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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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The family is currently having dinner and everyone seems to focus on their food but Rolando’s mind was not on the food

He clearly heard when the principal told his mother that he will be withdrawing from the scholarship, he was expecting his mother to scold him or for his father to shout at him but none of that happened

The dinner was over and he helped his mother to pack the dishes to the kitchen, dumping them in the sink, his mother came in after cleaning the table and started washing it, Rolando looked at her and there was just a blink look on her face so he left

Shortly after he returned to the kitchen but his mother was gone, going over to his parent’s room, he stopped at the doorstep and gently placed his ear on the door

Meanwhile, the two couples were facing each other with a bunch of books on the floor since there was no table, they only have a small bed and it was kept on the floor

“You mean the school withdraws the sponsorship?” the man who happens to be Mr. Manchester asked his wife

“Yes, there was this man who came shouting, he was so furious demanding that Rolando should be expelled from the school for assaulting his son, he also said we have to pay a sum of 80,000 dollars cash, for his son’s hospital bill, if not he is going to sue us,” his wife replied

The man’s jaw dropped

“What? Why will…..”

“I never said you should shout, heart attack is real don’t make me a widow please,” his wife quickly cut in, her voice calm

The man took in a deep breath, he exhaled putting his hand in his trouser pocket, he brought out some cash and dropped it on the floor

“You got your payment,” his wife asked and he nodded

“Yeah, I got the books Rolando asked for since he said they were gonna be selected for the people that will join NASA, since I didn’t have the opportunity to have a good life my son will have one, so I get the science books, with the thought that my son will study hard and go into space one day but look at him, I sent him to study and he went to fight a rich man’s child,” he said and his wife went closer, she held his face and he looked at her

“It’s not your fault, and it’s nobody’s fault,” she replied staring at his face, he placed a soft kiss on her lips and she smile

“So, I checked all the money and we have 49, 000,”

“Not close,” he said

“Yes, Rolando will come with me to the bakery tomorrow since he will stop going to school for now until we clear the bill before talking about how to get an extra job for a new college,”

Rolando who was listening by the door couldn’t hold back his tears, he ran out of the house in tears running to where only God knows, he has no destination

He stopped after running a few meters and bent down

“I’m so stupid, why did I have to punch Justin knowing how powerful his father is?? why Rolando? Why am I so stupid?” he asked himself

His dream of becoming an astronaut was crashing right before his eyes, he carried his hand on his head, a ball of tears streaming down his face

“Rolando,” Summer’s voice came from behind

She followed him here

“Rolando,” she called softly, gently touching his shoulder

“Get away from me!!!” He yelled immediately after he saw her, she flinched and shifted backward in fear

He stormed off instantly, Summer just stood there shattered

Why will he yell at her? Did she do something wrong by coming to check on him?

She didn’t know when she started shedding tears



Danica rubbed her hand against her eyes, stretching her body on the bed, she slowly opened her eyes, her eyes widened at the time, it was exactly 8:12 AM

Rushing out of bed she went straight to Donovan’s bathroom since she slept in his room, after a few moments she came in with just her towel

Her phone ranged instantly and she went for it, sliding the green icon

“Where the f-__-k are you Danica? Do you want judge Quinn to come before you? You know how cunny Samantha can be so don’t give her that chance,” Alex’s voice came through the phone

“On my way,” Danica replied and hung up, she went into her room after a few moments she rushed downstairs looking all beautiful

Laura who was already doing her morning chores stared at her

“Don said…..”

“I’m late,” she replied going over to the door, immediately she opened it Justin came to view, she made to walk past but he pushed her back inside and she fell on her b*tt, that was just when Donovan was coming out from the home gym

“Watch where you’re going I might not be nice next time,” Justin shouted at her, like she was a two yrs old kid

She quickly gets back up

“Are you out of your mind? don’t you have manners? how dare you come into my house and push……”

“My brother’s house, not yours,” Justin snarled and made to walk past but she held his clothes and pulled him back

“Excuse me, who the f-__-k are you to come into my house and…..” Justin hit her hand away, pushing her forehead backward

“Don’t make me f-__-k you right here and right now Ɓîtçh,” he said rudely, turning around to leave only to came face for face with Donovan who was staring at him, his trouser belt in his hand

Justin stopped instantly

“Donovan I came to see Anna…..” that was interrupted by the loud sound of the belt, before Justin could say another word Donovan lashed at him again

”Ahh!!!” Justin let out an agonizing scream, stars coming out from his eyes

Donovan didn’t give him a chance, he started lashing the belt at him

“Donovan!! Donovan!! you will ki|| him,” Anna shouted, running forward she held the belt

Donovan didn’t bother to go for it as he went after Justin, Justin was about to open the door when a hand grabbed his neck from behind flinging him across the room, his back landed on the plasma TV on the wall, he fell and the TV fell on top of him


Justin groaned in pain, pushing the plasma Tv off him, he charged towards Donovan instantly, Justin threw a punch and Donovan Dodge it giving him an uppercut

Blood flew out from his mouth and almost immediately another Punch landed on his face, Justin staggeref back, another Punch landed on his cheek and two of his teeth fly out

Justin’s head spun, his eyes rotating

A heavy punch landed on his forehead and he fall heavily, everything went black

Donovan dragged him up by his collar sending punching to his face

“Donovan he’s not breathing!!! You have ki||ed him, Donovan!!!” Anna scream but he ignored her

Anna turned to Danica with teary eyes

“Please tell him to stop, Donovan please…….





TBC ????

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