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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BLACK ANGEL – Episode 16

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Zohar got into his car and drove off leaving pheobe dumbfounded

*He really wants me to be his girlfriend *

*But why *

*And all of a sudden*

She said to herself

?Phoebe pov?
I walked into Madison house looking so lost in my thought that i didn’t even realise that madison has been calling my name for the past three minutes

‘PHEOBE!’ she shouted

‘What ‘ i replied clearly startled

‘Been calling you for the past three minutes ,what wrong ‘ she asked

‘I am so sorry, it just that something has been really bothering me ‘ i said

‘And what is that?’ She asked

‘Well ,you see, i told you Zohar and i needed a break from each other about two weeks ago ‘

‘Yea you did ‘

‘Well,now he wants us to continue the relationship ‘

‘And what you tell him’

‘ i didn’t give him an answer yet ‘

‘Jeez phoebe what the hell is wrong with you ?’ Madison asked


‘Oh My God pheobe, What the hell is wrong with you …okay what ever am about to say do not take it as an offence but Zohar is the perfect guy for you …i mean despite the fact that you were not attractive and he is a drop dead gorgeous he still made you his girlfriend when he could have gone for super models or other gorgeous celebrities…..look Phoebe have seen the way Zohar looks at you and my instincts just tells me he is the right guy for you, just try him out ‘

‘So you saying i should accept Zohar back ‘

‘Well duhhhhh,it the best thing to do ‘she said as she picked up her mug of coffee and walked away ‘

Is Madison right

Should i really go for him

I am so confused

But Madison is right

Her instinct are never wrong

Never ever

‘You heard me right ,am done ,wh@ťěver is between us is over ‘ i said with no expression whatsoever on my face to Betty

‘What ,but Kendall you really can’t do this ‘

‘There was an agreement from the start ,this relationship was for the sole purpose of taking you to bed ‘

‘But kendall ,you know that i love you very much ,please do not do this ‘

‘The only thing you love is my looks ,money and fame …i am quite aware about how you spent the night with Mr Marcus at Montgomery hotel yesterday and also aware of different guys you have taken to bed while you were in this relationship with me …so do not feign innocence and beside i do not really care about all this ,what important to me is that our deal is over and your money has been transferred into your account …may we never meet again …excuse me ‘ i said as i stood on my feet and walked away leaving her dumbfounded

She is just like the rest of them

Like other human slut

She isn’t concerned about anything anymore since i have had her money transferred into her account

People like her are only good for bed nothing else

I got into my car and inhaled deeply before igniting the vehicle

A few minutes after driving i pulled over to receive a call from rocky

“Hey where are you ?” Rocky asked

‘Somewhere close to the house ‘

‘Yea, okay ,hurry up ,,your twin brother has been looking for you ‘

‘Am on my way ‘ i said as i hung up

I was about to start the car before i turned to my left and saw a woman standing on the bridge railings

I could only see her back and it immediately occured to me that she wants to commit sucide



They think the best solutions to all their problem is committing suicide

There was no one around to stop her and it was pretty dark here

I got down from the car and walked towards

I looked at her for awhile before smiling and resting my back on the railings

‘It a nice view of the city from up there right ?’ i asked as i folded my arms

She looked at me with tears in her eyes and even though she has mascara washed down her face right now due to tears

I can tell that this human is extremely beautiful

I thought Zohar’s phoebe was the most beautiful human girl i have ever seen due to her pure heart and nature but she happens to be more beautiful more pure than she is

‘What do you want ,please leave…you can’t stop me from doing this if that is your plan’ she said with tears in her eyes

‘I just wanted to talk to you that all …you know before you die ‘

‘Are you just here to mock me? ”

‘Mock you…i just want to watch you die since there’s nothing i can do to stop it ‘

‘Please just leave ‘

‘Ummmm…here is the thing, you can die or…’

‘ or what ?’

‘Hang out with me instead ,i am a fun persona…it not much but it a choice ‘

She focused her eyes on me

‘Aren’t you that super popular celebrity, kendall, lead vocalist of black angel ‘

‘Well i am’

‘If i wasn’t willing to die right now i will literally faint if i was standing right in front of you right now ‘she said

‘I gave you a choice anyway, don’t you think hanging out with me is more fun than committing sucide’ Kendall said

‘I just want to die go away ‘

‘No you do not ‘

‘I want to okay’

‘If you really want to ,you would have done that already ‘Kendall said and she kept quiet

‘But i seriously do not have a reason to live anymore’ she said as tears rolls down her eyes

‘Like i said, let talk and if you still feel like committing sucide after that ,then you are free ‘ he said and she sighed ‘take my hand let me help you down’ he stretched his hand foward and sne looked at it for awhile before taking his hand

Kendall was about help her down when she slipped and fell off the bridge but Kendall held unto her hand very tight making her dangle from the bridge

‘Help me up please, i do not want to die yet ‘

‘Why you suddenly scared inside this what you want ‘he askes still holding her hand

‘Please pull me up ,am not ready for death now ‘she said

‘Give me your second hand ‘

She managed to stretch her second towards him while Kendall managed to get hold of it with his second hand and pulled her up

‘Are you okay?’he asked

‘Yea am fine ,very fine ‘



‘So why did you try to ki|| yourself ‘ he asked as the waiter handed over a cup of coffee to her

They were both in a fancy coffee shop where kendall wouldn’t be bothered by his fan girls

‘Well you see…..’

‘Oh sorry, where are my manners, what is your name ?’ He asked

‘Veronica ‘

‘Oh nice to meet you Veronica….so why did you try to ki|| yourself ‘

‘My boyfriend broke up with me ‘she said

‘Is that really enough reason to try to ki|| yourself?’

‘He is my boyfriend of ten years ‘

‘Waw’ Kendall said ‘well that is enough reason to commit sucide ‘

‘Yea’ she said as she wiped the tears that rolled down her cheeks off

‘So have you been dating him since you were like 16 years old or something ?’ Kendall asked

‘No ,have been dating him since i was 24 ‘

‘Since you were 24….sorry just how old are you?’

‘I am 34 ‘she answered


Kendall was suprised by her age revelation

She looks 24 or younger

Definetly doesn’t look her age

‘Why you suprised ‘ she asked

‘Because you do not look your age …you look younger than me ‘

‘I know right, one will think you are my elder brother whereas i am seven years older than you ,you just 27 right ‘

Kendall smiled because she is only older than her according to the human calculation

He knew deep down that he is way older than her because he has been in the human world for over 100 years

And he was originally 27 years old in his own world before the portal opened and swallowed him up

‘Yea are older …but who knows I might be older than i look ,i might be over 100 years old ‘ i said and she kept a straight face for awhile before bursting into laughter

Kendall focused on her whike she laughed and she looked like the most beautiful creature ever

‘You see ,i told you hanging out with me is more fun’he said and the laughter on her face disappeared as it immediately got replaced with tears ‘Now you make me feel like i shouldn’t have said a word’

‘No it not that,it just that ,i really love him ,and i thought he loved me too, dating a particular guy for ten years isn’t easy ,and now i realise i wasted ten years of my life on him …all i ever dreamed of was to get married and have kids ,settle down and grow old with a particular guy and i thought he was going to be the one but for complete ten years he was just using me ,he has another woman in mind and they are getting married very soon …he has been using me for ten years ‘ she let all her feelings out as she hit her hand on the table angrily resulting in everyone at the restaurant turning their head towards them

Veronica covered her face with her palms as she cried into her hands

Kendall focused on her before saying ‘then he isn’t the man…..yes you wasted ten years of your life on the wrong man but is it the end of the world …the right man for you will come and when he comes you will realise that a day with the right man will be more special than the ten years you spent with this man…you will flourish in hapiness and then you will wish he was the man you met first in your lifetime ‘ he took a sip of his coffee and said ‘if you commit sucide what exactly will that change, will it change the fact that he is getting married soom ,will you death stop the marriage or what ‘

‘I was hoping he will feel guilty ,maybe have some conscience and realise his mistake ‘

‘If a man can leave you without looking back in a ten years relationship, then he has no conscience ‘he said while Veronica raised her head to look at him.

Kendall admit that he is a playboy but he will never do such a thing to a girl

And beside the girls he toys with are Ɓîtçhes who are only interested in his money

Kendall pulled over in front of Veronica’s house and said

‘Here we are ‘

‘Thanks for today ‘

‘You welcome but you have to promise me something ‘

‘Which is ‘

‘You won’t try to commit sucide and anytime you want to just call me, i will hang out with you anytime ‘

She smiled and said ‘sure thing ‘

Veronica got down from the car ,waved at Kendall before turning her back to leave

Kendall smiled to himself and looked at veronica one more time before he drove away


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