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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SOLD TO LUCIFER – Episode 58

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{ Slave To Sensation… }


THEME; Taking Her Innocence.


By: Summer Gold R.




{ WHO IS SHE?? }

“Why did you do that?” Lucifer questioned while sitting down,Larisa was standing and their eyes on each other

“Coz she’s evil and not meant to be here” Larisa replied

“You once saved her remember?” Lucifer asked

“Yeah I guess I made a mistake….”

“You should have at least tell me about it before ki||ing her Risa,you burned her?? Like seriously??”

Larisa frowned

“Are you angry with me coz I didn’t tell you or because you still have some left over feelings for her?” She asked

“What??” Lucifer asked in surprise

“I am just wondering okay? Coz she was your f-__-k mate” Larisa rolled her eyes

“Great,let’s just forget about this okay? I won’t ask you any question again” Lucifer scoffed

“I’m sorry” Larisa muttered and sat down on his laps

“I am just worried about you,I didn’t know you are able to control your powers up to that level” Lucifer said

“Honestly,I didn’t know either. But it was fun” Larisa smiled and pecked his lips

Lucifer deepened the kiss but she broke it almost immediately

“Where did you go to??” She asked

“You wouldn’t know even if I tell you” Lucifer replied

“That again” She rolled her eyes

“I met with a friend,just a friend,you don’t know him” Lucifer said

“So….what about your father?” Larisa asked

Lucifer raised his brows

“Why are you asking about him?”

“Coz I’m curious” Larisa replied

“Why is he trying to hurt you,it’s not your fault. And then….I feel so sad that he’s doing it because of me…..”

“Stop it Risa” Lucifer snapped

“I’m just…..”

“You don’t have to bother about him okay? Just leave him,he can’t hurt you,trust me”

“He can’t hurt me because you’re the one feeling my pains,I don’t want it that way. Why can’t we just share the pains?? Huh? I h@ťě it when you get hurt,you’re not the only one having that feelings,my heart always ache anytime you’re hurt….” Larisa said in tears

Lucifer hugged her tightly

“You know I also h@ťě seeing your tears right?” He asked and kissed her neck

“Then make me stop crying” Larisa muttered and started kissing him. Lucifer kissed her back,she began unbuttoning his shirt. Lucifer’s hand slides into her top and squeezed her Břě@šť,Larisa Mõ@ɲed softly. She finally took the shirt off and Lucifer tossed her on the bed and he was on top.

The kiss getting deeper every second,they are both feeling so hot and filled with lust and want for each other

‘She’s going to die if she get pregnant’ the statement rang in Lucifer’s head as he was about taking off her pant and immediately he stopped. He broke the kiss and got up

Larisa opened her eyes in confusion when she saw him standing

“What’s wrong?” She asked

Lucifer sighed and rough his hair

“We shouldn’t do this” he said and Larisa frowned

“Even if we have to….I think we…should…use protection” He was almost stammering as he said that

“What the f-__-k are you saying??” Larisa snapped

“Listen to me…”

“Listen to what f-__-king bullshit?? You’re going to use protection before we have segz? When the h*ll did that one started? What is going on?” Larisa said angrily

Lucifer sighed out

“You can’t get pregnant Larisa,we have to prevent it from happening” He said and Larisa became speechless

“I can’t what??” She asked again

“I’m sorry” Lucifer muttered

“Sorry?? Are you’re going to dump me soon or…I don’t understand Lorenzo. I want to get pregnant,I will like to have your child…..”

“Exactly why we can’t do this,it’s dangerous” Lucifer said

“How?? What will happen if I get pregnant?” Larisa immediately asked

“Not something big…just that…..I don’t want my own child until we find a way to get rid of the curse” Lucifer said and Larisa sighed out

“Thank goodness,I thought it’s more dangerous than that,you scared me!” She yelled and Lucifer smiled

“But we can still have s*x right,just make sure you don’t release inside of me” Larisa said and grabbed Lucifer

“Risa wait…..”

“If you’re tired,I will be on top. I’m so f-__-king horny and I can’t wait” She said and slammed her lips on his own,pushing him on the bed and then climbed on top of him.


Wednesday sighed out sadly as she touched BB’s hair,she was still unconscious and was expected to be awake this morning.

The door opened and Rocco entered,he was also looking worried.

“She’s not awake?” He asked and Wednesday shook her head

“Don’t worry,she will be fine” Rocco muttered and checked her wounds,it’s all invisible already.

“Gosh Renata,I which I could ki|| her once again” Wednesday scoffed

“You should pity her at least,that was one crazy death” Rocco said and Wednesday laughed

“Gosh who are these bees?” BB groaned all of a sudden and they both faced her

“Baby Blue!” Wednesday called immediately

“Stop screaming” BB said and rolled her eyes

“Finally you’re back” Rocco smiled and kissed her head

BB sat up

“Do you think my powers are still intact? I couldn’t feel anything before I passed out” She said

“How about now? Do you feel anything?” Rocco asked

BB breathe in and out before rubbing her palms together,she opened them and stretched them out,the floor was immediately covered with ice

“You don’t have to go this far just to test your power” Rocco said and BB smiled

“I would rather die than living without it” BB said and Wednesday chuckled before hugging her

“I’m glad you’re back” She said and BB smiled

“What happened to Renata?” BB asked and Wednesday broke the hug

“She died” She said and BB’s eyes widened

“She died??”

The door opened and they all turned their heads,Desdemona and Larisa entered

“Eclipse” BB immediately called

“You made me worried” Larisa said,hugging her tightly

“Wow,I guess I am invisible” Desdemona said jealously

“Oh come on” BB laughed

“So,Renata died??” She questioned

“Yeah,she got burnt” Rocco said

“What?!!!” BB screamed

“Larisa did that” Desdemona said and BB faced Larisa in shock

“You did that?” She asked and Larisa nodded

“Why would you burn her body?!” BB Snapped and they all gave her a questioning look

“I was planning to freeze her to death and then turn her into water” BB said finally and they laughed

“Water is actually too precious,ashes better” Wednesday said

“Gosh,you girls are crazy” Rocco stood up ,he kissed BB’s cheek again before going out of the room.

“I must be so dumb to think she really meant it when she apologized” Wednesday said

“Of course you all are dumb” Vesper said as she came in with Pistol

“Don’t tell me you knew she was lying all along” Desdemona said

“Yeah I know” Vesper replied

“But she moved faster than I thought” Vesper rolled her eyes

“Babe,are you okay?” Pistol asked BB and she nodded

“What about Scarlett?” Vesper asked

“I was surprised,that witch didn’t come out” Pistol said

“Hey hey,that sounds like an insult. She’s not a witch” Wednesday said and they all laughed

“She’s got an amazing power tho” Vesper said

“She’s really useful when we go on missions,but she lack sense” BB hissed


Jezebel and Aphrodite walked into the throne room together and bowed in front of the goddess

“How was it?” The goddess asked

“I made sure the human was punished accordingly” Aphrodite said

“You call that a punishment?!! You should have just ki||ed her!” Jezebel yelled and Aphrodite glared at her

“Is everything death to you?” She asked

“Yes,everything” Jezebel replied

Suddenly the wind started blowing and they all turned,a creature appeared in between the wind and slowly faced them,his red eyes glowed with a sound.

“It’s the devil” Aphrodite said and Daven started walking toward the throne

“Stop right there” Jezebel said

Daven waved his hand toward her direction and the wind blew her off without traces

Aphrodite moved back as Daven stopped in front of the goddess

“You’re here,I’ve been expecting you” She smirked

“I see” Daven said coldly before finding a space for himself to sit

“So…what brought you here” The goddess asked

“Did you by any chance..tried using the sword of destruction on him?” Daven asked

“I see you’re still worried about your son” The goddess said

“Answer my question” Daven snapped

“You have to show some respect at least!!” Aphrodite said angrily at him and Daven turned into two,one of him appeared in front of Aphrodite and grabbed her neck

“Respect you say?? Have you forgotten I no longer belong anywhere here?!!” He growled

“Daven” the goddess cautioned

Daven crossed his legs on the seat

“You should keep them in check,it’s annoying” He said

Aphrodite touched her neck and rolled her eyes

“The sword was meant for his mate…”

“Why would you try ki||ing his mate?” Daven asked

“It’s the right thing to do to protect your son,we had a vow remember? I wouldn’t hurt him without a perfect reason” The goddess replied

“From now on,don’t meddle in wh@ťěver I do” Daven said and stood up

“You have no self control and you do things without feeling remorseful…..”

“You turned me into this,don’t complain as long as I don’t burn that throne you’re sitting on,you know I can do that” Daven smirked but it turned into a frown almost immediately.

He snapped his fingers and Jezebel appeared back in the throne room,she was covered with ashes and dirts,looking so disgusting

Aphrodite laughed out and Jezebel glared at her

Daven vanished immediately


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