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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Crazy Office Romance…)

Chapter 51©52

By, Ella N.

Copy and die Viciously‼️






“You’re wasting my time,mom!” Roland shouted angrily at his mom as she remained mute,without knowing what to say.

She doesn’t even know how to start explaining it to him.
Why does this question have to come now? Not after keeping it away from him for the past twenty three years now.

She has never thought a day like this would come.

Of course she should have known that,no secret can be hidden on this earth forever. But she’s just too selfish to realize that. What she wants is exactly what she will get.

She has worked so hard to get to where she is now,and has achieved a lot. Now,everything is about to crumble,just like that.
How the hell did he even find out that about that?
She can’t remember telling anyone about it,except…. Gloria!

Could it be that Gloria is behind this? Could she be the one who told Roland about it?

“d@mn! Just d@mn it!” Victoria cursed inwardly,frightfully staring at her son’s angry face,that looks like one about to murder someone.

Victoria still doesn’t know how to start it.
How is she supposed to know how to?

How is she going to tell Roland that he’s a bastard,in a way that won’t make him go mad.

Even she,Victoria herself, doesn’t know who his real father is.

“Do you want it forced out of your mouth!?” Roland thundered,and she shuddered in fear.

Tears could obviously be seen in her eyes as they formed and were ready to start dropping.

“I’m sorry,I didn’t know what else to do” Victoria finally spoke. Roland’s eyes widened.
So,it’s true. What Gloria said is actually true.

Well,she hasn’t said much yet,so he just kept staring and listening.

“What do you mean you didn’t know what else to do?” Roland asked curiously,but in a calm voice this time.

“I was young,stupid and desperate. All I wanted was to make money and be rich” Victoria started,and Roland got more interested.

He was still standing all the while,but suddenly sat gently on the couch,listening attentively to what she was saying.

“I used to work in a local bar,a big one though,as at then.

“Even though I was paid well,I still wanted more money,and my parents(your grandparents)on the other hand, weren’t helping matters.

They were always demanding for money like I was working in a big company.

And each time I told them there was no money,they’d rain insults on me as if I was the reason we weren’t rich.

“As my salary wasn’t doing that much,and as much as your grandparents wanted money,I desperately wanted it too,more.
So,I started sleeping around with the guys that always patronized us,for money.

“In the process,I realized one day that I was pregnant with you. Due to the many guys I was sleeping with,I couldn’t tell who exactly got me pregnant. I was so frustrated and felt worthless.

“I tried so many times to terminate the pregnacy,but it never happened” Victoria cried as she spoke.

She wasn’t even looking at Roland,because of how shameful she feels.
Roland wasn’t saying anything either.

He just wants to know how he became Robert’s son.

But wait,did she just say she tried terminating,like,aborting him?

“So,I had to pin it on Robert. Robert was one of the guys that patronized us and the only guy I really liked, I badly wanted him. But he wasn’t one of those flirty guys” Victoria continued.

“No matter how much I tried to throw myself at him,he was never interested.
He was a young,rich and handsome guy that I so much wanted to be with.

“I wouldn’t say we were friends,but Robert was the only guy I was somehow close to.

“So,after trying severally to get him to sleep with me,he still didn’t give in. I had to spike his drink for that to happen,since I was the one in charge of that.

“That was how I was able to get him to sleep with me,after which I told him I was pregnant for him.

“He denied the pregnancy,saying he isn’t the one responsible for it. But my parents forced me on him.

“I swear,I didn’t know he was married,cos he looked so young to me”She explained shamefully.

“Mom….how could you?!!. How desperate,selfish and wicked”Roland exclaimed degectedly,and Victoria cried more.

“I am sorry,okay? I’m really sorry. It wasn’t my fault,half of it was my parent’s.

“I couldn’t stand to tell them I was pregnant,and to worsen everything,not knowing who got me pregnant.

“They would have made my life miserble,thrown me out of the house,or even ki||ed me.
That was the only thing I could do to help myself” Victoria said,trying to look at Roland. But his angry face is not something to look at,at all.

“So,he didn’t bother to do a DNA test after I was born?” Roland asked,still calm. He’s trying so much not to release his anger and do anything harsh,cos the anger in him right now,can destroy things.

“H…he…did,but I planned with the doctor to give him a fake result” Victoria stuttered.

“Oh,$h|t! $h|t,$h|t,$h|t! Argh,mom!” Roland growled. He got up from his seat and started pacing around angrily and frustratedly. He was ruffling his hair so crazily that one would think he has no brain in his skull left.

“I’m sorry,I had to do it for your sake” Victoria cried lowly.

“Stop talking nonsense,mom,just stop talking! This wasn’t about me. This wasn’t just about the pregnancy,but your own selfish reason.
You wanted him because of his money,his money” Roland screamed outrageously.

He went back to sitting down,then he began to chuckle for no reason,leaving Victoria to wonder why he’s suddenly chuckling when there’s nothing funny about the matter.

His gaze was fixed on his mom,and she wished to sink into the ground rather than look at him.

“So,in conclusion,what you’re trying to say is that,I am a bastard” Roland chuckled more,but Victoria gave no reply.

Of course Roland knows the answer. He just wants to hear it from his mom.

“Answer me!” He yelped in pain.

“Ye…yes” Victoria stuttered as her lips quivered in fear.

Roland smiled hotly. He didn’t even know he was crying already,until tears started dropping down his cheeks.
He’s hurting inside so much,that he can not control his emotions.
The fact that his mom was using him to achieve her stupid goal,hurts him a lot.

Now he gets why she so much wanted him to have his father’s biggest company,even when she knew Dexter is older than him,and he’s the one to have that.

He got up again,and went to the wine counter.

He started pushing the bottles of wine down,and they went shattering and spilling everywhere.

“Roland,no please!” Victoria cried out in distress,but Roland wasn’t lisstening.

“You made me a bastard,I am a bastard because of your stupid greed for money. And you were using me,making a fool out of me” Roland pushed more bottles down as he cried,his mom crying too.

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