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Friday, October 18, 2024
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Wanting to escape watching the boring movie, he also left his seat and instead of going to the kitchen like he had intended to, he went to Joanna room only to find her looking for something.

“What are you looking for?” Francis asked startling her.

“Stop walking in on me like that” Joanna scold him .

“And stop being startled by me. You should be used to my presence now” he said.

“I don’t think I ever will” she muttered under her breath

“What are you looking for?” Francis asked again.

“My glass, my eyes tend to act up even with the contact lens on” she said as she kept looking.

He moved towards her and took hold of her pulling her to seat on her bed.

“What are you doing?” She asked when he began to massage the top of her eyes.

“What does it looks like?” He said in return.

“You are too touchy ” she said enjoying the massage he gave her.

“Only towards you” he said.

“Liar, you’ve been touchy towards a lot of girls, Evelyn is one of them” Joanna said.

“That sound like you are jealous, do you want me to be touchy with you?” Francis asked.

“Don’t you dare ” she said closing her eyes while still enjoying his massage when she suddenly felt hands on her back side.

“What are you doing ?” She ask opening her eyes to see his face close to hers.

“Being touchy with you” he said naughtily moving towards her but she quickly got out of bed putting a distance between them.

“I don’t want you being touchy with me. Help me find my glass and let’s Join the others” she said.

Still having that naughty smile on his face, he began to look for her glass and he found it on the floor beside her bed side table.

“Thanks” Joanna made to collect it from him but he put his hands up, quirking a brow at her.

“Stop messing with me” she said jumping up to take the glass from him.

“I never realise that you are this short” he said smiling down at her.

“Shut up!” She said taking the glass from him and putting it on.

“Dummy! That’s up side down” He said pulling her towards him and setting the glass right before she could do it.

“There are times when you are bearable, Francis ” she said smiling up at him.

“Do you know that this is the first time I hear you call my name” he said while she think about it.

“You’ve always called me jerk” he added.

“That’s because you kept acting like one” she replied.

“Well now that have heard you call my name, you shouldn’t go back to calling me jerk. My name sound more pleasant when you say it” He said which got her feeling fLū$tered.

“Wh@ťěver, let’s just return to the others” Joanna said as she quickly left the room while Francis followed suit.

Jocelyn who had been hiding by the door way stood in the shadows glaring at Joanna while she clench her fist in anger.


“Let Nicholas follow you, Pierce will take me home” Jocelyn said to Theo and Nicholas as they left Francis and Joanna’s apartment.

“Why?” Theo asked.

“We have some things to talk about,just go” Jocelyn said to Theo who stared at Pierce before leaving them.

“Shall we?” Pierce asked as her as they went to his car.

When they were on the way, Jocelyn who had been quiet began talking.

“I don’t like her” Jocelyn said softly.

“Don’t like who? Joanna?” Pierce asked starring at her and she nodded.

“I saw her with Francis earlier and they were both too close for my peace of mind” Jocelyn added.

“That’s how Francis is ,you know he tends to be that way with most of your species” Pierce said.

“No! This is different Pierce. The look in his eyes each time he stare at her is different, different from the way he stares at the other girls” Jocelyn said while Pierce sighed out.

“Do some thing Pierce” Jocelyn added and this got him starring at her.

“What do you expect me to do?” Pierce asked.

“I Don’t know, just do some thing. Do some thing to keep her away from him, please Pierce” Jocelyn begged while Pierce let out a sigh not giving a reply to Jocelyn.


Pierce drove into the road which led to school while thinking about Jocelyn.

She must truly love Francis to ask some thing like that of him, he thought still driving.

He loves her but she doesn’t see him and instead pines for Francis who seem like he is attracted to Joanna.

If he even decides to help Jocelyn, how does he plan to do it, he thought as his gaze move towards the street only to see a girl who look very familiar running down the side walk with her phone on her ear.

He drove past and saw that it was Joanna and instead of driving on, he found him self stopping the car.

As soon as she got to where his car was, he horn which caught her attention.

Joanna who had been running to school due to waking up late and missing the bus stop when she saw Pierce in the car, waving towards her.

“Where exactly are you?” Mirabel said reminding her that she still had her phone on her ear.

“Am in the middle of the street” Joanna answered.

“Then do hurry up, Mr Cannes will be here….”

“Mirabel, I will call you back” Joanna said hanging up her call before moving towards Pierce car.

“Good morning” she greeted trying to fix her wind tousled hair.

“Morning. Will you like a lift?” He asked and though she was at first surprise by his offer, she nodded and got into the car with him.

“You must be late?” Pierce ask as he drove on.

“Yes, am afraid I slept late” she muttered.

“I did too but your room mate, didn’t he wake you up?” Pierce asked.

“Though we are room mate, we don’t interfere in each other lives” Joanna said silently cursing Francis for leaving with out bothering to wake her.

“I see, what course are you taking?” Pierce asked.

“Though you were at our fresh man party, you still don’t know the course am in?” Joanna asked a bit sad that he didn’t know a thing about her.

“Am sorry, I tend not to socialize much and to be sincere my mind was some where else that night ” he said.

“That’s fine” she said nervously staring clutching her hand.

“Well am studying business administration, I heard you are also studying the same thing?” She asked and he nodded.

“Yeah, if you need help or you find a topic difficult, you can come to me. I don’t mean to brag but am good in every subject” Pierce said and she nodded slowly feeling giddy with excitement at just the thought of studying with him.

He park his car right in front of the business department and she got out of it, waving and thanking him before running off into the building.

Pierce who was still in the car kept starring at her until she was out of sight.

He was about getting out of his car too when he notice someone standing on the second floor and it was none other than Francis.

Judging by the way Francis was starring at him, he must have witnessed Joanna getting out of his car.

Letting out a sigh, he got out of his car and braced himself for the confrontation he knew would come from Francis.

To be continued


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