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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? Fake marriage ?

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Written by Rosy Johnson





“I’m sorry we took so much time,” Mr. Greenwoods said gently

Everyone exchange glances

“The surgery was successful, your wife and child are out of danger, the nurses are dressing her up and she will be out soon, all thanks to Dr Phillip with her brilliant idea” he added while staring at Joy who flashes a light smile

George swallowed nothing, waving his hand back and forth, he didn’t know what to do as the joy in his heart was beyond measure

“Okay… Okay…. Okay,” he kept shouting joyfully, going forward he hugged Mr Greenwood tightly that he find it hard to breathe

The joy was too much to take it

Mrs. Greenwood watched them in silence, tears rolling down her cheeks

Mr. and Mrs. Phillip exchange glances and smiled


“You’re lucky you didn’t die, I would have ki||ed you myself,” Danica said staring at Alex

They are currently in the VVIP ward

“You wouldn’t believe what happened,” Alex muttered

Just then Joy walked in with Brandon, her eye met with that of Alex and she looked away

Brandon went forward and checked Alex, after making sure that she was fine he turned to leave and Joy followed

“Hey Dummy,” Alex called rudely

They both stopped by the door, turning in her direction

“I heard your dump idea get me back to feet, don’t be too flirted cos it didn’t get me back to Life, George’s Ďïčk did,” Alex stick out her tongue in a funny way

Joy chuckled

“Can’t believe I cried for a stupid Ďïčk,” Joy replied

“Really,” Danica asked and she nodded

“I panicked when her heart stopped beating, she died and for some miracles, she came back to life,” Joy said, going over to them

Brandon stood behind

“When I open my eyes I saw myself in this beautiful place, it was so beautiful that I wanted to have a clear view, I was on my way to the inside when George called out to me, I saw him sobbing, begging me not to go that he loves me too much, I told him that I loved him too but love is not enough, I needed to see those beautiful building and you won’t believe what happened next,” Alex explained, she tried sitting up but Mrs. Greenwood and Mrs. Phillip walked in and she lay back

“What happened?” Donovan asked

She diverted her gaze to him

“He pulled down his pants and his might warrior came to view, he was like “If you go who will ride this Ç0çƙ?”

They all looked at her like a joke, is she being serious right now?

“I could feel my p@zzy walls quivering, my Çüñť hardening, my ćƖĩť*ris twitching, and like flash, I ran back to him, I was like “I will ride this Ç0çƙ till we are old….. Ouch, mummy,” Alex winched, rubbing her palms against her head

Everyone burst out laughing

“Of all the things you could talk of, I’m still surprised that you’re married,” Mrs Greenwood said and she pouted

“George honey she’s abusing me, Child abuse,” she said pouting, faking tears

“Alex seriously? So George Ďïčk raise you from the dead?” Ashley asked laughing

Danica’s phone buzzed and she checked, she looked at Alex

“I have to go,” she said and stood

Donovan already left So she took her purse and left

“I’m sorry,” Joy suddenly said going over to Alex

“When you were laying back there all I could think of was the good old days, I’m sorry for everything, I hope we could be…..”

“Come gimme a hug dummy,” Alex shouted cutting her off

Joy chuckled and went closer, hugging her tightly on the bed

“Black witch,” Alex called smiling

“White fowl,” Joy replied gently pulling away from the hug

“I can hug you now, thank you for saving my wife, I was mad at you for trying to tire us apart but I guess you are apologizing for cos you can’t do that now, you once told me to follow my dream and I had only one dream then, it marry AG and I did, dreams do come true,” George said taking them by surprise

He wrapped his arms around her Joy hugging her tightly

“I love you big sis,” he added

Joy didn’t know when tears rolled down her cheeks, the first in a very long time

“I’m sorry George, I’m so sorry for not seeing all your pain, thank you for not giving up on Crazy Alex…..”

“My wife is not crazy,” George cut in

Alex stick out her tongue at Joy since she was facing her



“Mr. Bush, 70% of everything you owned will go to all the women you out their lives in misery with your fake drug…..”

“Unbelievable,” he banged his fist against the table and stood

“You’re a joke, I won’t give a dime to anybody,” he snarled

Danica scoffed and leaned in

“You have been using human beings as experiments, ki||ing fetuses which is a felony murder in the second degree, endangering the life of every woman who took your drug, by the time all those women line up in front of the grand jury, telling them how you paid them to shut them up, you will never see the daylight again, “Danica explain with a straight face

“This is blackmail….”

“No Mr. Bush, it’s the law,” Danica cut in, staring at him with a blank face

Mr. Bush stood furiously

“Listen to me you joke of a lawyer, I have connections in high places and trust me when I say I will make sure you’re kicked out of law, The district attorney is my friend and he can’t allow this,” Mr. Bush shouted, he was so mad

Danica chuckled and stood

“It’s actually a she,” Danica corrected folding her hands under her br£ats

“She’s the state representative, the DA,” his lawyer whispered into his ear

His eyes widened, he thought it was a man, danm it

Gritting his teeth Mr Bush didn’t know what to do again, he can’t go to jail

“I will 50/50….”



“I will see you in court then,” she said walking out

“Okay… Okay… Fine, 70% of everything I owned will be hers,” he shouted instantly

She stopped and nodded

“Good boy,” She said walking out, she meets Vincent and he followed her instantly

“Counselor, they are ready,” he said pointing at people who accused Ethen of rape

Danica nodded before going over to them

“Captain you go with the girl I will speak to the boy,” she said gently

“Wait, what are you gonna ask him? You should ask us both together why separate us?” The girls shouted

“It’s alright, he will join you soon but first we need his statement,” Vincent replied leading her out

“I told you Ethan R@P£D me,” she shouted, trying to walk back to them but a cop held her back

“That’s left for us to find out,” Danica muttered and face the boy

He smirked

“Look, ain’t gonna tell you $h|t,” he said with seriousness

“You will,” she opened her bag and brought out a file before handing it over to him

He glance through it and looked at her

“You can’t do this,” he panicked

“The law says I can,” she replied

“Please, I don’t wanna go to jail,” he pleaded fighting back tears

Danica held his shoulder going closer, she was so close that he find it difficult to focus

“Listen, little man, why not just take this blank file and write down anything,” She said staring at him


“Yeah, just anything, and I will withdraw my charger against you,” she replied and she nodded

She walked back to the girl who was looking around and immediately she saw Danica she scoffed

“I won’t say a thing, I need my lawyer,” she snapped rudely

“Of course, but it might interest you to know that your friend is already rating you out,” Danica walked in fully

She scoffed

“Jeremy won’t do that, he got my back,” she replied with confidence

Danica went over to the cotton and shifted it, there she saw him scrubbing something on a piece of paper

“Guess what will happen if I take that testimony and make you read it in front of the grand jury?” Danica asked, seeing the look on her face she smirked

“You’re going to jail for a very long time sweetheart,” she added

“That @$$h0le, it was all his plan, he said he wanted Ethan out of his way and the only way for him to do that is for me to cry rape, hoe dare he try to stab me in the back?”

Danica smile as She went on explaining the whole thing


Ethen was later set free by the judge after they find him not guilty, he tried thanking Danica but she just wave it out

Mr. Bush paid Alex 70% of his company income, all of his company

Ashley and David are currently dating

Joy finally accepted Rex and they are planning their wedding this weekend, she’s having a baby

Alex gave birth to a baby girl and she’s expecting another one, George went into space so right now Alex spends most of her time at her family house

She hasn’t forgiven her real father no matter how he pleaded, she finds it hard to do, saying he ki||ed her mother and for that reason, she doesn’t know who he is

Rolando and Justin become best of friends after the incident, and they spent most of their time together doing wonderful things except that Rolando went to space and Justin is helping David to run the company

Summer traveled abroad after Rolando succeed in gaining her forgiveness, it wasn’t easy but he did

Donovan has so much money that he doesn’t even know what to do with it, all he wants is to take Danica all over the world but cos of her job description, he can’t do that

Laura is still working for him and she has a new boyfriend now though Dylan’s father fought with her new boyfriend over her two days ago

Danica gave birth to three boys and one girl, Darren the first baby of the house, Darius the second baby of the house, and Devin the third baby of the house, and here come Desiree the baby of the house



Little Desiree is currently arguing with her father, Donovan

“God didn’t put the baby in Momma’s belly, you did,” Desiree shouted, pointing her fingers at Donovan

“God did,” Donovan tried to make her understand

“You put the baby in Momma’s belly, leave God alone,” She shouted, one would think they are fighting

Alex walked in with her little girl Sophia

“What’s happening over her, please don’t tell me you’re fighting again?” She said staring from one person to another

They are always arguing.

“Daddy said God put the baby in Momma’s belly but it’s a lie, he did?” Darius replied, staring at his father with those angry looks on his face

“But God…..”

“Leave God alone!!!!” they all shouted at a time

Danica covered her mouth with her palms, laughing

“But he’s the father of all of us, he helps kids grow in Momma’s belly…..”

“You put it there, leave God alone, you put the baby in Momma’s belly,” Desiree shouted cutting in

“Sophia come sit,” Darren said, touching the space near him, little Sophia went over to him and he pulled her up

Alex smirked, a crazy idea just popped into her head

“How do you know that he put it there?” She asked staring from one person to another

“Because….. Because…. Because…. Because he… Because I saw him trying to go back inside momma’s belly… But… But he was too big and then… And then he…. And then he pressed his body on hers and then… And then momma cried,” Desiree replied sadly

“Really?” Alex opened her eyes, grinning inwardly

“Alex stop it,” Danica scolded, she knows how crazy Alex can be

“Maybe it hurts,” Darren added, pouting cutely

“And then… And then.. one time…..”

“That’s enough,” Danica cut in, feeling embarrassed already

“How did she cry? Was it real tears?” Alex asked grinning


“How? Can you show me?” Alex asked, grinning inwardly

“Ohhhhhhh, ahhhhh” Desiree throw her head backwards rehashing it

They actually saw them one time they forgot to lock the door

“Get out of my House Detective,” Donovan snapped instantly and she burst out laughing

Deep down he was proud of himself

“You sure did a great job, Don the Don, Don-bulldozer” Joy’s voice came from the door

Everyone laughed

“Are you pregnant?” Alex asked and she gave her that crazy look

“Are you high?”

“Then what are they talking about? And where Joy? She said she’s coming over,” Alex asked, shifting closer to her

” Are you blind also?” Joy asked walking over to them, she Settled down and cross her legs

Danica was about to say something when Devine shouted

“I know Daddy, I know,” he raised his hands happily

“Doctor helps to bring out babies, that’s what Grandpa said,” he shouted laughing

“And how will they do that?” Donovan asked, he sure enjoy arguing with them

It’s so funny and cute that he can’t stop

“With tools” Desiree replied sharply

“What kind of tools?”

“A hammer,”

“A hammer,”

“A hammer”

“A hammer”

All four of them shouted, jumping out excitedly

“A hammer??” Donovan asked laughing

Just then the door opened and their eyes widened at who they saw

Mr Trent who believe Alex will forgive him one day so he came to beg for forgiveness again


You guys have been the Best so far, thank you for all your love and support

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