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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BLACK ANGEL – Episode 39

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(A New Tale of an angel of love)

❤️?Licia Tife❤️?

.?ON GOD ?

We arrived safely in Hawaii,even though the trip in the plane was so annoying . Catherine never misses a chance to get close to Zohar no matter what just to make ne upset or should i say jealous

And i also didn’t miss a chance to get close to Jack just to make him jealous. But things are getting extra annoying cause it like my plans are not working at all. He is always so focuses on Catherine, it like i am not even there at all. I must do something, like real quick .

‘It beautiful here in Hawaii am i right?’ Jack asked while i smiled back at him . He is just an actor Kendall hired to play the role of my fake boyfriend and i must admit he is a great actor

Kendall could have played this role but Zohar will immediately figure out our plan cause he knows the last thing kendall will ever do is betray him .

‘Here is your room key ma’m ‘ The hotel manager said as she handed over the key to an Exquisite room to Jack and i
‘Thanks ‘i said . Jack wrapped his hand around my waist and i looked over to Zohar side and as usual he was still focused on Catherine.

‘This is getting really annoying now ‘i said to kendall who was sitting on the bed in my room. Kendall had followed us to Hawai that day to keep an eye on the present situation even though Zohar and Catherine are not aware of this. If they are ,it wouldn’t take them time at all to figure out that this is all my plan

‘What are we going to do.. Zohar doesn’t seem bothered about this at all’ i said as i sat down on the bed .

‘Then we will just have to upgrade this whole $h|t ‘

‘How ?’i asked

‘Zohar and Catherine are going to work in any minute now to ask you guys to join them for dinner at the dinner hall outside ‘

‘And how did you know that ?’ I asked him

‘Well let just say ,i have my way …well actually i over heard them saying that on my way to the room’ he said and i smirked

‘Then what the next plan’

‘Simple…you just have to provoke Zohar that all…it won’t take long before he cracks’

‘Do you know how to keep your time ,you over an hour late ‘ Warren said immediately i entered the stadium was just me and her there and i was a bit confused when she attacked me immediately i came in

‘I wasn’t late because i wanted to ‘ i said

‘What wrong with you rich people, you think you can just do anything you want to anytime you want to and just get away with it ..i am really disgusted ‘

‘Look girl ,you literally making a mountain out of a moth hill here, what the heck is your problem..i got caught up in traffic on my way ,now here you are attacking me like i wanted to be late’

She sighed and ran her hand through her hair and said ‘ you know what ,right now ..i am in a bad mood and i definitely do not want to interview you right now ..’

‘Well let me introduce you to getting lost cause you are crazy ‘

‘f-__-k you’she said as she picked up her bag and walked away . What’s her problem anyway, she is nothing but a sadist .

I heard a knock on my door and looked at Kendal
‘I think they are here, you go hide’ i said to Kendall and he nodded as he walked into the toilet. I was dressed in a black short robe while jack was shirtless revealing his perfect man body

‘Are you ready ?’ I asked and he nodded. I wrapped my arms around his neck and when i heard the knock again ,i answered come in and the door opened meeting jack and i in that complicated situation

‘Oh Catherine and Zohar, it you guys ,i thought it was the waiter ‘ i said

Know this face i am seeing now is definitely an angry Zohar’s face .i know he was trying his best to look cool like he isn’t bothered by this but this one clearly affects him

‘Why are you guys here? ‘ i asked as Jack stood at my back giving me a back hug

Zohar couldn’t make eye contact as he looked away while his fist was clearly clenched by his side

‘Actually Phoebe, sorry for interrupting your precious moment, but Zohar and i wanted to invite you to dinner tonight’

‘Oh really, i see’ i said

‘I will be in the room ‘ Zohar said to Catherine as he walked away and i must admit ..bless kendall for this excellent plan .it is really working and this little reaction gives me a small ray of hope. I think he is still my Zohar, now i will just have to force huk to speak up

Catherine moved closer to me and said ‘i know you up to something Phoebe and once I figure out what it is i won’t spare you’

‘When you done, leave the room ,jack and will like to have our privacy please ‘

‘Phoebe you…’

‘Get out ,i won’t repeat myself’

‘You will regret this ‘

‘I know you angry …you want jack too right ,do not worry when am through with him ,i will give him to you ,you just have to relax patience..but as for now ,get out ‘ i said and she glared at me and walked out of the room

‘Wow Phoebe that was great acting ,the look on Zohar’s face was priceless ..that man is about to Crack ,he is really the Zohar we know ,but the question is why is he with Catherine ‘

‘That’s something we will have to find out,we will crack this man very soon’

‘And Jack ‘ Kendall called

‘Yes’ he answered

‘Great acting ,half your payment has been transferred to your account’

‘Thanks ‘ he said as he put on his shirt and walked away

I walked into the room and saw Zohar sitted on the bed while his eyes glistened in tears . He had his normal same cold expression

‘ darling come on, did seeing them like that turn you on….you know you always have me ‘ i said in a very s£xy way before i sat down on his legs

He looked at me codly and i asked ‘why you staring at me like that’

Zohar glared at me as he grabbed my hair with so much force
‘Arghhhhhh’i groaned in pain as i tried to remove his hand from my hair

‘You know i h@ťě hitting women,but with you i will make an exception because you a beast’ he said as he pushed me to the ground

‘Waw look at the demon calling me a beast …you do know she is doing this just to make you jealous, it is all a test you know ‘

Everyword i say always makes this man angry and if not because i have him wrapped tightly around my fingers ,he would have ki||ed me by now.

He grabbed me by the neck and lift me up ‘ test or not ,i can’t bare to see that woman with another man…how many times do i have to explain to you that she is all that matter to me…maybe i should just ki|| you right now ‘ he said as he tightened his hand around my neck

‘If you ki|| me right now then,that is the end ,you will never find your aunt Marianne and you will never be able to save her from what i have done to her…i already ki||ed Tony or should i say tarsus and he happens to be just as powerful as you are..all i did was find out his weakness and i used it against him . Isn’t that more than enough prove for you to know how dangerous i|| me now and you will never see your Precious Aunt Marianne and the love of your life Phoebe ‘ i said and he inhaled deeply and dropped me on thr floor

‘When i find Marianne, i will not hesitate to end you ‘ he said as he walked out of the room

I fell on the floor and held my hand gasping for breathe..i have to get him under control ,if i do not want him to ki|| me ..You should be Lucky i love you so much Zohar and beside you are my key to destroying Phoebe unless you would be dead by now …i will surely find a way to end you if i didn’t love you

Sooner or later ,i will crush that love yoi have for Phoebe and i will be the one you focus on

I promise you that Zohar


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