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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“Hello love” Joanna mother said to her husband, giving him a kiss before putting down her bag.

“As soon as I got your message, l left the conference meeting. Where is my mom?” Jennifer asked her husband.

“In the visitors room, I suggest you go see her now cause I think what she has to tell you is important” George said and quickly Jennifer ran up the stairs knowing that if her mom personally paid a visit then she must have seen some thing with her powers.

Just as Joanna power is in her fist and her power is by seeing the future, her mother power is time travelling to the future.

She knock lightly before opening the door to see her mom seated on her bed enjoying a show.

“Hello mom” Jennifer said to the sixty five year old lady.

“You and your conference, have told you to take a rain check on it” Grace Winter said starring at her daughter.

“Am sorry mom, I just couldn’t miss this One” Jennifer said as she sat on the bed.

“George tells me you have some thing to say?” Jennifer asked.

“That’s right. Why on earth do I have to time travel before knowing about my grand daughter whereabout?” Grace asked.

“Oh! You must have seen her in school during your time travel right?” Jennifer asked.

“No, currently as we speak, Joanna is at the Caribbean with her friends” Grace said.

“What? But she didn’t say a thing and how dare her go on a trip with out my permission” Jennifer said pulling out her phone to call Joanna but her mother siezed it from her.

“Don’t call her and don’t ruin the trip ” Grace said.

“But mom!”

“One of the things I saw is that during this trip, your daughter will get to know her soul mate ” Grace said.

“Get to know her soul mate?” Jennifer asked confused.

“I doubt if she told you this but she’s got two guys in her life. I think one of them is the guy she loves while the other is the one she shared her kiss with”

“Yes, she told me about kissing the wrong guy but I thought she has got it settled” Jennifer said.

“It’s far from being settled and from what I saw this trip will tell her who her chosen soul mate will be” Grace said smiling in excitement.

“Who is it ? You must know ” Jennifer said.

“I won’t tell you cause you might just ruin it and by the way, the guy I saw is really handsome”

“Mom! Just tell me” Jennifer said trying to persuade her mom.

‘”No and by the way do you know that she’s had her second kiss?” Grace asked her daughter who again shook her head.

“Have been away and ever since she started living in an hostel , we’ve rarely been talking” Jennifer admitted.

“Well she’s had her second kiss and it’s with the same guy, the one she had her first kiss with, did you tell her what the second kiss will cause ?” Grace asked.

“I didn’t but surely the guy she kiss will certainly show some supernatural ability, some thing she would have notice ” Jennifer said.

” Well as soon as she gets back from her trip which will be next tomorrow, call her and tell her about it. Once she gives him her third kiss then it’s……”

“The third kiss will make him her soul mate for life” Jennifer added starring at her mom who gave a nod.

“You must also know who she will have her third kiss with right? Tell me,mom” Jennifer added again.

“I already said no and you can use your power to know after all you can see the future also” her mother replied.

“That’s unfair, you know I can’t use my powers for personal reason” Jennifer said.

“That’s your power fault, now stop bothering me and leave and also don’t call Joanna, let her enjoy her trip ” Grace warned her before turning back to the TV.


Joanna snored loudly even as she open her eyes only to see that it was morning and she was no longer on the floor but on the bed.

There was no sign of Francis but there was a letter he left on the table.


Quickly she got dress in the new clothes Mirabel brought and went to join them at the beach.

They were all playing dodge ball when she got there and it was girls against boys.

“Morning sleepy head” Mirabel came towards her.

“Morning, what did I miss?” Joanna asked.

“Nothing much but yesterday was epic, how come Francis got only you out of the pool?” Mirabel asked.

“Probably because I was closer” Joanna replied.

She has also been wondering the same thing. Why would Francis help her when she wasn’t the only one who fell into the pool.

“Nah! I think it’s because to Francis you come first and you are more important than his friend’s sister and lover” Mirabel said referring to Jocelyn and Evelyn.

Unwillingly Joanna gaze drifted towards Francis.

Is she really that important to him? More important than Jocelyn and Evelyn.

“Come join us you two!” Nicholas yelled at Joanna and Mirabel.

“I don’t think am in the mood to….”

“Join us, it’s gonna be fun” Mirabel said pulling her into the game.

Since they were eight playing the game, they divided into two group.

The first team consist of Francis, Joanna, Nicholas and Evelyn while the second consist of Pierce, Jocelyn, Mirabel and Theo.

While they dodge the ball, Joanna couldn’t help but to remember her discussion with Mirabel earlier.

Her gaze was on Francis and she wasn’t focus on the game. Seeing this got Jocelyn angry and because the ball was with her, she threw it on Joanna whom the ball hit on the stomach.

“Are you okay?” Francis ask as he went to help her up.

“I am ” Joanna replied starring at Jocelyn who was glaring at her.

To others it might seem like a game but Joanna knew that it was far from being a game to Jocelyn.

Just what is her problem? Joanna thought as they resumed the game.

If a ball got to Jocelyn she ends up aiming for Joanna who dodge it, it became frequent and that got Joanna angry that when the ball landed with her, she threw it hard on Jocelyn forgetting for a while that her fist held her power.

The ball hit Jocelyn right on the face which got her yelling out in pain and falling over.

She crouched on the floor holding onto her broken nose.

“Are you okay?” Every one asked as they gathered around her.

“Am fine and I will get to the infirmary on my own” she said when they offered to help.

Jocelyn was already at the hotel when Joanna came to join her.

Truth be told, she felt guilty at the way she threw the ball but then Jocelyn was getting on her nerves that she ended up doing the same thing.

“Are you okay?” Joanna ask as she walk into the hotel infirmary.

Jocelyn whose nose now had a band aid on it stared up at Joanna with a angry look on her face.

“What did the doctor say and…..”

“Will you stop being a hypocrite! ” Jocelyn yelled at her suddenly.

“Stop being a hypocrite Joanna!” Jocelyn added yelling at her again.

“I know I threw the ball on you but that doesn’t warrant your insult” Joanna said getting annoyed by her.

“This is what I h@ťě about you. You keep on acting innocent when I know you aren’t, I h@ťě it Joanna and I h@ťě you!” Jocelyn yelled at her.

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

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