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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“Are you sure you want to leave? We already started bonding like brothers, and now you are leaving me” Jai said with a sad face.

Thiago smiled and ruffled his hair. “I am just leaving Maelstorm for a while, a lot of things has happened and I need a new environment to clear off my head. I will be back soon, alright” Thiago said, smiling and Jai nodded his head.

“Are you sure you don’t want to stay and witness Cheng’s coronation? He will be king of Maelstrom in the next two weeks” Anjali said.

“I wish I can stay, but I can’t mother. I want to know if my real parents are still alive, since I have gotten a lead to where they might be” Thiago said.

“Alright son, if you say so, but please be careful okay”

“I will mother” Thiago said, and hugged her.

“I am ready” Supriya said, joining them. She has decided to go with Thiago, since they were already married.

Thiago looked at Supriya and smiled, and Supriya gladly returned the smile.

“We will be going now mother, and tell Cheng to be happy” Thiago said.

“I will son”

They hugged each other one last time, and both Thiago and Supriya left in a palanquin.

“I am going to miss Brother Thiago so much” Jai said.

“Me too Jai, and I am sorry for the times I was hard on you”.

“it’s fine mother. What matters is that we are together. Is it ok if I go play with my friends?” He asked, smiling.

“Of course Jai, go ahead”

“Thank you so much mother” Jai said with so happiness, and run out of the palace. He met Anisha and Kenji outside the palace waiting for him.

“Are you ready for the race?” Kenji asked smiling.

“Yes I am”

“Anyone who gets to the bibliotheca last will buy chicken wings for the winners” Anisha said and quickly took to her heels, Kenji also did the same.

“Please wait for me!” Jai said, running to caught up with them.



It has already turned a decade when the whole incident happened, but both Isha and Osvaldo were still receiving their punishment.

Cheng made sure that they didn’t die, so he will keep on punishing them for everything they have done. Isha and Osvaldo always patrol everyday around Maelstrom naked, and they were always mocked by the people of Maelstrom, who will always spit and throw stones at them. It was unending suffering for them.

As for Cheng, he became King of Maelstrom, and the kingdom has been peaceful since he became king. He changed the laws of Maelstrom, and he was love by everyone in Maelstrom.

Although it’s been 10 years already, but he hasn’t forgotten about Tatiana. He kept thinking about her everyday, wishing and praying she will come back to him.

Zain moved on with his life, but he is reluctant in falling again. He just forcus in playing his dizi for people, just like Namarda had wanted him to do.


“We shouldn’t fight over Anisha okay. Anyone she chooses will become her lover, alright” Kenji said

“Fine, do you think she’s going to like my Flowers?” Jai asked.

“Yes she will. What about my Flowers?” Kenji asked.

“It’s beautiful”

The three friends are already seventeen years old now, and both Kenji and Jai had fallen in love with Anisha, since she grew up to be so beautiful. Both wants to confess their feelings for her, and who ever she chooses, will become her lover.

“She is here” Kenji said, when he saw Anisha approaching them.

“We have something to tell you Anisha” Both said at once smiling.

“Save it for later, because I have something to tell you both” She said, smiling.

“Which is?” Jai asked.

“I have finally have a lover” She announced grinning excitedly, and the flowers in Jai and Kenji’s hand fell from them.

“A lover?” Kenji asked.

“Yes. He is from succie kingdom, and he is so handsome. He is inviting me for dinner in his house, and as my best friends, you should come with me, okay”

“Fine… We will be there” Both stuttered.

“You both are the best. I have to go now, I need to get my kimono ready for the dinner” Anisha said, excited and left.

Kenji and Jai looked at each other and broke into tears.


“Mother! Mother!! Mother!!!” Chandni screamed, running towards Swati.

“What’s the screaming for Chandni?” Swati asked smiling.

“I and father got you flowers” Chandni said excitedly. Swati looked at Marcellus and smiled. Both she and Marcellus are already married and their daughter Chandni is Five years old.

“That’s so nice of your father, why don’t you help mother take care of her flowers” Swati said.

“Alright mother” Chandni said and entered the house.

“How is my beautiful wife doing today?” Marcellus asked pecking her lips, and Swati smiled.

“I am doing okay like wise our baby” She said touching her tommy and Marcellus smiled and kiss her baby bump Tommy.

“Have you talked to Cheng recently?” Swati asked.

“No I haven’t. I have been in the palace for a couple of times now, but he’s refusing to see anyone”

“it’s been decades since Tatiana left, I wish the heavens will grant her another chance to be with Cheng again. I miss her so much”.

“I hope so too” Marcellus said and hugged Swati.


Cheng sat alone in the woods, looking at the entire place, and he could recall how he and Tatiana ran away from Mali and his minions when they were still kids.

“I miss you so much Tiana. I don’t care if you are a human, an animal or sword, just come back to me. I am dying slowly without you Tiana” He said, crying

Breeze began blowing so aggressively, and the sky color changed to red. Cheng had to cover his eyes, so the dust won’t enter his eyes.

When the breeze subsided, and the sky became normal, Cheng uncovered his eyes and his eyes widened when he sees the figure in front of him.

“Ti….Ti…Tiana” He stuttered with surprised.

“Did you miss me that much?” She asked, smiling.

Cheng quickly stood up and began checking Tatiana.

“You are real, I am not hallucinating. But how did that happen?” He asked.

“The heavens got tired of your ending tears and pleading with them to bring me back. So the heavens took pity on you, and gave me a third chance to return back to you” She said smiling.

“Are you going to stay forever?” He asked.

“I returned back to you as a human which means I will forever be with you” She said and Cheng hugged her so tightly.

“I missed you so much Tiana, thanks for coming back to me”

“I missed you so much Cheng, and thank you for not forgetting about me, because you didn’t forget about me, and kept longing for me, I was given another chance to come back to you” Tatiana said, and Cheng broke the hug.

“I can never forget about you Tiana. You are my world, will you marry me?” He asked.

“You don’t need to ask me Cheng, I am the demon’s bride after all” She said and Cheng smiled.

“I love you so much Tiana”

“I love you too Cheng”

Cheng pulled her closer to himself and kissed her. Tatiana reciprocated to the kiss, and they spent hours kissing each other, without making an attempt to break the kiss.

It was a kiss filled with love, desire and possession.



We have finally come to the end of THE DEMON’S BRIDE. This is my favorite story in all the story I have written, I’m even saddened it ended, thanks for staying through out the ride ?

What’s your saddest Scene

Funniest scene??

Favorite couple

Best female character

Best male character

Tell me Lotta of sweet words, make I craze small

Succie ?? Y’all

Encourage ur writer.. ?
Please Encourage Me By Sharing This story.

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