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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Joy walked into the hospital going straight to Rex’s office, she opened the door without knocking, Rex who was sitting on his desk grabbed her immediately pinning her against the wall

He entrapped her lips In a deep hungry kiss, kissing her like a hungry Lion, she reciprocated immediately and he deepened the kiss, her sweet chocolate taste drove him to the edge of wonders

He didn’t want it to end, he wanted more and more of her, sliding his hand under her dress he grabbed her br£ast

“Hmm,” she broke the kiss instantly

He looked at her face

“Why did you stop? You kept me waiting for so long,” he said while cupping her face, he pecked her lips impatiently, while cycling his hand around her bre@st, squeezing it gently

“Rex not now, I really need your help right now,” she said, staring directly into his eyes

“Oh, come on, I will do wh@ťěver you want,” he said proceeding to kiss her again but she held his hand

“Remember that my friend I told you about?” she said and he raised his brows

“Male for female?” he asked

“Male,” she replied

He let go of her instantly, going over to his desk

“It’s not what you think….”

“Then tell me what I think, you made me wait for so long and now you’re telling me about a male friend,” he suddenly snapped

“Don’t you dare raise your voice at me again,” she fired back

Rex roughed his head and went closer

“I’m sorry, I just…. nevermind,” he roughed his and exhaled

“So, what do you want,” he added, standing in front of her, so close that they could feel each other’s breath

Joy reached for his collar pulling him closer before joining their lips together, he wrapped his hand around her waist and she kept her hands where it’s supposed to be, eating each other’s lips

“My friend was shot,” she said in between the kiss

He disengaged from the kiss and looked at her face

“Yeah, he’s losing so much blood and he might die, I need your help to get the bullet out from his legs, will you help me?” she asked, gently caressing his face

“Anything for my black witch,” he replied and pecked her on the lip

She chuckled and took in her lower lips

“Don’t do that,” Rex took his car keys from his desk and turned to her

“I really wanna do crazy things….” he kissed her lips shutting her up

“Hope they have a free room,” he asked, going over to the door

“I never said it was a lodge,” she followed him out grinning all the way



“Why not knocked down the door,” George suggested

“I don’t think that’s a good idea” Laura replied frowning at him

“You won’t know until you try it, it’s 3:32 already and she’s still in there crying her eyes out,” he added in his usual calm voice

“I think George is right,” Ashley supported

“Guys, I don’t like it,” Laura objected, shaking her head negatively in disagreement

How can they knock down another man’s house

“Then what do you suggest we do? She might have ki||ed herself in there,” Ashley said, spreading her arms

Laura took in a deep breath, she took her phone and went to her gallery then slide to the recent video she recorded

She placed it under the door before pushing it inside the room

“Danica I know what you saw was very hard on you, and there is nothing me or anyone in this room could tell you for you to forget what happened but just know that you only saw the end and not the beginning,” she took in a deep breath and look at other before exhaling

“Earlier yesterday I recorded this video cos I wanted to watch from the beginning after everything is being done as planned but the devil has its own plan for us, but unfortunately the devil didn’t see my phone that was still recording so maybe you should take a look,” Laura added

“Do you think it will work?” Ashley asked, staring at George

He looked at her and returned his gaze to Laura without replying


Danica reached for the phone and took it, she played the video, and the event from yesterday came playing, she covered her mouth with her right palm watching it

“Donovan,” she called sobbing, she could see it from the start

He wanted to surprise her but Anna…

She couldn’t watch till the end, now she knows how it all started and she’s sure gonna deal with that Anna of a lady

She opened the door and everyone exchanged glances

“It worked,” Ashley shouted happily

“What worked?” Alex asked by the door, her eyes widened when she saw Danica

She looked unkept

“Danica baby,” she called, going over to her, getting close she made to hug her but Danica walked past her

“Seriously,” Alex looked at her hands that were still spread apart before looking at others

“Did she just walk past me?” she asked

“She just did,” Ashley laughed

“Hug me,” George said wrapping his hand around her

“You’re so sweet,” she roughed his hair smiling

Others followed

Danica ran blindly down the street not minding her condition, she was still running like a crazy woman when she ran into a hard chest

“Sorry,” she said trying to continue her race but the person pulled her back

She looked at his face and there he was HER HANDSOME HOTTIE

“Donovan,” she called softly while staring directly into his eyes as if looking at his soul

“Mami,” he called, they lock eyes

Emotional clouded like a stormy sea, unquenchable desires pouring in, all he could see was himself, he just wanted to hold her… To feel her heartbeat

It was as if time stopped for Danica cos all she could see was the two of them, her image reflecting in his eyes, he was all that mattered, lust for his touch, tasty for his lips, she wanted him, all of him

Only their heartbeat could be heard as they stare deeply into each other’s eyes as if lost in space

“Papi, I missed you,” she said, stepping on his toes so she could reach his height but she still didn’t cos he was taller

Donovan traced his hand through her face stopping at her lips

“I’m sorry…. for everything, I will never hurt you intentionally, I’m sorry for being a jerk, an @$$h0le instead of a husband, I’m sorry for doing the things you don’t like, I know you said no one loves me…..”

“That’s a lie, we love you,” she took his hand placing it on her tummy

“All five of us,” she added, her other hand caressing his cheek

“F…. Five? I’m having five babies?” he asked shocked

Danica nodded

“There are four of them together with me that’s five,” she replied, he looked at her face and back at her belly, his mouth went agape as if trying to say something

“I’m so sorry for calling you names….”

“Shhh, it’s my fault, I let other people be in charge when we are supposed to be a family,” he cupped her face

He carried her up by her waist and she tangled her legs were it’s supposed to be

”I love you very much,” Donovan joined their forehead together

“From the first time that I set my eyes on you in that church, all I saw was love…..”

“Are you saying that you love me more now? I love you,” Donovan shouted cutting in

“That’s not true, you know I love you more,”

“But I love you more and more,” he replied pouting like a kid

“I love you ….” he enclosed their lips before she could finish her statement

Ashley who was watching with others looked at David who was next to her

“Don’t you think they look cute?” she asked smiling

“Just perfect,” Laura replied, she looked at David and winked at him, while pointing at Ashley

David understood but he scoffed and looked away

“George honey, there are oppressing me,” Alex said faking tears

“Then go home,” Joy said not far from them

A crazy idea popped into Alex’s head

“Maybe you should,” she replied, going over to George

“Kiss me until I can’t find my lips,” Alex said while wrapping her hand around his neck, George pulled her closer by her waist

Upon seeing that Joy walked away, Rex followed her

“Hey, everyone, Who’s in for a crocodile Pary at my house this evening? who’s ready to eat a crocodile?” Donovan shouted but then Anna’s dead body run into his mind




TBC ????

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