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Friday, October 18, 2024
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?⚜️(Blood and betrayal)⚜️♈

?Written by✍️
®️ Richie Ayomide™️

How it began….
The night was dark and cold..
Snowflakes has covered most of the roads and buildings,
It is Christmas Eve
A man in his early 40s was seen driving fast as he can with his wife beside him and two female children at the backseat.
“Dad, hurry we are going to be late”
One of the girls said in an hurry.

“Juliet, as you can see, am driving as fast as I could…
We will surely get home soon,
Don’t worry yourself too much”
Her dad replied.

“Honey, please leave your dad alone… He had a long day’
Juliet’s mom replied.
Juliet just groan and look at her twin sister.

“What’s with the stares??’
She asked removing her headset.

“Why ain’t you saying anything?? We are going to miss Christmas Eve celebration if we didn’t get home fast”
Juliet replied.

Dad just kept driving.
“But did you realise this is just 8:30pm and we don’t need to rush”??
Christmas Eve is not really a big deal

“Well, that’s to you…
“I just want to get home”
Juliet said and relaxed on the seat.

“It’s alright, kids
We will soon be home,… No more talking till we get home”
Dad said as he kept driving.

Suddenly, someone appeared in front of the car from nowhere..
A man stand on the snowy White road, wearing all black leather suit and a black gloves holding a gun.
Juliet’s dad quickly hit the brakes and stop the car.

“What’s going on??
Juliet asked.

“We don’t know… Just stay quiet’
Her mom replied.
Juliet’s sister just stay put listening to a loud music from her headset unknown to what’s going on around her.

Juliet’s dad and mom both look at each other like they know what the man want…
The man on the road raise up his gun and aim at the vehicle.
He began $h00ting on the windscreen continuously.

Juliet scream in fear…
“It’s okay Honey, just lay low”
Her mom replied…
Juliet’s sister quickly remove her headset…

The mysterious man keep $h00ting and $h00ting as he come closer to the vehicle.
Juliet’s mom shouted….
He start the vehicle immediately and continue driving fast.
The mysterious man saw the car coming speedily at him..
He quickly jump to saftey to avoid being hit…

Juliet’s dad keep driving fast and he breathe in relief.
Fear already gripped Juliet and her sister at the back seat..
In the next two minutes, the car flipped over crashing hard on the ground with all the glass windows shattered.

Blood began to flow out from scene of the accident on the snowy White road…

~Briston College ~
This my life and my destiny… And I finally achieve my dreams.
My mom always push me away from studying law and it’s ethics but I insisted and keep pursuing my dreams.
Am the quiet and the most gentle, innocent student of briston college you will ever come across, easy going and maybe beautiful.

Hrm… Am not really sure about that, maybe am not that beautiful but I do get quite a lot of guys on my plate even though I don’t give them attention. I have no siblings, the only child of my mom heard my dad died before I was born.
The challenges I faced started right from college…
My first day at college was nothing to talk about,
Also how I met jaylen, bella, Lydia,,, I wish I couldn’t go into that right now,,
They bring back sad memories but it’s okay,,, I would love to share the story of my life with you.
Jaylen and I started as lovers… I believe in love so much that I thought I had found my missing rib…
I was 19 as a freshman in college when it all started..
Let’s begin from here…
My name is Jenny by the way,, nice to meet you all


?⚜️(Blood and betrayal)⚜️♈

?Written by✍️
®️ Richie Ayomide™️
⚕️ ~ CHAPTER 1 ~⚕️

Read more …


~ Briston college ~

“Make sure you take dinner early and maintain your diet, watch the sugar content foods you eat from now, you know I won’t be there to look after you and tell you all that”
Jenny’s mom said as she drives around the school environment.

“Oh gosh, mom… This is the fifth time you are telling me this, I heard you already mom”
Jenny replied.

“I just have to keep reminding you and please focus on your studies, I wasn’t in support of your choice of career but I have no choice since that’s what you want”

“You haven’t still tell me the reason I shouldn’t study law”

“I just want to keep you safe”
She replied.

“From what, mom…
Who studies law and feel unsafe??

“Just be careful, Jenny.. I won’t be here to watch over you”
Her mom said as she stopped the car in front of the dormitory (hall of residence).

“Thank goodness, we are finally here”
Jenny said rolling her eyes and moved out of the car after removing her seatbelt.

Her mom sighs and also move out of the car…
Jenny stares around the environment, every students were moving about mindng their business, some sat under the relaxation center studying.
Smiles were all over jenny’s face..
“Finally in college”
She muttered.

“Will you quit looking around and help me with your boxes??”
Her mom snapped her back to reality as she brought out all her clothes box and bags from the car booth.

Jenny quickly help her drop them down.
“Don’t forget what we have talked about…
Be good and don’t…

“Yeah, I know… Don’t stay out late and avoid going to party you don’t think it’s safe”
Jenny completed her statement..
“Mom, you’ve told me this like a hundred times..
You are turning me to a nerd already”

“I didn’t say you shouldn’t socialize but limit them, please”
Her mom replied. .. Jenny just groan and drag her two cloth box with her into the dormitory with her mom following behind.
They both stop at the reception.

“Welcome to briston college”
A lady said behind them.
Jenny quickly look behind her, the lady stare at her for a while.
“Hrm… I guess you are a freshman”
She asked.

“Yeah, and did I know you from anywhere??”
Jenny asked with a curious look.

“No, you can’t… This is my first time meeting you, am Helen by the way, the receptionist for briston hall of residence”
She smile at Jenny.

Jenny’s mom look back and face Helen.
“This must be your mom”
She asked.

“Yeah, please can I have my room keys??
Jenny asked back.

“Sure, can I have your name .. I need it for your room number!?’

“Jenny talyor”
Jenny replied quietly.

Helen scroll down the list of names on her computer system in front of her.
Welcome on board, Jenny..
You got room 309”
Helen said stretching her the room keys.

“Hrm.. Jenny, you can go on and find your room… I will help with the remaining boxes outside”
Jenny’s mom said and walked out.

“Thanks mom”
Jenny said and drag her box behind her walking away.

“Your mom is cool by the way”
Helen complimented and smile.
“Would you need help finding your room or….

“No, I don’t need your help”
Jenny said coldly walking away.

“Stubborn as a freshman, hrm…
Briston college will surely humble you”
Helen muttered.

Helen stare at the room number on the wall as she find her way to room 309.
306, 307, 308…….
She read the room number till she got to 309..
She dropped her luggages at the door and opened the room door before walking in…
Two students were having segz on the bed and Mõ@ɲing loudly.

“Oh $h|t”
The female student got down from the bed immediately, covered herself with the bed blanket as jenny walked in.
The male student cover his face in embarrassment.

“I thought you have the door locked”
He asked angrily.

“I actually forgot, you know the mood…

“Hrm.. am sorry for interrupting your fun, maybe I should come back some other time”
Jenny said about to leave.

“No wait, are you my new roommate??
She asked…

“Hrm, I think am gonna go Right now”
The male student said and took his shirt before walking out of the room.

“Am sorry for interrupting”
Jenny said again.

“Enough of the apologies… You can bring your boxes in”
Am Olivia by the way”

Jenny just nodded and look around the room… There are four bunk bed..
“Where are the others??”
Jenny asked.

“Racheal went for a friend’s party and the fourth person hasn’t resumed yet”
Olivia replied and smile.

Jenny’s mom walked in with the other boxes.
“Oh gosh, this things are d@mn heavy.
What do you park inside your boxes??”

“This is my mom”
Jenny said pointing to her.

“Nice to meet you, Mrs??

Jenny’s mom replied and gave her a slight hug.

“Jenny, you left your other bags outside the room..

“Yeah, I was about to get them before…
Jenny finally stopped talking.

“Alright, Jenny… I think I will be on my way now
“Jenny’s mom said and hug her.

“I love you, mom”
She muttered.

“I also do,…
Please take care of yourself”
Mrs Taylor said and walk out before shutting the door.

“Wow… I wish I had a mom like yours..
So caring and Nice, how old are you??

“Why do you ask??

“Well, the way your mom treat and pamper you this way”
You must still be a kid to her”

Jenny just smile.
“Am 19″ and doesn’t matter, I just miss my dad the more…
He died”

“Am sorry about that but that doesn’t stop you from enjoying college fun”
Come on, bring your luggages in”
Olivia said.

“How old are you anyway??
It’s not like am trying to know who is more older.. am just…

“I understand you Jenny, you are just trying to know how we will earn each other respect.
Am also 19, I just look more mature like someone in the 20s
People do tell me that especially Racheal”

“That’s nice.. I left my luggages at the door, I will go get it”
Jenny said and walked out…
She look around and her luggages are gone.
She turned around with a shocking look.

“My luggages were right here, I put them just in this corner”
She said to herself.

Olivia peeped out from the door.
“What’s wrong??
She asked.

“My luggages are gone”
Jenny said sadly…
Olivia Burst into laughter….. She kept laughing making Jenny look like a fool

“Why on earth will you leave your luggages unwatched??
We are in college, girl not in high school”
Someone might have carried it, it’s gone’

“Just like that?

“Yeah, just like that..
Forget about it”
Olivia said and laughed again..
It’s funny how we get along easily
Olivia added and smile.

~Night 2am~
Someone keep barging the door loudly and repeatedly. The noise could wake everyone even student far away can hear them.
Olivia and Jenny jerk up from their sleep.

“Who is barging the door like that by this time of the night??’
Jenny asked.

“Olivia, open this door right now”
A voice said from outside.

“Gosh, not Racheal again”

You mean our third roommate??”
The one you told me about?”

“Yeah, Racheal do attend parties almost every single night…
She host parties most of the time”

“Why would someone like parties that much??”
Jenny asked.

“Well, thanks to Bella, she initiate Racheal to parties”

“Please, open this f-__-king d@mn door”
Racheal keep shouting.

Olivia groan and got down from the bed and walk to the door.
She opened it and Racheal walked in immediately and landed on her bed.

Olivia rolled her eyes.
“Goodnight, Jenny…
We will see in the morning”
Olivia said and went back to her bed.

“Are we going to leave her like this??”

“Yeah she will be fine”
Olivia said covering herself with her blanket.

~the next morning~
Racheal opened her eyes slowly seeing a blurring image of jenny as she groaned….
She stood up and stretch her body, Jenny stares at her.

“And who are you??”
Rachael asked… She is still dressed in her night party dress and a worn out makeup on her face.

“Am Jenny, your new roommate”
Jenny smiled.

Racheal just walk pass her to the bathroom.

“Alright, I guess she isn’t that friendly like Olivia’
She said and carried her bag…
She check her smooth long black hair in the mirror and walk out of the room.

“Good morning, Jenny”
Helen greeted as she walked out of the dormitory.


“It’s seems like you are really ready fo school”
Helen said.

“Yeah, I promise my mom one thing,
Focus on my studies”
Jenny replied.

“Hmm… I see you are your mom’s baby girl”
Helen said.

“Helen is the second person that would tell me that”
Jenny thought within herself.

“Catch you up later”
She said and walk away…
Helen stares at her until she is out of site.

?~Briston college~?
Jenny walk out of the admin’s office with a satisfactory heart.
“Thank goodness, that’s all sorted out”
She muttered happily and walk back to class… She was on her way to class when she bumped into someone.
The book she was helding fell down…
She apologise almost immediately and look up to see who it was..
The tall and handsome jaylen.

Am so sorry”
Jenny apologise again.
Jaylen didn’t say a word, he walk away immediately till he is out of sight.

Never seen someone this tall
She said to herself…
She continue walking and saw Racheal and Olivia around the sport complex.
Olivia saw her and call her to come over.

“Jenny come over here”
Olivia call for her.

“Am sorry, Olivia.. am having a class right now”
She replied.

“Alright, see you at home then”
Olivia said… Jenny was about to turn back when she saw someone pushed to the ground on the field.
The girl being pushed to the ground was bleeding in the nose.
A female student walk to her and held her by her clothes.

“Once I send you on an important mission,, do it without no mistakes”
She said angrily and slap the lady on her face.

Jenny rushed out to the field.
“Hey, hey.. leave her alone”
Jenny said angrily at the female student.

“And who is this??’
The female student asked.

Olivia gave Jenny “you are in trouble and a pitiful look”
Other students passing by just minded their own business

“Am Jenny”
Jenny introduced herself.

“Am sorry, bella
She is a freshman, we are going to go now”
Olivia quickly said and grab Jenny’s hand before rushing out of the sport complex.

The injured student on the ground began to gasps for air.
“Oh $h|t, she is ashmatic”
Racheal said.

“Yeah, I know.. and that’s why I kept her inhaler”
Bella replied showing the inhaler in the air.

The student keep gasping for air stretching her hands towards Bella.

The student managed to beg.. but bella kept smiling.
“Once you get to heaven, you will learnt not to make mistakes anymore”
Bella replied wickedly.
The smile on Racheal’s face turn into fear.

“Enough of the joke, Bella… Please give this inhaler to her, she is going to pass out soon”
Racheal said.

“Are you scared?? Oh please don’t be, I want her to suffer and I don’t care if she dies”
Bella smile.

The student on the ground keep gasping for air holding her neck.


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