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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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The Vampire prince ( two worlds)

Episode 24
Becoming a Vampire
Ryan POV continues
“How did it get to this?”. I muttered to myself still holding Alicia hands
“ if you really want to save her you must give her the bite”. The Elder persuaded me
I stared at Alicia face and sighed
“ I am sorry Alicia”. I said
I leaned towards her and kissed her forehead.
“ do it now”. The elder said
I closed my eyes immediately changing into a vampire and gave her a deep bite with my fangs.
The mark on my chest shone on her face as she gasped opening her eyes and immediately drifted into sleep
The Elder patted me smiling, she will be fine
I watched over Alicia throughout out the night, I was glad that the wounds were all healing..
“ how will Alicia feel when she wakes up”. I thought, I just pray she can forgive me.
The Elder suddenly came into the room
“ Greetings my prince”. He greeted
I nodded
“ how is she doing?”. He asked
“ she is better, the wounds are healing faster”. I replied
He smiled, “ that is because the bite is from a Dracula”. He said
I sighed
“ what is it my prince? You don’t look happy. He asked
“ I am just worried about her”. I said , her whole life will change all because of me
He walked towards me and sat down
“She will adapt to it, just be there for her always”. He said assuring me
“ Won’t she blame me for turning her into a vampire”. I said
“ you did it to save her and I am very sure she will understand
“ I hope she will”. I muttered
“ what should we do about Prince Theo corpse?”. He asked
“ what do you mean?”. I asked
“Should we give him a proper burial or should we burn his body?”.He asked
“ He is still royal”. I said
He looked at me in surprise. “ you mean we should give him a burial?”. He asked
I nodded
“ he is a traitor”. He argued
“ put an inscription on his tomb saying he is a traitor”. I said , that Is his punishment
“ That is better”. The Elder said
“ can you please help me look after her?”. I asked the Elder
“ sure I will”. He said
“ Make sure no one comes into this room”.I instructed
He nodded
I really don’t trust anyone , i just want Alicia to be better so I can get to the bottom of all this
I closed my eyes and disappeared
I appeared to my room and was surprised to see my mum sleeping on my bed
I went over to her and pecked her
“ she must have fallen asleep while waiting for me
“ Mum”. I called, I am back
I watched her open her eyes and sighed in relief immediately she saw me
“ Ryan, you got me scared”. She said
“ I am sorry mom”. I apologised
“ why didn’t you come back home last night?” . She asked
“ I had no chance”. I replied
“ why?”. She asked
“ I will explain everything to you later”. I said heading to the bathroom to freshen up
“Fine , when you are done dressing , meet me downstairs”.she said as she walked out of my room

I put on my favourite jeans and a red shirt and headed down stairs
My mum was already setting the table for breakfast
“ I cooked something very delicious and I am sure you will like it”: she said
“ I will try that later, I have no appetite”. I replied
“ promise”. She said and I nodded
“ see you later mum”. I said and was about leaving the house when she called me
“ Ryan”
I turned to look at her
“ where are you going without your bag?”. She asked
“ to a friend place”. I lied
“ why, you are supposed to be going to school”. She queried
“ I have something important to settle, school can wait for now”. I said
“ what is the important thing ?”She asked
“ I will tell you later”. I said promising her

I got to Alicia house and sighed before knocking
There was no response
I knocked again and Alicia mum opened it
“ where is my daughter?”. She asked holding my shirt immediately she saw me
“Ma, she is fine”. I replied, can I come in?
She eyed me for a while before welcoming me in
“ I need to talk to you and your husband”. I said
“ fine”. She said and climbed up the stairs to go call him
“ Ryan”. Tyra called coming from the kitchen
“ hi Tyra. how are you?”. I greeted her
“ I am not fine”. She said , I am kind of dazed
“ why?”. I asked her pretending not to know the reason why
“ first of all the way my sister was injured and secondly I can’t still believe I saw you disappear with her, it is still like a dream”.she said
“ your sister is fine”. I assured her
“ I know “. She said , I know you will never let her die”.
I smiled at her
I watched Alicia parents and her little brother climbed down the stairs
“ what the hell happened yesterday night?”. Her father asked me as soon as he got to the sitting room
“ That is why I am here,I want to explain everything to you ”. I said
“ then go on”. He said sitting on a sofa
“Alicia was hurt because of me”. I started
“How? Why? Who were those people?”he rushed his questions
“ They are Vampires”. I said and they all gasped in shock
“ are you a vampire too?”. Tyra asked and I nodded
The whole room became quiet
“ I called the police to tell them that my a young man disappeared with daughter and they laughed at me for being crazy”. Alicia Father said
“ it is hard to believe”. Her mum chipped in but we saw the men which claws, we saw the wounds on Alicia body and we also saw you disappear with her so it is all clear to us
“ where is Alicia now?” . Her father asked
“ she is in hell?”. I said
Her mum stood up in shock
“Hell, is Alicia dead?” She asked shaking
“ No, I mean she is safe in the Vampire kingdom”. I said
“ and where is that?” . Her father asked
“ Hell”. I replied
I told her parents about the bite , they were angry at first but soon calmed down since there was no other option
“Alicia is now a vampire”. Her mum said biting her lips
I nodded. What she needs is your love and care just like my mum showed me”. I said
“ I will be going now”. I said standing up
“ when will Alicia be back?”. Her dad asked
“ hopefully by tomorrow”. I said
“ Ryan”. Her mum called
I looked at her
“ please protect my Alicia”. She said
“ sure I will”. I assured them and left the house
I sighed in relief, I was glad Alicia had parents who understands
Mara POV
“ what”. She is now a vampire
I never thought of that, I never knew Ryan would would bring her to hell..
I just succeeded in making her closer to Ryan
“ what will happen to me if Ryan finds out I am behind it? Will he ki|| me the way he did to Theo?
“ what have I gotten myself into? I wish I never listened to that stupid advice
What will I do? What will I do?

Alicia POV
I opened my eyes and found myself in a strange beautiful room, everything in the room was golden
“ where am I?”. I asked myself
I sat up on the bed and looked around
“What happened to me? I hit my head with my hands as the memory of what happened last night flowed in…
I touched my face and there were no scars or traces of any wound
“ what is happening?”. I asked myself, the wounds were all gone completely
The door suddenly flung Open and a strange man on white walked in
“ how are you feeling beautiful one?”. He asked
“ who are you?”. I asked ignoring his questions
“ I am The Elder”. He said
“ where am I ?”. I asked
“ you are in hell”. He said
“ oh I ended up in hell, I never knew hell is this beautiful”. I said
“ what do you mean?”. He asked
“ am I not dead?”. I asked
He laughed
“ not that kind of hell dear, I mean the Vampire kingdom”. He explained
“ Vampire kingdom”. I muttered, Where is Ryan?”. I asked excitedly
“ he will soon be here”. He said
“ are you hungry he said?”. I nodded
“ Kito”. He shouted and a guard walked in
“ get her edible food”. He said
“ yes Elder” . Kito said and ran out quickly
“ you will be alright”. The man assured me as Kito came in with pancakes
“ you can eat that”. The man said . I took little bit of the pancakes and immediately lost appetite.
“ I am okay”. I said dropping the pancakes on the plate
“ you haven’t eaten enough”. He said
“ I suddenly lost my appetite”. I replied him and he smiled
“ Alicia”. Ryan called walking into the room
“ Ryan”. I called .I stood up from the bed and ran to hug him
He wrapped me in an embrace
“ thanks for saving me”. I said
He became quiet
Ryan, Thanks for saving me”. I repeated
“ Alicia , there is something you need to know”. He said and the strange man excused us
“ what is it?”. I asked
“ I didn’t save you Alicia, the bite did”. He said
“ The bite”. I muttered, what do you mean?”. I asked
“ you were dying Alicia and I had to give to the bite”. He said with tears rolling down his eyes
“ what does that mean Ryan?”. I asked
“Alicia I turned you”. He said
“ you turned me to what”. I asked shaking
“ To a Vampire”. He said , Alicia you are a vampire
“ what”. I gasped
How will Alicia react?
Is it to late for Mara to start regretting

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