at her disgustingly and face her sister.
“I only borrowed it for a while”

“I also tell you, do not touch my stamp ink again…
What did you use it for this time??
Jaylen asked.

“I only use it to deal with someone, I will return it back tonight”
Bella replied pouting her face.
“Am sorry”

She walked to Noah and sat beside him..
“Help me plead with your friend,,,, He just have the school stamp ink for nothing, he never use it”

“Please, can you let me be bella, am trying to watch a match here??
Noah said.

“So now you are being hard on me?? You don’t even care about my feelings for you”

“Well, it’s not mutual… Jaylen would also not like it
Noah replied.

“Am actually cool with it, you can date my sister, I definitely don’t Care”
Jaylen said.

“See?? My brother approve of us..,

“We can double date to the party, Noah can take Bella while I take jaylen”
Racheal suggested.

“We are not going to the party’
Noah replied.

It’s you guys that make people to attend my party,,, if you guys didn’t come, no one will want to”
Bella said.

“Noah word’s still stands, we are not coming’
Jaylen replied.
Bella sighed sadly.
“And Jenny is going to attend this time around”
She muttered.

Jaylen look at bella with a serious face as soon as she mentioned Jenny’s name.
“What did you just say??”
Jaylen asked.
Noah and Racheal looked at him.

“I said je…..

“We are attending your party”
Jaylen said so fast cutting bella off.

Bella smile.
“Noah, what did you say?”

“Well, since jaylen is going, Why won’t I??”
Noah replied.

“So can we do the double date??”
Racheal asked.

Jayden and Noah said at the same time.

? ~ Bella’s apartment ~?
The whole house was full of loud music, every single thing round the house are vibrating to the sound of the beat.
Students are dancing to tune of the music while some are drinking excessively to stupor.
Everywhere was like people are having fun. Some are taking drinks shots, some are busy kissing on the couch already in the pleasure mood.
But Jenny sat in a corner watching them, feeling bored.
“I just have to get bella to see me at her party and get this over with”
She muttered as she tap her toes on the ground following the DJ’s beat.

“Hey, Jenny”
Olivia walk to her.
“Are you okay??”

“Yeah am fine, where is Bella??”

“She hasn’t show up yet,, she is not always late for her party”
Olivia replied.
“And there they are coming right toward us”
Olivia said staring at Bella and Racheal behind her.
Some students hugged bella as she come near them.

“Hey, girls…
You guys came”
Bella said and smile.

Jenny muttered and looked down.

“So you can actually need my help?? Is this not you, Jenny
I wonder how you escape my brother’s wrath in the class the other day”

“Well, he got me expelled”
Am facing the consequences”
Jenny replied.
Bella gave Racheal a winked eye.
Racheal nodded and walk away.

“So you think he expelled you?!
Bella asked and smile.

“Yes, and I need your help.. let’s put our differences aside”
Olivia smile seeing something good is going to work out between them.
Suddenly, a student dancing mistakenly hit Olivia pouring his drink on Olivia’s body.

The student gasped.
“Oh $h|t, am so sorry… I didn’t know you were behind me”
The student apologized.

“I have to use the bathroom”
Olivia walk away with her stained dress.

Bella face Jenny.
Jenny, enjoy the party… I hope we can be friends, by tomorrow your studentship will be restored.

Jenny smile.

“Give her a shot”
Bella said and walk away.
A dancer came and gave her a small glass of alcohol.

Jenny took it and drank it content immediately.
“Wow, you are a strong girl”
Would you like some more??

“I won’t mind”
Jenny smile and followed her.

Jaylen and Noah walked in…
Noah ghost jaylen and follow some guys…
“See you later, jaylen… Time to parttyyyy”

“So now you are leaving me??”
He sighed.
Everyone notice Jaylen and rushed to him… The dancing crowd drag jaylen into their group…
Jaylen manage to look around trying to find Jenny.
The music was too loud and everyone was dancing lavishly dancing the last part of their life.

Jenny was already drunk after taking too many shots.
“I thought I was a strong girl”
She muttered drunkenly.

Bella signals some guys by winking her eye.
Four guys rushed to Jenny and grab her. They carried and took her on their shoulders.

“Take her to the bedroom…
We have some work to do
Bella said with an evil smile.

They got to the bedroom and place her on the bed.
“Strip her naked”
Bella commanded.

The boys smile happily…
They remove her dress, and bra showing her full naked body only on P@ŋtîēṣ
Bella walk to the side of the bed and take the camera from the drawer.
“We are going to $h00t some segz scenes.

She place the camera where the whole room can be viewed.

“Who will go first?”
Bella asked.
A guy quickly pull off his shirt.

“I thought am a strong girl”
Jenny just keep saying drunkenly and smiling,,, unaware of what’s going on around her.

TBC ……
??Bella, Why??
Will bella plan succeed??
Who is going to save her?

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