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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE DEMON AND I – Episode 54

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Kingsley sighed as he read Viola message. He knew he had been acting strange towards her, he knew he was an @$$h0le. Viola gave him everything he wanted, segz, romance, love and so on but yet he kissed another girl. Not just any girl, but a girl he doesn’t know anything about. She was not even human!

He took his phone and typed some words but deleted it and grit his teeth, he have no idea on what he should say.

He phone rang at that moment and Viola’s name flashed on the screen, he stared at his phone having an internal battle on what he should say to her.

“f-__-k!!” He cursed when his phone stopped ringing. Almost immediately, the phone rang again and he picked it up immediately.

“Viola.. I..”

“Let’s break up” she cut him off with an hoarse voice.

“Break up?”

“Yes! It’s obvious you don’t want me anymore. You just act like I don’t exist so let’s just do it alright, let’s break up! I just can’t take this $h|t from you anymore! Do you even love me?” She said trying to calm her voice.

“Viola.. I..” Kingsley stopped. He had been dating this girl for over a year now and it hurt seeing her this way.

“You what?” She asked in a shaky voice, she’s probably crying right now.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry Viola” he said sincerely and she turned quiet.

“f-__-k you Kingsley!” She yelled and cut the phone.

Kingsley dropped his phone and pulled his hair roughly before going outside.

His mind was in sync he didn’t notice the lady he just walk pass by.

Mara held the back of his cloth and he stop to look at her.

“What the heck! You again?” She raised her brow.

“Yes me. Do miss me?” Kingsley smirked almost forgetting what he was worried about.

“Fu.. I mean who are you? Why do I keep seeing you? You’re so annoying” she said while Kingsley grabbed her hand on his shoulder before walking closer to her.

“W.. what the…” Her words was cut off by Kingsley’s lips on hers. He stole another kiss again and she couldn’t do anything.

When she finally came to her senses, Kingsley already pulled away. He smiled then left her there standing with a shock look on her face.

“I didn’t push him again? Why did I not..” Her lips shook as her blood boils.




Dracula and Diana stood on a cue waiting for their turn.

“How come they are so many people wanting to watch this movie” she muttered stretching her neck to check if the line is moving.

“I hope you didn’t choose a sad movie” Dracula asked with his hand folded.

Instead of replying, Diana looked the other side and bit her lips. She choose a sad romantic movie in which she had watch the trailer online.

Dracula sighed and shook his head. “You did? How come you like sad movies, do you enjoy crying?”

“Everyone have a different taste alright.. This is mine and if you don’t want to watch it with me then I’ll watch it alone” she said.

“Stubborn” He whispered.

“What did you say?” Diana raised her brow.

“Nothing” Dracula quickly said. After a while, they finally got in.

“Hahhh!!! Ha!!.. why does she have to break him this way!.. why?!.. this is so cruel!!”

Dracula closed his eyes as Diana kept on sobbing beside him. He knew this will happen.

“So cruel!.. people are so cruel!… Ha!” She cried louder this time.

Dracula looked around and found people staring at them.

“This is so embarrassing” he bit his lips. Diana suddenly rest her head on his shoulder. He look down at her and smiled.



Diana poured another glass of alcohol and gulp in one goal while Dracula sat and watch with an amusing look on his face.

“Why are we here?” He asked looking around.

“I’m here to get wasted”

“What about me?”

“Just stay and watch me baby” her pink lips curved up.

There were a lot of people in the bar. Some guys were busy drooling over her but seeing the cold scary dude she was with, they decided to give up.

“Why does that girl have to be soooo cruel” she said in her drunken state, she was talking about the movie.

“How come my wife is such a cry baby, I told you not to choose that kind of movie” Dracula scolded.

“Thanks for giving me a shoulder to cry on Draco.. it’s weird to see someone who like me this much. Why do you like me Dracula?” She asked in a hoarse voice with her eyes almost close.

“Gosh.. you’re wasted” he muttered and she hiccup.

“I have a con..fession to make Dear baby”

Dracula scoffed, Did she just call him baby?

“Let’s hear it” he smiled.

Before she say anything she heard some girls conversation behind her.

“He look hot.. Gosh! My soulmate is here”

“I can’t believe I’m saying this but I’ll love to have a nightstand with him”

“f-__-k.. look his red lips. I can’t wait to feel them in my Pů$$¥”

“He’s so f-__-king hot but why is he with a Ɓîtçh wearing a blue gown”

“Maybe the Ɓîtçh is her sister”

Diana gaze suddenly turned cold as she slowly turn her head to the girls who just spoke.

Dracula wasn’t excluded cus his aura changed dramatically.

Diana suddenly stood on her feet and went to one of the girls and landed three resounding slap on her face.

“Ɓîtçh are you crazy?!!” The girl yelled and made to slap her own but Diana blocked her and gave her a hard punch of her face. The girl fell and her nose bleed instantly.

“His lips on your smelly Pů$$¥.. Come here sucker!” Diana grabbed the second one hair.

“Ahh.. let go of my f-__-king hair!!” She yelled. Diana pulled her to the table and hit her head hard on it.

“Woah!!” People in the bar chorused.

“A sister?” Diana scoffed and grabbed the bottle on the table then empty the beer in it on her before kicking her face. The girl passed out on her spot.

Two guys tried to move toward Diana but they suddenly fell flat on the floor.

Dracula smirked enjoying the scene in front of him. He never knew his little woman could be crazy too.

Diana gave him a cute wink and turned her scary look towards the first girl who was still touching her bleeding nose.

She walked towards her with the bottle still in her hand and smashed it in her head.





To be continued…?

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