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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? Skeleton
Vengeance ?

Genre: Supernatural ?
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Setting: African
Tags: Murder, supernatural beings, magic, war, vengeance, combat, diabolic, power, horror and suspense.

By, Felix Peter,
✨ Starpen ✨


••• ACTS NINE •••

[ The Warrior Virgins leads their way into the thick forest.

The more they slew into the narrow path the more houses vanishes.

They finds their body selves into mighty forest and strange birds sings on the trees.

Lorita use the hirsute staff to locate their journey in.

The monkeys chats on the trees and some tearing the shells of banana. When they finds them, they chats noisily jumping from trees to trees]

XINA: (Smile) The monkeys are really funny, it has been years I saw monkey. The last time was when a stranger came to the market with a monkey and it was very playful at the market.

RITA: Yeah, they enjoy their home there. When returning from this journey I will catch one home. ( She suggest and smile)

LORITA : ( Interferes) Girls…let’s concentrate first we have to move.

TESSY: ( Interpose) Can’t some one speak her mind. I can see someone is jealous here.

LORITA : Tessy, I was not talking to you here, watch what you say girl. Besides what is jealousy there in getting a monkey.

ULOAMA : ( To Lorita) Girl is okay, let’s concerntrate its too early for this. ( They keeps moving and shadow run pass them on their face, Lorita scent danger)

LORITA : ( Orders) Wait girls…There’s danger, move abit backward. ( Immediately another shadow run pass them again she quickly removes her red piece of clothe and pointed to the direction. Immediately the human shadow wants to pass again the piece of red curtain glint a brightness and it vanishes.

DORA: ( Terrify)
How did you know that?

LORITA : ( smile) Don’t be too fast to
forget what I’m in this group. Now let’s keep moving ( they troop along like soldiers with weapons)

♦♦ At Mid Night ♦♦

[ The dark ambience covers the earth and everywhere becomes blur. Insects of the night ramble and rumble the forest with noise
The Warrior sits under a tree to ease their tiredness]

LORITA : Let’s rest here for the night tomorrow we continue the journey.

OMA: I’m very tired…I want to have some sleep.

ULOAMA : You can, but let your ears be around, don’t be carried away. You know this forest is not save at all.

TESSY: I can’t wait to find the Skull so that I can marry the Prince and Laurel. My enemies can’t wait to die with jealousy ( She said with a mockery laugh)

RITA: ( Giggles scoffingly) Will you keep quiet here. Marry the Prince and Laurel at the same time. You can’t even catch a bird you are talking of eagle.

LORITA : I’m thinking of my mom right now she will be feeling my absence. I’m missing her already ( She snub the discussion)

ULOAMA : Same here…I pray to visit them back safe.

RITA: Are you hearing those scary sounds?

LORITA : Those are the night spirits that arises at night searching for food.

OMA: The Sound is coming directly to us. Are they seeing us?

LORITA : Everybody should close their eyes and cover their ears if we do that they won’t see us. ( All of them close their eyes and ears immediately. The spirits groan close to the tree some of the girls shivers in fear. The spirits walks away into the bush)

♦♦ Morning At Laurel’s Resident ♦♦

LAUREL: My mind is telling me that dangerous things is happening to the girls but I pray the gods should protect them especially my woman. I don’t want anything to happen to her.

CAMINO : Nothing will happen to her you worry to much, is that why you are acting funny for hours now ( Their sister walks in)

EMEM: Brothers your food are ready ( she place her hand on her waist. She is their only and youngest sister . She’s beautiful, smart and humble )

CAMINO : Bring it here ( She nodded and walk inside the hut. They can see princess Nicole walking into their compound with some maids)


I’m feeling pity for the girls in the forest ?

What’s the princess coming for???

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