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Friday, October 18, 2024
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Find My Luna

By Genevieve Edwin




Ready? Hadrian asked when they got to a door, and Maya nodded.

Taking a deep breath she opened the door and walked in while Hadrian stood outside, waiting.

In the middle of the big room, a lady stood backing her.

She was dressed in an all black gown which stopped right above her knees, her shoes weren’t the usual shoes they wore in white horse kingdom.

She had black boots on.

You are here, the lady said when Maya entered.

Yes, My Queen, Maya answered bowing behind her.

Zelda turned around, she had dark sunshades on too, then black gloves on her hand, the only thing of a different color on her was her long white hair which she packed in a bun.

Maya smiled on seeing her.

Take a seat while I show you what I’ve been doing, Zelda said and she sat.

Its been three years since the battle, Peyton was executed publicly, Jade has been locked up in prison, her mate already rejected her.
“I would rather die than acknowledge you as my mate” he had told her on the only day he visited her in 3 years.

Turns out the reason he stopped Zelda from touching her was because he knew she would end up regretting it.

He knew she might be angry at that point, but she wouldn’t want to ki|| her friends mate except August approved.

There was no way to know Augusts state of mind or wish, that was why King Wright asked her to let go.

They didn’t want her living for the rest of her life wishing she had done things a bit differently.

She was left in jail… she was locked up in a place where she wouldn’t hear any sound or even see sunlight or rain.

She has no idea when it’s morning or night, which week or day it is, she lived in darkness and pain for three years, they were keeping her until they figure out how to break the mate bond since that’s what August wanted.

He needed to forget he ever had a mate, he would fall in love and get married to someone else once he can.

As for Saraphina, Zelda made the fire stop just before it roasted her completely, then she was left to suffer the pain and misery of the fire burn, she died after about 8 hours.

Two days after the fight, Zelda with the help of Hadrian and Oliver, took Ricardo’s body across the border, they left him in front of the morge before returning back to their kingdom.

None of them was seen by anyone.

Zelda and her mate, King Wright has been married for the past three years, and for the past three years, with her mates approval she started to work on the spell cast years ago to restrict humans, she started to work on making their kingdom conducive for humans and their works such as phones, cars, bikes and every other technology needed.

She wasn’t going to change their culture and beliefs, she just wanted them a little enlightened.

King Wright built a school for everyone interested, not like they didn’t have schools but all they learn were just alphabet, how to speak but not how to write or the basic things humans are thought in school.

Zelda started to teach them on her own, with the help of August, Arnold and Oliver, the school ran smoothly for two years.

Learning how to reverse the spell that was used years ago was no joke, but finally after three years, today Zelda and Maya were ready to break the spell and create a new one.

They were both going to the human world discreetly , they would have to find teachers for their schools, teachers in every field, professionals.

She knew ordering cars, phones and other things from the humans was going to get their world exposed, they needed to learn how to do it on their own.

They were left with no other option but to go to the best, the best car makers, best doctors, computer guru, Zelda already analyzed them from here and she already picked them out.

All she needed to do was to make sure to convince them.

The plan is to erase their memories of the kingdom the moment they are done and ready to leave.

With the Kings permission, she’s been dressing in her own attire, the cloths she came with, she only wears those long robes when its needed.

What do you think? She asked Maya

Its perfect, My Queen, Maya responded standing up.

Maya was still the head of witches, since Zelda had to be Queen, she wouldn’t have to live with them so she still left Maya in charge.

Maya would have to keep up with the leadership until Zelda gives birth to a female successor who would be the mother supreme when she grows up.

Let’s go then, Zelda said looking at Maya’s dressing.

First, you have to change that, you can’t go around Minas Gerais dresses like eyes of the gods, Zelda teased picking up a dress she already picked out for her.

She handed her a white gown and white boots.

Maya hugged the clothes happily, she’s has always wished laws will be passed so everyone can wear all those kind of clothes if they want too.

She wanted to dress up for Evenius too.

Thank You My Queen, she happily beamed as she started to take her long white robe off.

You don’t have to do that in front of me, Jeez, Zelda said covering her eyes then turned around waiting for her to finish.

Maya smiled as she dressed up, their relationship keeps getting better by the day.

She (Zelda) didn’t need formalities, she would laugh and crack jokes with whoever she wants and still get to retain her respect.

I’m done, My Queen, Maya announced.


They both walked out of the room with Maya in front.

Getting outside the palace, King Wright and Evenius were already waiting impatiently patiently for them.

King Wright was sitting on Wyatt while Evenius was sitting on a black horse

Where are you both going? Zelda asked cat walking towards them with a smile.

My Queen, Evenius bowed with a smile but he looked a bit sad.

Zelda smiled at him then glanced at Maya who was looking at the ground, shy.

I’m coming with you, King Wright said, get in.



What about the kingdom? Zelda asked and Maya stared at both of them, Evenuis and the King.

No he’s not coming with us too, King Wright announced to Maya especially.

Wait.. you are serious? Zelda asked.

I’m not leaving you and my child alone, King Wright replied.

Child? Zelda asked looking at her flat tommy.

Yes my Queen, you will be having a child, Maya replied with a smile.

Are you both kidding me? What child? I don’t even feel anything…. wait… she said touching her stomach.

Is this true? she asked no one in particular as she caressed her tommy like she could feel her child in there.

I found out last night, you are just two weeks gone, King Wright said jumping down from Wyatt.

He went to her and bent, touching her stomach, you are going to bear my child Zelda, we are pregnant, he said in excitement.

We are pregnant, Zelda muttered.

She was excited, but she was shocked as well.

They had agreed to have a child after she comes back from the human world,reason… she didn’t want to leave her child who would be less than two years or even a year to travel alone, she wanted to be there for her child, from start to finish.

Discovering she’s pregnant just when she was ahout to travel some what destabilized her, but seeing this man crouched before her looking happy and fulfilled, she couldn’t see a reason why she shouldn’t be excited.

Yes, we are pregnant, she whispered in between laughs.

Congratulations, Your Majesty, Evenius spoke with a smile.

Shall we? Zelda asked her mate.

Ofcourse, he replied, standing up.

He kissed the back of her hand then hugged her.

King Wright got on top of Wyatt then helped Zelda up.


My Queen! Came Augusts voice, he was running towards them with Queen.

King Wright glanced at them as they approached them.

He knew what they wanted.

August has been begging to go on the journey with them, he keeps saying he has some sort of connection that could help if he was with them.

Zelda glanced at King Wright who had no emotion on his face.

Your Majesty!

My Queen, they both greeted.

Find a way to get to the border, we won’t wait for you, King Wright said without looking at them.

He’d gotten softer, all thanks to the pretty lady behind him.

Yes, Your Majesty! August almost screamed in excitement.

He pulled Queen who was so hapoy to finally travel with her Queen with him, to find a horse as King Wright led Evenius and Maya as they rode off.

Evenius was the only one who won’t be going, he has to stay and take care of the Kingdom in the Kings absence.

For the past three years he’s been sleeping and waking up to his own amazement, the king never mentioned their deal, he didn’t feel sick.

He’s been waiting to die but death never came instead he had more responsibilities to take care of for his King and the kingdom.

He finally let his feelings known to Maya who felt the same way, King Wright approved and they were going to make it official by the time Maya returns from the human realm.

Mia woke up amd turned on the light in her room, her eyes went to the wall clock, it was 2am.

She got down from the bed, heading downstairs to go get water from the kitchen.

The light in the living room was turned off, Daphane’s father h@ťěd to see light once he’s ready to sleep.

Mia and her father had moved in completely with Daphane’s father, Since everyone thought Mr Joe was dead, they had to keep it that way.

She placed her hands on the wall as she looked for the switch.

She was still very sleepy so her eyes were still closed in the dark.

Finding the switch, she turned on the light as she yawned then stretched her aching bones.

What are you doing awake? Someone asked behind her.

Water… I’m thirsty, she replied rubbing her eyes as she walked to the kitchen, mindlessly.

She took out a bottle of water from the fridge and drowned the whole content down her throat.

She turned off the light in the kitchen and came out when her eyes landed on the five people standing in the living room staring at Daphane’s portrait hung on the wall

They were backing her, dressed in black and white, they looked scary.

Oh my God!

Who are you?! She yelled running back to that kitchen door, she was going to grab a knife.

I said who are you?! She asked pointing the knife at them from the kitchen door.

What are you all doing here? She barked.

Mia? Mr Joe called rushing out with Mr Enoch.

Mr Enoch already grabbed a personal gun on his way.

Since Saraphina disappeared without a trace after what she did to Mr Joe, and Ricardo’s corpse was found at the morgue with no trace of how he got there or what happened to him, they have all been very tensed and cautious.

King Wright turned around first.

How are you doing, Joe? He asked in a voice that gave the “I know everything about you” vibe.

Who are you? Turn around, all of you.

Maya and Zelda turned around at the same time.



Ghost! Mia screamed falling on the floor as she shut her eyes.

Mr Joe and Mr Enoch took a step back each, his gun dropped off his hand.

Maya and Zelda burst into laughter, their eyes looked like they were plucked out, their faces white with blood dripping from their mouths.

They looked hideous.

Mia and her family stared as the two witches laughs like the witches they were.

Slowly their faces went back to normal as they laughed and they were shocked to see it was Zelda.

Blue? Mia called still sitting on the floor.

My daughter, Blue? Mr Joe called running down.

He wasn’t interested in confirming, he rushed to them immediately.

Dad, Zelda called with teary eyes

Its you, its you my daughter, Mr Joe said touching her hand as he checked her out.

Jesus Christ…Blue? Mia called again standing up.

She walked slowly, observing them when August turned around too with Queen.

Oh my God! Uncle Enoch,.. Its really Blue… its My sister.. that’s August, she said running this time.

She pushed her dad aside and jumped on Zelda’s body like a baby.

Dad…. its Blue… she came, she said happily.

Mr Joe joined in the hug as Mr Enovk stood bejind thwm, smiling.

Uncle Enoch, Call Daphane! Mia screamed when she pulled away from the hug.

She glanced at the people Zelda came with…. Is this the….? She whispered to Zelda who nodded.

Dad its him… the cat who saved your life, Mia told her dad who turked to look at king Wright.

Cat? King Wright screamed in his head.

She didn’t have to mention the cat to make her point known.

Mr Joe walked up to him with a smile on his face, I’ve been hoping for the day I will finally get to say thank you… he said.

King Wright smiled, he didn’t let him finish before hugging him.

I should be saying thank you Joe, you took care of my wife, you even put your life on the line for her, thank you, King Wright said tapping Mr Joes back.

Mia went to August… how have you been? She asked with a smile.

I’ve been alright Mia, what about you? August asked.

Mia nodded with a smile, she never stopped loving him but she finally understood that she couldn’t force him to be with her.

August stared at her as she was all over her sister and Maya, checking out Zelda’s hair, asking Zelda and Maya to perform magic in front of her.

She was obviously excited to see her sister alive.

Daphane is on her way, Mr Enoch who went upstairs to make a call said coming downstairs.

Uncle Enoch, Zelda called happily going over to him.

Thank you for taking care of my family, Uncle, I owe you, she said as she hugged him.

I knew she won’t wait for morning, Mia said referring to Daphne.

I have to go pick jer up, its pretty late, come with me Queen, Zelda said walking towards the door.

How do you plan doing that? Its dark outside.. are you going to take the car? Mia asked following her.

You wanted to see magic, Zelda replied with a smirk.

What do you….

Before she could finish,Zelda and Queen already vanished from the room.

Dad!!! Mia screamed hugging her father in shock.

Your Majesty? Mr Enoch called respectfully.

I’ll show you to your room, he said ams King Wright followed him.

Mr Joe and Mia helped the rest of them settle while they waited for the witch to return with Daphane.


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